Long Road Home

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Long Road Home Page 1

by Chandra Ryan

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Long Road Home

  Copyright 2015 by Chandra Ryan

  ISBN: 978-1-61333-909-1

  Cover art by Fiona Jayde

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.

  Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven


  Black Hills Wolves Stories/Decadent Recent Releases

  Wolf’s Return

  What a Wolf Wants

  Black Hills Desperado

  Wolf’s Song

  Claiming His Mate

  When Hell Freezes

  Portrait of a Lone Wolf

  Alpha in Disguise

  A Wolf’s Promise

  Reluctant Mate

  Diamond Moon

  Wolf on a Leash

  Tempting the Wolf

  Naming His Mate

  A Wolf Awakens

  The Wolf and the Butterfly

  Infiltrating Her Pack

  Omega’s Heart

  Raven’s Claw

  Claiming the She-Wolf

  Worth Fighting For



  Promiscuous Wolf

  Disquieted Souls

  A Cougar Among Wolves

  Long Road Home

  A Mate’s Healing Touch

  Winter Solstice Run

  Wolf’s Holiday

  Winter Magic

  Winter Secrets

  Winter Ménage

  Wolf in Winter Clothing

  Also by Chandra Ryan

  Reluctant Mate

  A Note From the Author

  Dear Readers,

  I’m so happy and honored to be returning to Los Lobos and the Black Hill Wolves. Hank and Thom’s story is one about trust, acceptance, and family. They have to overcome a lot of obstacles to be together. I think that’s why their story spoke to me and asked to be written. I hope you enjoy reading Long Road Home.

  Chandra Ryan


  Long Road Home

  Thom is suspicious, flirty, and—worst of all—human. He believes the whole town of Los Lobos is one large cult. And if that isn’t bad enough, somebody seems determined to kill him. The man might as well have a huge, Do Not Touch sign painted on his back.

  None of that stops Hank from wanting the farmer the moment they meet. Just because he wants something, however, doesn’t mean he’s going to get it. He learned that lesson early on in life. Thanks to his sexual orientation, he’ll never find the one thing every Wolf craves: a pack. Best for him to do his job and get back on the road.

  But time spent with a human can do funny things to a Wolf. Especially a human as addictive as Thom.

  Long Road Home

  Black Hills Wolves


  Chandra Ryan

  Chapter One

  Drew, the new Alpha of the Tao Pack, made his case to Hank. Coming back to the pack would be good for Hank. He had missed belonging somewhere since Magnum, his last Alpha, exiled him. Exile had been awful but had it also taught him some valuable lessons—self-reliance being the most important. He didn’t know if he was ready to trade his independence to appease his need to fit in.

  “If I come back to the pack….” Hank kept his gaze trained on Drew’s hands. Drew may not be his Alpha yet, but he was Alpha and he’d been a decent enough guy in their youth. He deserved the respect of a lowered gaze. “If I come back, what guarantees are you willing to give me?”

  “Same as every other Wolf living in Los Lobos. A new start.” Drew leaned forward, and Hank caught the inviting aroma that always surrounded the Alpha. Back in their school days, he had imagined he’d had feelings for the man. Now he knew that hadn’t been the case. He’d mixed up respect, admiration, and pack loyalty with something else. Everything about those years had been confusing and mixed up for him. “Acceptance.”

  Hank’s heart stuttered at the word. As simple as concept as acceptance might be, he’d never actually found it, and he was wary of how easily Drew offered it to him. “Acceptance, huh? You don’t, by any chance, know why your daddy kicked me to the curb all those years ago, do you?”

  A soft growl rolled from Drew. He understood the anger. If their roles were reversed, he wouldn’t want to be reminded of the monster who had been the pack’s last Alpha either. Still, he had to ask the question. The challenge could prove to be dangerous for him, but the risk had been a carefully calculated one. He needed to know Drew and his old man weren’t cut from the same cloth. If they were, the meeting had been a waste of time.

  He glanced up to gauge how angry the Drew had become. If he were about to retaliate, Hank needed to be ready. Instead of finding Drew half crazed, as he had feared, he found the man to be remarkably calm. The one soft growl was the only indication the question struck a nerve. An Alpha capable of self-control would be a nice change of pace. The only Alpha he’d ever had was Magnum. He’d been on his own since he’d left.

  “Nope. If it doesn’t put my pack in any danger, I don’t give a shit why Magnum exiled you.”

  His secret definitely didn’t endanger anyone. “You have my word it doesn’t.”

  “Then, as far as I’m concerned, we’re good. If you remember correctly, I was exiled as well. Several members of the pack found themselves in the same situation. You’ll find yourself in good company should you decide to come back.”

