Tatted Up

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Tatted Up Page 8

by Phoenix Rayne

  “I like that.” He whispered to her. They stayed like that until there was no light from the sky and the insects started serenading them with their songs. Asher handed Fiona her helmet, and he started the bike back up. When they pulled into Asher’s garage, his phone rang. He pulled his phone out and answered it. Asher laughed and then he told the caller all right and that they would be right there. He hung up and parked the bike next to the other two covered bikes.

  “We need to take a ride somewhere really quick”. Asher told Fiona. She nodded at him. They got into the truck and Asher wore a big grin.

  “What is it?” Fiona asked him.

  “You’ll see.” Asher laughed. When they pulled up in front of Fiona’s building, she gasped.

  “What the hell?” She asked aloud. Kerrigan and Candi stood in front of her stoop with both of their arms full of flowers, and a life size teddy bear wearing a leather jacket and dark shades. Asher was laughing so hard he had to stop the truck in the middle of the street. Cars behind him started honking; he waved back at them in an apology gesture then he parked the truck. They both got out of the truck.

  “What is this?” Fiona asked confused.

  “This is me, apologizing. Which as you can tell from my brother’s reaction that I never do this. Fiona, I am truly sorry for being a Bitch. My brother seems to care for you, and I’ve never seen anyone change him like you do.”

  “Uhm thank you, Kerrigan,” Fiona told her awkwardly.

  “I’m sorry, were a hugging kind of family.” Kerrigan held her arms out to Fiona.

  “Sure,” Fiona told her. Kerrigan handed her arm full of flowers to Asher. She moved over towards Fiona then she opened both of her arms and hugged Fiona. Fiona smiled at Asher when she hugged Kerrigan back. Asher noticed Fiona’s face after a few seconds, and he knew immediately what was going on.

  “Kerri!” He yelled at her. Kerrigan jumped back raising both of her hands. Asher knew she had grabbed Fiona’s butt. Kerrigan always had a weakness for plump butts.

  “Goodbye Kerri,” Asher told her in a not so friendly tone. Kerrigan laughed, and Fiona moved over towards Asher. Candi shoved the flowers at Fiona.

  “So, do you like her now?” Candi screamed at Kerrigan.

  “Baby no, I was messing around.”

  “Screw you, Kerri!” She cried out. Kerrigan rolled her eyes, and they both got into Kerrigan’s flatbed truck.

  “You get the bear, and I’ll get the flowers,” Asher told Fiona. Fiona put all the different color flowers in one large vase on the counter. She took her oversized teddy bear to her bedroom. When she walked back into the living area, Asher was whispering into his phone. All Fiona could make out him saying was “Thank you for everything; I appreciate it.” Fiona grinned at him and sucked in a deep breath. She walked over to the couch where Asher was sitting whispering into his phone. She straddled him and started kissing him softly. He pulled the phone away from his ear a little and looked her up and down like he wanted to bite into her.

  “Kerrigan, I gotta go.” Asher rushed into the phone then he hung it up and dropped it to the floor. He wrapped his arms around Fiona and started nipping at her neck. She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him nip at her. She moved from side to side enjoying every sweet bite he took at her.

  “What do you want for breakfast?” She whispered to him.

  “I can go get us something in the morning.” He told her.

  “No, I have to cook you breakfast.”

  “Why?” Asher asked her.

  “Because you’re going to fuck me unconscious and you deserve a prize after that.” Fiona lied to him about the reason for breakfast, but Asher had no idea and enjoyed her words.

  The next morning Fiona sent Asher up the street for fresh croissants from the bakery on the corner. When Asher walked into the bakery, all the amazing smells hit him at once. He walked up to the counter and got the order she had requested. He paid for his order and collected his bag. He turned and was immediately summons to the table in the corner. Asher recognized the perfectly chiseled face instantly. He walked over slowly to the small table, and it’s occupant. Asher knew this meeting wouldn’t be good, but he decided they needed to get this over with.

  “Listen to me little man, I need you to really think about this right now because I will fuck you up, no questions asked,” Asher warned him. Leo looked shocked and quickly lifted a white napkin and waved it in the air. Asher sat his bag on the table and sat down.

