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Insight Page 20

by Tina Engel

“Calm down granddaughter. It is time that you know everything,” and looking over at Angelina, she continued, “and you too my daughter.” Varda added.

  My body cooled as Varda took my arm and led me to a table where we sat. Before my butt landed on the seat, I stated, “Brett is being tortured. I saw him again, but this time he looked at me and told me to go before Stephan felt my presence. Brett knows we are here. Tell me everything quickly so we can stop Stephan. But the blood…?” and I let that thought drift away, not continuing the sentence. It disturbed me so.

  Varda asked Angelina to come sit with us too and she took both our hands in hers. “It’s time for you both to know your story. I must tell it quickly. We don’t have much time, so try to keep your questions to a minimum, if you can.”

  Varda continued, and as she told the story of our past, we, Angelina and I, were seeing it as she spoke.

  “You Emilee, are not human, nor fey, as you have guessed.” And Varda smiled. “You are human and fey but so much more, as am I. There are very few, who are like us, my sweet granddaughter.”

  Varda looked to Angelina then and with a smile of pure love, continued, “You Angelina are a part of me and him, but were chosen to carry Emilee, the chosen one. Why you were not the one that the prophesy spoke of, I cannot say. It has always been written in the stars. The one who gave me life, chooses who will continue to care for all life, in this, seventh section, in the great universe, and it is Emilee who will take my place, eventually.

  “This planet that we are on, has many dimensions, Earth, Atlantis; a water world, Terrafirma, and Hades. There are other dimensions within Hades. One is called Gehenna. There are many other worlds, all of which have many dimensions on each.

  “This planet, however, is the center of all in this section of the universe and therefore here on this planet, we can enter all of the other places through entrances, portholes, windows and doorways.

  “Angelina, the day I banished him to Gehenna, a dimension deep in the heart of Hades, was the day I hid you from the universe. I knew that he had eyes still in Terrafirma and earth, and he suspected that I would send you elsewhere, to keep you safe.

  I couldn’t though, the other lands on the other plants would not have accepted you as did Terrafirma. I needed you safe until the time came for you to meet Jordan. Knowing that he didn’t think you were here, I thought you were safe.

  “Jordan is from a very special species of life that came to this planet and made Terrafirma their home. Jordan’s ancestors came from the sky, the stars, they were the fallen, as his people called them; from the heavens, was the tale. Not welcome in their homeland due to different beliefs, they came to Terrafirma and battled with the land fey for thousands of years. They found peace eventually, and over time, joining, became one species.

  “You Emilee, are part of the sky people too, as Jordan is a descendant of one of the original sky people.” Varda looked to Jordan then and said, “That is a story, in itself, for another time”

  “You, Jordan, were taken from your family as a baby, and placed in the orphanage because he knew who you would become and the destiny you had. I had to protect you also. Douglas…” and Varda looked to Douglas with a look of longing, I believed, and he nodded his head. “took you to the orphanage and when it was time, you were given the idea to go and find the elders. They were waiting for you.”

  Jordan interrupted hotly, “You mean that the council, elders, knew what was to happen, knew all along that we would be together? Did they know that Angelina would almost die?”

  “That was not the plan, Jordan. I know things, the future, to a point but if someone decides to change one detail, or makes a decision that is different from what was supposed to be, everything changes. You were all given the right to choose, make your own decisions, and in doing so, potentially changing the path that you take to reach your destination. Every life form has a destination.

  “I knew that Emilee, my granddaughter would be the chosen one, like me, to keep the peace, bring life from other places together, as well as keep them apart until the time was right, starting with Earth and Terrafirma. How we would get to that place in time is always a bit sketchy and at times challenging.” And Varda chuckled a bit when she said, sketchy.

  Lily let out an irritating meow, and then a cough as if trying to get up a fur ball, which brought all of our attention to her, as she said, “A bit sketchy, and challenging? It has been a hellish journey, if you ask me. Dragging me here and there, carrying you in me, as we traipsed all around that dreadful world of humans. Let’s just call it what it is, shall we, my lady? Hellish!”

