Stormy Waters (Oceans of Love Book 2)

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Stormy Waters (Oceans of Love Book 2) Page 12

by Nia Arthurs

  Still wasn’t Kelly though.

  Should he let her down easy now or wait until they’d returned to work? He hated these things. Benjamin’s method of choice was ignoring any woman who showed an interest. The drama that came with face-to-face rejection unnerved him.

  “Here you go,” Harley said, handing him a drink. She sent him a cheeky grin. “When are you getting in?”

  “I’m sitting this one out. You should enjoy yourself though. Looks like the rest of the team is having fun.”

  “I’ll just hang with you for a bit.” She leaned back on her hands and pushed out her chest. Her breasts were covered by two tiny triangular pieces of cloth and he was sure the rocks beneath her naked thigh must be cutting into her skin.

  Benjamin made a point to stare at only her face. “Harley, we need to talk.”

  “Ah.” She sighed and squinted her eyes against the bright sunshine. “Look at that waterfall. Isn’t it breathtaking?”

  Benjamin swung his head to take in the majestic view. The sheer power of the falls as it cascaded over giant rocks that hunkered together like a slumbering monster was a testament to an Intelligent Designer.

  The sound of the water tumbling into the lake gave the impression that it was raining, though the sky was bluer than he’d ever seen. Birds struggled to be heard above the roar. It was a strange kind of chaos, but Benjamin could do nothing but be awed by it.

  “It is something to behold.”

  “Should we take a selfie?”

  “No thanks.”

  “Come on,” Harley whined and held his forearm imploringly. “You ran from nearly all our team photos.”

  “I’m not much for snapping pictures of myself.” He waved his hand toward the rock formations, cleverly shaking her grasp. “There are so much more to impressive things to photograph.”

  “I doubt that,” Harley said beneath her breath. “What do you think? We’ve had a great trip, right? There were no problems. The hotel was great. The food was fantastic. I’m not sure why there were police officers at the resort this morning, but it probably has nothing to do with us.”


  Benjamin scooted away from Harley and glanced at Kelly. His girlfriend narrowed her eyes at him, but was distracted by a large spray of water to the face. Rene laughed and the two began playing roughly again. He smirked at her obvious jealousy. Benjamin had known Kelly’s feelings long before last night.

  Harley caught his sappy smile and gagged.

  “Do you have a problem?” he asked.

  “Of course not. I’m just trying to understand what you see in her. Apart from the obvious.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Did you know she was dating a married man? You remember the guy who came into our office and made a scene a few weeks ago? I thought it was weird the way Kelly reacted. The dude was laying his heart on the line talking about how he’d hold her hand on the street and all that. I found him on social media and followed him. Turns out… he’s married. Has two kids.”

  “Kelly’s personal life is private. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk behind her back. With me or anyone else.”

  Harley’s smirk drooped when she realized that her gossip had failed to cool his interest. She pouted and folded her arms across her chest. He wished she would move away from him, but short of rudely telling her to get lost, his only choice was to retreat.

  Benjamin got to his feet and dusted his hands off when Harley shot up and desperately thrust her finger into his chest.

  “You’d really choose her?”

  “I already have.”

  The woman stomped her feet. “But I planned this entire trip! I put so much work into it!”

  “And I appreciate that. You’re a talented architect, Harley. I hope we can continue to work well together.”

  “But… but…” She threw her arms around his jutting elbow. “We could work well together outside of the office too.”

  He stared coldly at her arm. Trying to be the nice guy wasn’t getting the point across. He jerked his elbow away. “From this point on, please refer to me as Mr. Levy and keep your hands to yourself!”

  Benjamin turned to skate down the rocky mound when Harley shrieked. “Kelly spent the night with your friend Ricky yesterday!”

  Her voice echoed off the rocks and drew every eye. Benjamin felt his face reddening with annoyance. He’d given this woman more than enough chances to back off. Why not leave when they could have done so without making a scene?

