Shared Between Them

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Shared Between Them Page 8

by Korey Mae Johnson

  “Good girl, it's okay now…” Taric cooed as he continued to press into her. He quickly found her barrier and held her slightly tighter with one arm as he gave a firm thrust forward with his hips.

  “Armph!” she cried around Draevan's cock. Both men began to pet her consolingly, making shushing noises.

  Her body froze again, and a pained look appeared on her face. For a second, Taric feared that he'd hurt her, but then he felt her muscles clench down on him in rapid succession, her hips bucked under his groin.

  Suddenly, everything unraveled. Draevan and Taric both roared out curses—they were coming, all three of them, at the same time. He had never even heard of this; it was rare enough for two people to come at the same time, let alone it happening in a threesome.

  Not that he was really thinking deeply about the strange occurrence—he felt for a moment like he had turned to mush, and when he came to his senses, he was ashamed.

  He hadn't even bottomed out in her; he had only just finished breaking her hymen when they'd come.

  He pet the side of her thigh, expecting her to break out into tears at any moment, especially because Draevan had emptied into her mouth, but it never came. Draevan broke the silence by saying, “Alright, love,” and gently pushing her away from him lest she cause him pain. She had still been suckling… And she had actually swallowed Draevan's seed without any need for Draevan’s urging.

  Taric cursed himself, slowly pulled out of her, and then lay down on the bed, pulling her up against his chest. “Wait—wait,” Draevan said, confused. “You're… Done? Already? Lords, man! You barely just started!”

  “I noticed that she wasn't sucking your cock for a substantial amount of time either,

  Cousin,” Taric replied tersely.

  Kyra suddenly reached up and grabbed Draevan's arm, pulling him down with her. He happily embraced her, cuddling her into his arms. “You tasted good,” she told him in a tired murmur. “So… good…” She slowly pressed her cheek to Draevan’s chest and began to kiss, and then, when he didn’t pull away from her, she even nibbled. Her body twitched involuntarily, and she wiggled her hot bottom against Taric's groin, trying to grind her wetness against him, but she made a sound when kissing Draevan that sounded like a low purring.

  “Okay, my sexy little elfling, there's time for that later,” Draevan told her teasingly, pulling a few strands of her white hair away from her face and securing it behind her ear. “Go to sleep.”

  “I'm not tired,” she said, hunkering her head against Taric's extended arm, but a second after she closed her eyes, the purring sound she made while sleeping was deep enough for Taric to feel the vibration against his chest.

  “She must have enjoyed herself,” Draevan said. “Despite your poor performance.”

  Taric's eyes narrowed, and he adjusted his body up so he could look over her head and properly glare at his cousin. “You're just jealous that you didn't take her maidenhead,” he told him aloofly.

  “I'm not jealous of shit. Did you see the way she sucked cock? She has the eyes of an angel and the mouth of a tavern wench. By the end I had to pull her off me!” He grinned proudly, then he shook his head. “Searching for her the last month has been entirely worth it. I nearly lost my mind when she was scaling down the side of the castle, though,” he added with a frown.

  “I did, too, but—now that danger has passed—I'm proud of her. Even if all the elves looked as good as Kyra, she would still be the best choice. Say something happens to both of us—she has enough savvy to get our children somewhere safe. And we have to think about this, Draevan, because if you think the Dark Wizard hasn’t heard about us killing the giant yet, he will soon enough. He's not deaf, blind, or stupid. If he hasn’t heard of the prophecy yet, it doesn’t mean he never will. And when he does, he might try to do something about it. We have to keep her safe until our sons come of age.”

  “The prophecy is made. Our son will kill him. You can't change fate,” Draevan said, shaking his head.

  “Yet we were frightened enough about Kyra when she was a slip away from plummeting to her death,” he reminded. “There's always a chance, Draevan, that things won't fall into place like we hope, and the Dark Wizard is not going to just sit in the North and wait for the Chosen One to come and lop his head off,” Taric reminded. “This has to be played perfectly. Remember, there's nothing that says that any of us survive very far as soon as we get her with child. From here on out, we really don't know what the future will hold. Not really. Hell, there’s no true guarantee that any of us are involved in the prophecy. I’m still not fully convinced, myself.”

