Turned Out Saga

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Turned Out Saga Page 24

by Angel M. Hunter

  Champagne looked at Candy and felt her pussy get moist. She closed her legs tight and tried to change the subject. “So what are you going to do while you’re in DC other than be with your friend?”

  Candy knew what she was doing. “Don’t change the topic. Don’t you want to feel my tongue on your pussy and in your pussy?”

  Champagne wondered if those drinks Candy had were getting to her or if she was just saying how she felt. “Come on Candy, don’t do this to me.”

  “Do what? Tell you how good you tasted to me? Tell you I would love to be with you one more time before I leave?”

  “That’s exactly want I’m asking you not to do to me.”

  “Let me make love to you again Champagne. Let me remind you how good I can make you feel. I’m leaving town after this and it could be my thank you and my good-bye.”

  Champagne did not recall saying yes but less than an hour later they were walking through the doors of Paradise, an upscale hotel. Champagne was lying on the bed with Candy lying on top of her looking into her eyes. She knew she should have felt guilty about being there, but she didn’t and she wondered what that meant.

  “Tell me what you want me to do” Candy stated.

  “Whatever you want to do to me,” Champagne told her.

  “You want my tongue deep inside your pussy?”


  “You want my tongue inside your ass?”


  “Tell me what else you want.”

  “I want your fingers inside me. I want my liquids to go down your throat.”

  Candy moaned from deep within her throat and put her mouth on top of Champagne’s and pushed her lips apart with her tongue. She ran her tongue inside her mouth and Champagne kissed her back.

  Champagne tried to wrap her arms around Candy, but Candy knocked her hands down and held them to her sides.

  She looked her in the eyes again and told her, “Keep your hands to your sides. I’m in charge.”

  What was there for Champagne to say other than okay?

  Candy unbuttoned Champagne’s shirt and caressed her breasts through her bra. She pulled Champagne’s bra straps down and pulled the bra beneath her breasts and licked her nipples from one to the other and then bit down on them gently.

  “Let me take my clothes off.”

  Candy ignored her and moved down below her belly with feathery, light kisses. When she got to Champagne’s pants, she unbuttoned, unzipped, and pulled them down just past her hips.

  Again, Champagne said, “Let me take off my clothes.”

  Again, Candy ignored her. She pulled Champagne’s pants down to her thighs and placed her mouth on top of her panties over her pussy.

  Champagne tried to push her body up so she could see, but Candy pushed her back down. “Relax sweetie, let me do this the way I want to.”

  Champagne listened and laid back.

  Candy pushed the panties to the side and started licking and sucking on Champagne’s pussy lips.

  “You’re not wasting any time?” Champagne asked not expecting an answer.

  Candy continued to lick and suck, tasting the juices that were beginning to flow. She placed her hands on Champagne’s thighs and pushed them open a little more and stuck her tongue as far up in Champagne as she could and then gently pulled her clitoris from its hidden spot with her teeth.

  Champagne moaned and bit down on her lip to keep from screaming. Candy’s lips then encircled her clitoris, drawing on it deeper and deeper, pulling, tugging, and sucking gently.

  The next thing she knew, Champagne’s body heaved into the air from the orgasm that was flowing like a river. She opened her legs wider and held Candy’s head in place. She didn’t let her up for air, until she felt that Candy had sucked and licked every bit of juice she could.

  A few hours later when they departed from one another, Champagne felt like Candy was in her system. It was a relief to know that she was leaving town. Champagne was afraid of what she would do. She was afraid that she would not be able to keep the promise she made to herself and to Zyair about leaving the whole bisexual thing alone.

  Coming back to reality and present time, Champagne shook her head and looked at her cell phone again. To receive a text from Candy threw her for a loop. I’m going to have to think about whether I want to see her or not. I don’t want to be tempted. Champagne knew she would. Lately, sex with a woman had been on her mind. And yes, she was trying to push it back, push it deep down into the crevices of her mind, but it wasn’t working. She needed something to distract her.