  “What did you say?” Errol, who had been sunbathing with a book on the other side of the rocks, yelled.

  “Kelly did what?”

  “She’s such a slut.”

  “I saw her flirting with that Rick guy all of yesterday.”

  The murmurs sparked across the lake and the surrounding rocks. Benjamin glared at Harley and then sought Kelly’s eyes. She had her chin ducked toward her chest. Water drops fell from the top of her hair and curved around her shoulder.

  “That’s not true!” Rene defended, standing in front of her friend. “I was with Kelly all night. She didn’t sneak off with Ricky.”

  “I saw him ducking into your room last night,” Harley yelled, pointing a finger at them. “And why should we believe you anyway? You’re best friends. Of course you’ll take up for her!”

  Errol scrambled to his feet, his t-shirt hugging the round breadth of his belly. “Is this true? Did you canoodle with someone during the company trip, Ms. Banner?”

  “Come on, Errol. You know better than to ask that in front of everyone!” Rene defended.

  Harley snorted beside him and Benjamin felt the pressure in his head mounting. The side-eyes that the female co-workers and even some of the male members of the team sent his woman were completely undeserved, yet Kelly was taking it all in silence.

  Burning with the injustice of it all, Benjamin slid down the rock and strode confidently into the water. Sensing his approach, Kelly lifted her head. They locked eyes and he nodded in a show of support.

  She swiftly shook her head, reading his thoughts. He pretended to misunderstand and stopped directly in front of her. Taking her hand in his, he held firm even as she tried to wiggle her fingers out of his grip.

  When Benjamin stepped to the side and allowed the rest of his employees to see the hand he held, they gasped.

  “M-Mr. Levy?” Errol stuttered. “What’s going on?”

  He grinned—a primal, satisfied smirk. This woman was his and finally, everyone was going to know it.

  Not Everyone Snags A Rich Man

  Benjamin held her hand and eyed the members of the D&T team as if silently daring them to make a comment. She wanted to sink into the water and melt into soap bubbles—Little Mermaid style.

  Kelly was no princess and this was no fairytale. Prince Charming crowning the mermaid didn’t jive in the real world the way it did in the story. Not that Benjamin knew or particularly cared.

  The sunlight glinted in his thick brown hair and his blue eyes glittered when he looked down at her. The hue of his eyes rivaled the clarity of the lake and Kelly found herself smiling stupidly.

  Having vowed to never let her work and personal life intertwine, she couldn’t help but see the irony in Benjamin’s unspoken declaration. She was so wound up in this man. There was no hope in escaping without serious damage.

  Man, I hope this works out.

  “Kelly was not sneaking around with Ricky last night,” Benjamin said with a tilt of his chin. In that moment, he seemed every bit the arrogant businessman that she had assumed on their initial meeting.

  “She was with me,” Benjamin said. The gasps of her co-workers bounced off the rock walls and gurgled like the froth at the bottom of the waterfall.

  “Is this true?” Errol asked.

  Like you didn’t just hear Benjamin say it in English.

  Benjamin lifted her hand and kissed the back of it. “Here’s your evidence.”

rley huffed and walked off, while the rest of the women whispered behind their hands. Rene hurled herself at Kelly, and Benjamin nearly face-planted into the water as they both lost their footing.

  “You’re dating! Way to let your best friend know beforehand.”

  “You were sleeping when we came in last night,” Kelly said softly. “And when you saw Rick in our room this morning, you didn’t want to talk about anything else.”

  “You have to admit. That man is distracting.”

  “Who’s distracting?” Rick asked from behind them. Kelly and Rene jumped, both turning several shades redder.


  “I’m more distracting than Rick, aren’t I, babe?” Benjamin flashed her a grin and tried to hug her.

  She darted out of his reach. “Everyone’s watching.”

  “Should we give them something worth watching then?” He eyed her lips.

  Kelly gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “Don’t you dare.”

  “And I have a man!” Rene piped up. “Although…” she glanced at Rick and scratched the tip of her nose. “You do know how to make a woman reconsider.”