  Varda chuckled and said in a manner that was friendly and welcoming, “We have been together long enough Lily that you don’t have to call me, my lady. We have been in too tight quarters to be that politically correct, don’t you think?”

  Lily gave Varda a, (whatever) look, and Varda turned her attention back to Angelina and I, and continued.

  “Jordan, you and Angelina were to find each other but when the council was ready, they would separate you. Your life Jordan, would have gone as planned, the way it did, up until Adam…” and Varda glared at Adam, and then continued, “decided to change your destiny by saving your life.

  “I didn’t realize that the one who was close to me, who was privy to things of importance, was working for the Dark One. This fey was supposed to take the artifact away from the Dark One, that gave him powers, a gift from me, but I find out now, that he still had it. Worse yet, let that traitor’s son use it to get the egg and his sword.”

  “Wait a minute!” I interrupted sternly, “Are you saying that Stephan’s father is the traitor, and Brett’s sword belonged to Stephan’s father before him?”

  Varda pursed her lips together, anger emanating from her eyes for a moment and then continued, “Yes, Emilee, Stephan’s father, Hedrick DeMill.”

  “Who is the Dark One then, since I am assuming that Hedrick DeMill isn’t the Dark One?” I questioned.

  “Hedrick was a fey that was brought to me early on, in the beginning of Terrafirma. I needed assistance from the life forms there, and because he was chosen to assist me with helping the new life forms to grow and evolve as they must, Hedrick was given the gift of longevity.” Varda spat with disgust.

  Angelina said then, “He will never die?”

  “Oh, he will die eventually and I will see to it, but his life span was to be a greater length. He was with me, however, working for me when I was introduced to …” And Varda paused, removed her hands from mine and Angelina’s, stood and walked over to a porthole and stared out for a moment.

  “Who?” I questioned with kindness in my voice, for I felt that this was difficult for my grandmother to say. “Who is the Dark One and why does he want me?”

  Varda turned from the window, came over, sat down and placed her hands back on ours. “His name is Mephisto.

  “Mephisto, was like me, in charge of one of the sections in the great one’s universes. He was the one caring for and guiding the sixth of the seven great areas of the universe. Humans call this one that I care for, the seventh heaven.

  “I was created to care for his latest creation and Mephisto was sent here to help me, I was to learn from him. We, well let’s just say…”

  Angelina replied, “You fell in love and that is how I came to be? He’s my father?”

  “And my grandfather?” I added.

  Varda looked from Angelina to me and nodded her head and continued, “Yes, we did and he is. He was a good soul, loving and kind, but firm when need be. He learned how to guide without interfering or rushing the life forms on his worlds.

  “But something happened. At some point, Mephisto became competitive. He wanted the life forms on his worlds to stay more advanced than the life forms in my section of the universe. I watched him deteriorate, but I was in denial for some time.

  “When I was told of the prophecy, of a baby girl who would one day take my place and I would go up with the great one who
created it all, as we all would, Mephisto also saw the vision of the prophecy and we both knew who it would be. Mephisto however, wanted to be the ultimate power over both sections of this great universe, and then more.

  “When I learned of his evil desire and confronted him, I tried to convince him to stop what he was trying to do. He set into motion a plan to end my existence as you see me, and take over. He knew that I was with child, you Angelina, and since Emilee was to be the chosen, if he ended my existence, then he could change the future.

  “Biton, one of the elders from one of Mephisto’s worlds, came to me, and shared this information. For he was one of Mephisto’s top aides, but Biton disagreed with Mephisto.

  “Biton is a seer, telepathic. On Biton’s world, they are all telepathic. The doorways to his world are closed for now. Their abilities could damage or destroy other worlds. Biton has been working with me since his change from one of Mephisto’s aides to mine.

