Neptune's Ring

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Neptune's Ring Page 2

by Ali Spooner

  “All set,” the young woman said, as she helped Simone from the waxing chair.

  “Thank you, my dear,” Simone said, as she signed the charge ticket, giving the woman a twenty dollar tip.

  “Thank you, Ms. Taylor,” the woman said as she took the ticket from Simone. “Let me know if I can be of further assistance while you are at the resort.”

  “I will indeed,” Simone said with a smile.

  Simone took the elevator to the penthouse and slipped out of the swim suit and immobilizer then stepped under the flow of the water. It felt good to have her arm free for a few minutes even though the slightest of movement made her shoulder ache. She showered quickly and swallowed a pain pill before calling the front desk.

  “How may I assist you Ms. Taylor?” the woman asked.

  “I need a wakeup call in an hour please,” Simone requested.

  “No problem, Ms. Taylor, will there be anything else?” the woman asked.

  “Yes, please also arrange for a bottle of champagne to be delivered around eight tonight,” Simone requested.

  “I will take care of that,” the woman said.

  “Thank you, very much,” Simone said as she ended the call.

  Simone rested against the pillows and closed her eyes for a short nap. The pain medication worked quickly and Simone drifted off to sleep and dreams of Levi.

  Levi and Vanessa walked every deck, as Vanessa inspected the work being done on her ship. She explained to Levi the vast amount of food and supplies that would be delivered for the next cruise as they walked through the pantry.

  “Late tonight, a diesel tanker will pull alongside the Sappho One and will complete the refueling process while we sleep,” she said.

  “I would hate to have to pay that fuel bill,” Levi teased.

  “I am glad I don’t have to pay any of our bills,” Vanessa said. “The food costs alone would be enough to overwhelm me.”

  They ended the tour in the control room, where they found Killian reviewing weather reports. She looked up to see them enter the room.

  “Welcome back,” she said. “I hope you found everything at tip top shape,” Killian said.

  “Of course I did, Killian,” Vanessa said. “You have done a wonderful job in my absence.”

  “Thank you, Captain."

  “How is our weather looking for departure Wednesday?” she asked.

  “It looks we will have smooth sailing,” Killian said with a grin.

  “That is always a welcomed relief,” Vanessa said. “What time is dinner tonight?”

  “Andrea will be ready to serve us at six,” Killian said. “Several of us are planning to take a soak in the hot tub afterwards, if you two would care to join us,” she said.

  Vanessa looked at Levi and found her grinning. “I think that would be a terrific way to wind down after a long day, so count us in.”

  “Do you have some things you need to take care of, Vanessa?” Levi asked.

  “I could go over some of these charts with Killian,” Vanessa said. “Do you want to go to the cabin to relax before dinner?” she asked.

  “If you wouldn’t mind,” Levi said.

  Vanessa handed Levi a key to the cabin. “Do you remember how to get there?” she asked.

  “Yes, I believe I can find my way,” Levi said. She kissed Vanessa and said, “I will see you two later,” and left the room.

  “Goodbye Levi,” Killian said with a warm smile.

  “I will see you shortly,” Vanessa said with a wink.

  Levi left the control room and made her way to Vanessa’s cabin. She opened the door and found a vase of roses sitting on the small bar with her name written on the outside of the card. Levi opened the card and read the short note from Vanessa.

  My Dearest Levi,

  Welcome home. I hope that you will be as comfortable here as you made me feel in your bungalow. I am very proud to have you sailing with us and I hope you will enjoy the trip as much as I will. I love you! Vanessa

  Levi was amazed that Vanessa knew that sterling silver roses were her favorite as she plucked one from the vase to smell the sweet fragrance of the lavender rose. She could not recall having a conversation with Vanessa about roses, but she had chosen well. The roses made Levi smile even brighter as she clutched the card to her chest. Levi carried the rose with her as she moved to the bed where her bag was resting. She placed it on the bedside table and opened the bag to see what Vanessa had packed for her. She removed several outfits and placed them on the bed, smiling at Vanessa’s choice of clothing. She located an empty drawer and placed her clothing there, hanging the jeans and dress shirt in Vanessa’s closet.

