Flight to Romance

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Flight to Romance Page 15

by Tracy Sinclair

  Her surrender produced a change in Kalim. Relaxing his punishing grip, he held her more gently. The hand holding her wrists relaxed its cruel pressure and the other hand massaged the tense muscles at the nape of her neck. Jennifer remained rigid in his arms, trying to show her contempt for his actions, but he didn't release her. Slipping the robe from her taut body, he held her away from him for a moment and looked at her with glowing eyes.

  "You are so lovely," he muttered thickly, his hands almost spanning her narrow waist.

  Color flooded Jennifer's cheeks as she tried to cover her half-naked body, but he wouldn't permit it. His fingers spread out over her silken skin, sliding up to cup her full breasts, and his avid mouth captured first one and then the other.

  The scorching kisses lit a dormant flame and even without the tenderness that had been present the last time Kalim made love to her, Jennifer's treacherous body responded to his passionate touch. She fought against it fiercely, twisting in his arms and uttering a despairing cry, but his insistent mouth stifled her protest.

  His deep kiss invaded her very soul and the hands that had been trying to push him away now clutched helplessly at his shoulders. Jennifer felt her willpower slipping away as his hands brought her inflamed body to throbbing, vibrant life.

  Trying to remember that he was only trying to humiliate her was all in vain. A wild yearning for release filled her and she ached to surrender to the untamed desire that made her tremble all over. Winding her arms around his neck, she suddenly gave up the struggle and uttered his name with a low moan.

  She was drowning in her love for him, but Kalim's reaction was shocking. Twisting his hand in her hair, he pulled her head back savagely and looked at her with blazing eyes. "Did you call out his name like that, too?" Her drugged eyes looked at him uncomprehendingly as he taunted, "I am surprised you can keep us apart!"

  With a look of bitter revulsion, he threw her violently from him and she collapsed on a chair. Slowly sanity returned and she realized that once more he had made her respond to him and then rejected her. Covering her face with her hands, she rested it on her knees and huddled into a miserable little ball.

  "What pose is this?" his mocking voice intruded.

  "Go away." The plea was muffled. "Just go away and leave me alone." The tears that had threatened for so long finally engulfed her and her slim shoulders shook with the sobs she couldn't stifle.

  "What is wrong?" His voice was sharp as he stood looking down. When she didn't answer, he bent down, attempting to raise her head, but she refused to look at him. "Why are you crying?"

  The words somehow penetrated her misery and Jennifer felt hysteria bubbling up inside her. Tears had matted her long eyelashes into spiky clusters and her cheeks were flushed with emotion. "I was right about you. You really are crazy! Or maybe I'm crazy for letting you get within ten feet of me. Are you proud of yourself? You've just proved one more time that you can make the independent liberated woman melt like hot wax. But that's not much of an accomplishment is it, considering your vast experience and my complete lack of it."

  His impassive eyes studied her face. "Do you expect me to believe that after what happened tonight?"

  "Would you please tell me what was supposed to have happened tonight?" Frustration flashed like green fire out of her eyes. "Ever since you pushed your way in here, I've had the feeling that I'm in the middle of a nightmare."

  "Don't lie to me, Jennifer! I was outside in the hall when John left you."

  "So?" She was honestly bewildered.

  "He was coming from your bedroom."

  A delicate rose stained her cheeks at the implication. "I think you're disgusting to leap to a conclusion like that. This isn't the Victorian era and there are any number of reasons why he could have been coming out of my room. We could have been having a nightcap together, for instance."

  "Were you?"

  "No, as a matter of fact, we weren't," she said defiantly.

  "I am glad you decided not to lie to me anymore. You see, I heard what he said to you—and what you answered."

  She searched her mind for anything that could have caused this debacle and came up with a complete blank. "What did he say?"

  A spasm of revulsion mixed with pain drew his mouth into a grim line. "I don't remember the exact words, but he said to call him whenever you needed him again and you said…" He had trouble continuing. "You said he had been wonderful."

