Neptune's Ring

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Neptune's Ring Page 10

by Ali Spooner

  “I think it is time we called it a night,” Vanessa said. “See you for breakfast in the morning?” she asked Killian.

  “Of course, my Captain,” Killian said. “I will drop in on the control room before heading in for the night.”

  “See you at seven then,” Vanessa said, as Killian walked ahead of them.

  “Thank you for sharing tonight with us,” Levi said.

  “My pleasure,” Killian said then she turned to walk toward the control room.

  “You must be exhausted,” Levi said, as they walked toward the cabin.

  “I am tired, but I will catch up on some sleep once we arrive at the resort,” Vanessa said.

  “You can sleep all day by the pool or in my room,” Levi said, with a grin.

  They undressed and climbed in between cool, fresh sheets. Vanessa rolled onto her side and Levi draped her arm over Vanessa’s waist as she snuggled into her body. “Good night My Love,” she whispered to Vanessa, but she had already fallen asleep.” Levi smiled and held her lover close as she followed her into sleep.

  “Hey Baby,” Liz said when Nat walked into the room. “Did you have a good evening she asked?”

  “It was busy,” Nat said, as she leaned to kiss Liz. “Simone came in and I thought she was going to cause a stir, but tonight’s events seem to be working out for the best,” she said with a chuckle.

  “That sounds like a wicked thought. What happened?” Liz asked.

  “Well Del shows up at the bar with Petra and is dancing pretty hot and heavy on the dance floor when Simone walks in and starts shooting daggers with her eyes.”

  “Good lord.”

  “I caught her by the arm before she reached the dance floor and drug her back to the bar to cool down and to warn her about causing a scene in the club,” Nat said.

  “The cool down period worked wonders and the three of them ended up leaving together right before Susan arrived,” Nat said, as she shook her head. “My deviant little sister is going to have her hands full tonight apparently.”

  “Well at least it keeps her out of trouble, I think,” Liz added as an afterthought.

  “We can only hope.”

  “I see you are doing more research,” Nat said as she looked over her lover’s shoulder,

  “I have pulled up everything I can find on the island.”

  “Have you run across anything of interest?

  “Nothing that sends up any alarms,” Liz said. “I found a newspaper article on the missing girl, Celeste Vasquez, but the reporter stated the officials assumed she was a runaway and did not suspect foul play,” Liz reported. “I still have to wonder about the poor girl, and what became of her.”

  Nat sat on the bed and picked up the stack of papers Liz had printed out and began thumbing through them as Liz searched additional pages on the internet.

  “Van Buren seemed like he was a real cad,” Nat said, as she flipped through several pages of articles on the ruthless tycoon.


  Simone closed the door and locked it behind them as they entered the suite. Del had taken Petra’s glass and had set them on the table and was deeply kissing her as her hands were pulling the blouse off Petra’s torso. Del broke the kiss long enough to pull the blouse over Petra’s head and then resumed the kiss as her hands went to work on Petra’s bra. She unfastened the clasps and lowered the straps from Petra’s shoulders as she allowed the bra to fall freely to the floor.

  Simone circled their bodies and watched as Del’s hands engulfed Petra’s full breasts and began to knead them as their kiss continued. Simone took a drink from her glass and placed a large ice cube in her mouth as she approached the two women. She leaned down slightly to take Petra’s right breast in her mouth, covering the swollen nipple with the ice cube, causing Petra to groan deeply in Del’s mouth.

  Del broke the kiss and reached around Petra to take an ice cube from Simone’s glass then placed it in her mouth as she took Petra’s left breast into her mouth. Her left hand moved down Petra’s body and teased the soft mound of curls with her fingertips as Petra enjoyed the sensations of having two mouths on her breasts. They suckled her deeply in their mouths as the ice rapidly melted.

  Petra’s hands worked Simone’s jeans off her body and she had begun teasing Simone’s body as Del’s fingers slipped inside Petra to test her wetness. Petra was soaked with silky wetness and Del’s fingers slipped deep into her welcoming warmth.

  “Oh yes,” Petra moaned, as Del entered her.

