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Stormy Waters (Oceans of Love Book 2)

Page 13

by Nia Arthurs

  “Excuse me?” The officer arched an eyebrow.

  “I didn’t have to.” Ricky twirled his chair around and cracked his knuckles. “Turns out the vehicle belonged to a high office politician. He was stopping in at the resort to engage in the kind of activity he wouldn’t want plastered over the local news.”


  “So he gladly handed over the camera’s SD card to me.” Ricky sighed in satisfaction. “I’ve got the guys at the office going over facial recognition as we speak. The darn internet here is just so slow…”

  Najah shook her head. “Let me get this straight. You blackmailed a politician to get access to his dash cam memory card, and you’re running illegal facial recognition software to catch the perp?”

  “How do you know it’s illegal?” Ricky tipped his head.

  “You admitted that you’re working independent of any official government agency.”

  Ricky tapped his pen against the desk. “I like her, Benji. She’s smart.”

  “I’m also quite capable of hearing.” Najah stepped forward, her brown eyes fiery. “Who are you people?”

  “What matters is finding out who this guy is.” Ricky tapped the screen. “I should have at least a name in the next ten minutes.”

  “Good.” Benjamin fished his hands into his pockets when he felt his phone vibrating. “Hello?”

  “Mr. Levy? This is Stuart.”

  Benjamin stiffened. Why would the tour guide from the resort call him? Unless…

  “There was an unfortunate incident involving your team members. Ms. Kelly Banner—”

  “Where is she?” Benjamin asked, sprinting toward the door and grabbing the keys. “Where?”

  Stuart gave him directions to the hospital and hung up. Benjamin was already halfway into his car by the time Najah and Ricky caught up with him.

  “What happened?” His friend asked, slightly breathless from the run to the parking lot.

  “Kelly and Renesha are in the hospital.”

  “The young lady from the assault case, right?” Najah asked.

  “Assault case?” Rick stared at Benjamin. “What’s she talking about?”

  “There’s no time to explain.” Benjamin growled and yanked his door out of Ricky’s grip.

  “Wait! I’m coming with you.” Najah bounded around the hood and jumped in beside him.

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  Benjamin didn’t bother answering. He waved Ricky away from the window and stepped on the gas. As he drove, his mind filled with thoughts of Kelly. He should have asked Stuart for more information on her condition.

  Was she in pain? How had the culprit gotten to her? When he got his hands on the punk…

  “Mr. Levy, I understand that you’re distressed, but you’re breaking the speed limit.”

  Benjamin responded by stepping harder on the accelerator. Najah’s hands trembled as she pulled on her seatbelt and clicked it into place.

  “The woman in the hospital… she was the victim you rescued from the sexual assault case, right?”

  He grunted.

  “Did the attacker try to hurt her again?” Najah blew out a frustrated breath. “I knew she should have gone ahead with a conviction.”

  “What are you talking about?” He glanced at her. “Kelly’s still deciding.”

  “She made her choice weeks ago. Didn’t she tell you?” Najah looked away from him and yelled. “Hey! Eyes on the road!”

  Benjamin pulled on the wheel, narrowly avoiding a ditch. As the car righted itself on the highway, he gripped the steering wheel, imagining his hands around Clayton’s neck.

  “Now I understand why she didn’t tell you.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll talk to her and change her mind—”

  “Don’t bother. She seemed pretty adamant when she talked to me. She kept repeating something about protecting his little girls. I told her she should protect the older girls who could potentially be the next victims. It didn’t help.”

  Benjamin slammed the rim of the steering wheel and rubbed the bottom of his lip. Kelly was going to be the death of him. He’d make sure she was okay and then scold the life out of her, not just for letting Clayton off the hook, but for keeping it from him.

  You shouldn’t be throwing stones, buddy.

  He shook the thought. The secret he kept was to protect her, not to hurt her.

  Keep on telling yourself that.

  He growled and drove the rest of the way to the hospital in sullen silence. As soon as the medical center popped into view, Benjamin slammed the truck into a parking spot and tumbled out of the car.

  Najah followed him as he burst through the lobby doors and ran to the nearest nurse station.

  “I’m looking for Kelly Banner?”

  “Who are you?” The nurse asked, her eyes widening in fear.

  Najah pointed to her badge. “He’s with me.”

  The nurse accepted her explanation and gave the directions to the right room.

  Ten seconds later, Benjamin skidded into the general ward, his eyes desperately filtering past hospital beds divided by thin curtains. Sick patients with all manner of debilitations eyed him, but he stumbled past them, intent on only one thing.

  Finally, he found her. Kelly lay still on a cot, a white blanket pulled to her chin. Her eyes were closed and her normally glowing brown face seemed gaunt. He rushed to her side and grabbed her hand.

  “Kelly! Kelly, wake up!”

