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SweetestSeduction Page 2

by KB Alan

  “Where did you grow up?” he asked.

  Valerie startled at the question, turning her head without lifting it from the headrest. “Seattle, but we moved here when I was ten.”

  “Ah, actual weather. I love it when it rains here, but only because it’s not too often.”

  “You grew up here?”

  “Yep. I was a surfer dude, can’t you tell?”

  She laughed. “Were you really? You don’t act like what I think of as a surfer dude.”

  “The movies,” he laughed, shaking his head. “There are all kinds of surfer dudes. You took up riding when you moved down here?”

  Months ago he’d done a shoot that involved Arabian horses in action. When Valerie had come to his office the following week she’d stood entranced before his photos in a way she never had with his usual fashion model subjects. He’d done a spectacular job of catching the dancing horses, if he did say so himself. Prying from her the fact that she’d ridden throughout high school but not since, he’d invited her to go back to the university with him and watch one of the public shows. He’d even offered to see if he could get a private tour, but she’d turned him down flat and left quickly. Taking her there had been his first idea for today’s date, but he’d changed his mind. He didn’t want to remind her that she’d said no to the idea once already.

  “Yes. My mom wanted me in some kind of after-school program and that was the only one I was interested in.”

  “How long did you stay with it?”

  “Until graduation. I decided it was more important to work that summer, to start contributing to the household. She did pretty well as an administrative assistant but she gave up a lot of things so that she could give me riding lessons. And she was insistent that I not have to work my freshman year in college, so I told her I wanted to get work experience that summer. And I did. Want to, I mean. I was ready to become an adult and to me that was part of it.”

  “But you missed it. You’ve got time now, how come you don’t ride?”

  “When’s the last time you went surfing?”

  He laughed. “Excellent point. Hungry?”

  “A little.”

  “Me too.” He pulled into an In-N-Out Burger and got in line for the drive-thru.

  The look she gave him showed she was not impressed.

  “You don’t like In-N-Out?”

  “I do, but there are a few of them quite a bit closer to home.”

  “I’d rather eat here than where we’re going. They don’t have milkshakes there.”

  She shook her head and ordered a regular hamburger when they reached the speaker. He ordered a Double-Double, Animal Style for himself and turned to her. “What kind of shake do you want, chocolate, vanilla or strawberry?”

  “I don’t need a milkshake.”

  He shook his head and ordered a chocolate and a vanilla.

  “Nobody needs a milkshake,” he answered as they inched their way to the next window. “Wait, I take that back. Sometimes I need a milkshake. Right now I just want one. I think you do need one though.”

  She looked down at herself and gave him the look again. “Clearly not.”

  Scowling, Keith paid and moved forward to the pick-up window. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Exactly what it sounds like and what I already said. I don’t need a milkshake.”

  Handing over the money, he accepted the shakes in return and put them both in the car’s cup holders. The burgers came next and he handed the cardboard box to Valerie. After thanking the server, he drove off.

  “I know you like vanilla creamer in your coffee, so you can have that one. I’ll take the chocolate.” He took it and sucked hard, knowing it would be a bit thick to get through the straw until it had melted a bit. He debated pushing the issue, then decided what the hell. “Are you implying that you’re overweight?”

  “I could lose ten pounds, but no.” She glared at him as he was about to interrupt. “I don’t want to be stick-thin like the models you see. But if I drink milkshakes, believe me, I’ll be going too far in the other direction.”

  “First, I work with them. I’m not entirely sure that’s what you meant by ‘see’, so I thought I’d point that out. Second, one milkshake today, to put you in a sweet mood, is not going to make you fat. Besides, we’re going to be doing a lot of walking, so you’ll be working it off, I assure you.”

  “You’re being a bossy ass today.”

  He looked over in time to see her bite her lip at that. Pleased that she’d relaxed enough to be in friend mode, rather than professional mode, he suppressed a smile. “Whatever, drink your shake.”

  He took a certain amount of pleasure from the fact that though she grumbled a bit, she sat back and ate her burger and yes, drank her milkshake. Was it wrong that he was getting as turned-on as he was frustrated? Careful that she couldn’t see him do it, he rolled his eyes. Apparently everything about her turned him on, even when she was being ridiculous.

  Valerie debated between being irritated or charmed. It seemed a weird decision to need to make, but apparently her life had become weird, so there you go. She’d been pissed at him for dragging her off without asking, pissed when he asked her why she wasn’t dating. Finally she’d had a revelation, coming to understand what he wanted from her. Sex. It was so obvious. He was taking their relationship to a new level. They would have sex and then things would go back to normal. For him.

  For her, sex had always been an emotional activity. She knew people, both men and women, who saw it as an entertaining pastime until they met the right person and emotions got involved. For her, sex without the buildup of trust and emotional commitment had never been possible. Sometimes she wished things were different, but it hadn’t worked out that way.