  Incredulity widened her eyes. "And you thought…" Suddenly anger consumed her and she was so furious she started to shake. "From those few innocent words you jumped to a loathsome conclusion and came charging in here to insult and degrade me!"

  He stood up and thrust his hands in his pockets. "They did not sound innocent."

  She sprang to her feet also. "I don't have to justify myself to you, but I won't have you spreading vile, unfounded rumors, so I'm going to tell you exactly what went on in this room tonight. John offered to fix my drapes because they wouldn't close properly. Come here." Grabbing his hand, she pulled him across the floor. "See those marks on the carpet? That's where he dragged the table over. Do you want me to stand on it so you can see that I couldn't reach it by myself?"

  He stared at her furious face and violent emotions were at war in him. "Is this the truth?"

  "Why would I lie?" she cried. "If I wanted to sleep with John or any other man, I would do it and it wouldn't be any of your business. But I don't and I haven't!"

  For the first time since she had known him, Kalim seemed uncertain. "When I heard what you said to him…"

  Jennifer ground her teeth together. "You heard me say, 'You're wonderful. What would I do without you?' Well, I guess it comes down to the old story about people not understanding each other. In my country that's another way of saying, 'Thank you, you did me a big favor.' "

  Kalim reached for her, groaning, "Jennifer, what can I possibly say to you? How can I apologize?"

  But she backed away. "You can't, and don't touch me! Don't ever touch me again."

  He put his arms around her, ignoring her protests. Holding her close in spite of her wild struggles, he stroked her hair gently. "I don't blame you, my darling, but I will make it up to you. It may take the rest of my life"—he kissed the tip of her nose and smiled into her angry eyes—"but that is a possibility devoutly to be desired."

  Jennifer's cheek was cradled against his hard shoulder and his caressing hands were beginning to have their familiar effect, but this time she was determined to resist. He would never get another chance to humiliate her, she promised herself fiercely.

  "I don't forgive you—not now or ever! I thought for a while that we could be friends, but I see now that even that is impossible. We don't understand each other and we have nothing in common."

  He kissed the delicate place behind her ear and she raised a shoulder to dislodge his mouth since she couldn't escape from his arms. But his lips strayed across her exposed throat and nibbled at the other ear.

  "We have this," he murmured.

  She pushed her palms against his chest and looked at him squarely. "I don't like you, Kalim, in spite of the fact that I'll admit I find you physically attractive."

  "That is a start." His eyes were filled with merriment as he ignored her anger.

  "No, it isn't. We've fought since the moment we met. Why won't you admit we're wrong for each other and stop tormenting me?"

  He cupped her chin in his hand and looked at her searchingly. "Have I been doing that?"

  "Yes, and I don't understand it! Surely you're not at a loss for female companionship. There are any number of girls who would be delighted to sleep with you." The image of Ayesha surfaced momentarily but she banished it. "Why me?"

  "Don't you know?" His eyes devoured her pleading face and she read desire in them… and something else. But what?

  "No, I don't," she whispered. "I don't know what you want from me."

  "I want to take care of you. Yes, I want you for myself, I admit it, but I would be s
o gentle with you, my darling." His arms folded her close and his words were muffled in her hair as he said savagely, "When I thought you had allowed John to have you, I couldn't stand it. I think I would kill any man who dared to touch you."

  The depth of his emotion was unmistakable and Jennifer thought she finally understood. Kalim admitted that he desired her, but he hadn't taken advantage of her innocence. He would have felt guilty for not watching over her more closely if John had seduced her. He meant well—she had to give him that. If only he could have felt something deeper…

  Jennifer sighed. "I appreciate your concern, Kalim, but you don't have to feel responsible for me. Of course, we both know you engineered this trip, but I'm a grown woman. If I had gotten into any trouble here, it would have been my own fault."

  "You think I was concerned because I feel responsible for you?"

  Her lashes fell before his molten look. "It's very commendable."