  Rick laughed while Benjamin flexed his muscles and leaned closer to Kelly. “You still haven’t answered me. I’m better looking than Rick, right?”

  “You wish,” Kelly teased.

  “Wooh! Somebody got burned!” Rick pumped his fists and pointed a finger at Benjamin. “If this punk gives you any trouble, you just come to me, baby.”

  “You wanna die?” Benjamin lifted his fist as if to punch his friend. “Who are you calling ‘baby’?”

  Rick responded by jumping forward and locking his arm around Benjamin’s head. “You want to kill me when I might have just solved the case?”

  Benjamin threw Ricky’s arm off. “You’re kidding.”

  “Should we go somewhere more private to discuss?” Ricky asked, his gaze bouncing to the faces of the employees. Everyone stared at the playful four like statues littered on the shore.

  “Good idea.” Benjamin started forward, but Kelly held his arm to keep him back. He looked down at her, his face still wet from his romp with Rick. She watched a glinting drop of water make its journey from the top of his hair to his forehead, down his aristocratic nose and finally falling on his lips.

  Kelly swallowed. This man is too foine for words…

  Benjamin narrowed his eyes. “You begging for a kiss, woman?”

  She shook her head. “I want to go with you.”

  “Me too.” Rene raised her arms. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’ll find out from Kelly later on anyway.”

  “She has a point.”

  “It’s your call, Benji.” Rick shrugged.

  “Alright,” Benjamin said. “You both come with us.”

  Kelly’s eyes brightened, but she restrained her squeal of glee. Benjamin was finally revealing the mystery behind the phone call in the park. The barrier between them would crumble at last.

  It’s about time!

  Kelly wasn’t one for ultimatums, but if Benjamin had dragged out his secret much longer, she would have slammed her foot down and begged him to choose—the mystery he kept close to the chest or her?

  She was overjoyed that it hadn’t come to that.

  Unfortunately, that joy vanished when, after they’d returned to the resort, Benjamin summoned a police officer to stand in front of Kelly and Renesha’s room.

  She stared at the straight-laced officer in the khakis and police hat and then looked at her boyfriend, waiting for the butt of the joke.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Is the super secret meeting happening in our room?” Rene asked. She pulled her hair away from her face and narrowed her hazel eyes. “Why are the cops here?”

  Benjamin put his hand on Kelly’s shoulder and kissed her forehead. “I’ll explain everything when I come back.”

  “What?” Her jaw dropped. “Benjamin!”

  He turned and strode away while the police officer politely dragged them into the room and locked the door. Rene stared at the empty beds and scratched her chin. Kelly flung herself against the door and demanded to be set free. Her cries were met with silence.

  “I’m confused,” Rene said. “Are we the criminals?”

  “Of course not.” Kelly banged on the door. “Hey! Officer, what’s going on?”

  “This is for your own protection, ma’am,” he said, his voice muffled. “Kindly settle down until Mr. Levy and his friend return.”

  “This is ridiculous.” Kelly kicked the door for good measure and paced the room. “I’m a Belizean citizen. I have rights.”

  “So… they’re not going to clue us in to the mysterious case?”

  Kelly rubbed the spot between her eyebrows. “That man is so frustrating!”

  “And Benjamin’s just going to leave us in here? Like dogs?”

  “He thinks he’s keeping us safe.”

  “What is this? The 1950’s?”

  “Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt,” Kelly said, trying to rationalize his behavior. “Whatever the threat is, he’s taking it very seriously.”

  “They won’t take long, right?” Rene walked to the bed and sat on the edge. “What if I need to pee?”

  Kelly pointed to the back. “The bathroom’s right there.”

  “What if I get hungry?”

  “I don’t know.” She blew out a breath. “He can’t locks us in here forever. I just wish he’d talk to me. Since when has keeping people in the dark ever worked out?”

  “Never. At least not according to the movies.”