  What I need to do is go home and sex the hell out of my man and call Candy back tomorrow.

  Chapter Thirty-eight

  Sometimes you have to take a risk to know what your chances are.

  This was Alexis’ first time coming to Thomas’ house and when she walked through the door, she had to admit that she was surprised that he had such good taste.

  Champagne had told Alexis on numerous occasions that she had to see Thomas’ house. What she failed to mention was that Thomas didn’t just live in any kind of house. He lived on an estate.

  “You live here by yourself?” Alexis asked.

  This was a question Thomas was used to being asked by women whenever he invited one up to his place. By the look on some of their faces, he could tell they were making plans to try and snatch him up and move in. That was something he was not going to let happen.

  Thomas was a “hit it and quit it” kind of man but that was growing old. He found himself wanting to settle down and maybe even start a family. All this playing the field, not knowing who wanted him for himself or his money was not the way he wanted to continue to live.

  The thing of it was, as a child he never thought he would be the one living this way, financially successful and never having to worry about money again. His background and his upbringing until he became a teenager would have never predicted this outcome. If it wasn’t for Ms. Dominique or Ms. D as he liked to call her, he didn’t know where he would be.

  He still thought about that day she changed his life. The day she offered him a chance of a lifetime. The day he was put on the right track.

  * * *

  Thomas was laying in his room with his eyes closed and his arm thrown over his forehead, when his social worker walked in. It was one of the few times he had the room he shared with two others to himself and he was enjoying the peace of it.

  “Thomas, I may have some good news for you.”

  Thomas sat up and threw his legs over the edge of the bed. “What type of good news?” He’d already come to believe at his young age that good news was hard to come by.

  “I believe I have a family for you.”

  For a second there Thomas thought he’d misheard her. “Huh?”

  “I think I have a family for you.”

  He did hear her right. Thomas stood up and looked her in the eyes. “I thought you said this was it for me. That I was going to be here at this group home until I could do independent living. Why would somebody want me now anyway? I’m almost a man, unless they’re just in it for the money.”

  Ms. Dominique sighed. “Listen Thomas, I know what I told you but things have changed. This family isn’t in it just for the money. They’re in it to make a difference in someone’s life. They’re in it to change a life.”

  “Yeah right, I’ve heard that before.” And he had. He’d heard that and so much more. He’d heard that all he’s good for is the money, that he’ll never amount to a damn thing, that he was worthless and was even told don’t get too comfortable.

  So to hear that someone wanted to make a difference, it didn’t faze him one bit. “That’s what they all say initially, until I walk through the door and you leave.”

  “All I can tell you right now is that this family is different, but if you don’t want to give it one last try that’s fine with me. I’ll find someone else for them. Someone that would love this opportunity.”

  When Thomas heard those
words, he had to admit to himself that he didn’t want her to give this chance to another kid. What if this time, this one time, the people were being honest? He wanted it, but he was scared. He was scared of it not working out and scared of being let down. If he got his hopes up and those hopes were destroyed once again, it would devastate him. But the look on Ms. D’s face reassured him that wouldn’t happen.

  “Listen, I know you’re scared,” she told him.

  “What! Ain’t nobody scared.”

  “It’s okay to be scared Thomas. I can’t say I blame you, but I think you should give it one more try.”

  “Do they know how old I am? Are they prepared for a teenager? Did they specifically ask for a teenager?”

  “Yes, they do, yes, they are and yes, they did.”

  “Did they say why they wanted an older kid?” He hoped they weren’t going to try and slave him. Have him keeping house and working the death out of him.

  “This couple has another son your age. They work with at-risk kids and they’re looking to give a teen a chance for a normal life, a chance to experience a family.”

  “Why me?” Thomas wanted to know. “You have other clients you could have picked for this family Ms. D. Why me?”

