Code of the Alpha: Shifter Romance Collection

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Code of the Alpha: Shifter Romance Collection Page 39

by Lola Gabriel

  “Come and get what’s yours, then, Alpha,” Ferren pouted.

  The corners of his mouth curled up seductively and Ferren’s desire started to build up inside her again. His eyes flashed as he gracefully slid off the boulder and walked toward her, a wild look in his eyes like he was going to completely devour her.

  Ferren felt the bark of a nearby tree against her back, causing her to stop and watch as Kodiak made his way over to her. He took her hands in his and pressed them up against the bark of the tree. A shiver ran up and down her body as his eyes melted away any inhibition she may have had.

  He leaned in and paused for a moment, their lips only a ragged breath apart, before he kissed her. His lips pressed against hers and she parted her lips, allowing him full access to her mouth. Their tongues danced to the rhythm of their pounding hearts, causing Ferren’s body to scream out to his.

  Kodiak stepped closer, his body pressing against hers, raising both their body temperatures significantly. Ferren moaned in his mouth as he let go of her hands and ran his hands down the length of her body, stopping at her hips.

  All inhibitions thrown out the window, or in this case, into the river, Ferren grabbed at the buckle of his belt and quickly and skillfully undid it.

  Wow, I can’t believe I actually managed to do that so quickly, she praised herself and as a reward she slipped her hands into his pants, feeling the heat of him against her skin.

  Kodiak let out a sexy and husky groan and she shoved him away from her, freeing herself from his fiery touch. His eyes were ablaze as he watched her kick off her boots and wiggle herself out of her tight black pants.

  They’re just in the way right now, she thought to herself and threw them at him.

  He, of course, discarded them somewhere in the snow like they were nothing and approached her again, putting his arms around her waist and lifting her up from the ground. She wrapped her legs around him before he pressed himself into her with ease. She moaned loudly as he filled her up, thrusting into her rhythmically. She pressed her nails into his back, breathing in the scent of him as they officially, and carnally, consummated their imprinting.

  Ferren wasn't sure if that was the way to do it, or the right terminology, but at that moment she didn't give a shit. Kodiak’s breath against her ear sent shivers down her spine and struck a chord inside her that no one had ever been able to even find. She arched her back as he gripped her hips tightly, his thrusts still in a perfect rhythm. Their breathing was ragged as he slowed down slightly and looked at her with intense desire. He stepped away from the tree, still inside her, and walked over to the boulder. He laid her down on her back, took her hands and pressed them down against the rock above her head.

  He looked at her intently before pushing himself deep into her again, watching her as she moaned from the pleasure that consumed every inch of her body. He ran his hands up to her torso, slipped them under her shirt and cupped her breasts until she moaned out again. As he quickened his pace, Ferren felt herself tighten around him and as she gazed up at the clear blue sky, seeing only the tops of the trees, she was pushed over the edge in a moment she could only describe as euphoric. Kodiak’s husky groans as he unloaded himself into her only added to the intensity of her orgasm and everything went blurry and hazy around her for a few seconds.

  When Kodiak finally collapsed on top of her, she didn't even struggle to breathe from his weight. She didn't care if she suffocated. This was how you’re supposed to be fucked.

  She turned her attention to Kodiak, who had rolled off and now lay beside her, and grinned.

  “That is how you take what’s yours,” Ferren panted, which made Kodiak chuckle and he held up his hand. Ferren laughed and gave him a high-five, not feeling awkward at all after their sexed-up session in the woods.

  She was surprised at how comfortable everything was with him. She didn't feel self-conscious at all, actually. She had initiated sex, which she never did, and had sex against a tree and on a boulder. So much for being the shy doctor of Seattle.

  Now she was a sexual exhibitionist wolf who belonged to an even sexier Alpha.

  It was still a strange concept to grasp that she was his, and he was hers, but she liked it. It wasn't like Kodiak was going to treat her like his property, but for all intents and purposes, she was his, and he would do anything to keep her safe, as she would do anything to keep him safe.

  That was how it worked, right?

