Dominance and Submission - Write Away, Sir

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Dominance and Submission - Write Away, Sir Page 10

by Alexandra Noir

  He fucked her mouth slowly, using her like he had been fantasizing about this for as long as he could remember. She wondered if there had been times, before they even officially got together, that he had looked at her across that table in his office and wondered what it would have been like to have her on her knees before him. The thought of it turned her on even more, and her pussy was aching, pulsing for attention. She needed him inside her, and she had no idea if she was going to get that tonight or if he was simply going to use her mouth until he was satisfied.

  "Look at me," he ordered, when he noticed her eyes drifting shut from the sheer pleasure of finally having him where she wanted him. She gazed up at him with pure adoration, hoping he could see how willing she was. She didn’t want him doubting this, not when she knew that she needed it so badly.

  He took his cock in his hand and pulled it from her mouth – she kept her lips parted, and he slapped his cock lightly on the tip of her tongue. She could taste his pre-cum, taste his need for her. She wriggled where she sat, her clit practically pulsing with the need for some relief.

  "Get up," he demanded, and she rose to her feet, looking him dead in the eye. She needed him to touch her. He must have known that. And yet, he seemed more than happy to push her a little further before he gave her that much-needed relief.

  "Take off your dress," he told her, without laying a finger on her. She slowly unzipped the zipper on the side of her garment and let it tumble to the floor at her feet. He inhaled sharply, his eyes skimming down her body to take in her bare breasts and the curve of her hips beneath her panties.

  "Take those off too," he ordered, pointing to her underwear. She reached down and hooked her thumbs under her panties, sliding them down her legs and stepping her heels carefully out of the wisp of black lace.

  "Give them to me."

  She was confused for a moment, but then realized that he was asking for her underwear; she stood up and handed them to him. And watched as he raised them to his face and inhaled deeply.

  "You’re so fucking wet, pet," he murmured, and he hooked two fingers into her mouth, pulling her lips apart. She moaned softly as he pushed the panties into her mouth, filling her up with the scent of her own sweet, musky pussy.

  "Can you be a good girl and keep quiet for me?” he asked, and she nodded.

  "Good," he growled, directly into her ear. His breath was hot on her skin, and she wanted to kiss him more than anything, but she felt like she was pinned to the spot. She couldn’t do anything that he didn’t outright command that she did, utterly under his control. As though she had been hypnotized.

  "Because I’m going to fuck you, and if you make a noise, I’m not going to let you come," he continued, his voice taking on a throaty edge. "I’m going to fuck you and come inside you and leave you if I hear so much as a peep. Do you understand?”

  She knew the questions were his way of checking in with her, making sure that everything was okay. Nodding, she gave himself the final ounce of control that she had – her voice. Everything she was belonged to him now, and she loved it.

  He guided her towards the desk that sat opposite his bed and positioned her so that she was propped up against it, facing the mirror that hung above it. Sliding in behind her, he ran his hands lustfully over her ass, sinking his fingers into her flesh. He had been waiting a long time to do that, she could tell. Maybe even as long as she had been waiting for him to do it.

  "This pussy belongs to me, you understand?" he murmured into her ear, quickly sheathing himself and guiding his cock against her slit. She nodded. She wanted to moan in agreement, but she also knew that she needed to come more than anything in the world. All the tension that had built between them had led to this moment. She wasn’t willing to hold out for a moment longer than she had to.

  And finally, finally, satisfied with her answer, he pushed inside of her.

  It took everything she had in her to keep from crying out with the sheer pleasure of feeling him enter her for the first time. She had been fucked before, of course she had, but it had never felt like this – like their bodies had been made to fit together, like his cock had been built to push deep inside her, to spread her open and lay her out for his own enjoyment. She bit back the cry of delight, forcing herself to stay focused on that orgasm, on the one he would only give her if she did as she was told.

  "Fuck, you’re so wet," he growled, fucking her in deep, long strokes. His hands were gripping her hips, pulling them back roughly to meet him so that he could drive himself deep inside of her. The sound of their bodies finally connecting made her head spin, a reminder that this was really happening; she lifted her head and looked into the mirror, watching this man fuck her, and it took her a moment to connect to the reality of the moment. She couldn’t believe it. How many times had she fantasized about this very encounter? And now it was happening...all her fantasies were bursting from sepia-tone to watercolor before her very eyes. She couldn’t get enough.

