Always Darkest

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Always Darkest Page 9

by Kimberly Warner

  “Did you…?”

  “No but we kissed. And it was the best kiss I have ever had. He was nice and, well, he’s not here.” Tori found she was unable to stop the tears from slipping out of her eyes.

  “Oh honey, I’m so sorry.”

  “I’ll be okay. I only knew him for a couple of days, right? I couldn’t have really been in love with him. He was just a very handsome, kind man who helped me out during a very emotionally vulnerable state.” Tori said trying to convince herself more than she was her sister.

  “That’s probably true.” Kathy said in a reassuring tone of voice. “Let me blow dry your hair for you and then we’ll go over to your apartment.”


  Kathy took her sister to her room where she had a full vanity set up and sat her sister down in front of the mirror. Then she went about blowing out Tori’s hair until it was nice and straight, and then went over it with a flat iron till it was shiny and silky. Tori could tell that she was taking her time, but she let her.

  “Your hair looks good. You want me to do your makeup too?” Tori recognized the stall tactic, but she complied.

  After a full makeover including a pedicure and manicure Tori finally decided she better stop her sister before she could think up more beauty treatments.

  “I better get going.”

  “Okay, but I’m going to follow you over to your apartment and make sure you get in okay.”

  “Sis, that’s not necessary. You know it is only five minutes away.”

  “See, it’s not a big deal. No arguments.”

  She and Kathy went out to the garage and just like Kathy said it would be her car was sitting there beside her sister’s SUV. It even looked like he had taken the time to wash it. When she got in she noted the full tank of gas and shook her head. She really did have a great family. “I wonder if he changed the oil too.” She mused aloud.

  Her sister followed her to her apartment and walked in with her. Kathy even went about checking all the closets and under the bed.

  “Kathy, you said they caught the guy.”

  “Well, you can’t be too careful in this day and age.”

  “Sis, I love you and thank you for everything. Now get out.” Tori said laughing.

  Kathy acted hurt. “Well, I can take a hint. Remember we are only a phone call away.”

  “Okay, love you, bye.” She said as she ushered her sister out the door.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When Kathy finally left Tori alone in her apartment, she ran into her bedroom, flung herself on the bed and cried. She cried until she couldn’t cry any more, ruining the perfect makeup application her sister had so carefully done. When the tears ran out she just lay there in her bed thinking. How was it possible to miss someone she barely knew this much? Maybe she was going crazy. Never in her life had she been so attracted to anyone. He asked her to stay and he was obviously attracted to her.

  Her sister had been as worried as she knew she would be. She had to believe that she made the right choice in coming home and leaving Mason. Maybe all those things she told Kathy were true maybe she was just in an extremely emotional vulnerable state and that had heightened her emotions, making her think she was in love, when under ordinary circumstances she might not have felt anything for Mason at all. The counselor side of her, the one that remembered the countless hours of psychology classes, tried desperately to convince her that was the case. Her heart still ached and the counselor was fighting a losing battle.

  Eventually hunger got the better of her and she got up and made herself a Healthy Choice Pizza in the microwave and grabbed a bad of Baked Lays sour cream and onion chips. She sat on the couch watching whatever was on the first channel she turned on, throwing her own little pity party. She fell asleep on the couch and was awakened the next morning by a knock at her door.

  “Hey sis, open up it’s me.”

  “Just a minute,” Tori said as she rolled off the couch.

  She opened the door and Kathy stood there dressed in her workout clothes. “Come one, get dressed. We are going walking today. Drink this.” She handed Tori a cup of coffee in a travel mug.

  “What? I don’t want to go walking.”

  “I don’t care. I’m not going to let you get depressed on me like you did when mom and dad died. You were impossible to be around and it took you months to find joy in anything. I ain’t putting up with that again. Depression is like getting fat. It’s easier to nip it in the bud before it becomes a problem. It’s easier to shed five pounds than a hundred. So come on, no excuses. Your buds getting nipped weather you like it or not.” Tori could see Kathy taking in the chips and frozen food carton sitting on the coffee table. “Exercise boosts your endorphins. Come on, chop, chop, get dressed and eat something, you need breakfast.”

  Tori didn’t like to be reminded of the depression she had suffered when her parents were first missing then declared dead. It was a dark time in her life. It was the summer before college and she made it through the funeral and all the arrangements that had to be made with a sort of detached numbness. Then, when all the theatrics that company death came to a close, she just shut down. She locked herself in her room and cried for days. She didn’t eat and couldn’t sleep. She went over every argument she had ever had with her parents in excruciating detail over and over again. She chastised herself for encouraging them to go on the cruise. Kathy had brought her out then. She literally dragged her out of her room and made her begin to live her life again. That experience was part of the reason why Tori had been so interested in psychology in college and went on to become a guidance counselor. Still, she did not want to go walking with her sister right now. She just wanted to curl up on the couch for a few more hours.

  “Sis, really,” Tori complained.

  “Did I stutter? Come on it is a nice day out. It will be fun.”

  Tori gave up and got dressed in her workout clothes. Then she made a brown sugar and cinnamon pop tart and finished up the coffee.

