BDSMing the Brat: ** 20 Book ** Taboo BDSM MEGA BUNDLE

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BDSMing the Brat: ** 20 Book ** Taboo BDSM MEGA BUNDLE Page 21

by Sarah Sethline

  "Is there ANY way you can get the milk out so it doesn't hurt?"

  She was looking up at me with the most pitiful, puppy dog eyes ever.

  "I think the reason it must hurt so bad is because you're young, still a teen," I thought aloud.

  "And you're breasts are artificially filled – it's not like they're full for a purpose."

  "For... for what purpose would they be filled?" asked my innocent, naïve daughter.

  "Why, if you were pregnant with a baby, of course, or had just given birth," I explained.

  "I'd guess your tits wouldn't be hurting so badly if they were producing milk naturally."

  "Really?" replied Laney, slowly and hopefully, as if the potential relief from pregnancy was something to seriously consider.

  I nodded as I sat down on the bed beside her and attempted to adjust the pump to make her more comfortable.

  "Well, that doesn't really help me now, Daddy. What are we going to – ouch! -- … do in the meantime?"

  Laney was right. We couldn't keep forcing the pump onto her when it obviously wouldn't take. It was senseless to have her keep suffering at the hand of such an inefficient method.

  Well, if not via a pump, just how were we to get the milk out of my daughter's breasts?

  It's not like we could just leave it... to do so would cause plenty of problems on its own.

  After much debate, I realized the only other way would be to extract the goods manually… if I were to suck the bothersome beverage straight from the source!

  But… would my daughter go for it?

  She wasn't exactly versed on the boundaries of what was appropriate sexually, especially between a daddy and daughter, but I still worried that even she would be able to pick up on there being something "off" about the whole thing.

  "Honey," I started.

  Laney's pretty face perked up as I slid the pump off of her tired tits. Her poor nipples looked inflamed and shot and completely irritated.

  "There is another way, but it's, uh… a little unconventional."

  "What is it, Daddy? I'm up for anything! Oh, please, please tell me, Daddy," exclaimed Laney.

  "Well, you know there's two ways to milk a cow, right, honey? You can either hook it up to a machine – much like your breast pump – or you can…"

  "… do it by hand?" finished my topless princess.

  I looked my daughter straight in the eye and spoke slowly.


  With shaking hands, I reached out and carefully cupped my strong hands onto her big, tender breasts, which felt every bit as luscious as they looked. I couldn't stop myself from staring as I softly rotated them in my hands, completely awestruck.

  My god! I was touching my young daughter's soft, gorgeous, milky breasts! I could feel my entire being beginning to shake uncontrollably.

  "The thing is," I told Laney as I pushed and rubbed her oversized, dribbling tits.

  "It might still hurt if I were to extract the milk by squeezing with my hands. The only way I can honestly see it not hurting is if I were to use my mouth to get it out."

  "Your… mouth?" whispered Laney as she watched my hands intently, reveling in the feel of me massaging her tits.

  "Yes, honey, you know, if I were to gently suck it out," I explained, her pretty pink nips growing hard between my fingers.

  "Mmmm... aaahhh... ohhhh," moaned my daughter as she attempted to contemplate my proposition, a task made difficult by the pleasure I was bringing her body.

  I'd never thought of myself as one who was deranged sexually; a pervert. Before today, I'd never thought about my little girl -- or anyone else in her age bracket, for that matter -- in "that way". But there was just something about cupping such bountiful breasts in my hands, ones that jiggled in ways that "normal" tits couldn't, that completely consumed me. I soon realized I was hard as a fucking rock, pre-cum slipping out of my tip as I fought desperately to will these inappropriate feelings from my skull.

  This was nuts. She's your daughter, you perv!

  But my cock didn't care. I kept manipulating each tit and praying I'd be allowed to lean over and slide one of her hard little nipples into my mouth, and SOON. I was steadily losing control at that point.

  As my fingers grazed the sensitive flesh of her tips, my daughter emitted a soft gasp. My eyes stayed locked on the sight of each quivering tit as she drew in sharp breaths. I moved to rub my cock against the fabric of my pants, wishing desperately that it could instead be rubbing against her tits. I pinched each nipple lightly, totally engrossed by the mounds of flesh in my hands.

  "You doin' okay?" I asked my daughter, who'd done nothing but moan for the last several moments.

  "Mm-hmm," murmured Laney, clearly taken with the way I was plumping and caressing her tits.

  I'd done everything in my power to try NOT to think wrongful thoughts about the gorgeous tits in my hands, but medically speaking, my mouth on her nips was a question that needed answering.

  "So, uh… have you decided, honey? Do you want your daddy to try and suck the milk out?" I asked as I continued to pet, fondle, and squeeze her peaks.

  "It's either that or… the breast pump," I quickly added, hoping to sway her into making the decision in MY favor.

  My daughter scrunched her nose up and shook her head fervently, the pain the device had caused still fresh in her mind.

  "I… I guess we could try it, Daddy," agreed Laney, who looked relieved that there was even another option available.