  At this point, Ms. D was getting exasperated and Thomas could see it on her face and feel it in her energy.

  “Listen,” she told him, “If you don’t want this, you need to let me know by tomorrow. That way, if I have to I can pick someone else.”

  The truth was she didn’t want to pick anyone else. There was something about Thomas that stood out from the other kids. He was smart. He had manners and although he had been abandoned, he didn’t allow his heart and soul to harden like some of the other kids had. There was still hope.

  “But I have to say this to you,” Ms. D went on, “I would be very disappointed if you didn’t take this opportunity. Because that’s what it is Thomas, an opportunity for growth. I also think you would be a good match for this family. You have the potential to be so much more than you think.”

  The thing of it was, Thomas did want another chance. He did want to be with a family. Just like any other human being on the face of this earth, all he wanted to do was be loved. “I don’t have to think about it, Ms. D. I’ll do it. I’ll go.”

  Five days later he was on his way to what might be his new foster parents’ home. He was scheduled to stay the weekend and if they vibed, he would move in. On the way there, he was quiet, in his own world, deep in thought. He was trying to get past the nervousness he was feeling.

  As they turned into the subdivision, Thomas was immediately impressed. The houses were larger than any he’d ever seen. The lawns were manicured and kids were actually playing in their yards. He noticed quite a few white kids and realized he’d never asked if the family was white or black. Well, it was too late now because they were pulling into a cul-de-sac and as they pulled up into a driveway Thomas was relieved to see a black teenage boy sitting on the porch with headphones on. He appeared to be writing in a notebook.

  “We’re here,” Ms. D told him as they pulled into the driveway.

  * * *

  That day changed Thomas’ life. He walked in the door with an attitude of “I’m going to make the best of this situation and I will make this work.” And make it work he did. Along with the Turners’ assistance, encouragement and participation, they got along great. Not only did he excel in school, he ended up getting a scholarship for college and money for college from the system. After he graduated from college, he tried to reach out to Ms. D. He knew how proud she would be of him, but she’d left the agency and there was no forwarding address. Thomas sometimes thought of her and wondered how she was doing. Then again, maybe it was best to leave the past just where it was and that’s behind him.

  The way Thomas figured it, had it not been for the Turners, had they not been there for him, pushing him and telling him he could do it, he would not be the responsible, grown-ass man he is now and that’s why once he began making money, he’d send them some sporadically. If he tried to do it any other way, they wouldn’t accept.

  So to go from having no place to really call home, to being able to purchase the home of his dreams was an accomplishment. To go from a place of poverty to a place of prosperity was an even bigger accomplishment, that of owning his own sports agency in which he was extremely successful.

  Thomas looked at Alexis who was walking around taking in the art on his walls. She noticed that most of the paintings were by an artist named Antonio Pierre Hunter.

  “So you’re a collector?” She asked.

  Thomas stood next to her and looked at the painting she was standing in front of. “I wouldn’t say all that. I just like what I like.”

  Alexis turned to face Thomas, “You’re a sports agent right?” She already knew the answer to that. She’d heard Champagne and Zyair talk about Thomas’ famous clients numerous times.

  “Yes, and you’re a counselor or a therapist, right?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Alexis tried to blow off the rest of his inquiry. The last thing she wanted to discuss was the fact that she counseled some bad-ass, fast-ass teens. Teens, that when she tried to guide them and show them a better way gave her their asses to kiss. “Instead of discussing what we do for a living, why don’t you show me your bedroom?”

  “Huh?” That wasn’t what Thomas expected to hear.

  “Show me your bedroom. I want to see where the magic happens,” Alexis joked.

  Thomas was thrown off by her bluntness. This was definitely not the Alexis he knew. But he was a man and like any other man he was more than ready and willing to take the hint, if that’s what she was throwing.

  “Are you sure?”

  Alexis smirked at Thomas’ obvious discomfort. “Yes, I’m sure.”