  "Jennifer, my darling, sit down." He led her to the couch and sat next to her, still holding her hand. "It is better this way. You are a small scrap of a girl, but no sane man could concentrate with you in his arms." Before continuing, he took out a cigarette and lit it, and the smoke spiraled upward like her heart.

  "I do not need to tell you that you are very beautiful. Many men have told you that." His eyes took in the tumbled gilt-colored hair and the jade-green eyes, so bright after their recent tears. "You must know how powerfully you affect me. I have been waiting… but perhaps I should ask you now." A slight frown puckered his forehead. Reaching for an ashtray, Kalim abruptly stubbed out his cigarette, and when he turned back to her, he inexplicably changed the subject. "Will you be glad to return to San Francisco?"

  "What?" The transition left her with the slightly dazed feeling that a door that had been about to open had been suddenly slammed shut. "Oh… yes, I guess… I mean, of course I will be."

  His face took on a shuttered look. "Yes, of course."

  "What was it you wanted to ask me, Kalim?"

  "It can wait." He smiled at her. "It is time I left you to your beauty sleep—although no one needs it less."

  His knuckle traced the line of her jaw and Jennifer stared at him with parted lips, wanting to know the question he hadn't asked. Something told her it was terribly important to find out now, but as she hesitated, he smoothed her hair gently before turning away. Jennifer followed him to the door, but it was too late—his hand was on the knob and he was halfway into the hall.

  "Kalim… ?"

  Taking her chin in his palm, he smiled warmly at her. Then his mouth covered hers in a kiss that was so sweet that Jennifer's heart swelled with pure love. She put her hands on his shoulders but he reached up and took them in his, saying, "Good night, little dove, sleep well."

  Neither of them noticed that the door across the hall was open just a crack. As Jennifer watched Kalim's retreating back, all of her attention was focused on him and conflicting emotions churned inside of her. After a long moment, she sighed and turned away, unaware of Ayesha's smoldering vicious stare.

  Chapter Ten

  Kalim was gone by the time Jennifer got to his suite the next morning and the turmoil within her was still present. After last night she wouldn't know what to say to him. The first part had been just plain awful, but his explanation and his tender treatment afterward had almost made it worthwhile.

  Jennifer's eyes grew dreamy as she remembered the taste of his lips on hers and the gentle stroking of those long, well-shaped fingers. With a shiver of pure bliss, she pushed the memory to the back of her mind and approached the desk.

  Today was the end of the conference, so they were pretty well caught up on work, but there were a few things to polish off. She did some typing, put all the reports and press releases in neat piles, and made a series of notes for Kalim, but after everything was done, it was still only early afternoon.

  At first she had been buoyed up by a feeling of euphoria, but as the clock ticked away, her spirits gradually sank, realizing her job was over and there would be nothing to keep her here. The time was near when Kalim would be sending her home.

  How could she bear not seeing him every day? A wild hope gripped her when she thought of how he had held her last night, but she knew it was wishful thinking to believe it would make any difference. Oh, he wanted her, all right—that much they shared in common. But she had love to offer and he had only desire.

  Jennifer swallowed the lump in her throat and renewed her vow to keep their parting light. She would make it easy for him. There would be no tears or pleas to keep in touch and write to her once in a while. A clean break would be more merciful. But it wouldn't stop her loving him and it wouldn't set her free. She knew with a bittersweet regret that he had destroyed any chance of her ever marrying any other man. Would she ever find anyone worthy to take Kalim's place in her heart or would they all be dwarfed by his giant shadow?

  That line of thought was madness. Soon she would be in tears, and what if Kalim came in and caught her crying? How did she propose to explain it this time? Jennifer squared her shoulders determinedly. Taking her cosmetic case out of her purse, she went into the bathroom to freshen up. With a little color on her pale cheeks and after running a comb through her hair, she looked and felt better.

  It wasn't necessary to stay cooped up all alone here. The work was finished and the switchboard would take Kalim's calls. Why not look on the positive side of things? There was a big, exciting city out there, and she might as well take advantage of this last chance to see it.