  She watched him as he slid off the boulder, pulled up his pants and buckled his belt again. He threw her pants at her and retrieved her boots as well. She quickly got dressed and slowly approached him. He brought his hand up to her face and ran his fingers through her hair, smoothing it out. He didn't say a word, but he didn't need to. Everything was written in his eyes and those words belonged only to Ferren.

  Lucky me.

  He put his arms around her and pulled her close, kissing her on her forehead. “We should get going,” he whispered.

  “Please, don’t take me back to the dungeon,” she begged as her heart sank.

  “I’m not taking you back there. You’re coming home with me,” he said, and she gazed up at him with a relieved and satisfied smile.


  Kodiak listened to the gushing water coming from the bathroom as he made himself and Ferren a cup of coffee and smiled slightly at the memory of them in the woods. He stirred the two cups and watched as the steam danced up into the air, and then placed the two cups on the kitchen counter to his left.

  After they arrived home from the woods, Kodiak had urged Ferren to take a shower, as she hadn't done so in a few days, being locked up in the dungeon, after all.

  He was deep in thought when his phone rang in his pocket and he quickly retrieved it.

  “Hey, Jett,” he answered.

  “Where have you been?” she shrieked. “I’ve been calling you for the last few hours.”

  “I’m fine. I’m at home.”

  “Good, because I was just on my way there. I’ll see you in a few minutes,” Jett answered, still sounding agitated.

  “Jett, wait—”

  She disconnected the call before he could say anything to her, but he knew that sooner or later he’d have to tell her what happened. Well, not everything that happened, but just a brief outline of events.

  Kodiak knew very well that Jett would freak out if she had to hear that he took Ferren out of her cell and brought her here to his home, but he didn't care. Ferren’s loyalty was now with him and his pack. She was not a threat, and she most definitely did not belong to another pack. She was, however, turned by another wolf, possibly belonging to a member of the Crescents, but it didn't make a difference.

  Kodiak heard Jett’s sports car stop outside his house in the driveway and frowned. “That was fast,” he muttered and took a sip of coffee.

  He walked to the front door and opened it just as Jett came walking up the front steps.

  “Where have you been?” she demanded angrily.

  “Calm down, please,” he scolded and stepped aside, allowing her to enter.

  “Calm down?” she exclaimed and stomped into the house. She whirled around and glared at him as he closed the door. “You want me to calm down?”


  “I have been trying to get a hold of you for hours. I was worried sick, wondering what she did to you. Then when I go down there to see whether you’re okay, I find the place completely empty,” Jett shouted. “Do you even know how worried I’ve been?”

  “You didn't need to be,” he countered.

  “Did she escape?”

  “No. I took her outside.”

  “You let her out?” Jett shrieked. “Have you completely lost your mind?”

  “Quiet down. She’s in the other room.”

  “Oh my God. She’s here?” Jett asked.

  “Yes, she is. She’s not dangerous,” Kodiak insisted and looked at her apprehensive expression.

  “You don’t know that.”

Actually, I do.”

  “What is she doing here?” Jett huffed.

  “She’s in the shower—”

  Jett scoffed in disgust and shook her head. “Spare me the details.”

  “Jett, you know why I couldn't just keep her locked up in there, right?”

  She glared at him with disapproval and nodded slowly. “She’s your mate.”

  “Yes, and I think she can help us.”


  “I saw the wolf who attacked her. He’s pitch black with a white patch on the tip of his one ear, and amber eyes,” Kodiak explained.

  Jett’s eyes widened, and she looked at Kodiak. “That sounds like a typical Crescent Zeta.”

  “I know. That’s why I think the Crescents are trying to recruit more wolves,” Kodiak stated.

  “Or just piss you off because they know this is your territory,” she pointed out.

  “That could be a problem.”

  “So, what do you want to do?” Jett started to calm down a little.

  “First I need you to meet Ferren,” Kodiak said hopefully, but when Jett rolled her eyes, his jaw clenched in disapproval. “You can dislike her if you want, I don’t care, but she is my mate and I would appreciate it if you could treat her with respect.”

