by J W Murison
‘I’m sorry.’
Charlie shrugged. ‘We are getting good intel though. As much as I detest the intelligence community, they do serve a purpose.’
‘Aye, but those assets just aren’t in place yet.’
‘Exactly. So until they are, I’m just going to have to face my demons.’
‘How are you getting on with the Modloch Emperor?’
‘You heard about that?’
‘There is very little goes past me Charlie, you should know that.’
Charlie smiled. ‘I get on really well with him. He is a complete bastard, but I work well with bastards.’
Steven laughed. ‘He is a piece of work. He has done a lot for us though.’
‘Aye that may be, and I can tell you that he is totally onside now.’
‘You mean he wasn’t always!’
‘Oh hell no! He actually likes us now. Finds it hard to compare us to meat-eaters.’
‘They are big on that.’ Sighed Steven.
‘Keep him sweet Stevie.’
‘He is a pain in my arse.’
‘Wants me to build him a shit load of bio domes so he can harvest honey and stuff.’
‘Honey! But there’s no bees here... oh right, is it about them damn biscuits he is obsessed with?’
Steven sighed again. ‘That’s the one.’
‘OK, I’m getting there. What the hell is a bio-dome?’
‘Remember the one we built to house the Albany prisoners after the last battle?’
Charlie’s head came up. ‘Aye, like a complete living environment – grass, water, the lot.’
‘Aye, except he wants walnut trees, bees and much, much, more.’
‘So what’s the major problem?’
‘Getting them to the Modloch planet. They have to be towed, and it could take centuries.’
‘We can’t tow at faster than light speed. It’s complicated physics.’
Charlie made a face, ‘You mean I wouldn’t understand?’
‘Not a chance.’
An amused smile played around Charlie’s lips. ‘So, basically the problem you have is moving a huge chunk of rock at faster than light speed across our solar system, through the barrier to the Modloch system.’
‘Aye.’ Steven’s head sank onto his arms.
‘Forgive me for stating the obvious here Stevie, but would you mean bloody great chunks of rock like those asteroids out there?’
Steven frowned. ‘A good bit bigger. Wait, what do you mean?’
A look of friendly contempt crossed Charlie’s face. ‘For God’s sake Stevie, this lot are just waiting for a shit load of engines that can propel a sodding great lump of rock across the galaxy at faster than light speeds. Nick them you chump!’
Steven was bewildered for a few more moments. ‘Nick them? You mean steal them?’
‘Aye. They are coming in on a bloody great convoy of freighters. Hijack the buggers. Two problems solved. They can’t toss those bloody great asteroids at us and you can deliver your bio things.’
Steven suddenly sat up. ‘Oh Charlie, you are a bloody genius! Did anyone ever tell you that?’
‘Oh aye man, all the time.’
The two burst out laughing.
Admiral Baxter’s head thumped from reading too much. Steven Gordon had given him a cracker of a problem. Eventually he called Steven in.
‘According to what I can find out, we can legally take action against a proposed threat to our home world. We would be well within our rights to impound the cargo. However, we would really need proof before we commenced. The good thing is that, because we aren’t a part of the federation yet, we don’t need to submit that evidence to the powers that be before we take that action. We can always do that later. The problems will come after. If we kill a lot of people other than the Albany then we could well lose support for our bid. As we are still legally at war with the Albany though we can kill as many of them as we wish.
‘There are four enemy battle groups. Two of them are Albany. One Albany battle group is on its own, protecting their asteroids and launch point on the far left as we look at it. The other Albany battle group protects the platform that is drilling the holes in the asteroids.
‘Do you know if it is Albany that are manning the mining platform Captain?’
‘No it isn’t sir. I believe it is a mixture of races.’
‘That means we can’t just blow it up. We need hard evidence as well. Where do you think the best place to get it is?’
‘I believe the best place for that will be with that first Albany battle group, the one protecting the launch point that is inserting fuel and engines. If we are lucky they may well have the launch codes, the coordinates of the target and return coordinates of the engines.’
Baxter nodded unconsciously. ‘That makes sense. We really need those launch codes. With those we can justify everything. I think it might also be wise to assault the Albany war ships with troops, just in case they are on one of those.’
Steven thought the Admiral’s suggestion over. ‘If we assault the ships sir, they will have the opportunity to delete the data. If we destroy the ships and extract their memory cores then we can hack them to find the information we need.’
‘We would risk destroying the memory cores though.’
‘No sir, they are well protected. Only a direct hit would take a core out.’
Baxter was nodding again. ‘That would make things much easier.’ He pointed to the next battle group. ‘We have never fought these people. Do you know much about them?’
‘Not much sir. They are native to this part of space and are led by King Vison. The Catataracs are not known for aggression but they can be fearsome in defence. I believe their king was the Albany’s mouth piece during the bid. Their economy is reliant on exports to the Albany.’
‘I wonder... if we gave them the opportunity to back off would they take it? What about the other race?’