  Crossing the bridge that led from the Island of Roda to the city itself, Jennifer looked down at the sparkling Nile and knew she had made the right decision. There was so much she hadn't seen yet.

  Her destination was the Alabaster Mosque. Practically modern by Egyptian standards, construction on it was begun in 1830 by Mohammed Ali and completed more than twenty years later by Said. Jennifer had seen it from a distance because it dominated the northern heights of the Citadel, but viewed up close it was breathtaking. The stately rounded dome and twin minarets rose majestically above the courtyard and the huge doors were a masterpiece in themselves.

  The interior dwarfed her with its vastness and lofty vaulted ceilings. Only the hanging crystal globe lights were a jarring note, their modernity seeming intrusive. But nothing could really detract from the magnificence of the alabaster walls from which the mosque drew its name.

  Drifting out to the interior courtyard, Jennifer's eyes were beguiled by the rhythm of the countless archways flowing into each other in a soothing unbroken line. In this symmetrical, ordered world time had no meaning and she strolled the neat paths lost in visions of the past.

  Thinking she had seen it all but reluctant to leave, Jennifer wandered around the back, and the sight that greeted her caused an audible gasp of pleasure. Spread out before her dazzled eyes was all of Egypt, or so it seemed. In the distance were the Pyramids of Giza as well as those of Saqqara and Dahshur. In the opposite direction the Nile looked like a colored ribbon tying up skyscrapers, ancient mosques, and modern houses. The tombs of the Caliphs and Mamelukes were interspersed, waiting in their timeless way for this too to pass.

  She could have stood there for hours drinking in the beauty and the brooding mystery, but a duskiness in the sky warned her that it was getting late. Regretfully, she turned away to look for a taxi, promising herself that someday she'd return to this magic land.

  Jennifer was relaxed and pleasantly tired as she walked down the corridor of the hotel. She thought of stopping in Kalim's suite and then decided against it.

  She had left him a note, and if he wanted her he would call. Nothing prepared her for the events that were to take place next.

  As she approached Kalim's open door, Jennifer heard loud voices, but it meant nothing to her. Only when she recognized one of them as Ayesha's did she react, but she forced herself to keep going. However, Ayesha spied her and came flying out of the room.

  Grasping Jennifer's arm wit
h long red fingernails that dug into the flesh, she cried out triumphantly, "Here she is! Here's the little thief!"

  Jennifer was sure she hadn't heard correctly. "What did you say?"

  Kalim had followed Ayesha into the hall and now he dragged her away and shook her savagely, his face white with rage. "Will you stop making a fool of yourself?"

  Her black hair was tumbled in wild disarray, but her glittering eyes regarded him confidently. "You think so, do you? We will soon see who is the fool."

  "What's going on?" Jennifer asked helplessly.

  The dark girl whirled on her like an avenging angel. "As if you didn't know," she said contemptuously.

  "No, I don't know—why don't you tell me?" Jennifer's tone was icy. No matter how determined she was not to lose her temper, the other girl always set her teeth on edge.

  "Are you trying to deny that you stole my ruby bracelet?"

  "What?" Jennifer's gasp was the last of her breath. She felt as though someone had just tossed a medicine ball straight at her midrift.

  "Come inside," Kalim commanded, "both of you! We do not need to put on a display for the others on this floor."

  Jennifer followed him dumbly, her mind in turmoil.

  But once inside she turned to Ayesha. "What did you mean?"

  "I do not think I have to repeat it," Ayesha sneered. "You stole my bracelet. I saw you coming out of my room and I thought it was strange, but I decided not to say anything because Kalim has a blind spot where you are concerned." She shot him an angry look. "But this is just too much. If you do not return my property this instant, I am going to bring charges." Her eyes narrowed malevolently. "I do not think you would like an Egyptian prison, although it is what you deserve."

  "You must be crazy," Jennifer cried. "I was never in your room and I don't know anything about your stupid bracelet."


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