  "What do I have to do?"

  My mouth was beginning to water as I watched her pretty nipples pucker up and grow darker, responding to my touch.

  "You don't have to do anything except lie back and relax," I told my daughter.

  "Let Daddy take care of you. Let him make you feel ALLL better."

  Laney did just as I'd suggested, once again settling back into the embrace of her trusty, fluffy pillow. She'd even closed her eyes, her faith now completely in me.

  I cast my gaze back to her giant, silky orbs, lightly tracing my fingertips all over her youthful skin. When I reached the area where her tits met her ribs, I flipped my hands and stroked upwards using the backs of my palms. The second my knuckles brushed over her sensitive circles, my little girl let out a contented moan.

  My eyes flew to her face, seeing her lying there, mouth open, licking her lips, then swallowing heavily. I took this as a sign she wanted more and began tweaking her perfect little buds between my fingers. I held one breast in my hand while I rubbed the nipple of the other, squeezing it with varying degrees of pressure, making it harder and harder.

  To my amazement, I watched the nip I was playing with begin to open and close like a tiny mouth, beads of white peeking through like a faucet that was about to drip. I could sense my dick mirroring the action as strings of pre-cum dribbled out, leaking into my pants. I couldn't help but reach into my jeans and give my cock a quick rub, adjusting it to a more comfortable position as it strained against its confines to thrust into her pussy.

  Before Laney could notice I was fondling her one-handed, I returned my wandering fingers to the heavenly feel of her cleavage, rotating her nipples and the surrounding soft skin of her jugs harder and faster.

  My daughter gasped and moaned, "I think something's starting to happen, Daddy."

  Her milk was, indeed, starting to seep out in trickles, quite a bit more than it had with the pump.

  "It's alright, baby. Daddy's got you," I said calmly, eyes locked with unwavering focus on the epic sight before me.

  The more I sat there manipulating her big breasts, the more I found myself rubbing against the bed, desperate to try and net some relief for my poor hard cock. I simply couldn't stand it anymore -- I needed to have her in my mouth.

  "Is it okay if I start sucking now, Princess? You're really starting to leak."

  "Uh-huh," nodded Laney, eyes still shut, as if she were drinking in the bliss.

  Very slowly, I lowered my face down to my daughter's tits. I tu
rned my head side to side, nuzzling into her with my cheeks. Her big, bulbous breasts felt insanely soft brushed up against my slightly-rough mug. It was a sensation that caused my mouth to go agape on instinct, relishing this heroin-like hit of pure ecstasy.

  OH GOD. Oh my god, was all I could think as my mouth turned to hone in on the nearest nipple. I slid my tongue out, stretching, reaching for the tip of my daughter's nipple.

  That first contact I made was glorious. I was able to taste just the slightest hint of her milk with the tip of my tongue on the tip of her tit, and I was already addicted. I circled her nipple using my tongue once, twice, then gently slipped it between my lips.

  Her teat was hard as a fucking rock as I massaged it with my tongue, getting a feel for this forbidden treat. Without even really trying, I felt the first dribbles of my daughter's milk flow onto my tongue, hot and fresh and surprisingly sweet.

  It was unlike any milk I'd had before; light and slightly nutty, like warm cinnamon toast.

  As I drew my mouth in deeper and started to suckle her more and more, all self-restraint flew out the window. Her delightful drink was getting creamier by the gulp; its consistency growing thicker the longer and harder I sucked. One hand held her engorged tit-meat while the other pawed away at my groin.

  "Daddy! I think it's working!" gasped Laney as another squirt of warm tit juice flowed into my mouth.

  I drew harder on her little pink bud, lips suctioned around as much tit as could fit. I lapped up another delicious spurt as Laney bucked her tits against me.

  "Daddy, there's more! I can feel more coming!!" exclaimed my daughter as she wriggled in place, jostling her engorged breasts.

  "Mmmmmmmm," I mumbled with contentment as I continued to chug her creamy goodness, so fatty and filling.

  With each pulse of her sweet warm liquid, my cock tensed more and more, until I'd reached my brink and was shooting in time with my daughter's spurts. With each new flood of her fresh, creamy drink, my cock would push a load of cum out, soaking my front in a way that would be hard to hide later.

  Eventually, the flow from Laney's breasts started to let up, finally granting me some relief from the elixir I would have otherwise been glued to all day. I unlatched my lips slowly, brushing into her nipple with my nose and rubbing her breasts with my hands softly.

  "How do they feel, baby?" I asked carefully, doing everything in my power to conceal the soaked spot around my crotch.

  My daughter's eyes fluttered open as she sat up and gave me a huge smile.

  "Much better!" she replied cheerily.

  "It feels like a tremendous pressure has been lifted. Now we'll never have to go back to that mean ol' nasty pump, EVER again!"

  I gave a big swallow as I contemplated all the pump-free milkings that lie ahead of us. Laney intended to live at home once she began college, which meant four more years of her engorged tits being MY problem, at least!