  “When are you convinced of anything?” Draevan grumbled and petted his fingers through Kyra's hair. Taric rumbled, “The elves don’t seem to know the prophesies, and she doesn’t know it. I don’t see any reason to burden her with that sort of information. Despite that, the plan remains the same. We have to get her with-child… A whole brood, if we can manage it.”

  “I,” Draevan said slyly, “can manage it. You? That's another story.”

  “Don't be an ass, Draevan,” Taric grumbled with an eye roll. “This won't happen again. It was so odd—I seriously didn't think I was so close, and then she came, and—”

  Draevan nodded. “Strangely, same for me. I knew I was close, you know, it felt terrific… But I had no idea I was that… close…” Draevan's words drifted off.

  A revelation had come to both of them…

  “You don’t think…” Draevan drawled. “You don't think that the binding ceremony… that it's… magic, do you? Like it would bind us in that way?”

  Taric shook his head firmly. “No, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.”

  “Why?” Draevan asked, narrowing his eyes. “Ever hear of a simultaneous three-way orgasm? I haven't. I wouldn't have even believed it had I not been there. Besides, you have to admit, when she had stopped in her tracks on scaling down the side of the castle, we were suddenly both worried for her at the same time.”

  “Coincidence, Draevan, is one thing you have no patience for,” Taric replied, nuzzling his nose into Kyra's hair.

  “Obviousness, Taric,” he grouched back, “is something that you have no patience for.”

  “I see nothing obvious in this situation,” Taric replied.

  “Obviously,” Draevan replied, his tone bitter.

  Taric grumbled, and then reopened an eye. “Fine,” he groaned. “I’m sure we’ll find time to experiment.”

  Chapter Four

  Between her exhaustion, the softness of the bed underneath her, the warmth of the bodies next to her on either side, and being so satiated, Kyra was certain that she had never slept so well. When she woke up, she was starving yet, physically, she was feeling much better. She felt far less forlorn than she had been before.

  If it wasn't for the burning in her bottom, the pain still throbbing within the rim of her anus, or the gentle soreness between her legs, she wouldn't have believed that all that had happened wasn’t just a dream.

  So much pain, so much humiliation… Yet the zealous way she had been taken afterwards was alarmingly addicting. Towards the end, she hadn’t wanted it to stop. Despite the fact that she hated them for what they’d subjected her to, she couldn’t stop herself from soaking in their attention. And it wasn’t as though she were blind to the good looks of her husbands, nor was she able to ignore how good their touches had felt. The force of her first orgasm was nearly unsettling—for a few minutes she’d completely lost all sense of self. She wasn’t a person in that moment; she felt like a well-fucked simple-minded animal who only wanted to curl up somewhere warm and settle in her mate’s warmth.

  Even pleasuring Draevan with her mouth hadn’t been loathsome and disgusting like she thought it’d be. In her invisible state she had heard, and once even seen, a woman giving oral pleasure to a man before, but she thought it must be the most disgusting thing.

  But Draevan's skin was actually… well, tasty. He tasted sweet, and wh
en she got a small taste of precum seeping out of his little hole, she immediately felt the urge to milk more out of him. It was delicious nectar to her, just like a salty type of honey.

  Come to think of it, she remembered salivating when she thought of her husbands' kisses. Kisses also tasted good in their own way, but were less salty and more like wine than honey.

  Even now, as she smelt Draevan's breath against her cheek as he slept, her mouth began to water, and she fought the urge to nuzzle her nose across his cheek. Hmmm, possibly it was important she eat soon. Maybe she was so hungry that everything smelt good and seemed satisfying, even sex and kisses.

  Leaving the bed was impossible, however. She was well-trapped between them; she couldn’t get up without waking one or both of them. She would have to wait.

