"So he's allowing you to design and remodel the house?"
"Yeah, can you believe he bet me a date and I bet him the full authority over the redo on the house? Lucky for me I know how to play cards, so yeah I won."
"So you went out with him anyway?"
"Yeah, I'd never been asked before, it was the second time he'd insinuated about taking me out. So I plainly asked if he'd still like to take me out and he agreed."
I'm so glad I grew a pair and went with my gut. "He's kinda perfect for me."
"I can see it. So when can I meet him?"
"I'm headed over there after these are done, we could stop by the store later for a few things."
"That's not what I was thinking. How about dinner at Jax’s sometime soon?"
"Okay fine, but we do need some things from the store, we should be by after noon. So you'll finally meet him, invite him to dinner, he'll love it that you asked."
"Oh Addie I'm so happy for you. I hope for good things to happen between the two of you. Whatever he's done, to make you so lit up, well I approve. I know you spent the night with him, so I won't be a nosy mom, but I only hope they you know what you're doing, I'm here and you have Jessa, if you need someone to talk to. Guys are sometimes hard to play with, and I don't have much experience but I know you may have questions-"
"Mom, we're good, I do know what I'm doing and yes this is all new to me, I trust him. He knows this is all new to me too, I told him I'm a Virgin. He's kind and gentle and when the time comes I'll let you know. We did other stuff, had some fun with ice cream, showered and slept. We talked a lot about different stuff from music, to childhood cartoons, to favorite movies and even video games. I learned so much about him. It's weird I feel like we've known each other for years, not months."
"I don't want to jump the gun, but I do believe you're on you're way to falling hard for him. Oh honey don't be scared if you trust your gut and you trust him, then I'd say you're golden."
"Momma, don't get too far ahead of yourself, it was a magical first date. Let's see how the rest will go."
"Oh believe me, you'll be in love soon, working side by side with him. I already see it happening."
Last weekend was beyond what I ever imagined it would be. We began the date awkwardly, and as it progressed we grew so comfortable with each other. When I decided to let go and just feel my way through it all, I found myself so in tune with him. Our bodies have a way of communicating the words we aren't able to say, at least at first. Once I decided to open up and tell him straight up what it was I'm feeling, we just meshed. It didn't feel like what a first date should be, and maybe it's because we had already formed a friendship, I could be wrong, it was my first and only, first date, I have nothing to compare it to.
It was easy to follow his lead, and his blossoming ideas of vanilla ice cream and early morning fishing trips. How could I not fall in love with him?
Wait, what? Falling in love? Where did that idea come from?
Oh shit, its true though. I’m falling in love with him, Shit!
Chapter 12
The week after our first date I find that I cannot stop thinking about her. I keep making up ideas for ways I could see her.
I could fake an issue at the house? Or ask for help with Charlie?
I caved this morning, I know its only been two days but I decided to text her, I asked her what her plans were for Wednesday night, but I don’t want to make her feel like she’s trapped, or that she is obligated to go out with me.
She tells me she will be watching the twins so Jax and Jessa get a date night out. I casually invite myself, saying she may need some help.
Once they go to sleep, I can get her undivided attention; I need some Addie time myself. We can enjoy our own date night in after they head to bed. I need her softness and sweetness.
Just thinking about what I did to her the other night sends my dick into overdrive. The sights and sounds of her beneath me, the way her body moved and reacted to each of my touches. I’m not sure I can wait much longer to make her mine.
At the end of our date night in, after making a midnight round to change diapers we end up sprawled on the couch. I know it’s late, and Jax and Jessa could walk in the door at any minute. I wouldn’t dare chance it. Instead I reach for her face, calling out her name with softness and longing.
“Addie?” I caress her cheeks, and when she looks up at me, smiling with that warmness I feel inside my soul. I realize I cannot live another day without nailing down my next chance to see her.
“Can I see you tomorrow? I know you’re off because Jax said the store is closed. So can we do something together?”
“I’ve been wanting to take Frank and Sadie to this new dog park that opened in the city. Ryan was telling me about it, he’s been taking his dog Gunner there since it opened this spring. Would you and Charlie like to join us?”
“That’s sounds great, I’m sure Charlie will love it too.”
We end up falling asleep on the couch together, fully clothed, and wrapped around one another. It was never my intention to hold her hostage throughout the night, but I have a feeling my victim was a little more than willing to be tied down.
In the morning I realize the second I wake, without even opening my eyes that I’m wrapped up with Addie. I may be in a foreign place, and in a foreign position, but I’m right where I need to be. I’m home, in her arms.
I kiss her forehead, and nudge her cheek with my nose, trying to rouse her from sleep. She’s so peaceful and angelic, I could watch her all day.
“Good morning sweet Lady, I see your brother came home last night and decided to let us sleep. He left us a thank you note. I’m going to head home to check on Charlie in a bit, but I didn’t want to leave you without a goodbye kiss.”
She reaches up towards my lips, when we meet, the sparks are present as ever. “I can’t just have one kiss, I need more like ten.” I linger for a few moments, and when our petting escalates and loud moans are exchanged, we hear someone clear their throat. Oh shit, that wasn’t Jessa.