  He didn’t hold back for a single moment, driving herself frantically into her pussy like his life depended on it. The noises he was making told her that he had been as desperate for this as she had been, and that pushed her desire to a whole new level. It was one thing to desire Cameron, but it was quite another to be so desired by him at the same time; of all the women he could have had, he had chosen her. He had given her everything, his power, his control, his dominance, and now his body...

  She had to press her lips together to keep from crying out in pleasure. The groan of need was threatening to rise in her throat, but she bit it back. Even now, lost to the throes of pleasure, she couldn’t forget that he was her boss, that he was in charge of her in every sense of the word. And so, she clung to the desk for dear life and let him take her, rail her, fuck her, use her in every way that he wanted to.

  Before long, she could feel his cock twitching inside her, and his thrusts became more insistent - he was clearly getting close. She could feel herself teetering on the edge of an orgasm, but she still hadn’t got there when he let out a cry of pleasure and held himself deep inside her. His cock filled her up, and she felt that intense release, the utter submission of letting this man use her pussy as nothing more than a whole for him to fill.

  "Turn around and get on the table," he commanded, catching his breath; it took her a second to make sense of his words through the fog of desire in her brain, but she quickly did as she was told.

  He sank down to his knees before her and pushed her legs back so that her freshly-used pussy was exposed; lowering his mouth to her cunt, he took her clit into his mouth and sucked softly. The moan he let out as he went down on her for the first time told her that this had been on his mind as long as it had been on hers, and she felt the pleasure that had been building inside her finally give out and roll into a release.

  The noise she made was muffled by the panties, but only barely – she wouldn’t have been surprised if the entire hotel came running to check on her and make sure that she wasn’t being murdered up there. She didn’t care. The orgasm felt as though it was ripping her in half, the intensity of the pleasure burning up every inch of her body. Her skin felt as though it was alive for the first time in her entire life, as though she could finally feel, a sixth sense awoken that she never knew she had been lacking until that moment.

  He rose to his feet once more, hooked her panties out of her mouth, and kissed her – their very first kiss, the first time their lips had found one another. It was odd, they had already fucked and sucked and gone down on each other, but a kiss felt like the most intimate thing he could give her. Because it was more than just pure gratification. It was affection, something sweeter and deeper than their dynamic would allow for. His tongue was in her mouth, and she kissed him back, letting the taste of the both of them linger on her tongue. She never wanted to forget this moment. Their first kiss. The start of something new, something different, something special.

  "Excuse me just a moment," he murmured wh
en he pulled back, brushing his nose against hers and smiling. She nodded her agreement, the power of words not quite within her grasp yet. As soon as he left the room, she collapsed on to the bed, bare-ass naked and utterly satisfied. Not just in the submissive sense but the physical one too. She had finally gotten what she wanted from him.

  But now that it was over, she couldn’t help but worry that she had done something wrong. What if she had pushed things too far, too fast? Nervously, she pulled her covers up over her body, feeling vulnerable in a way she hadn’t before.

  He joined her in bed a moment later and wrapped his arms around her tightly. Planting a kiss to the back of her neck, he moved his mouth to her ear and spoke to her for the first time since they had changed everything.

  "What do you want now?” he asked, and she snuggled against him. She knew they would have to figure this out sooner or later, but for now, she wanted to relax in this safe zone, of not knowing exactly whether this had been the best idea she’d ever had or the worst one.

  "I want to sleep, right here, next to you," she replied. "Sir."

  "I think I can manage that," he agreed, smiling, and he planted a soft kiss on her cheek. She closed her eyes and grinned to herself. Satisfied, sated, submissive. And all because of him.

  Part 7: Coming Clean

  "Are you sure this is a good idea?” Stephanie asked, try to suppress the giggles that were threatening to rise up in her throat. Cameron raised his eyebrows at her, reminding her to keep it down.

  "It’s only going to be a bad one if anyone else figures out what’s going on here," he reminded her. "And we’re not going to let that happen, are we?”

  "Of course not, Sir," she agreed demurely, fluttering her lashes at him playfully. He smiled at her and nodded.

  "Then let’s get out there," he suggested, and with that, the two of them turned to head out and join the crowd inside the building.

  It had been just over a month since Stephanie and Cameron had returned from the trip that had changed everything. After a visit to an exclusive party across the state, they had wound up finally consummating their physical relationship, and nothing had been the same since. Where before they had worked hard to make sure there was no overlap in the personal and the professional, since that night, they hadn’t bothered to distinguish between them – and they had a lot of catching up on lost time to make up for.