  “Hello,” Najah approached the doctor calmly. “I’m Officer Lewis. How is she?”

  The doctor eyed Benjamin as he spoke. “The patients were exposed to a volatile anesthetic, better known as sleeping gas. Thankfully, their vitals are stable. We’ve ordered a blood test just to be sure the dosage wasn’t toxic. They should awaken soon, but we have to wait and see.”

  “You said patients?” Najah arched an eyebrow. “As in plural.”

  “Rene!” Benjamin straightened and glanced around. “Where is the other woman who came in with Kelly?”

  “I’m right here.” Rene coughed and pulled the curtain back.

  His eyes scanned her slim face and dull hazel eyes in one sweep. “Thank God, you’re alright.”

  “Could you speak a little quieter? The noise is killing me.”

  The doctor adjusted his glasses. “It’s a relief that you’re up, ma’am.”

  He rounded Kelly’s bed and began examining Renesha. The doctor gave the all clear and both Benjamin and Rene sighed in relief. Benjamin knew how much Renesha meant to Kelly.

  “If you’re feeling up to it, can I ask you a few questions?” Najah asked, drawing a book from her pocket.

  “Who are you?” Rene tilted her head and dismissed the officer. She glanced at Kelly. “Why isn’t this kid waking up?”

  “It’s okay, Rene. I’ll stay with her. Go and answer Officer Lewis’s questions. We need to find the guy who did this and your testimony can help.”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t see much. And I don’t want to leave Kelly.”

  “I’ll call you if she wakes up.”


  He nodded.


  Najah and Renesha left the ward and disappeared around the bend. Benjamin scooted his chair closer to Kelly’s side and gazed at her. His heart burst within his chest as he observed her slightly parted lips and thick black eyelashes.

  She looked so small and vulnerable, a direct contrast to the fiery, larger-than-life persona that had captured his attention the first day they met. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from her forehead. Her skin was warm to the touch.

  “Oh, excuse me.” Benjamin turned to find a nurse dressed all in white clutching a clipboard. “I didn’t mean to disturb you,” she said.

  “It’s okay.” He leaned back. “Is that the results of the blood test?”

  The nurse nodded. “Are you her husband?”


  The nurse grinned and squealed. “Congra
tulations. You’re a beautiful couple. Your baby will be gorgeous.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “I guess you’ll see for yourself in the next eight months.”

  Benjamin’s jaw dropped. “W-what did you just say?”

  Her expression cooled and she put a dainty hand to her lips. “Oops! I hope I haven’t spoiled the surprise.”

  His chest heaved and he stepped toward her. “Ma’am, are you insinuating…”

  “It’s right here on the blood test.” She jerked her chin toward Kelly. “Your girlfriend is pregnant.”

  Bun In The Oven

  Kelly blinked her eyes open. At first everything was fuzzy, but soon a face came into view. It was a beautiful sight—tan skin, sizzling blue eyes, chiseled jaw. It looked a lot like Benjamin, but her boss wouldn’t wear such a frazzled expression.

  “Kelly? Sweetie, can you hear me?”

  It was Benjamin.

  She groaned and tried to sit up. “What happened?”

  He helped her, wrapping his arm around her back and lending her support. Kelly rubbed her forehead as a striking pain put her temple in a headlock. She glanced down and noted that she wore a hospital gown.

  Who put this thing on me?

  “Girl, why on earth did you take such a long nap?” Rene’s voice came from the doorway as she strode into the large hospital ward. “I was just about to shake you until you came to your senses.”

  “Rene!” Kelly’s gaze skimmed Rene’s own hospital gown. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Her friend waved away her concern. “I’m just glad that you’re awake.”

  Kelly peered past Rene and recognized the woman standing behind her. Was she hallucinating? Why was Officer Lewis here? Had the officer come with Benjamin? Did she tell him about her decision to drop the charges against Clayton?

  Kelly gazed at Benjamin. He didn’t look like he wanted to beat someone up, so that was a plus. Hopefully, he hadn’t heard the news.

  “Do you need anything?” Benjamin asked her. “Water? Ice? A snack?”

  “I’m fine,” she said, surprised by his attentiveness. “Really. I’m okay. Do you guys know what happened? One minute we heard a noise, the next we were blacking out because of a weird gas.”

  “It was sleeping gas,” Najah said. “We’re waiting for Benjamin’s P.I. friend to send us the name and picture of the culprit. We’ll set up road blocks to keep him from fleeing the district if he hasn’t already.”

  “What?” Kelly glared at Benjamin. “Rick’s a PI?”

  “I would have mentioned that…”

  “How many secrets are you keeping from me?”

  “I could ask you the same thing,” he mumbled.


  “Let’s all calm down,” Rene said, her curly hair ballooning around her head. “What’s important is that we catch this punk. What kind of prank was he trying to pull anyway? Imagine if Stuart hadn’t chased him off. We were completely unconscious. He could have done anything to us.”