  “It wasn’t until a few days before you, Angelina were to be born, that Biton came to me and showed me Mephisto’s plan. You see, I cannot die, like other life forms, for I am not living as others do. I was not born as other life forms are, I was created. Only the creator could remove me from existence.

  “Mephisto thought he had the great one convinced that I was plotting against his plans, but then that just shows what corruption and greed can do to a soul. Mephisto was blinded by his own evil, not realizing that the great one saw all, knew all and gave me the power to put him in Hades, not destroy him as I wanted to.”

  Varda took a breath, such sadness in her eyes, and this gave me the opportunity to ask, “Why would he, whoever he is, not let you destroy Mephisto? This gave him the opportunity to continue what he had planned. Which is exactly what is happening now.”

  “He is the creator of all. There is no name for him, I say he, but only because there is no word or name that can explain. I could say, she, or it but I have called my creator, he, for so long that it is just easier.

  “I will one day stand beside him, but for now we must stop Mephisto, and Emilee, you have much to accomplish before that time. Why I was to banish him and not destroy him was not for me to question. It will all play out as it should.”

  “What about Jordan?” Angelina asked, “Why was Adam not to save Jordan after he had saved Emilee?” How cruel is that?”

  Varda gave Angelina a meek smile and answered, “We all have a role to play in the destination of the future of all.

  “I needed you, Angelina, to keep watch over Terrafirma, for it is difficult for me to come here in my true form, and Lily will have her work cut out for her watching over Emilee in the …” Varda paused, looking at me and continued, “ I am much stronger when I do not appear in a physical shape.

  “Mephisto knows this, and that is why I thought for a short time that Adam was working for him, refusing to follow orders, by not letting Jordan die, and therefore changing the future, just a bit. But I know now that it was just brotherly love that stopped Adam from allowing Jordan to die. Even fey emotions get in the way of things.

  “I had other plans for Angelina, but with Jordan back in her life, it has changed the future. Emilee must continue on her path, which is to stop Mephisto, but to do this, she will have to take the next step, which will be difficult for her to do.

  “Now, the future being changed, I can’t see yet, but will soon, how Angelina and Jordan play a role in the future. As for now, Emilee, we must get your dragon, save Brett, get Brett’s sword back before Stephan turns it against good, and defeat Mephisto.”

  “What about Kimberlite? Where is he now? I saw him there, behind Brett in that awful prison. Is he working for Mephisto? He is a lava rock and Mephisto is deep in Hades.” I asked as I removed one of my hands from under my grandmother’s hand, and lifted the diamond so I could look deep within it.

  “I have seen fear and embarrassment on his face on and off from the beginning of this nightmare of a journey, that you have put me on. Where is he now?” I continued.

  Varda reached out and touched the diamond as I continued, “I saw Kimberlite standing behind Brett, whispering something into his ear. Brett’s head hung down then, the hopelessness shown in his body.”

  “But where is he now?” I asked again. “He was with Queen Anahita, the last time I saw him. Do we trust either of them?

  I looked up at Varda, and she said, “Only time will tell. We all have the right to choose. Kimberlite has his own path to follow, they all do.”

  When Varda removed her hands from mine and Angelina’s, we were transported back to the dining room with everyone standing and sitting around. As Varda had spoken, Angelina and I could see it, feel everything that had happened and we could better understand the past.

  But I couldn’t stop thinking about Kimberlite. Was he the spy all along? And what of Eagle, his attitude, solitude and strange translucent appearance, every once in a while, since he came back to us after being injured? And Rose’s odd look and behavior too. Should I be worried that they were both working for Mephisto?

  Varda reached over and placing a hand on my cheek, caused me to look up into her face. She smiled and said, “My dear, time will answer those questions but now, if you are ready, I think Brett needs you and Shinar, your dragon is struggling to remember who she truly belongs too. She must touch you soon, or will be lost.”

  “That is another question I have!” I shouted, not meaning to shout but with everything else going on, I had forgotten about her.

  Varda chuckled, sighed and then said, “Ask.”