  She’d been repeating the Keith mantra, He’s just a nice guy who really likes women. All women. That does not mean he loves all women, just that he likes to make them feel special, when it had suddenly occurred to her that maybe this time she should just go with it. She already had the emotions, feelings for Keith that were inappropriate for their business relationship. If she gave in, let herself enjoy his seduction of her, let herself enjoy what she hoped would be great sex, then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad when it ended. After all, it was already painful that she was so attracted to him and couldn’t have him. This way they could have the day, and night she assumed, and then she could put it behind her. She’d have to stop being his accountant, because she was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to face him again. But at least she’d have some good memories to work with until she met someone else who inspired those feelings in her. Who inspired those damn daydreams. And hopefully, someone who felt the same in return.

  It wouldn’t occur to him that this would be the end of their business relationship, but too fucking bad. Maybe she should warn him.

  No, if he was determined to take this step without consulting her, then he would have to endure the consequences. It was about time that he suffered a bit too, she thought as she finished her burger. She already knew of several businesses that could use her services but he’d have to go through the hassle of finding a new accountant. A minor hassle, granted, but she’d take what she could get.

  Stuffing their trash into the takeout box, she sucked up the last of her delicious shake. Who was she kidding? She’d probably line up alternative accountants for him to interview. She was such a sucker.

  “Have you ever been here?” he asked, pulling up to a parking gate. The sign read Huntington Library. “It’s one of my favorite places.” He held out his hand for the trash and dumped it through his window and into a can as they drove past.

  “No, what is it?”

  “Some railroad guy named Huntington used to own it. He got a lot of art and he built a lot of spectacular gardens. Now it’s open to the public—part museum, part gardens. Over one hundred acres, I believe. You could spend all day doing one or the other. We can do a mix.” He parked and got out of the car, coming around to h
er side and waiting while she tucked the rose under the seat so it would be out of the sun.

  “Come on, you’ll love it.” His smile as he took her hand and pulled her toward the buildings was infectious.

  “All right, all right, I’m coming.”

  She let him pay her admission without complaint. He seemed to know where he was going, heading into the building on their right. Art was something that she enjoyed but not something she sought out. Sometimes the photos he took mesmerized her, especially the ones without unreal-looking models. But faced with the brilliance on display here, she could only stand in awe. They saw paintings she recognized from books and illustrated manuscripts that were gorgeous. They saw a Gutenberg Bible from the 1400s and sculptures that defied description.

  Keith told her what he knew but never came across as condescending or annoying. His excitement was adorable and more than once she found herself watching him instead of the art. It was similar to the way he was when he’d occasionally show her some of his work, but much more open, more free. She found that their tastes varied on some things, matched perfectly on others. It surprised her when he gave as much attention to an antique chair as he had to an oil painting, pointing out the workmanship, the hand carving with an enthusiasm that was fascinating.

  And he touched her. Grabbing her hand to pull her to a particular piece, leaning over her shoulder to study something she’d stopped to examine. It wasn’t as though he hadn’t touched her before, but the situation gave him a lot more opportunities, and he took them all as far as she could figure. It confirmed her suspicion that he planned to make things physical between them. Which worked out well, since every brush of his fingers brought a tingle to her skin and made her want more.

  About the time her feet grew tired, he grabbed her hand and walked them out to a huge lawn, finding a quiet spot under a beautiful weeping willow and urging her to lie down with him and enjoy the sunshine.

  “This is gorgeous,” she admitted, though her eyes had closed to better appreciate the February sun kissing her skin from between the swaying branches. Parks weren’t exactly rare in Los Angeles, but her remembering to visit and enjoy them definitely was.

  “We’ve only just started. We can leave the other buildings for another time but we should check out at least a few of the gardens. There’s a Japanese garden, a Chinese Garden, a Desert Garden and a Palm Garden. Lots more.”

  She heard him shift so she slit her eyes open enough to see him without turning her head. They’d been lying next to each other on their backs but he’d rolled to his side, facing her, propped up on one elbow. She opened her eyes all the way and looked at him.

  Her heart sped up at the heat in his eyes. Apparently he was ready to move this seduction forward. There was no keeping the hard swallow from betraying her nervousness, but he already knew she needed encouragement. She watched his eyes but caught the slow movement of his hand reaching toward her.

  Chapter Three

  One of Keith’s fingers found her jeans-covered leg and traced along the side seam from her waist to her knee. His gaze flicked down and hers did as well so they both watched as the finger trailed up over her kneecap until it was even with the center of her leg before making the return journey. He pressed hard enough that she could feel a tingling sensation through the heavy pants as that single digit moved up her thigh. He pressed harder as he came to the front pocket so she could feel him pass over the crease between thigh and groin.

  Such a simple thing, she could barely feel his touch, but her leg ached, wanting to feel him more directly. She sucked in a breath as his finger pushed the hem of her shirt up and made its way to her waistband before finally making light contact with her hungry flesh. She held her breath, waiting to see what he would do, but he remained motionless, the finger just touching her bare stomach.

  “Val.” His voice was husky and she brought her gaze up to meet his. He was watching her, waiting until he had her attention before he unfurled the rest of his fingers and splayed them across her waist. Then he began the slow journey south again, only this time he used his whole hand. His thumb brushed dangerously close to her zipper, then curved to the inside of her thigh as it followed his strong fingers.