  “Exactly.” Kelly nodded.

  “Ugh, you’ve barely started dating and your life is already so complicated.”

  “Tell me about it.” Kelly joined Rene on the bed and glanced at her friend. “But it’s no use complaining. I’ve got to believe that Benjamin has a plan.”

  Rene snorted. “You’ve got more faith than me.”

  She smiled. “Since we have a moment… is everything alright with you?”

  Startled hazel eyes burned into Kelly’s head. “What?”

  “I know I haven’t been that attentive of a friend lately,” Kelly said. “I hope that hasn’t made you feel that you can’t talk to me.”

  “With Clayton and Benjamin and reconnecting with your grandmother, I couldn’t expect you to be at my beck and call. It’s fine.”

  “Do you need something, Rene? Or is Randal not treating you right? Is it the financial strain? You can tell me.”

  “Randal is… the man that I love. Whether or not he works doesn’t matter to me. I can work all day to provide for him if I have to.”

  “But you shouldn’t have to.” Kelly scrunched her nose, disappointed to hear Rene’s sentiments. “I thought you were waiting for him to get himself together. I prefer that much more to you giving up.”

  “I’m sorry, Kelly. All of us can’t catch the attention of super rich business men, you know.”

  “Ouch. You know Benjamin’s money doesn’t matter to me.”

  “I’m sorry.” Rene sighed. “I shouldn’t have snapped at you. You’re right. Something is going on.”

  “What is it?”

  Rene closed her eyes. “Well…”

  A sudden clatter caused both women to jump. They stared at the door with stricken gazes.

  Rene laughed nervously. “Every little noise sounds scarier now, doesn’t it?”

  Kelly frowned and rose from the bed. “Hello?” She tapped the door. “Officer, is everything okay out there?”

  She pressed her ear to the door. Nothing but silence. Fear trickled down her spine and her heart sped up in response.

  “Rene, get my phone and call—”


  The glass window beside her head exploded. Renesha screamed as shards spurted from the window like sparkling bullets. Kelly crouched and lifted her hand over her head to protect her face.

  The sound of a metallic clang reverberated in the r
oom. She turned around in time to spot a weathered silver bottle before it clicked and smoke burst from its depths. Kelly’s eyes widened.

  “Renesha! Get away!”

  But it was too late. The smoke quickly filled the room and Kelly coughed, straining to breathe. Her fingers trembled as she struggled to bring her shirt to her nose. Every limb and every muscle grew lax, making even the tiniest move a challenge.

  Soon, she had no energy left to fight the drowsiness. Kelly slumped to the floor as darkness inched over her world, dotting her vision until it completely devoured her.

  To The End Of Secrets


  He hunkered over the computer on the tiny desk in Ricky’s room. He stared at the screen where the black and white security footage was frozen at a frame that revealed a tall man wearing a black cap and black clothes.

  “That’s the guy?” Najah Lewis asked, her face screwed in concentration. The officer had been on a separate case when she overheard their report at the Cayo police station. She’d jumped on the opportunity to involve herself in the hunt for Benjamin’s stalker.

  Ricky nodded. “He’s clever. He managed to find the blind spots in all the resort’s security cameras. It wasn’t that hard to do since some of the security cameras were down at the time.”

  “We rarely have criminal incidents all the way up here,” Najah said in defense of the resort. “And how did you get access to the footage? Are you affiliated with a US law enforcement agency?”

  “Not exactly…”

  “If it wasn’t from the resort’s security footage, where did you get this?” Benjamin asked, interrupting Najah’s interrogation.

  “I noticed a car in the parking lot,” he said. “It had a blinking light that was unique to a regular car alarm.”

  “You found a dash cam,” Benjamin realized, eyes wide.

  “I was stunned. I never thought I’d see a dash cam in Belize.”

  “It’s not something the average person would invest in,” Najah agreed.

  “So did you…” Benjamin sent Najah a side eye and carefully honed his words, “find a creative way to access it?”


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