  She watched Draevan’s chest rise and fall as he slept and the way his eyes rapidly moved under his lids. After a moment, she found herself staring at his lips. Surely, his kisses wouldn’t feel so good today? She was less tired and more in her right mind after all…

  She stretched her leg over Draevan's and slowly arched her neck to work her way up to his parted lips. She thought he was still sleeping until the next moment, when he put his large, rough hand upon her breast, and kissed her back deeply, kneading her flesh in a soft, pulsing grip.

  Yep, he was definitely scrumptious. He looked over her head, and then slowly pulled her off of Taric's arm as he slept, positioning her body under his own body, supporting himself with an elbow on each side of her face. Slowly, he spread her naked legs apart until he found himself half-kneeling, half lying between them. He returned to kissing her—not just on the lips, but all along her neck and her shoulders.

  Lord, this was wrong. This was so wrong; her bottom had been so punished hours ago that the soft sheets pained her as they rubbed across the skin, grating her like sandpaper. She shouldn't have forgiven them for that, but when Draevan had told her how important she was—not just to them, but the world—it had softened her to them both, even though she had been cursing their names to the high-heavens before that.

  She never thought she would ever get married and bear children. She was too ugly, after all… But perhaps that was all a matter of perspective. Most elves found humans unattractive, but she had spent so little time with her own kind (besides her brothers, who were honestly as human-like as she was), that she could look at Draevan or Taric and see them for the handsome humans they were. They were strong, powerful. They were smart enough and quick enough to catch her in the first place, and for lamb's sake—they were giant killers!

  Draevan parted her knees even more, and she felt him put his thickness against her sore, moist entrance. She hitched a breath. He was so large… that's one of the only things she had been thinking when she was suckling him; how it almost didn't fit in her mouth. And, if that was the case, how was it ever going to fit inside of her body?

  “Wrap your arms around my neck,” Draevan whispered to her softly, driving her mad by rubbing the soft head against her swollen clitoris. “I'm not going to hurt you, Kyra. Trust me.”

  He must have noticed worry and apprehension on her face. She took a deep breath and, not finding another way around it, slowly looped her arms around his neck.

  He flicked his member across her entrance and then slowly guided its head inside of her. She could feel every groove and every vein of his overwhelming thickness. It wasn't too deep inside before he put his elbows back by her head and thrust his hips into her. At first, it didn't slide in so easily, and a focused expression appeared on his face, as if putting his length entirely inside of her tight sheath was a challenge he would successfully attempt come hell or high water.

  It pinched and burned as he navigated through the sensitive area, and she forgot to stifle her whimper. He paused and readjusted, spreading her thighs further apart to ease the pain of his entry. For a very long moment, he stilled inside of her and let her accommodate to his thickness. He brought his lips down to the ultra-sensitive point on her ear and then kissed and nibbled down the rim of it, until he was sucking on her earlobe. “Is it beginning to feel good?” he asked her huskily. It was as if he knew, for a certainty, that her answer would be affirmative.

  His voice was still quiet, as if he didn't want to wake Taric. She looked over and saw that Taric had rolled over onto his back, but he was still sleeping and even snoring slightly. It felt somehow naughty to have sex with Draevan without Taric at least watching on with approval…

  “Look at me,” he directed. “I want to see those beautiful eyes of yours.” She shifted her glance back up at him. He growled in the back of his throat, and his hips started their thrusts again. “You know what you need, my little slut? A-good-solid-fuck-ing.”

  She gasped as he thrust hard into her. He was so deep already, so thick.

  She felt her chest tightening and her breath hitched. “Don't,” he said, suddenly catching her chin with his fingers. “Listen to me right now—don't you come, or I'll spank your ass for you, slut. That's an order.”

  Her face flushed. “I'm not a slut,” she hissed at him. She remembered Taric calling her that before as well, and she was too lust-drunk to argue. He could have called her anything, and it would have made her purr.