  “What about the dragon, where does she fit into this and where does she come from? I haven’t seen any dragons in Terrafirma, or earth for that matter. Only in stories and movies when I was a human. There was the dragon in my vision though, an evil dragon.” I said.

  “That is where she’s from Emilee. That place. You will know of it soon, I promise, it will all make sense soon. There is more to Terrafirma than any of you know. First, you must take care of the issue in front of you.” And Varda stood.

  Chapter 19



  Douglas came over to Varda and as he put his arm around her waist, she lay her head on his shoulder. Tipping her head slightly up, she looked into his eyes. She smiled a longing smile, and stood then, stepping away from him slightly, as he removed his arm from around her waist.

  I saw something there, in that moment, between the two of them. I had seen it before several times but didn’t think anything of it, until now. It was affection I saw in both of their faces, but what kind of affection and how strong? I knew what it was, a longing, because I felt the same for Brett.

  I was deep in thought, but as I looked at Varda, she was looking at me, and she knew that I understood. She may have been in love with Mephisto a long time ago but at some point after, Douglas and Varda became close, closer than they felt they should.

  “I must go now.” Varda said. “There is trouble in the humans’ dimension. The greyness, dark spirits, are entering your Pineville through the tree that Stephan had used to get to you. What could still possibly be in Pineville that Mephisto could want, unless, it is Pineville where he intends to start his destruction first? The fey that belongs to that tree is nowhere to be found. The tree is sick and dying so we fear that the true fey of that tree is dead.

  “Douglas, see to it that Emilee gets where she needs to be, with the help of the trolls, Wolves and Albee. Jordan, you are to stay here with Adam. He will need your help to keep this ship safe and ready for departure as soon as Emilee has rescued Brett, his sword and the dragon.”

  Douglas nodded as Varda came to me, hugged me tightly and did the same with Angelina before going to the middle of the room. As she started to glow, an orb appeared and then she was gone, orb and all. Lily was still in a corner and looked a bit perplexed.

  “Well now,” Lily commented, “she has left me alone here, to take care of things without her constant nagging on how I should be ha
ndling them. This is a nice change.”

  “Lily!” I heard my grandmother say in an authoritative tone.

  Lily looked around the room and then gave a look of annoyance as Douglas informed Lily that she would be accompanying me, as well as Rose. Lily would be in cat form. He headed out the door and we all followed, but before I left the room, Trevor called my name.

  I stopped and turned around, as he came up to me. “Take this Princess, it may help.” And he handed me a small flask.

  I looked at him with curiosity and he continued, “It’s a small amount of the drink that you needed while you were growing and strengthening. I saved the last bit, I don’t know why, but something inside me, told me to do so. I don’t know if it is for you or someone else, but take it.”

  Then I heard Varda’s voice again, “Thank you Trevor, I can always count on you to remember things.” And Trevor smiled, I knew that he heard her voice too.

  I saw the dragon then, in my mind. Shinar, my dragon, a part of me, I was told. She was laying on the ground, and I was giving her the fluid in the flask.

  Shinar is a part of me and I needed this liquid to grow. She is still growing. She must need it too, for some reason, I realized.

  I gave Trevor a hug, placed the flask in a pocket in my jeans and headed out the door and up to the deck where everyone was waiting.

  “Grandmother?” I said, out loud. “Are you still hanging around?”

  Everyone looked at me like I was crazy but Douglas just chuckled and said, “She is always here, everywhere, but let’s not worry about Varda right now. She has things to do, as do we.

  “Adam is docking the ship, in a bay, and an ancient Chapel is located up on the hill nearby, with the entrance to Hades under it. Deep inside the temple is the opening to the cave which leads to Hades, and to Gehenna, where we believe that Brett is being held, as well as the sword.

  “When we get to the cave, Tobias, you and half your clan will tunnel into the rock walls and floors, going ahead of Emilee and her group, to scope out any trouble that may be ahead of them.


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