  The closet was filled with pristine white dress uniforms, each perfectly starched and pressed. Vanessa looked so handsome in her uniform and Levi’s chest swelled with pride as she visualized Vanessa strolling across the decks of the ship so nicely dressed.

  Levi placed her bag beneath the bed and after removing her shoes, stretched out across the comfortable bed. She picked up the rose, bringing it to her nose and breathed deeply of its scent. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

  An hour later, Levi stirred when she felt Vanessa enter the bed. Vanessa crept quietly beside Levi and watched her sleep for several minutes. They were due to arrive for dinner in less than an hour, so Vanessa leaned down to softly kiss Levi awake.

  Levi’s eyes fluttered as Vanessa’s lips brushed softly across hers.

  “It is time to wake, my sleeping beauty,” Vanessa whispered.

  Levi’s arms circled Vanessa’s body as she pulled her down for another kiss. “I think I am dreaming,” Levi said. She opened her eyes and said, “That was no dream, I am being kissed by a handsome Captain.”

  Vanessa smiled and lowered her mouth to cover Levi’s with a soft kiss as her tongue probed past her lips to enter Levi’s mouth. Her tongue hungrily sought out Levi’s and when they touched they began a sensual dance.

  Vanessa moved on top of Levi and could feel the heat burning between Levi’s thighs as their bodies made contact. She softly ground her hips into Levi’s wetness. “You must have been having a good dream,” she teased.

  “You were incredible, Vanessa,” Levi said. “You had me begging for more of your sweet loving,” Levi said with a blush.

  “I will just have to see if I can make that dream come true for you later tonight,” Vanessa said.

  “I have no doubt you will.”

  “Right now though, we have to get ready for dinner,” Vanessa said. “I am going to shower if you would care to join me.”

  “I would love to,” Levi said.

  They stripped out of their clothes and stepped into the large shower. Careful not to get her cast wet, Vanessa placed Levi under the stream of the water then moved her back against the shower wall. She lathered up a soft washcloth and slowly bathed Levi’s body, caressing her breasts gently with the soapy cloth as she watched Levi’s nipples swell with excitement. Levi looked into Vanessa’s eyes darkened with desire as Vanessa bathed her stomach and down each side before her hand came to rest between Levi’s thighs. Long strokes of her hand between Levi’s thighs left her body slippery with soap and Levi watched with anticipation as Vanessa dropped the cloth to the floor of the shower. Her fingers moved smoothly in the soap as she teased Levi’s lips. Levi gasped with delight when Vanessa’s fingers entered her and she spread her feet wider to allow Vanessa full access to her body.

  “Does that feel good?” Vanessa asked, as she curled her fingers deep inside Levi, the tips of her fingers brushing across her G spot.

  “Dear God yes, Vanessa,” Levi purred as her body began to shake with pleasure.

  “Good,” Vanessa said. “I have special plans for you tonight.”

  Vanessa slowly removed her fingers much to Levi’s dismay. She rinsed her body under the flow of water and then kissed her. “Start drying off while I bathe,” she said, as she guided a pouting Levi from the shower.

  Levi stepped from the sh
ower and took a large towel and started patting her body dry as she watched Vanessa in the shower. When Vanessa turned off the water, Levi handed her a towel and left the bathroom to begin dressing.

  “What are we wearing?” she asked from the bedroom.

  “I am wearing shorts and a pullover,” Vanessa said. “We can come back after dinner to change into swim suits for the hot tub.”

  “Sounds good,” Levi said as she picked out a pair of blue shorts and a white pullover. She dressed while she waited for Vanessa to emerge from the bathroom.

  Vanessa walked from the bathroom with a towel around her waist and stepped into the closet. She dropped the towel and stepped into a pair of green khaki shorts and then slipped a sports bra over her head and pulled a yellow t shirt over the top of her head.

  Levi was about to tuck the hem of her shirt into her shorts when Vanessa glanced up at her.

  “Not just yet,” she said as she walked back into the bathroom. “Close your eyes,” Vanessa called from the bathroom.