  “So, is this the part where I put my balls on the table, and we discuss who has the biggest ones?” He asked sarcastically. The Spanish man didn’t crack a smile.

  “My apologies we weren’t formally introduced the night of the runway show. I’m Leo Alarentes, and you are?” Asher looked down at the model's small hand that he had stretched out for him. Asher looked back at Leo, ignoring his lingering hand.

  “I’m Asher.”

  “Just Asher no surname?”

  “What do you want Leo?” Leo held both palms up in his second gesture of retreat.

  “I see she’s already got her nails dug deep into you. I must admit Asher; it took me a little longer to get caught in her web. I’ve been waiting three days now for you to show up. I knew she’d send you out for croissants eventually.” Asher was shocked, but he didn’t let on, he didn’t even flinch from Leo’s words.

  “This is a friendly visit I assure you, but I think you should know; you may be sitting in my former seat now, but there was so many before me, and there will be much more after you. Fiona is damaged and she uses us as her distractions from her horrible life. I didn’t learn much about her previous life before modeling, but I do know she hasn’t healed from it yet. She never sticks to anything or anybody for too long.” Asher just sat there looking bored while Leo went in on him.

  ‘She’ll never let you in Asher, she doesn’t know how. I don’t care how many moans you give her, she can’t commit” Leo told him.

  “She’s been opening just fine to me,” Asher told him.

  “You’ll never be her equal, you’re from two completely different worlds,” Leo told Asher.

  “Let me guess and you two are a perfect match?”

  “Yes, I believe we are.”

  “But yet she chose me,” Asher told him.

  “It may seem that way but I beg to differ.”

  “I’m sorry Leo, I don’t mean to be burst your well metrosexual bubble, but I was just thinking how sweet she tasted in my mouth this morning.” Asher smiled wide and got up from the table picking up his bag.

  “I’m sure you’ve realized she doesn’t like to be touched, and you can forget about cuddling.” Leo huffed out. Asher bent over and stopped right at Leo’s ear.

  “You know that’s strange because she begged for me to hold her last night, and then she told me how good it felt for her to wake up wrapped all up in me.” Asher shook his head back and forth at Leo and then he turned and walked towards the exit.

  “Oh, you think you’re her last, don’t you?” Leo asked him a little too loudly in the bakery. Asher didn’t respond he just kept walking.

  “You’re more lost in her web then I thought.” Leo laughed a wicked laugh at Asher. Asher swung the door open and walked out; he tried to collect his temper all the way back to Fiona’s building. When Asher got back Fiona was dancing around in her little silk robe that barely covered her round plumped ass. She greeted him with a smile and Asher didn’t return it. He walked over to the counter and sat the croissants down.

  “Hey, I gotta go,” Asher told her as he collected his things.

  “Okay?” Fiona stood there waiting for an explanation. Asher grabbed his things and went out the door without a goodbye or I’ll see ya later. Asher was determined to get Fiona out of his head. Her ex-had educated him on her and he believed the poor bastard. The last thing Asher needed in his life was to be hung up on another girl who wasn’t ready for a relationship. An entire week had passed when Asher heard from Fiona. He’d warned
everyone at work not to bring up or mention anything pertaining to Fiona or modeling. Levy had apparently told all the customers because no one said a word about her anymore.

  ‘Wish you were here’. She sent him a snap chat from Australia. It was her and a few of her model friends having a pillow fight. Asher’s dick got more from the snap chat than he did. He received a couple more seductive chats but he never responded. The next week he got a text from Keri, she wanted to meet up for burgers in the gulch. They met up at the Burger Republic. Asher ordered a Tennessee Burger with a Hap & Harry's Tennessee Lager. Kerrigan ordered a Buy the Farm Burger with a spiked shake, the Kentucky Thunder it had dragon’s milk stout, maker’s 46 bourbon and chocolate ice cream. They ate nachos while they waited for their order.

  “So, what’s up with your girl?” Kerrigan asked her brother.

  “Not shit, what’s up with yours?”

  “Not shit. Hey, I think Mom’s fucking around with Big Danny.”