‘The Ranagata are led by President San Lo Tae´ and are sympathetic to the Human cause, forced by circumstance to side with the Albany. They aren’t as advanced as either of the other races but are known to take a more aggressive stance.’
‘I see.’
‘Sir, do you have the forces to take on four battle groups?’
‘Oh aye. These battle groups aren’t large. In fact, we outnumber them about ten to one. These are just small battle groups, not an invasion fleet.’
‘Sorry sir, still learning.’
‘Can I ask how you come about your information Captain?’
‘No sir you can’t.’
Baxter was silent for a few moments. ‘OK Captain Gordon. You may not be under my direct command, nor I yours, however, I do not like anonymous information. I like to know its source and its credibility. For now I will accept it, but one day you will have to spill the beans.’
‘You will never find out the source of my information. To tell you where it came from would be to lose it.’
‘How on earth would your source ever find out?’
‘In exactly the same way they found out about this.’
‘Some form of super spy that only talks to you?’
‘Something like that.’ Steven replied.
‘I can see a solution begin to form here. Can I rely on the services of your ships and your men?’
‘Of course you can sir.’
‘Excellent. In the meantime, go back to your observations. I want their timings, patrol routes, everything worked out.’
‘Yes sir.’
Charlie’s head had been sore for a couple of days and the doctor had confined him to bed in the med centre. She made herself scarce when Steven arrived.
Steven sat down on a plastic chair. ‘How are you feeling?’
‘I’m OK now. Turns out I had a wee bleed in the brain, but those nano bots have sorted it all out. Man, it felt like those damn things were havi
ng a party.’
‘They saved your life.’
‘Aye, again.’
‘I’m sorry I put you through that.’
‘No worries Stevie, we got everything we needed: times, schedules, rendezvous points, the lot. Has Baxter finalised his plans?’
‘Aye he has. You want a part? I could use you.’
‘Babes says all the bruising and swelling will be completely gone by tomorrow. So not a problem. What do you want me to do?’
‘I’m taking Colonel Howe and going with the main fleet to destroy the mining platform. We are going to beam on board and try to get as much information as possible before destroying it. Baxter will destroy the Albany ships that protect it. Another force is going to annihilate the other Albany and take control of the loading platform. They will also capture the freighters carrying the engines.’
‘That’s only two forces, isn’t it?’
‘Yup, that leaves the battle groups from the other races.’
Steven was counting them off on his fingers. ‘Baxter is hoping that if he gives them an out the Catataracs may well take it. He believes that the biggest threat will come from the Ranagata. President San Lo Tae´s son to be exact, Vice Admiral Ban Lo Tae´. A little research shows him to very aggressive. He’s trying to prove to everyone that he is worthy of following his father.’
Charlie’s head lolled back on the pillow with a smile. ‘Trying to follow in daddy’s footsteps.’
‘Pretty much. That’s where you come in. I want you to go with Komoru. They will beam you aboard the Vice Admiral’s ship to detain him, if possible.’
‘You mean hold him hostage?’
‘Call it what you like Charlie. You are obviously the best choice. You will be able to read his mind and know if he is complying or not.’
‘Who is on the team?’
‘Komoru’s special forces, along with Lewis and Kelly.’
‘Sounds like a good team. I’m in. So what are we actually going to be trying to achieve there?’
‘No hostile action. We don’t want to shoot them unless we really have to. As you know, the father is sympathetic to our cause and has a lot of friends. At this moment he isn’t actively trying to stop support for our bid, but if his son is killed or if he loses a lot of forces, he may well declare war on us.’
‘And try and persuade all his friends to do so too.’
‘Aye OK Stevie. How long we got?’
‘Two days. Kelly has schematics of their ships and is already putting Komoru’s guys through their paces.’
‘Right. I’m familiar with their ships already. Tell Kelly I will be there first thing tomorrow.’
‘Will do.’
‘You had better let the doc in, she is getting pissed off at our private little chats.’
‘I noticed. I think she is quite keen on you Charlie.’
‘She is.’
‘So why don’t you ask her out?’
‘Two reasons. The first being I am not of equal or higher rank.’
‘This is the army Stevie, believe it.’
‘What’s the second?’
‘She wonders if I would be more like a vibrator than a Human man.’
‘Oh Charlie, too much information man! I’ll leave you to it.’
Charlie was still laughing at the horror on Steven’s face when Amanda came back in. ‘You seem in a better mood. Do you want to share the joke?’
‘Oh hell no!’
‘It would have been a dirty one then?’
‘It most certainly was.’
‘Then you may certainly keep it to yourself, Sergeant.’
‘I most certainly will ma’am.’
The Albany battle cruiser finished the outward leg of its patrol and swung back towards the mining platform. Its destroyers followed it in formation. A shower of meteoroids flashed a warning on an operator’s console and he flicked on the cameras. This far from the sun, they could barely be seen; however, a little light reflected off a few. He zoomed in until he could see them quite clearly. Thousands of irregular rocks, made up of who knows what, whizzing round the universe, almost with a mind of their own. It was a rare sight as most were destroyed and pulverized to dust by any passing ship with weapons. Some planets in some solar systems did allow the occasional meteoroid shower to survive though, if it had some historical or cultural significance.