  Levi closed her eyes and a moment later felt Vanessa’s body pressed up to hers from behind. Vanessa’s hand slid beneath Levi’s shorts in inside her panties. Levi gasped as Vanessa’s fingers parted her lips and a smooth object was slipped past her lips deep inside her body. Levi felt the warmth of her breath as Vanessa’s mouth was at her ear as she cupped Levi’s wetness in her hand. Her left hand pushed a button on a small remote and a low vibration began deep inside Levi.

  Levi felt her knees go weak as Vanessa took the speed up a notch.

  “You are such a devil,” Levi moaned as Vanessa’s palm rubbed across her throbbing clit.

  “Careful of what you say,” Vanessa warned as she turned the vibration to a stronger pulse. “I am the owner of the remote and will take full advantage of the fact,” Vanessa teased, her voice husky with desire.

  She removed her hand from between Levi’s legs and allowed her to finish dressing. She cupped Levi’s mound with her hand from the outside and could feel the slight thrum of vibration in her body. She slipped the remote into her pocket and turned Levi in her arms.

  “Are you ready for dinner?” she asked.

  “Yes,” Levi said as a flush of desire filled her cheeks.

  “Very well then, after you my love,” Vanessa said, as she held the door for Levi.

  They made their way down to the dining room and were the last of the party to be seated. Vanessa introduced Levi to the staff she had not previously met and they drank wine and chatted until dinner began. Levi’s hand rested on Vanessa’s thigh as they drank and mercifully Vanessa slipped her hand into her pocket and lowered the intensity of the vibrator in her body. Levi welcomed the slight relief, but remained acutely aware of the toy humming away inside her body.

  When the salads were finished and their entree was served, Vanessa turned up the dial and felt Levi jump slightly as the vibration increased. She smiled sweetly to Levi. “Are you enjoying the pasta, My Love?” she asked.

  “It is fantastic,” Levi said, as she felt her nipples grow hard.

  “Just wait until you try Andrea’s chocolate mousse,” Killian said.

  “It is rumored as being quite an aphrodisiac,” Vanessa teased.

  “That is true,” Killian said.

  “I can’t wait to try it then,” Levi said.

  As promised, once the dishes were cleared an absolutely sinful chocolate mousse was served. Levi took a bite and moaned her delight as the rich chocolate taste assaulted her taste buds. She watched in anticipation as Vanessa took a bite then placed her spoon down as she savored the taste and her hand slipped inside her pocket. Her fingers twisted the dial and the vibrator started humming inside Levi.

  Vanessa watched Levi take another bite of the dessert and smiled sweetly as she turned the dial up another notch.

  Levi wasn’t sure how much more she could take as her eyes pleaded to Vanessa for some relief. Vanessa slowed the speed and resumed eating her dessert.

  “Are we still on for the hot tub?” Vanessa asked Killian.

  “Most definitely,” Killian said. “After dinner we can change into our suits and meet in the tub on deck ten if that’s fine with you Captain.”

  Levi ate as much of the dessert as possible and watched as Vanessa cleaned her dish, her tongue wrapping around the spoon for every morsel of the delectable concoction. Her arousal soared when she felt Vanessa’s hand on her right thigh as they chatted with the crew.

  Finally, Vanessa placed her napkin on the table. “We shall see you in just a little while,” she announced. “Are you ready, Levi?” she asked.

  “Yes, I am Vanessa,” Levi said as they stood to leave. “My compliments to Andrea for a fantastic meal,” Levi said.

  Vanessa took Levi’s hand as they walked to the elevator. They stepped inside and Vanessa pressed the button to take them back to the cabin. Levi pushed Vanessa roughly against the side wall of the elevator and pressed her body into her.

  “You are in some big trouble tonight,” she said as she covered Vanessa’s mouth with a breath taking kiss.

  Levi reached over and pulled out the hold button on the elevator and then her hand unfastened the button on Vanessa’s shorts. Her fingers dove for the wetness between Vanessa’s thighs and she entered her deeply on the first plunge. Vanessa placed her right hand in her pocket and turned the dial to the maximum as Levi’s fingers rushed in and out of her wetness. Levi groaned into Vanessa’s mouth as the vibrator worked furiously inside her and her knees buckled as the orgasm ripped through her body.