  He didn't stop thrusting, and his words ground out, “You're one in the making. All ours… Our little elf-slut. Soon you're going to crave our cock, wife. You're going to need it like food, water, and air,” he promised her. He groaned, “You're so fucking tight…” He groaned again and lowered his head to her ear again. “Do you feel that? I'm all the way inside of you. Doesn't it feel good? Doesn’t it feel right?” He pressed forward, growling like a beast. “You were born for this. You were born to take my cock, just like you’re doing now…”

  She stifled a shudder; it felt so good that every nerve was on fire. She pressed her lips closed, stubborn. She didn't want to please him by saying something he wanted to hear when he was being so rough-worded.

  He nibbled her bottom lip and then pulled nearly his entire length from her; she was worrying that it was ending so soon, but then he just rammed it right back into her. She cried out and sank her nails into his shoulders. Gods, it felt like it was hitting her womb!

  “You are so sexy when you cry out,” he told her before he did it again. After she moaned in pleasure, he said, “You can tell me how much you like being my little slut. Go ahead, wife. Say it.”

  She wasn't planning on it, but as he thrust into her over and over again, she began to feel more and more lust-drunk. She was losing control. “Yeah… Yes…” she panted inanely. She felt herself build up to orgasm; she felt it, and she was driven to get there. But it was as if he knew, and he was punishing her for not playing his game. He slowed to a halt. “No!” she growled, gritting her teeth.

  “Tell me you like being my little slut, sweet, and I'll let you come,” he told her patiently, a grin appearing on his lips.

  “I hate you,” she growled, and tried to grind her hips on him, attempting to imitate his thrusts in a mirror-image of his own past movements. She was sure it was coming off as desperate, because his grin widened. She bit her lip and then growled, “I like being your…” She swallowed.

  “My little slut,” he drawled.

  “Your… Your little slut,” she stammered out.

  Finally, he pushed himself back into her. It felt wonderful. Her eyes rolled back with pleasure and fulfillment as his thrusts were once again hard and steady. “That your breasts are mine,” he growled as he grabbed one of her breasts, and she knew he was playing a game with her, one she couldn't ignore. His movements felt too perfect.

  “My breasts are yours,” she repeated, then gasped when he squeezed her hot, welted bottom.

  “Your ass is mine.”

  “My ass… is yours…”

  “Your pussy is mine.”

  “All yours,” she assured.

  “You're all mine, all of Taric's. We'll share you between us—any way we please.”
  “Yes, yes—gods!” she whimpered. He seemed to temper himself in a way that made her ride along the edge of passion without letting her fall in. “More!”

  “I’m going to put a baby in you, elfling. That’s what I’m going to do,” he promised, his beastly growling nearly making it sound like a threat. Somehow, the idea was even more erotic. She didn’t know why, but somehow the thought of getting pregnant from this tryst made her insane with lust. Draevan began to fuck her harder and faster; her breasts bounced violently with every thrust, her pussy felt sore even as she was taking him in, yet she could feel herself finally get there. “Draevan!”

  “Come for me,” he ordered her, and surprisingly, she did. His fists bunched the bedspread by her head, and he winced and then groaned. He looked nearly in pain as her muscles clenched violently down on his cock; and in response his cock pulsed, feeling like it was expanding and retracting inside of her. She could actually feel his hot cum flowing into her womb, and it felt wonderful. A strange and new satisfaction saturated her entire body.

  She panted, but she didn't feel as tired as Draevan suddenly looked. He rolled off of her.

  “Wrong side,” Taric groaned, sounding disgusted to be touched by another naked man, but in a way that made it seem like Draevan had done that in the past—rolled over on him.

  Draevan grunted with surprise and then rolled back to the other side of her.

  “Do you share women often?” she asked, rolling unto her tummy and getting up on her elbows.

  Taric smirked and shifted his body to his side, “I suppose, yes. There are the rare times when one of us isn't in the mood, but… We share more often than not.” He looked over at Draevan. “You were wrong, by the way,” he told him.

  Draevan grumbled with displeasure.


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