“Good morning Jax.”
“Morning you two. Can you take this some place else now? Please?”
“Yeah, I was just heading home, sorry about that bro. Are we still cool?”
“Yeah, we’re good for now bro, just watch yourself. You’re skating on thin ice when it comes to her. You’ve got to understand being a big brother to your sister, where I’m coming from.”
I kiss Addison, one last night, before I grab my boots and head towards the door. “I’ll pick you up around two Lady.”
“Okay, see you then Jere Bear.”
We've just arrived at Silver Creek City, an urban dog park setup in the heart of downtown Austin. Ryan told us about the re grand opening this week. We decided to make it a day at the park with our brood of canines. Addie packed us a lunch and I packed a set of my Frisbee disks.
As soon as we entered, Charlie ran off to the doggie pools, he loves the water. Frank is glued to Addie's side, as is Sadie. Go figure, my dog cant wait to get away from me and her dogs cling to her side.
As soon as she's done setting up our picnic blanket, I take out the disks and begin my trek away from her, I need enough distance that the disk has room to fly. Once I'm about fifty yards away, I signal to her.
"Are you ready, my Lady?" I wave the disk in her direction when I have her entire focus on me.
"Have at it."
I toss the disk towards her, but Frank has other plans, he jumps up and steals the disk right in front of her, taking off towards the trees with a little pride in his trot. We both watch him, as he settles down under a tree and begins his gnawing and chewing.
However, I came prepared with more than one disk. “Lady, are you ready?” She nods her head, so I toss her another one. This time Sadie jumps up and steals the Frisbee disk from her, taking off in the opposite direction, she settles under a park bench on the other side of the park. I turn and look at Addie and she's
"Have you tried this before?” I make a circle with my index finger. “Did you know they were going to take our entertainment to chew on?"
Laughing she says, "I'm sorry, they love playing catch, they just don’t like to retrieve. I’ve been working with them, but it’s been hard."
"Have you tried training treats? They may return if they get a treat."
"No, but that’s a great idea."
"Ok, how about some lunch while the critters play. I'm not just hungry for food, so maybe I'll have some Addie on the side."
"That’s not happening here. Maybe later, I'll think about it."
"While you're thinking about it, think about how I used my mouth and tongue on you. How you reached the cliff and let go, and I was there to catch you."
"Dirty, Dirty, Dirty boy what am I going to do with you? Damn. Do you not have a filter?"
"Damn right, I'm not afraid to tell you what I feel. You’re always on my mind, never a moment to go by without some form of thought about you, especially the ones when I'm buried deep between your legs."
"Please not here, I'm getting really hot and horny. You’re not being fair."
"I never said no to giving you pleasure here, you shot me down. So I'd say its pretty fair."
"Jeremiah, I can’t do that in the middle of broad day light, anyone could see us, I'm sorry I can’t. I guess I’ll wait till later."
"Oh babe, I didn’t mean to upset you, I was only teasing. Yes I will give you anything you want later, I'm pretty hot, horny and rock hard too." I readjust my pants, so that my cock is sticking straight up my pants, instead of poking a tent through the front of my jeans. She must notice my discomfort, because her eyes are centered on my crotch.
"What do you want to about it then?" She doesn’t look up, her eyes are still glued to my junk. She licks her lip, and I only wish that could be my tongue tasting her juicy ripe lips.
"Eat fast, we're leaving after." I growl.
'We got to get the dogs."
"Shit I almost forgot about them. See you make me forget about everything around me, you're all I see."
Later that night, I made good on my promise of devouring every inch of her body. And then some.
Chapter 13
Jeremiah’s air conditioning unit when out, and I recommended he replace the entire unit, heating and air. He didn’t want to take my advice at first, he said how bad could it be. I told him it’s the middle of August, the weather is hot is humid now, but he doesn’t understand how hot and blistering the summers get here. It’s nearly a hundred degrees every single day. We also experience a drought sometimes, in which case all the farmers around here go absolutely crazy to a point where they steal water from each other’s wells, which is totally illegal but never punished for.
He finally caved when he realized how bad it had gotten. The house felt like a sauna, even with all the fans on and the windows and doors opened to allow any sort of breeze. I told him it only got worse as the season progressed. Austin never really cools down, except for December and January. This part of Texas stays warm year round.
He finally caved and asked to me call up a company to take a look at things. I went ahead and got a few estimates, so he’d have options.
Our relationship has become so comfortable for us both. Its strangely feels so normal to be with him all the time but I also feel like maybe we might be spending too much time together. My mom was completely wrong about working with him. The remodel on this house isn’t helping the relationship we're trying to grow. I'm afraid to say anything, but I'm also afraid of losing myself, and the at expense of things, losing any potential for what we could have. It feels like a win-lose situation to me. I’ve had most of my life thinking the world doesn’t come easy and you have to make what you want it to be. With Jeremiah, everything kinda just falls into place and it doesn’t feel like we have anything that we have to work so hard for. I’m just afraid that when life springs you a bad hand, how the hell will he react to it?