  “Yea, she’s been hanging out with him quite a bit. She got a text from him the other day and it was a dick a pic. I looked through her phone while she was in the bathroom and she’s been sending him pics of her twat too.”

  “Stop!” Asher held up his hand, he didn’t want to hear any more of it. Asher finished his beer and was air signaling to the waitress that he needed another one when someone sat down next to him in the booth. A purple haired celestial being was sitting next to him. He looked down at the beautiful Fiona and his eyes immediately went to his sister. She was grinning from ear to ear at Fiona. Asher sighed and gave Fiona a tight grin. Fiona kissed him on the lips and Asher pulled her closer to him. He could feel her melting into him while they kissed hard and passionate.

  “Well, your place or mine?” She teased him.

  “I like the hair.” He told her.

  “It was for a shoot and I decided to keep it for a while.”

  “It looks good on you.”

  “Thank you.”

  The trio started up a conversation and that was it. Fiona ordered a spiked shake, it was a spiked Reese's malt house infused Reese's peanut butter cup vodka, and she finished the nachos while Asher and Kerrigan ate their burgers and a few more rounds. Asher and Fiona said their goodbyes to Kerrigan when they departed in the parking garage. Asher’s phone beeped from a text message.

  “Were you able to charge your phone?” Fiona asked him.


  “You said it was dead when you texted me from Kerri’s phone.” She told him.

  “Oh, yeah,” Asher responded when he looked down at his phone.

  ‘U OWE ME’

  Kerrigan texted Asher. He shoved the phone back into his pocket. He opened the door for Fiona and she climbed into the truck. She did it seductively in her tight jeans and heels. Asher watched her and her little show. He shut the door once she was settled in her seat. He went over to his side and climbed in. Fiona was unbuttoning his pants the moment he shut the door.

  “Fuck.” He breathed. Fiona had her head down and her mouth on Asher’s dick before he could stop her. “God Fiona.” Asher breathed out when he dropped his head back on the back window. She was slurping and gulping him all at once.

  “Fuck, you trying to make me cum?” He asked her.

  “Mum huh.” She hummed and that made the sucking even more intense. Asher looked around the parking garage for anyone walking around that could see or hear them. He saw nothing around them and was at the point where he didn’t even fucking care. He dug his hand into Fiona’s hair. He could feel the little braids and the hair extensions. He tried not to pull them but he couldn’t help himself. He bald all her hair in one fist and he pushed her head down further onto him. Fiona didn’t protest with Asher and that made him even harder. She sucked him from root to tip and she had no shame about it. Asher knew he was about to cum and he was going to cum hard. He looked around and saw a couple coming towards the truck. They were looking for their car, they were pushing the keyless entry and looking around and around for it.

  “Someone’s coming,” Asher whispered to Fiona.

  “I’m not stopping till you cum in my mouth.” He looked over at the couple getting closer to the truck. They watched him nervously. Asher could only imagine what was going on in their heads. They whispered to each other while they stared at him.

  “Fiona.” Asher tried to tell her but her grip got even snugger on him and she gently used her teeth during one of her throat strokes. That right there was it for him.

  “Oh fuck, Fiona. Why’d you have to go and do that?” Asher asked her while he ferociously came into her mouth. Fiona choked but she noisily got it all down. The couple had made it half way down the one way now. They were looking back at Asher and laughing. He no longer gave two fucks about the couple. Fiona sat up and licked her lips fingering her hair back in place. Asher buttoned his pants back up and started up the truck.

  Fiona was smiling down at her phone when Asher parked in front of her building. She noticed he hadn’t turned the truck off.

  “Are you coming up?” She asked.

  “No, I’m gonna head back.” Fiona looked at Asher. He turned from her looking back down the street.

  “You didn’t text me, did you?” She asked him. Asher shook his head no at her and she sighed loudly. “I kind of figured that.”

  “How?” Asher asked her.