  Petra lifted her damp fingers to her mouth and her tongue licked Simone’s juices from them. “You taste so sweet,” she purred to Simone.

  “Why don’t we take this party to the bed ladies?” Del suggested.

  She watched as Simone and Petra lay side by side on the bed, tongues teasing one another as Petra’s hand caressed Simone’s body. Del stood at the end of the bed watching as she slowly undressed and then walked into the bathroom. When she walked back into the bedroom Simone and Petra were kissing passionately while Petra’s fingers were stroking deeply inside Simone.

  Del crawled onto the bed behind Petra and slipped the tip of the dildo between her soaked lips as Petra and Simone continued to kiss. Del slowly worked the dildo deep into Petra’s body and matched the rhythm of Petra’s fingers sliding in and out of Simone. Simone’s inner muscles clutched at Petra’s fingers, as her climax built and Petra thrust faster and harder into her body. Petra was rewarded by Del who also picked up the speed and force of her thrusts as she fucked her hard, rocking their bodies on the bed.

  Petra was the first to come and she broke the kiss and screamed to Del that she was coming as her fingers plunged wildly into Simone sending her over the edge to sexual oblivion as well.

  Simone reached for her glass on the bedside table and picked out a large cube of ice which she placed in her mouth and then covered Petra’s clit with her lips. Simone’s fingers plunged back into Petra while she rapidly sucked her clit in and out of her mouth. Petra’s body exploded with pleasure as she filled Simone’s hand and face with her wetness.

  Del felt Petra’s excitement when her orgasm arrived and she drove her hips faster into Simone, thrusting deep as her palm ground harshly across her clit. Simone cried out in joyous rapture as her body released her climax and her hips thrashed wildly beneath Del.

  Petra released Simone’s thighs as she bent her head down between Simone’s legs. Del withdrew and walked across the room to take a sip of her drink and watched as Petra’s tongue licked along Simone’s lips, lapping up the sweet nectar spilling from Simone’s body. Petra remained straddled across Simone’s face as the tip of Simone’s tongue flicked across her swollen clit. Del listened to the groans and moans of pleasure coming from the two women. She drained her glass then climbed on the bed behind Petra as Simone entered Petra’s body with the sex toy.

  “Del noticed how her voice affected Simone’s movements and she continued to encourage Petra.

  “I want your hot tongue deep inside me, Baby, oh yes, that’s it,” Del purred, as she watched Simone’s face.

  Simone’s hips moved faster as they began to slam into Petra’s ass. “Oh yes, faster, Petra, faster baby,” Del said, as the force of Simone’s thrusts pressed Petra’s tongue deep inside Del’s body.

  Del could feel her orgasm rising in her body as Petra breathlessly thrust her tongue deep with each of Simone’s thrusts and Simone was grunting from the exertion to her body. “Oh yes, that’s it Petra,” Del groaned as she flooded Petra’s face with a rush of wetness.

  Petra removed her tongue and gasped for breath as Simone pounded into her hips. “Yes, yes, yes,” she wailed as her body shook violently and Simone dropped to her knees on the floor completely exhausted.

  When Simone could stand, she climbed onto the bed and lay on her back as her muscles trembled uncontrollably from her extreme exertion. Half of Petra’s body was draped over Del’s as her soaked body tingled with pleasure.

  Del looked at both women and smil
ed, content they were both sated, at least for the moment. She rested her head on a pillow and closed her eyes. At least for now, Levi was completely erased from Simone’s thoughts and she smiled to herself as she drifted off to sleep. The heated threesome was just what Simone needed to forget Levi and Del was determined to remove her as a rival.

  Levi woke to the soft touch of Vanessa’s fingertips on her face.

  “I am sorry to wake you, but I just had to touch you,” Vanessa said.

  Levi smiled and brought Vanessa’s fingers to her lips and kissed them. “Baby, you can wake me anytime,” she said.

  “Good,” Vanessa said, as she buried her face in Levi’s neck, nibbling the soft skin. “I want you so bad Darling,” she breathed against Levi’s skin.

  Levi shivered at the sensual feel of Vanessa’s lips on her neck. “I am all yours, Vanessa.”