  She dropped to her knees in front of Vanessa and pulled her shorts down as her mouth targeted Vanessa’s wetness. Vanessa removed one foot from her shorts and draped her leg over Levi’s shoulder as Levi’s tongue ravaged Vanessa’s body.

  Vanessa’s hand was buried in her hair as she ground Levi’s face into her wetness until her body exploded with a rush of juices, covering Levi’s face. Vanessa cried out as the violent spasms gripped her body and she grabbed the handrail for support.

  Levi placed Vanessa’s foot back inside her shorts and raised them up her body. “Turnabout is fair play,” she whispered as her fingers pushed the hold button and she collapsed into Vanessa’s arms.

  Vanessa opened the door to the cabin and pressed Levi back onto the bed. She quickly undressed her and when she had Levi stripped down to her panties she lowered them just far enough to give her mouth access to her swollen clit. Her tongue licked across the hard bud until Levi feared she would go mad with lust.

  Vanessa lowered the panties from Levi’s body and then pinned her body to the bed with her hips. The seam of Vanessa’s shorts rubbed roughly across Levi’s clit as she writhed beneath the weight of Vanessa’s body. Vanessa moved her hand between their bodies and her fingers disappeared inside Levi. They reached the vibrating egg and positioned it directly on Levi’s G spot.

  Levi’s body went rigid and then collapsed under Vanessa as her body was spent from her pleasure. Vanessa slowly withdrew the egg from within Levi’s quivering body and took her in her arms.

  “Holy shit,” Levi said as she looked into Vanessa’s eyes. “If I died and went to heaven right now, I couldn’t be any happier,” she said.

  Vanessa kissed her softly then rolled onto the bed. “You liked that little toy did you?” she teased.

  “You have to ask?” Levi said.

  Vanessa chuckled. “I thought you just might.”

  “That was fucking fantastic,” Levi said.

  “No, my dear, that comes later,” Vanessa said, as she took Levi’s hand and led her to the shower. “Let’s rinse off and slip into our suits. The others are going to wonder where we got off to,” she said with a smile.

  Levi turned on the water as Vanessa stripped and they rinsed the pleasure from their bodies. After drying off they put on their suits and walked to the elevator.

  “I love you,” Levi said as she rested her tired head on Vanessa’s shoulder.

  “I love you too,” Vanessa said with
a content smile.


  Simone dressed in black jeans and a snug fitting black t shirt as she prepared to meet Del for dinner. She slipped into a pair of soft leather loafers and walked to the bathroom to spray some perfume on her neck. She observed herself in the mirror and smiled at the image looking back at her, pleased with her looks. She tucked her room key in her pocket as she left the penthouse.

  Del changed clothing for the third time, as she wanted just the right look for tonight’s meeting with Simone. She knew that she would only have one opportunity to impress Simone and this was her night. She decided on black jeans and a black oxford on top of a white tank top. Most of the top buttons were left open and she rolled the sleeves halfway up her forearms. Casual, but snug enough to show off her best assets she thought as she looked in the full-length mirror. She smiled at her image and walked into the bathroom to add the finishing touch. She poured some gel in her palm and ran her fingers thru her thick hair.

  Del left her room and arrived at the dining room before Simone and secured a small candle lit table next to a window. She was staring out the window at the fading sunset when she heard footstep approach. Del turned to see Simone walking toward her. Del stood and stepped over to the other side of the table. She pulled the seat out for Simone and smiled as she took the offered seat.

  “Good evening, Simone,” she said.

  “You look very nice,” Simone said, as she took the napkin and placed it in her lap.

  “Thank you,” Del said. “You smell delicious.”

  Simone chuckled. “Why thank you for noticing.”

  “Would you care for a drink?” Del asked as the waitress approached.

  “A scotch and water for me please.”

  “We will have a scotch and water and a crown and coke,” Del said as the waitress took their orders.

  “Have you worked up an appetite?” Del asked.

  “Three days of hospital food, will leave anyone starving,” Simone said, as she fixed Del with her green eyes.

  Del felt her heart race as Simone’s eyes fixed on her.


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