  “Your distant from me. I haven’t heard from you in weeks and now suddenly you text me that you wanted to fuck me. I knew something was up with that.” Fiona turned from Asher and looked out the window. She sighed a laugh and opened the door. She stepped out and then turned back towards him. “I don’t know what I did to fuck this up with you, but I’m sorry I wasted your valuable time. Oh, and you could have told me you didn’t fucking want to be bothered with me before you nutted down my throat!” Fiona yelled and slammed the door so hard the truck vibrated for a few seconds. The people passing by all stopped and watched Asher and Fiona. She strutted to her stoop and then she stomped and clanked up the stairs. Asher sat there in his truck dumfounded. He’d never seen her so mad and he didn’t like that. Asher turned the key in his ignition and pulled it out, he opened his driver’s door and slammed it shut. The few people gawking on the street all started walking a little faster to their destination. He snaped the key ring onto his belt buckle and marched up the stairs. He caught the door of one of Fiona’s neighbors leaving the building. He took the stairs two steps at a time and then he pounded on her front door. A slender Asian woman answered the door with wide surprised eyes.

  “Where is she?” Asher asked the stranger. She stepped back from the door frame quickly and pointed towards Fiona’s closed bedroom door. Asher nodded and walked over to you and proceeded to pound on it as well. The door swung open and Asher could see the whirlwind storm brewing from the inside of the room. Fiona’s tear-filled eyes and weathered face stared at him. “I’m not your ordinary type, so don’t treat me like a routine.” Fiona frowned in confusion and she was about to say something to Asher but he stopped her. “Croissants…he was there waiting for me.” Was all he told her and she knew at once, why he became so distant from her. Fiona dropped her head and cover it with her hands. She screamed into the palm of her hands and began heaving uncontrollably. Asher froze from the sounds coming out of her. He didn’t think what he had just said could or should upset her so much.

  “Let me help you.” The soft voice from the living room said softly. She walked around Asher’s body and slid into Fiona’s room, helping her to the bed. Fiona sat down and the slender woman handed her a box of Kleenex from the dresser.

  “Did I do this?” He asked confused.

  “I’m the roommate Takeko and no you didn’t do this. Fiona just got a call and she has a family emergency.”

  Asher took a step into Fiona’s room and noticed a piece of luggage sitting on her bed. She was packing for something.

  “What’s going on?” He asked aloud. Fiona was in no shap
e to answer him so he looked to Takeko.

  “It’s her Mother.” She whispered to him. Asher went to her and sat next to her and pulled her near him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and whaled.

  “Where does she live?”

  “In Robinsonville, Mississippi. She’s at the local hospital there.” Asher nodded.

  “How is she getting there?” Takeko shrugged her shoulders. Asher sat there while Fiona cried on him. He rubbed and massaged her back and shoulders. “I’m taking you home.” He told her and she nodded through sobs. Takeko finished packing Fiona’s bag and then handed her the MK purse off the back of the door.

  “You guys drive safely and call me once you there,” Takeko told them. Asher kissed Fiona’s hot neck and then stood to his feet. He walked over to Fiona’s bedroom and nodded for Takeko to exit and he followed behind her shutting the door behind them.

  “Tell me what I’m stepping into?”

  “Well I’ve only been there once and that was enough. Her family is really nice but her Mom, she’s a mess.” Takeko whispered to Asher.

  Asher went and quickly threw a bag together for the trip. He made a few calls on his way back to Fiona’s. He called Keri, his Mom, and Levy. Levy told him to take all the time he needed. When Asher made it back to Fiona’s she was sitting on her stoop with her luggage, purse, and a blanket. She had changed her clothes and pulled her hair up. Asher opened the flatbed and put her bag in the back. Fiona got into the cab, buckled her seatbelt, wrapped herself in her blanket, and leaned her body against the passenger side door and went to sleep. Asher took I-40 for three hours and then he took I-240 for forty minutes. He woke Fiona up when he saw the welcome to Robinsonville sign. She looked around and told Asher to drive till he got to the next light. She pulled her phone out her jacket and started texting someone. She had Asher turn onto Casino Center Drive and then they pulled into the Westgate Tunica Resort.

  “We're not going to the hospital first?” Asher asked her while pulling her bag from the truck bed. She yanked it from him and stepped up to him.


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