An hour later they arrived back at the mining facility to rendezvous with their partner battle cruiser and her escort. A light on his panel flashed. It was his opposite in the other battle cruiser.
‘Hey Joz, my panel has just lit up. What is coming in from your patrol area?’
‘Hi Maroz. It is a meteoroid shower. Nice one too. Don’t worry, it’s coming nowhere near.’
‘On vector 0004554667E?’
‘That’s correct my friend.’
‘Any idea what is coming in from 9990007399B?’
‘You must have it Joz.’
The tired operator flicked on his screen, ‘OK I got it.’ He frowned to himself. ‘I have no idea Maroz, it looks like ships. What about the freighters with those engines?’
‘They passed us on our outer leg. They should be arriving at the launch point about now.’
‘Maybe they turned back? They are coming in from that direction anyway. Did they have their IDs switched on?’
‘Yes, of course.’
‘Then who the hell is this?’
It simply didn’t occur to either operator to sound the alarm, they were so used to the coming and going of many different ships. Both died while still trying to puzzle it out. The main part of the Human fleet appeared and fired at the same time. The Albany battle fleet simply disintegrated. On the mining platform a covey of Albany destroyers were also hit. Baxter ordered their engines to be taken out. Landing craft rained down from the Human battle fleet, and soldiers began an assault.
In the control room Howe, Tapper and the rest of his men suddenly appeared. An Albany officer talking to the Chief Engineer was shot where he stood with a cup of hot liquid in his hands. The Ranagata Chief Engineer was half scalded as the Albany officer dropped.
‘What the...’ His words were cut off as Howe’s pistol appeared in his face. He had half rose to his feet, now he sank back slowly into his chair. ‘Who are you?’
‘All you need to know is I am Human, and that we are here to destroy your facility before you can start hurling these asteroids at Earth.’
The Chief’s hand slid along the arms of his chair towards an electronic pad. He gasped as the cold muzzle of Howe’s revolver kissed the skin at the corner of his eye. ‘This is a firearm. Are you familiar with them?’
‘No!’ The Chief gasped.
‘They fire a projectile that will blow clean through your skull and leave a fist-sized hole on the other side of your head. Don’t touch anything.’
‘Why haven’t you killed me?’
‘Oh I want to. Makes my job much easier. However, we are not at war with your people yet. Don’t worry, once war is declared between our people, I will come back and finish the job.’
Beaver moved over to his side. ‘We are secure sir.’
‘Good! Tell the Captain.’
A few seconds later Steven appeared. With Babes’ guidance, he began to download as much information as he could get.
The Chief’s eyes swivelled to the large windows in the command centre. Outside the darkness of space was filled with flashing lights and large explosions.
‘You are killing all the Albany?’
‘Certainly are.’
‘They will seek retribution.’
‘We don’t give a damn. The only thing that is saving their arses just now is the fact that they are part of the federation. If it wasn’t for that their home planet would now be a radiated hell.’
The Chief glanced over at his people. ‘What are your intentions with us?
‘If you behave, we will let you evacuate before we destroy this facility.’
‘Destroying this facility is an act of war.’
‘Do you think that helping the Albany destroy our home world isn’t?’
The Chief was silent for a while. Small tremors reached them through the super structure. ‘If one of those destroyers blow up, we shall all be killed.’
‘We know.’ Howe admitted. ‘That is why we are assaulting them with troops and not just blowing them up.’
‘Many things can go wrong.’
‘The sooner we are out of here the better then. However, we are not leaving until we have evidence of your collusion.’
A larger tremor reached them.
‘Then it would be in all of our interests if I helped you locate what you are looking for.’
Howe glanced at Steven, ‘Captain, this officer is offering assistance.’
Steven stood up from the console he was working at.
‘It would be appreciated, but if he tries anything different then you have my permission to shoot him.’
Howe flicked the muzzle of his pistol and the Chief got up slowly. He joined Steven. ‘You don’t need half of that. May I?’
Steven stepped back. It only took a few seconds for the Chief to locate the files Steven required. Babes confirmed that they were exactly what they were looking for.
‘This is what we need, thank you.’
‘I am merely trying to preserve the lives of myself and my people.’
Steven locked eyes with the aliens for a moment and could read the honesty in them, ‘You may evacuate. We will be blocking all transmissions for about an hour.’
‘I understand. Our life pods will sustain us for a few days. May I announce the evacuation?’
‘In a second.’ He waited until Babes confirmed the upload. ‘OK. You may do so now. Colonel Howe, get in touch with command and announce the evacuation. Mission complete.’
‘Yes sir.’
The Chief moved to a different panel; seconds later strange lights and a noise could be heard. When he turned round the Humans had gone.
He let out a sigh of relief. His staff looked round in wonder. ‘Well don’t just sit there you idiots, get the hell off the station!’