  They walked about three miles around the neighborhood and as much as Tori wanted to be mad at Kathy, she really did feel a little better after the walk. The brisk autumn air and the constant movement were a relief as was the sunshine and Kathy’s chipper, upbeat chatter. Kathy left and promised she would be back the next day. And she was back each day in fact, with something new to keep Tori occupied. They went walking, biking and shopping. Kathy always was good at coming up with activities for them to do together, but they hadn’t spent this much time together in years. After a couple of weeks Tori’s apartment had been completely redecorated courtesy of Kathy. Tori had even lost a few pounds.

  On the second day of there hanging out, better known to Tori as my sister wants to make sure I don’t go crazy or depressive of both, Kathy took Tori to the police station to file her report. When they were outside the police station Kathy turned to Tori.

  “I’d say tell them everything, and just say you got away and was knocked out and confused. That is when you found a ride home from the Taylor’s. Just don’t mention any of the stuff about Three Suns or they will have you in a white coat. I don’t want to be known as the sister of the crazy lady. You know the bitchy women at the PTA would have a field day with that.”

  “That makes sense. You believe me though, right?”

  “Oh honey, I’m your sister and I’m just glad you are okay.” Tori knew Kathy didn’t believe her, but she couldn’t really blame her. She wouldn’t have if Kathy told her the tale.

  “Okay, I’m going to go get this over with.”

  “I’m right here if you need me.” Kathy reassured.

  “I know.”

  Tori gave her statement and was happy to give the police all the details she could. The detective told her the case was iron clad and he had already confessed to all counts, so her statement was sufficient and she wouldn’t have to testify. That was at least one worry off her mind.

  At least every other day Justin would call to check in with her. He said it
was just nice to talk to someone he could actually be truthful about Three Suns with, but Tori had the sneaking suspicion that he was keeping a promise to both Willa and Mason. Justin seemed happy. He had briefly mentioned that he had gotten a job and Tori was truly happy for him.

  About two weeks after they got back to Earth Tori received an invitation to Thomas and Pearl’s wedding. Apparently, after being missing for so long Thomas had been declared dead so they were getting remarried. Justin also received an invitation, so they were going together. They had been back for a month when the day of the wedding came around and Justin and Tori had became quite close during their weekly phone conversations, so Tori felt perfectly comfortable going with him.

  The morning of the wedding Tori got dressed in a dress Kathy helped her pick out and sat while Kathy once again did her hair and makeup.

  “So tell me more about Justin?” Kathy questioned as she curled her hair.

  “There is nothing to tell really, he was in Three Suns with me and we became friends. We talk now, but that’s it.”

  “Do you feel safe with him?”


  “Then, that’s all I need to know.”

  Tori ended up looking beautiful. Kathy curled her dark hair in loose curls that hung down her back and accentuated they royal blue dress perfectly. She was sitting on the couch with her wedding gift beside her, a tasteful crystal vase that had a pattern of suns going around the top. Tori thought it was quite apt. The invitation had specified no gifts, but she had manners and you simply did not go to a wedding without a gift in hand.

  There was a knock at the door and she figured it must be Justin, but just to be sure she looked through the peep hole and sure enough it was her traveling buddy. That’s they way they had been referring to each other in their phone conversations, a little private joke. She opened the door and Justin stood there smiling.

  “You look amazing!” he said.

  “You clean up pretty nice yourself.”

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, just let me get my coat.”

  Soon they were in Justin’s new truck. His car had been totaled and the insurance paid out so he got a nice new red Toyota Tundra.

  “So tell me about your job. I am so happy for you!”

  “Well, this is going to sound crazy, but I got the job because of the accident.”


  “Well, let me start at the beginning. You know I was unemployed for a while. That night I was going to do something very stupid. I was going to the liquor store to buy some whiskey or rob it. I just thought I would make up my mind by the time I got there. You see, I had kind of given up. My dad was a drunk and I figured…. I don’t know what I was thinking but it was bad. The van who hit me belonged to the man that tried to hurt you and is now in jail.”

  “You’re kidding!”

  “Nope, but it gets weirder. That man was an employee of Taylor Electronics, the company owned by Pearl. He was their accountant! Thomas and I got kind of close while we were on Three Suns together. I guess we just kind of clicked and I had already told him everything. He heard Pearl and Peter, Peter is VP of the company by the way, talking about what happened to their accountant. Thomas thought of me and got me an interview. I went through the whole interview process, and I got the job. It even pays about twice what my previous employer did. I tell you, getting hit by that van and ending up in Three Suns is the best thing that ever happened to me. I don’t even know where I would be right now or what state of mind if that didn’t happen. I don’t even want to think about it.”

  “That’s amazing!” Tori was very happy for Justin. He was a good guy and this was like his second chance. Thomas got back to his Pearl. Justin got a job, a better job than he had before. Things had worked out well for her traveling buddies. She was alive and she guessed that was something.

  Justin looked at Tori and she guessed he must have seen the sad expression on her face. “You fell in love with him didn’t you?”

  Tori looked at him in surprise. There was no use really denying it. “I did.”