We are severely attracted to one another, and I can see myself falling deeply for him. It scares the shit out of me, the depth of my feelings intensify for him everyday.
"The install guy is scheduled for two this afternoon, until then we're going to have to brave the heat.” I tell him.
"What do you suggest? Shedding our clothes could be fun, and we have nearly four hours to explore our sweaty steamy bodies till they arrive."
"You are always thinking dirty thoughts, huh?"
"Never with anyone else, just you. My naughty mind thinks of all visions of what I want to do to you."
"No." I tease him playfully. Running from his side, down the hall towards the kitchen. He's hot my trail, threatening my capture.
"Just you wait, when I finally catch you..."
"What are you going to do?"
"I'm going to start off by tickling you, until you start crying, then I'm going to kiss you, everywhere except for where you really want my mouth. Especially not your juicy pussy. So my Lady, are you going to allow me to catch you? The sooner you give in, the sooner you'll have my tongue on and in you."
"Oh you wouldn’t dare deprive me?"
"Oh yes I would. And I'd enjoy doing it too."
It’s easy to push all my negative thoughts away when he's acting so playfully with me. I know the moment he's away from me, I'm going to start back in, on why this is all wrong when it feels all right.
“Okay fine, come get me, I can’t live without your tongue action.”
“I knew you would cave, I know what it does to you.”
After the repair guy left, with his assurance that the rooms should start cooling off soon I made up an excuse to get home. I felt guilty for the way I’ve been feeling and I figured alone in my room at home would be the best place to decipher my thoughts.
“I’ll talk you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I just wish you would stay with me for once.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to get home to check on the animals.”
“ I understand you have responsibilities, but I need you too.”
“You have me all the time, everyday nearly. I just….”
“What’s wrong Addie? Please talk to me.”
“I have to go, I’ll stop by tomorrow after my shift at the hardware store.”
“I can do better than that, I can’t wait that long. I’ll bring you coffee in the morning and if I’m lucky I’ll swing by with lunch too.”
“You don’t have to do that. I can eat something at the café.”
“You feed me all the time, its time for me to return the favor.”
“Love you Jere Bear, see you tomorrow.” I reach up and plant a sweet little kiss to his cheek. He eyes me cautiously as I step away.
“What was that for?”
“To tie you over till tomorrow.”
“That wasn’t enough, I need a little more than that.”
“Okay, one more kiss, but that’s all.”
“Are you sure I cant change your mind? I’d love to eat you out in my air conditioned home.”
“I’d love for you to eat me too, but the dogs need to be let out and fed and the eggs need to be collected from the chicken coop. I’m sorry I have things that I have to do.”
“No I understand, its just when you turn away from me, you take a piece of me with you. I can’t explain it. Its like a light bulb is shut off and everything turns dark. I need you too.”
“I know you do. I promise, I’ll see you tomorrow. Here” I reach up, and pull his head down to my lips. Swirling my tongue into his mouth, he growls and grips me tighter in his arms. I feel his erection against my stomach as our bodies collide. He caresses my back, moving one hand up and cupping my neck, with the other moving lower, to cup my butt. He tries to pick me up, but I immediately pull back from him. Its no wonder to me, that he has every intention on pulling me into his arms and carrying me off to his bedroom.
“That’s all you’re going to
get. We’ll save the rest for later, I know where you were headed and I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, I love you, I can share you. As long as I still have you, that’s all that matters to me.”
“I get so lost in you sometimes that I lose reality of what my priorities are. You are very important in my life, however I have responsibilities and people who count on me to carry out specific duties. I’ve been failing behind on some accounts and I can’t get too lost before I lose sight of the things that also matter to me.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then. Tell your folks I said hello.”
“I will. I love you too, Jere Bear.”
After tending to the animals, I find myself in my room starring at the ceiling, as if all the answers will just appear in the rafters. Even though I know I love him, I’m worried my demons will pull us apart. I’ve got a lot of shit I’m dealing with that he doesn't deserve to be put out with. I sometimes feel as if the world will just come crashing down on me. I often think about the saying, “God will only give you as much as he thinks you can handle.” I seriously think God is playing a trick on me. What else is left for me to endure?
I’ve successfully fucked cancer, dealing with all the expenses and the turmoil on my own. Jeremiah is the only person close to me that knows about my history.
I’ve been date raped, but until Jeremiah came along I had never actually been on a date, or even kissed a guy.
I’ve killed someone, defending the lives of three people who are treasured in my life. The nightmares never seem to escape me. I relive that moment over and over again, nearly every night.
I have zero experience, when it comes to relationships. And he is just stepping out of one that has lasted nearly his entire life. I have no idea what I’m competing with, when it comes to her. Granted I’ve met her a few times, I know what type of person she is. I sometimes wish she was never apart of him. She tore him up when she left to a point where he nearly gave up on everything. Every memory he has, it has her attached to them. So, it’s safe to say I will never stop hearing about the bitch that ruined his life.
Lady Luck (Lucky You Book 2 1) Page 7