  “What would you want me to do? If I came back?” His stomach cramped with nerves. Everybody in the pack had to serve a purpose. They had to fill a need. Nobody had needed him in a decade. The skills his family had been known for in Los Lobos were rusty at best. “I haven’t practiced carpentry since I left. I can still swing a hammer, but I’m out of practice.”

  “We do need help rebuilding, but that’s not the most pressing need right now.”

  Hank couldn’t imagine what would be more important than rebuilding the town. Sure, a lot of progress had already been made. With the influx of Wolves, they would need more housing at the very least. “What does the pack need, then?”

  “We need food, building supplies, and oil. As our pack gets larger, we need more of everything, and we need it all delivered on a regular schedule.”

  He relaxed as Drew’s words sank in. “You need a trucker.” He’d started driving a rig a year after he’d left the Black Hills. If the pack needed someone to run supplies for them, he had those skills.

  “We need a Wolf trucker. Those are rare.”

  Wolves lived for pack and home. He would be willing to concede finding one willing to spend days, if
not weeks, on their own traveling across country would be difficult. “They’re not unheard of. I’ve met other Wolf truckers over the years. There is a handful of Wolves out there who are loners and nomadic.”

  “I need someone I can trust. We’ve made a lot of progress, but it’s a fragile progress. A nomadic Wolf is more likely to betray us than someone from our pack. You were exiled, but you have blood here. Your friends are still here. You would never betray them.”

  Drew had a point, but he hadn’t managed to sell Hank on the idea of coming back. “There are people I care about here, but it’s not like this place is all sunshine and rainbows for me. The past is in the past, but it casts a shadow. You seem like a good Alpha, but I’m not sure I’m ready to walk through the shadow for you.”

  “I understand what you’re saying. You’re not sure if you trust us. We threw you away once, what’s to stop us from doing it again?”

  He laughed drily at how close the comment struck to home. “Something like that.”

  “We might be start on a trial basis. You could work for us without officially rejoining the pack. Of course, Ryker would be keeping an eye on you during the trial. If it goes well and I prove I’m not the Alpha Magnum was, we can revisit the idea of you coming back to the pack.”

  He nodded. He didn’t like the pack’s Enforcer, Ryker. The thought of the man checking up on him filled the pit of his stomach with dread. He understood the need for extra security, however. “I could work with those terms.”

  Drew breathed out a sigh that sounded remarkably as if it were filled with relief. “Good to hear.”

  “When would I start?”

  “Today soon enough?”

  He glanced up at Drew. He couldn’t be serious. Could he? “Today?”

  “My people need food.” His smile held a hint of strain. “A lot of food. I’ve found a local farmer, and we’ve come to an agreement but, for obvious reasons, I can’t have him deliver. His food does me no good sitting on his property.”

  The nervous energy plaguing him through this entire meeting calmed. He could make the run. As he gave himself a second to think it over, he realized he needed to make the run. He did have blood in Los Lobos, and he couldn’t live with himself if he let them go hungry. “I’ll do it.”

  “Best news I’ve had all day.” Drew pulled a map out of his desk and circled a section of land. “McKay’s farm is here. There’s an access road right here.” Drew put a red X where the road would be. “GPS isn’t great at giving directions out here in the middle of nowhere. You good with a map?”

  He glanced over the routes from Los Lobos to the farm and picked the most efficient one. “Yeah. I’m good. Never did trust GPS. Seems there’s always a story on the news about them sending people off bridges and into cornfields.”

  “I’ll call Thom and let him know you’ll be there.”

  He hadn’t looked up from the map. “It’ll take a couple hours to get there and a couple hours back, but it’s early.” He looked down at his watch. “I can have it done by one o’clock.”

  “Good. We’re expecting a storm this afternoon.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. Could Drew Tao actually be concerned for his safety? “I’ll be sure to drive carefully,” he said in a teasing tone.

  “You’d better. We need the food.”

  His smile disappeared instantly. Of course Drew hadn’t been worried about him. He was concerned for his pack’s well-being. Hank had been away from Wolf politics for too long if he hadn’t figured the truth out on his own. He shook his head at his own idiocy. “Can I take the map?”

  “Sure. I’d hate for you to get lost.”

  “I know. The pack needs the shipment. I heard you.” Though he didn’t understand it, his voice held a sharp note of disappointment as he said the words. Why should he care if Drew cared more about his pack than him? Alphas worried about their packs. It was in the job description.

  Drew stood up and walked around his desk. The man had a slight limp but he was strong, fit. Hank had no doubt he would be able to tear out his throat in a heartbeat if he wanted. “You heard me? Well, I’m glad, but I’m not done talking. I’m not your Alpha. I understand your decision. Don’t for one second think you’re not my pack, though. Regardless of your decision, I’ll always consider you family. You’re here helping us rebuild, and I’m going to do whatever I can to keep you safe. Even if it’s telling you to be careful on the damn roads. Did you hear that?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good.” He held his hand out to Hank. “Drive carefully. Be cautious around McKay. He’s a good man, but he knows we’re different and he doesn’t know why. Suspicious humans are dangerous.”