  “I love hearing that.”

  Vanessa’s hand caressed down Levi’s neck and found her nipples erect and sensitive to her touch. The tips of her fingers drew circles around them as Levi arched her back.

  “Your touch drives me crazy,” Levi groaned, as Vanessa rolled a nipple between her fingers and thumb.

  “Is there anything else you love?” Vanessa softly asked.

  “I love the feel of your mouth on my body and your fingers deep inside me,” Levi said.

  “Like this you mean,” Vanessa said, as her mouth covered Levi’s right breast and her hand touched Levi’s damp lips.

  “Just like that,” Levi said, as she parted her legs to welcome Vanessa’s touch.

  “You are so wet, Baby,” Vanessa purred, as her fingers dipped inside Levi’s wetness.

  Vanessa’s tongue spanked across Levi’s nipple, as her fingers drug the silky wetness across Levi’s throbbing clit, in slow deliberate circles while she teased her lover’s body. She raised her soaked fingers and rubbed them across Levi’s nipple and then lowered her mouth to lick the wetness from her aching nipple.

  “Tastes so sweet,” she moaned as her fingers entered Levi and began to stroke slow and deep inside her body.

  The gentle movement of Vanessa’s tongue was driving Levi mad with arousal and she placed her hand on Vanessa’s head and pressed her more firmly into her breast. Vanessa opened her mouth and filled it with Levi’s breast as she suckled it deeply while her tongue trapped the nipple against the roof of her mouth.

  Vanessa curled her fingers deep inside Levi’s body and her fingertips stroked across her G spot and Levi’s hips bucked against Vanessa’s hand as her body shook with pleasure.

  “Vanessa,” Levi softly whispered.

  Vanessa moved up her body to give Levi a slow, sensual kiss as her orgasm sped through her body.

  When Levi’s trembling subsided, Vanessa kissed each of her eyes closed. “Sleep now and I will see you later this morning.”

  Levi arms encircled Vanessa’s body. “I love you she whispered.”

  “I love you too,” Vanessa said, and with another soft kiss to Levi’s lips, she left the bed and walked into the bathroom.

  Levi heard the water in the shower and she pulled Vanessa’s pillow into her body, snuggling deep under the covers as she drifted back to sleep.

  Vanessa showered then dressed quietly while Levi slept soundly in the bed. She leaned over Levi’s sleeping body and swept the hair from her forehead and kissed her softly before leaving the cabin wearing a huge smile on her face.


  Del woke to the gentle rocking of the bed. When she opened her eyes, Simone was fucking Petra from behind. She leaned back against the headboard and watched as Simone thrust deeply into Petra as she begged for more. Del watched as a bead of sweat rolled down Simone’s breasts and she knew Simone could not keep up the frantic pace for much longer.

  Del could see the exhaustion creeping in and moved to stand behind Simone and when her muscles could no longer support her, she took the harness from around her waist and guided Simone onto the bed. Del placed the harness around her waist and began to stroke smoothly into Petra, slowly building up speed as Petra’s moans grew louder and mixed with Simone’s as they both approached their climaxes. Petra buried the other toy inside Simone and rubbed across her clit roughly with her palm until Simone’s body convulsed with pleasure.

  Petra could no longer hold back her climax. Her body flooded Simone’s face as her body shook violently with intense pleasure and she collapsed on top of Simone.

  Del carefully withdrew from Petra and rested on the bed. She caught Simone eyeing her and asked, “What do you want?”

  “I want you Del,” Simone purred.

  Of course she did, Del thought as she entered Simone’s soaked body.

  Simone eagerly awaited Del’s attention and when Del had left her screaming with pleasure, the three of them collapsed onto sweaty tangled sheets and slept well into the afternoon.

  Liz walked into the office and saw Nat staring out the window toward the harbor. She knew Nat was excited to have Levi home today as she looked across the water for any signs of the Sappho One.

  “They won’t arrive until about one,” Liz said, as she wrapped her arms around Nat’s waist from behind and hugged her tightly.

  “I know, I was just thinking how much this deal depends on participation from Levi and Vanessa,” she said.