  My cock was standing at attention once again, the mere thought of the next time I'd get to suck her tits too much to bear.

  How in the world would I'd be able to get through this necessary chore ravishing only my daughter's breasts, and not her pussy as well?


  As we were both getting ready for work the next morning, my wife briefly asked how my "session" with Laney had gone.

  "Uh... um, well--" I started, yelling at myself inside my head to just play cool.

  "There were some difficulties with the pump at first, but we figured out a way to make it work."

  No way in hell I was about to admit the "solution" involved milking her daughter's tits with my mouth!

  "Good," responded Sharon, who was gathering her keys about to head out.

  "Consider it your responsibility from now on."

  I opened my mouth in an attempt to protest, worried that Laney's other parts would soon find a way into my mouth. I quickly closed it when I realized the alternatives were far more painful for my daughter than a case of blue balls was for me.


  With the knowledge that my daughter's "problem" was now entirely -- and quite literally -- in my hands, I decided it was important to pay a visit to ensure she wouldn't talk.

  "Knock knock, honey," I announced as I entered my daughter's bedroom.

  Not even two steps inside her room, I was shocked to see the sight of Laney perched on her bed topless, wearing only a skirt and knee socks as she tousled her tits in her hands. It was a sight that caused me to stiffen on the spot, watching her gently squeeze her breasts with a look of intense determination.

  "Uh... a-hem," I managed to choke out, startling my hot daughter.

  "Oh, Daddy, you scared me!" giggled Laney, who didn't seem embarrassed at all by what I'd walked in on.

  "Sorry, sweetie. Uh, how are your breasts feeling?" I mumbled as my eyes struggled to wander elsewhere.

  "They feel full again, Daddy! I didn't want to risk spilling out at school, so I thought I'd try milking them myself," explained Laney as she fought to expel any amount of relief.

  "And, uh... how's that going for you, honey?" I asked carefully, eyes shifting between her over-full breasts and the floor.

  "Not good at all!" she cried, giving an exasperated sigh.

  "I hate to bother you again, Daddy, but I think you need to do it."

  My daughter looked tired and frustrated and frankly, helpless in a way I couldn't ignore.

  "Oh, it's no bother, honey," I told her, licking my lips.

  "Believe me when I say I'm happy to help."

  VERY happy.

  "But, um... we can't tell your mom how we've been getting the milk out, okay?"

  "Why not, Daddy?" asked my daughter innocently, eyes wide and curious.

  Because the only tits I was supposed to be sucking were HERS.

  "Because we paid a lot of money for that breast pump, and she'd be upset if she knew we weren't using it."

  "Even though it hurts me, Daddy?" asked Laney, her head cocked to one side.

  "Yeah, darlin'. Your mom can be a bit... unreasonable at times. So let's keep what we've been doing our special daddy-daughter secret, okay, Princess?"

  "Alright, Daddy," agreed Laney, giving a firm nod of approval.

  I helped my baby girl situate her pillows so she'd be comfortable for her second sucking. As I moved to sit down beside her, the familiar sensation of anticipation mixed with arousal flooded my senses. To my surprise, I found my hands shaking once again as I reached for her perfect, swollen titties.

  As I began to grope them, I couldn't help but compare her soft, full, bouncy jugs to every other pair of breasts I'd ever handled… especially her mom's. God, they were so much better!

  Here I was, hard once again in the midst of a situation that was supposed to be purely medical (or at least familial). What kind of sick fuck was I, my cock unable to distinguish that the tits before me were supposed to be off-limits.

  As I squeezed and milked each breast, my fingertips gently grazing her nipples, I noticed Laney's breathing was getting more shallow. I glanced up and saw her watching me, her eyes glazed with pleasure.

  "You alright, Princess?"

  "Yeah, Daddy," she replied.

  "What you're doing to me… it feels really good."

  I gulped and swallowed nervously.

  Great! So much for me maintaining any distance.

  It was one thing to have my own twisted thoughts floating around in my brain, but to hear my daughter MOANING for it?

  I continued manipulating her orbs, squeezing softly in a milking motion, rolling each tit around and around. Before long I switched focus and moved to hone in on her nubs. As I carefully tweaked her hard little teats, Laney gasped and shivered.

  "Still doin' okay, babe?" I asked hesitantly, wanting to stop now if she was the slightest bit uncomfortable, before my cock lost all control.

  "Yesssss," she hissed contently.

  I sensed my eyes growing wider as the tiniest dots of white formed on her n
ipples. My mouth began to water and my tongue began to tingle, remembering the taste.

  I decided to give my attention to her left breast this time, since I'd delighted more in her right during our first session. I resumed my careful squeezing, circling her bud with just enough force to watch the milk start to leak down.

  I got between her legs and sort of half laid down, my cock pushing against her mattress as my upper body stayed elevated, straining for the sweet flow of her drink. With my torso pressed against hers, I cocked my head and took her nipple into my mouth, desperately sucking with the same hunger as a newborn.


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