  His time in the human world had taught him the truth of those words. Humans were only happy when everything fit into its neat little box. “Gotcha. I’ll watch myself around him.”


  McKay ran his fingers through his hair as he stared at the computer screen. The new budgeting software made keeping track of the farm’s expenses every bit as easy as it’d promised. It’d also made the slim margins his farm was forced to survive on more visible. He couldn’t hide from the figure at the bottom of the page. Every time he put a new expense in, the profits shrank. He possessed a greater appreciation for the phrase, “ignorance is bliss” these days. He didn’t want his farm to go under because he had his head in the sand, however. He hated seeing how close his family was to losing everything each and every month. Thankfully, the rumble of a large vehicle outside offered him a temporary reprieve from the dismal state of the farm’s financial affairs. He had an order to see to. Orders were always a welcomed break.

  He threw on a coat and slipped on a pair of boots before he went out to meet the driver. The day’s chill found its way through the layer of protection anyway and left him wishing for a warm fire. It was only early October, but the autumn had been cooler than usual. The chill in the air didn’t leave him optimistic about a gentle winter.

  “Howdy.” He held his hand out to the tall man who climbed down from the semi’s cab. “I’m Thom McKay. Drew told me somebody would be here today.”


  Thom’s blood heated with appreciation for the truck driver’s wide shoulders, curly blond hair, and the slight stubble clinging to his cheeks and chin before the man took his hand. Damn. He had a grip. “So, you part of Drew’s commune?” The words were out before he could stop them. If he could’ve kicked himself, he would’ve. Drew was the best customer he’d gotten in two seasons. He ordered in bulk and paid in cash. The man’s personal affairs weren’t any of his business. Or so he kept telling himself. The only thing McKay should care about was the income Drew and his people offered him.

  “Commune?” His voice held a note of confusion.

  “Sorry. I meant…community?” He could only hope Hank bought the obvious lie. He really hadn’t meant to offend the guy.

  Hank tipped his head and laughed. The sound sent a wave of warmth through him. He hadn’t realized how much he missed the sound of men laughing until it enveloped him. “Community. I like it. The answer is no.” He took a breath before he continued, “I’m not a resident of Los Lobos. I’m only hauling supplies for them. If you’d show me where their order is, I’ll get out of your hair.”

  When the man looked down, Thom realized he still held onto the man’s hand. Under Hank’s scrutiny, he loosened his grasp, then allowed his hand to slide away. The rough calluses swept against his palm and made his cock jump. Not enough of a reaction for the other man to notice, but enough to cause more havoc in Thom’s already chaotic mind. He had to get their meeting back to business if there was any hope of him getting through it without doing something really stupid. “The order is already boxed up in the barn. I’ll walk you to it and show you around. Then you can pull your rig up and we’ll get you loaded.”

  “Appreciate it.” The trucker’s voice had dropped an octave and held a rich smokiness it hadn�
��t before.

  If we were at a club…. He silenced the thought. They weren’t at a club. Hank was a client. He’d imagined the heat in the other man’s voice because he wanted to hear it there.

  They walked down the muddy driveway in silence. Thom didn’t trust himself to speak without saying something stupid, and Hank appeared to be the silent type. When they walked into the barn, however, Thom had no choice but to address him. The discussion centered around the crates of potatoes, kale, and broccoli Drew had ordered.

  When they reached the last of the crates, he had regained most of his composure. “We’re almost at the end of our growing season, but I’ve reached out to a couple farmers I know in Texas. They can supply you with staples until the growing season starts up again.”


  “Of course, there’s plenty here to last Drew’s people for a couple weeks. My fields will produce through the month. If Drew wants to continue buying from farms directly, however, he’s going to have to start looking toward the south.”

  Their conversation was interrupted by a loud bang echoing through the air. He recognized the sound of a gun being fired a split second after Hank’s large, muscular, not to mention warm, body crashed into his and threw him to the ground. For a second he worried Hank had been hit. He dismissed the idea when the man rolled off him and then jumped up to a crouch. His movements were so quick and fluid. He couldn’t have been injured.

  “Are you okay?” Hank ran his palms over Thom’s body patting his arms and legs at random intervals. “Were you hit?”

  He jumped as Hank patted his thigh. Dear God. The man was about to find out more about Thom’s condition then he probably ever wanted to. “Nope. Not hit.” He rolled over as a second shot rang through the eerie silence. This time he noticed the shot had come from the yard. “I think the target is outside.” The statement was followed by four more shots. When the trucker went to run for the door, he grabbed the man’s arm. “What the hell are you doing?”


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