  When he reached her knee he didn’t rest, just changed the angle of his hand so that his palm ran along the inseam of her jeans this time. Unable to look away, she watched his eyes as her pussy clenched in anticipation. She was wet for him and he’d barely touched her, just one hand on one thigh. In public. The thought sent a shot of panic through her as his thumb reached the juncture of her legs and moved up her zipper until his palm cupped her. She looked around but they were alone.

  “Trust me,” he murmured. “I won’t let anything hurt you.”

  His words brought her gaze back to his face. He looked so sure, so confident. What is he doing here, with me? She gave herself a mental slap. It didn’t matter why he was doing this. She was going to enjoy it while she could and remember it for a long time afterward.

  Her legs fell open a bit to give him better access, without a direct command from her brain. She didn’t care, was happy to let her body have its way. He growled his approval and leaned down to kiss her. He tasted like chocolate shake. He tasted like sex and freedom from insecurities. He tasted delicious. She gave herself to the kiss fully, letting her thoughts drift as far away as possible so she could concentrate solely on the sensations he brought out in her.

  His tongue teased hers, inviting her to play. She took him up on it, exploring him as she’d wanted to for so long. He pulled back before she was ready and she whimpered, unable to stop herself.

  “Shh,” he whispered, resting his head back on his hand again. “You’re okay, just lie still for a minute.”

  She was confused only for a second before she heard the voices. A small group of people crossed the lawn near where they lay, but they wouldn’t be able to see past his body to where his hand still cupped her. Instead, he took the opportunity to caress her other thigh with his long fingers before giving her a sharp squeeze with his whole hand.

  She ground herself against the seam and nearly came but he pulled away. Her gaze flew to his face, afraid she would see annoyance, but he was breathing hard too, his eyes showing only intense pleasure at her reactions. He leaned back down but didn’t come to her mouth. Instead, his lips found her ear, tracing it with the tip of his tongue.

  “Are you wet?”

  “Yes,” she said with a shudder.

  “You’re so beautiful.” His hand squeezed again, but only briefly.

  “Please,” she said, ignoring his words, concentrating on his hand.

  “Not yet,” he whispered into her ear and pulled his hand away. “We’ve got gardens to see.”

  He stood up and looked down at her. She just lay there, staring at him in disbelief.

  “You’re not being very nice.”

  He grinned at that and reached down, offering her a hand. Reluctantly she took it, letting him pull her to her feet in one smooth move.

  Keith had to remind himself he was in this for the long haul. He absolutely could not ruin things by taking her on a public lawn, no matter how delicious she looked or how prettily she asked. Her gorgeous brown eyes were shooting sparks at him and he couldn’t remember the last time he was so turned-on. A quick glance to make sure nobody was watching him and he made a necessary adjustment to his jeans. Damn, he felt as if he was being strangled. His own fault, of course, and completely worth it, but…damn.

  Val’s lips twitched and they looked at each other for a second before bursting into laughter.

  They walked through the Rose Garden and he pointed out a rosebud the color of her lips before stealing a kiss. They enjoyed the Japanese Garden then made their way back via the Subtropical Garden and the Shakespeare Garden where he attempted to recite a sonnet in her honor but failed miserably, causing the sweetest laugh he’d ever heard from her. They held hands and their bodies bumped along together naturally. When they found themse
lves alone in the Bonsai Court, he took the opportunity to kiss her again before more visitors interrupted them.

  “Tired?” he asked as they headed back to the parking lot.

  “Only my feet. I’m not used to walking so much.”

  He put his arm around her and she leaned into him. “Don’t worry. No walking necessary for dinner.”

  She looked at him as he opened the car door for her. “We’re going…out for dinner?”

  Part of him wanted to take her home instead, which she clearly expected. But he wasn’t ready for that. He wanted her thinking of him as more than just a sex buddy. Because this day was absolutely not about a quick roll in the sack. He’d wanted her for months and was determined to have her, but he had much more than one night in mind.

  Showing her he could be a good date was a start. Ending it with hot sex was still part of the plan of course, but he figured the night was still young. They had the weekend ahead of them if things went according to his plans.

  He headed north to catch the freeway going east. They needed to get back to Los Angeles, to the other side of Griffith Park, before five.

  “Well, did you like it?” he asked, trying to distract himself from the overwhelming urge to touch her some more. He was worried that once started, he wouldn’t be able to stop.

  “It was beautiful. Can you even imagine having all that space? I wonder how much art they had when the house was actually a home.”

  Her palms rubbed up and down her thighs and he hoped she was missing their contact as much as he was. Ah hell, he was a man, damn it, he could control himself. He reached over and offered his hand, a grin escaping when she took it immediately. Well, that was interesting. The desire was still there, strong and only growing stronger, but somehow holding her hand made it a little bit easier, not harder, to control. Or rather, something was harder but he was trying not to think about that.

  She squirmed in her seat and he wondered what she was thinking. A quick glance at him had her blushing so he figured her thoughts had turned as naughty as his. Hell, it was time for another distraction because he sure wasn’t moving his hand.


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