  Cameron had started sleeping over at Stephanie’s place most evenings, where the two of them would spend hot-and-heavy nights exploring the thrilling depths and lengths that they were both willing to go to in order to find out where their boundaries lay. And what Stephanie had discovered was that her boundaries hardly seemed to exist at all when it came to him – as long as he was there, guiding her through everything with his gentle, firm tone, she felt safe. As though he was hypnotizing her through the hard parts. And she loved every moment of it.

  More than that, though, she could feel herself beginning to get drawn in by him. She had assumed that whatever they had, it was just the thrill of the physical – that her attraction to him didn’t go further than that. She had managed to convince herself that was the case, certain that her body wouldn’t have responded to him in deeper ways. But what she had discovered was that she wanted to be with him, more than just as his lover; she knew that he’d taken other women like her before, and she didn’t want to be just another in a long line of submissives. She wanted to be something special to him, and she just didn’t know quite how to go about it.

  "So, before...before we started doing this," she asked curiously one day, trying to find the words to bring her worries to reality.

  "Yeah?” he asked, propping himself up on her side of the bed and yawning. He had taken to sleeping over too, which was something she was still getting used to – for a long time, it had been just her and her cat in this apartment, and now he was here, filling up her personal space. She liked it, sure, but it was also a little terrifying to think about all the power he had in this place. In her life.

  "Were you doing it with other people?” she asked, biting her lip. He smiled at her, reaching over to touch the inside of her arm lightly, a familiar gesture she recognized as him soothing her.

  "Yes, of course I was," he replied honestly. "Most of the major relationships I’ve had, they’ve had some element of this in them – some element of submission, at least."

  "And all the women you’ve been with...?”

  "They’ve been my submissives first and foremost," he replied. "The ones who I had serious long-term stuff with."

  "But how do you..." She struggled to find the right words. What she wanted to ask him was how on earth he could balance the dominance that came with her submission, the cruelty that it called for, with something more profound and emotional. Could you be in love and still want to treat the person you were meant to be in love with like that? It didn’t make a lot of sense to her. She knew that you could respect the people you did this with, that you could admire them and enjoy their company, but she couldn’t reconcile in her head how she was meant to match romance and love and such delicious cruelty in the same breath.

  "How do I what?” he prompted her, and she shook her head. For a writer, she felt like she was fresh out of words.

  And it had been a long time since she had turned in the final draft of her book to the editors, and they had given it the go-ahead nearly at once. She knew that she had done a great job, pouring everything that had happened with Cameron into the story and making it her own. When readers picked up that story, they would be picking up a part of her life, and she was proud to have shared some of herself in her writing that way. She had never really done it before, and she knew now that she could do it again.

  What the end of the book meant was that their relationship had officially translated into something a lot more serious than what it had been before. When she had been working on the story, the two of them had, at least, been able to pretend that there was some semblance of professionality to their relationship. But now that the book was complete, they had to admit to themselves and one another that they were just doing this because they enjoyed it. They enjoyed being with each other in this way, enjoyed the sex, enjoyed the passion, and didn’t want to give it up for anything.

  But Stephanie still had so many questions as to what came next now that they were...was together the word? She had no clue. She didn’t know how to ask him either. Was she just meant to sit down and ask for a shift from “Sir” to “babe”?

  When the annual end-of-year party came up for the office that he worked at, though, she felt like there was a chance for her to explore something new in what they had been doing together. She hadn’t got the nerve to outright ask him if there was something more serious going on between them, and she still didn’t know how in the name of holy hell she would have just come out with a question like that. So, when she received her invitation asking her to attend the event, she smiled to herself. Here was her opportunity, laid out in black-and-white on thick card stock.

  "Cameron," she suggested, casually, while the two of them were lying in bed after a particularly rambunctious session that evening.

  "Yes?" He turned to her, and it was as though he already knew what she was going to ask. She felt a little thrown, not sure how to come out with what she wanted to say.

  "I’m just...uh, wondering..." she blurted, trying to keep her shit together. "I mean, wondering if maybe, you know, with the party coming up, if you would like – if you thought – if you wanted to, of course-"

  "Stephanie," he cut her off gently. "You want to just come out and tell me what’s going on in your head? Because I’m not sure I’m keeping up right now."

  "I thought we could go to that party together," she confessed finally, and he raised his eyebrows in surprise.


  "Like, as a couple," she suggested, hoping that she was keeping her voice light. In reality, she felt as though she was drowning under an enorm
ous pile of panic, but she kept her gaze focused on him and managed to smile.


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