  “Just don't expect me to become best friends with her,” Jett muttered.

  “I would never ask that of you,” Kodiak stated sincerely.

  “And don’t,” Jett warned as she pointed her finger at him and narrowed her eyes, “you dare manipulate me into liking her.”

  “I wouldn't dream of it, Jett,” Kodiak answered with a suppressed smile.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” she sulked.

  Kodiak heard Ferren’s footsteps come down the hallway and he glared at Jett. “Be nice.”

  “I can’t promise anything,” Jett muttered.

  When Ferren stepped into the living area where Kodiak and Jett stood, Kodiak noticed the tension in the room kick up a few notches.

  “Ferren, this is Jett,” he introduced her with a nervous smile. “She’s my Beta.”

  “Oh, right. You’re the one who kidnapped me from my home and locked me in the cell with a chain tied to my leg. I remember.” Ferren forced a smile.

  “Nice to meet you,” Jett greeted her with the same forced smile. “And you were dangerous.”

  “Right,” Ferren agreed sarcastically.

  Kodiak rolled his eyes at the malicious glares the two women gave one another and shifted his weight in discomfort.

  “You said you had a plan, Kodi.” Jett broke their stare and turned to Kodiak.

  Kodiak noticed Ferren’s eyes narrow at Jett’s nickname for him, which he had asked her repeatedly not to use in front of others. He knew Jett was purposely using it to piss Ferren off. He just wasn't sure why.

  “I do have a plan,” he answered

  “A plan for what?” Ferren inquired.

  “The wolf that attacked you was most likely a Crescent and they’re going to come looking for you before the end of the full moon, so...” His voice trailed off for a second.

  “We can use you as bait,” Jett announced with a triumphant gleam in her eye.

  “Jett...” Kodiak warned.

  Ferren narrowed her eyes at Jett, seemingly unaffected by Jett’s snide remark, and simply glared at her.

  Jett frowned and shook her head. “We take her back to her house in Seattle, wait until they discover that she’s back, and as soon as they attempt to kidnap her—”

  “Like you did,” Ferren pointed out.

  Jett seemed a bit pissed off that Ferren interrupted her and flicked her dark hair over her shoulder. “Look, I’m just trying to make sure that our pack is safe, okay?”

  “So am I.”

  Jett glared at Kodiak and he noticed something in her eyes that he had never seen before. She was hurt and betrayed, and although Kodiak knew what had caused her to feel that way, he wasn't sure whether he understood her reasons why.

  “Okay, I get it.” Jett’s voice was hoarse and she turned away.

  The tense silence was suddenly broken as the door burst open and Moss appeared in the doorway covered in blood. Kodiak’s eyes widened and he and Jett rushed over to him.

  “Moss, what happened?”

  “They attacked Levi,” Moss answered in a panicked and angry tone.

  “Is he okay?” Jett demanded.

  “He’s bleeding heavily. It looks like they hit his jugular,” Moss explained, his breathing labored.

  “Then he doesn't have a lot of time,” Ferren said suddenly.

  Moss, Kodiak and Jett all turned and stared at her.

  “Who let you out?” Moss asked with venom in his voice.

  “I did,” Kodiak answered firmly.

  “How long ago was he attacked?” Ferren inquired, disregarding anything anyone had to say at that moment.

  “We found him about five minutes ago. We chased the son-of-a-bitch wolf into the forest, and drove here as fast as we could,” Moss answered with a frown.

  “Where is Levi now?”

  “In the car.”

  Ferren glanced at Kodiak, who gave her a nod and she turned to Moss. “Bring him in here.”

  “What is she doing here, Kodiak?” Moss asked as he turned to Kodiak.

  “Look,” Ferren muttered impatiently, “I’m a doctor, or I used to be when I was a human, but I’m the only person who can save your friend.”

  Moss paused for a moment before retreating outside. Within a few seconds, Moss was back, carrying his little brother into the house. Levi was bleeding profusely from the neck and Ferren rushed over to them. Kodiak cleared off the large wooden coffee table and Moss placed Levi on it.