  He rubbed her arm soothingly. “Things will work out for you Tori. I know they will.”

  “Thanks, Justin, I hope so.”

  They pulled up in front of Pearl Taylor’s mansion. There were several other cars parked in front. Alex greeted them and ushered them through the door and into the ballroom where the wedding was being held and told them where to sit. It was a small wedding, just about thirty other people. Tori guessed it was just family and close friends.

  The preacher walked out with Thomas and his son following close behind. Peter was Thomas’s best man. Thomas looked so different in his black tuxedo and fresh haircut. Tori smiled at how nervous he looked with his hands clasped before him.

  Pearl walked down the aisle by herself. She looked extremely elegant in her ivory wedding gown carrying a bouquet of white lilies. The ceremony was beautiful and the kiss that Thomas gave Pearl was so loving Tori’s thoughts wondered to Mason again.

  They had all the normal wedding things including dancing and throwing the bouquet. Tori was one of the only five single women there and to her horror she caught the white lilies that Pearl gleefully tossed over her shoulder.

  She went back to sit near Justin swinging the bouquet over her head. “You have got to be kidding me?”

  “Ah, don’t be so glum. Dance with me.”

  Justin led her out to the dance floor and he was a graceful dancer. To her shook and amazement she was having fun!

  “You are a good dancer,” she said to Justin as he effortlessly twirled her around the floor.

  “My mom made me take lessons and you’re a good partner.” He said smiling down at her. And Tori thought he was really kind of handsome.

  They eventually sat down and Thomas came around to them. “Thanks for coming Tori.”

  “Thanks for inviting me.”

  “Tori if it wasn’t for you and Justin I still might be in the king’s dungeon. You really are my angel. If you ever need anything, just let me know.”

  “You got it!” Tori stood and hugged Thomas. “I’m so happy for you!”

  “Thanks!” Thomas said as she released the hug. “And you Justin, I’ll see you in the office in two week, after my honeymoon.”

  “You got it boss.” Justin said smiling.

  After the festivities, Justin drove Tori home. Justin turned the radio on to a top forties station and they both sang along to the top of their lungs. The trip went by quick and before Tori realized it they were in front of her apartment.

  “May I walk you to your door?” Justin said holding out his arm.

  “Yes, of course.”

  When they were in front of the door to Tori’s apartment, he turned to her.

  “That was fun.” Justin said.

  “It was. Thank you for showing me such a good time.”

  “Anytime, but I think it may have been you who showed me the good time. You know, you really are beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Only stating the truth,” Justin said. Then it happened, he leaned forward and ever so slightly brushed his lips to hers. It wasn’t the passionate kiss she had with Mason, but it was sweet and nice so she didn’t pull away.

  “Good night beautiful.” Justin said as he turned and walked to his truck.

  Tori opened her apartment door and closed it. She just stood there in the dark for a moment. What had just happened? She couldn’t deny that she had enjoyed the kiss. But it was Justin, her traveling buddy. She sat down on the couch, flipped on the television, feeling confused. It’s not like she would ever see Mason again so maybe she should see what happens with Justin.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Tori sat on her couch while the television played some reality show in the background. She fought the urge to call Justin on his cell phone and invite him back over. She wanted Mason, but the hard truth was that she couldn’t have him. Justin was here and he wasn’t.

The phone rang jarring Tori from her thoughts. The ring tone announced that it was her sister.

  “Hello,” Tori answered.

  “Hey, I was just checking on you.”

  “I’m in my apartment. Justin just dropped me off.”

  “Did you have a good time?” Kathy questioned.

  “Yeah, I really did,” Tori said as she thought about the dancing and the kiss.

  “You know, that Justin has been really nice to you. And if I remember correctly he was pretty cute.”

  “All true sis, but, I just don’t know. He’s not really my type.”

  “Are you still hung up on Mason?”

  “Maybe, but Justin kissed me tonight.”

  “I need details.” Kathy said excitedly.

  “There’s not much to tell. We had a really good time and then when he dropped me off, we kissed. It was nice, really nice, but it was nothing like it was with Mason.”

  “Sis, that was some fairytale world or part of your imagination, “Kathy quickly corrected herself. “I mean Justin is here and Mason is not. That should tell you something.” Tori knew what Kathy wanted to say. The whole thing was her imagination and nothing in real life could compare to something she obviously conjured up in her own head.

  “Listen Kathy, I’m tired. I tired, I think I am going to just go take a nice long bath and go to bed. I’ll see you on Monday, okay?”

  “Okay,” Kathy said and Tori could hear the disappointment in her voice. “Goodnight then.”

  “Goodnight,” Tori said happy to be off the phone.

  Tori put down her phone and decided she really would go take that bubble bath. She turned off the television and was getting up when there was a knock at the door. She walked over to the door and opened it thinking it was probably Justin.

  She opened the door and there stood Mason. Her heart dropped and she stood there speechless.

  “May I come in?” Mason asked.

  Tori threw her arms around him and he dropped the bags he was holding. She kissed him like she was drowning and he was the only source of air. The passion returned, the same passion she felt the first time he had kissed her. This was right. Mason was here.


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