  Thomas led the way upstairs. As they passed several rooms Alexis peeked inside and was surprised at how orderly everything was.

  “Do you have a maid?” Alexis asked as they stepped in his bedroom.

  “What, a brother can’t be neat without any help?” Thomas joked.

  “Not when they’re as busy you probably are.”

  “Actually, I do have someone that comes in twice a week, but I do cook my own meals.”

  When they entered his bedroom, Alexis was impressed. For some reason she imagined his room to be extremely masculine, everything in it being black, dark, glass or brass. She thought he’d have a big-ass television and a stereo system in it but there was neither. Instead the bedroom had a calming effect. The color on the wall was a soft pale blue and the bedroom set reminded her of the ocean. The carpet on the floor looked plush enough to sink her feet into. To her surprise, on the nightstand next to the bed were several books. The top of his dresser was covered in colognes and there was a little lounge area in the corner.

  “You don’t watch television or listen to music in your bedroom?”

  “No, I use it to relax, sleep, and for extra-curricular activities.”

  Alexis laughed. She could imagine what those activities were.

  She looked at his oversized bed and walked over to it. She stood in front of it and turned toward Thomas who stood behind her watching every move she made.

  “You think your bed is big enough?”

  “I sleep wild,” he told her.

  Alexis sat on the bed and asked, “Do you do everything wild?”

  Thomas hoped he wasn’t mistaken or was being misled. He could hear the flirtatious tone in her voice. He’d wanted this moment to happen for so long. After all, Alexis was his dream girl and he’d fantasized about making love to her many times. After taking a long look at her, he took her hands and kissed them. He looked into her eyes and asked, “Are you drunk?” If she was he would not go through with this. He wanted her to be clearheaded and mindful of all he was going to do to her. Thomas didn’t want any regrets.

  “I’m as sober as you are,” she reassured him. Although the two drinks she had were making her feel a lit
tle tipsy.

  “I just wanted to make sure before I kissed you,” Thomas told her.

  Alexis didn’t want to waste any more time. She placed her hands on each side of his face, pulled him down on top of her and lay back on the bed.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked.

  Alexis was more than sure, she decided that this was going to be the night for Thomas to finally get his wish. In all her past relationships, the men had dictated the when, what, and the how. No more, she was going to do this on her terms.

  Plus, she was tired of waiting for Thomas to make his move. For some reason he was acting like a Mr. Goodie Two Shoes, all gentleman like. He wasn’t being his usual aggressive self.

  Alexis looked up at him, “Let’s take a shower together.”

  Thomas was not expecting this at all. “Okay,” was all that he could utter.

  “Well, you need to get up,” Alexis told him.

  He stood up and told her, “After you.”

  Alexis got off the bed and started taking her clothes off, leaving behind a trail of clothing.

  Thomas, after the shock wore off, looked to the heavens and stated, “Thank you, Jesus,” and darted into the bathroom after Alexis.

  Once in the bathroom, he followed Alexis’ lead and took his clothes off while eyeing her body. He noticed that her body was flawless, almost creamy like a light coffee.

  She turned the shower on. “Let’s give it a few minutes to warm up.”

  Alexis could tell that Thomas liked what he saw. She immediately seized control by pulling Thomas close to her by his dick and started passionately kissing him.

  Thomas’ mind was blown. He never in a million years imagined that Alexis got down like this.

  “Let’s get in the shower,” Alexis said.

  After the kiss Alexis instructed Thomas to bathe her. She did this purposely so that he could enjoy every inch of her without fully experiencing her. Thomas quickly did as she requested and Alexis returned the favor.

  Alexis turned the shower off and Thomas followed her out and into the bedroom. Alexis lay on the bed and opened her legs wide and gently ran her fingers up and down her pussy. She told Thomas to stay where he was and just watch. She continued to play with her pussy for a little while longer then asked Thomas to come over to the bed.


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