  “Get me some towels, a needle and thread, if you have, and a bottle of vodka or any strong liquor with high alcohol content,” Ferren ordered and Moss, Kodiak and Jett scattered to find the supplies she asked for.

  Kodiak came back to the living area with a bottle of expensive-looking bourbon. “Here,” he said as he unscrewed it.

  She seized it from him with one hand and as she took a long swig from the bottle—which was not surprising since she was extremely stressed—it was only then he noticed that she had her fingers plugged in Levi’s jugular vein.

  “I think I need some of that,” he muttered, motioning to her to return the bottle.

  “What’s the matter, Alpha?” she asked, handing him the bottle with a chuckle. “Have you never seen someone plug another person’s artery with their fingers?”

  “That’s a definite no. I’ve snapped a lot of necks and severed many jugulars, but I’ve never seen this before,” he admitted.

  She cringed for a moment and gritted her teeth. “Right. I’m so sorry I asked. Why does he smell…”

  “Like a human?”


  Kodiak suppressed a smile. “He is human.”

  She glared at him with wide eyes and whispered, “Why did Moss bring him here?”

  “Levi is Moss’s little brother. His human brother,” Kodiak answered, and her expression begged for further explanation. “Moss’s father is a wolf and his mother is a human.”

  “And that’s not considered cross-breeding or something?”

  “No, not at all,” Kodiak chuckled.

  “I found a needle and thread,” Jett said, suddenly beside them. “I had it in my car, for some reason.”

  “And here are the towels.” Moss appeared from behind a tall stack of towels. “This should be enough, right?”

  Kodiak glanced at Ferren, who bit her bottom lip for a moment and nodded. “Yes, bring them here.”

  “Do you need me to do anything?” Kodiak asked her.

  “No, I’m fine. I’ve done this too many times, however morbid that may sound,” Ferren answered with a somber smile and turned to Jett. “Jett, give me your hand.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Just give her your hand!” Moss said impatiently as he placed the towels aroun
d Levi’s body, stopping the blood from spilling everywhere.

  It didn't actually matter to Kodiak if the entire living room was covered in blood, as long as Levi was okay. Carpets, floorboards and furniture could be replaced, but the life of a family member couldn't.

  Kodiak watched as Ferren took Jett’s fingers and pressed them into Levi’s artery, and he could clearly see the nauseated expression on Jett’s face. Ferren then started suturing his artery around her fingers. She worked fast and neatly, and was done in less than two minutes.

  Levi started shaking, and Ferren handed the needle and leftover thread to Moss.

  “What’s going on?” Moss panicked.

  “His blood pressure is probably dropping, or he’s going into shock due to the pain,” Ferren answered.

  “Do something!” Jett insisted.

  A glow appeared in Ferren’s blue eyes as she placed her hand over Levi’s heart. As she touched his skin, the glow in her eyes intensified before she closed them.

  Then something happened that not even Kodiak could have predicted. He felt the physical pain that Levi felt seep away and he looked at Ferren in surprise.

  She was a healer.

  He smiled hopefully and looked at Moss. “She’s a healer,” he whispered and Moss looked at him in surprise.

  Moss gave him a small and grateful smile and nodded wordlessly, filled with too much emotion to say anything.

  Ferren opened her eyes and a tear ran down her cheek. Her eyes met Kodiak’s and he smiled at her proudly.

  Levi’s body stopped shaking and his breathing stabilized almost immediately.

  Ferren let out a slow breath. “He’s going to be okay.”

  “How did you do that?” Jett gasped breathlessly as she wiped tears from her own cheeks.

  “I don’t know, to be honest. It just felt like the right thing to do at the time,” Ferren caught her breath.

  Moss suddenly put his arms around her and hugged her tight. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” she whispered to him.

  A few minutes later, as Moss and Jett carefully carried Levi to the car, Kodiak glanced at Ferren, who was trying to compose herself from feeling too many emotions at once, and he tried his hardest to make some of them less overbearing. He didn't want her to be in emotional turmoil, but he soon realized she was more relieved than anything else.


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