  “Even if they aren’t interested in the deal, we can still make this work, my love,” she said, as she nuzzled in to Nat’s neck.

  “We would be stretched pretty thin for cash, but I really think this would be a positive move for both Levi and Vanessa.”

  “If it is meant to be, then it will work out,” Liz said as she kissed Nat’s neck.

  “I know you are right as usual, but this project feels so perfect,” Nat said, as she turned in Liz’s arms for a kiss.

  “You know Cass is on this cruise. She would probably jump at the chance to invest in a resort,” Liz said.

  “That would make the financial load a little easier for all to bear, but do you really think she would be interested?” Nat asked.

  “I can think of only one way to find out, so invite her to lunch Friday. We have a small private plane chartered for Saturday morning and one more passenger could easily be accommodated.”

  “Your brilliance never ceases to amaze me,” Nat said.

  Levi walked into the dining room and ordered breakfast. She stared out at the water as she waited and was surprised to hear a familiar voice from behind her.

  “May I join you this morning?”

  Levi looked up to find Cass standing beside her.

  “Yes, please do, Cass.”

  “How are you this morning?” Cass asked.

  “I am doing great thanks and you?” Levi said.

  “I am just wonderful, thank you. How was the meteor shower?”

  “It was really beautiful and the company was fantastic, I wish you would have joined us,” Levi said.

  “Thanks, but I was tired for some reason and was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow,” Cass said.

  “Is all of your traveling catching up with you?”

  “I guess that could be it,” Cass said. “Maybe I need to stay put in one place for a while.”

  “Well the resort would be an excellent place to do that,” Levi said with a grin.

  “I am actually thinking of spending a few weeks there,” Cass said.

  “That would be wonderful.”

  The waitress arrived to take Cass’ order as Levi’s eyes turned back toward the window. She could see land off in the distance and knew that later she would be watching as they made port at Venus Rising and her short break would be over.

  “Are you excited to be heading home this morning?” Cass asked.

  “Yes, but disappointed that my time with Vanessa will be coming to an end,” Levi said.

  “Just this portion of it,” Cass said. “Vanessa will be traveling to the island every week correct?”

  “For the most part yes, but I have gotten so sp
oiled waking up next to her warm body,” Levi said with a grin.

  “Have you considered taking a job on the ship?”

  “I could not leave Nat and Liz right now,” Levi said.

  Cass smiled. “They are very lucky to have you.”

  “They have been incredible to me,” Levi said.

  “So what are your long term plans, Levi?”

  “I am really not certain anymore,” Levi said. “I thought I would settle down in a financial firm and do the corporate grind thing, but now I have the lure of the islands in my blood.”

  “Somehow I can’t see you trapped behind a desk all day,” Cass said.

  “Me either,” Levi admitted. “For now I will continue working for Nat and Liz and keep saving my money. I am sure when the time is right I will know that it is time to move on.”

  Cass watched Levi carefully as she spoke and the more time she spent with Levi, the more she was impressed by the young woman’s maturity and good sense.

  “Well I am certain I could find a spot for you if you ever wanted to try your hand in the publishing business,” Cass offered.

  “Thank you, Cass, but I think your business would be safer if I stayed far away from it,” Levi teased.

  “Oh, it’s not that difficult to learn,” Cass said, as she grinned at Levi.

  “Much different than tending bar,” Levi said.

  “You have much more inside than you than being a bartender, Levi. You just have to determine what it is you want to do and I am certain you will be successful,” Cass said.

  “Thanks for your vote of confidence, Cass,” Levi said, giving her a warm smile.

  Breakfast arrived and they shared a pleasant meal together. Once they finished eating, Levi and Cass parted ways.

  “I hope to see you later at the club,” Levi said, as she hugged Cass and went in search of Vanessa.

  “I am sure you will,” Cass said, as she returned Levi’s hug.

  Levi found Vanessa at the pool bar engaged in conversation with Cory and Kiki. She waited until there seemed to be a break in the conversation and walked up to sit beside Vanessa.

  Vanessa turned to find Levi beside her and her smile beamed. “Good morning, Love,” she said, as she leaned over to kiss Levi.


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