  She felt Benjamin shudder and cupped his cheek, drawing her finger down in assurance. “We’re fine. Nothing happened.”

  “It could have. You have to be careful, Kel. Especially since…”


  He shook his head. “When’s Rick getting here?”

  “Did someone call for me?” Rick marched into the room, slapping Najah’s hand down so that he could slide through the door. The female officer scoffed and glared at him. He sent her a charming wink as he waved his tablet in the air. “I have good news and bad news.”

  “What is it?”

  His smile drooped. “Maybe it would be better if we discussed this somewhere a little less crowded.”

  “We just came from the chapel,” Rene said. “It’s empty.”

  “I’m coming!” Najah tapped her chest. “You’ll need my help to distribute the pictures and information to the police force anyway.”


  “I’ll come too,” Renesha said. When Benjamin started to protest, she cut him off. “The punk messed with me and my best friend. I want to help take him down.”

  “I want to go too,” Kelly said, pushing up on her arms to get out of bed.

  “Ah-ah. Don’t you move.” Benjamin slid his hand in front of her to bar her down.

  “You can’t keep me out of the loop.”

  “I’ll stay with Kelly,” Benjamin said to Ricky. “Explain everything to Najah and catch this guy before he escapes.”

  Ricky nodded soberly. “We’ll get him, but as soon as we have him in custody… there’s something we need to talk about.”

  Benjamin waved them away and turned to Kelly. Pointing to the bed, he instructed. “Lay back down.”


  “Do it.”

  She obediently sank into the mattress and stared at Benjamin’s face as he fixed the blanket over her. When he was done, he held her hand and gently rubbed his fingers over her knuckles.

  His mood was more contemplative than normal and she wondered why he seemed to be in such somber spirits when the end of his struggle with the mysterious caller was in sight. Shouldn’t he be celebrating?

  “I’m sorry to steal you away from the investigation like this. I’m sure you’d want to be there when they handcuff the guy.”

  “You’re more important to me than anything,” he said, his voice heavy. “You know that, right?”

  She tilted her head. “Benjamin, what’s gotten into you?”

  “If there was something you needed to tell me, anything about your past that could affect your future, I wouldn’t judge you. I’m not going anywhere, Kelly. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

  She scrunched her nose. “Why are you being so dramatic? I’m fine. See?” She brought his hand to her chest. “My heart’s still beating. I’m still here.”

  “Hey…” He pulled his hand back. “That granny in the bed over there is looking at me like I’m a pervert.”

  “She’s just jealous.” Kelly grinned, but the smile faded when he did not respond in kind. “What is it?”


  She scratched her hair in thought and then froze. “Officer Lewis told you about Clayton, didn’t she?”

  Benjamin’s eyes connected with hers and she knew. He didn’t have to say a word. Kelly sighed and played with a loose thread in the hospital blanket. How could she explain to Benjamin in a way that he would understand?

  Her decision to drop the sexual assault charges wasn’t because she wanted to absolve Clayton. The severity of what he’d done to her could never be erased no matter how much she wished she could take back that day.

  Kelly simply had no desire to rehash the event over and over again for the court. No desire to call attention to his infidelity or her part in it. No desire to have the story printed in the newspapers, blared across the net and springing from the television.

  It was a choice she had made for herself and for the innocent little girls who called Clayton ‘daddy’. Whether that was the wrong or right path, she would stick with it. No matter what Benjamin said.

  “Kelly…” He looked down so that all she could see was the top of his head. “I—”

  “We’re heading out now,” Rick said, approaching Kelly’s bed. “You sure you don’t wan to be there for this?”

  “Go,” Kelly urged. “I’ll come later.”

  “He’s on the run. We know his face and name. Either way, this ends today,” Rick said. “It’s up to you.”

  “I can’t leave Kelly vulnerable,” Benjamin insisted.

  “What will he do in a busy hospital that’s overflowing with witnesses?”

  “Make a decision quick, Benji. We don’t have that much time. The police are setting up the barricades as we speak.”

  “How did you get them to move so fast?” she wondered.

  “The Levy name’s big in Cayo too,” Rick explained. “Benji…”

nbsp; “Alright. I’m coming.” He nodded resolutely.


  “In a second, Ricky!”

  “Geez!” The man held up his hands in surrender. “Calm down.” He glanced between the two of them and hooked a thumb toward the hallway. “I’ll be outside.”

  Benjamin didn’t even spare his friend a look. Kelly wiggled her fingers at Ricky’s back and stared into Benjamin’s intense blue eyes. He set his hand on the bed board and hovered over her.

  She chuckled nervously. “That granny is still looking.”

  “Call me if you need anything.”

  “I’m a big girl.”

  “You’re my girl.” He bent over and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Get some rest.”

  “Go catch the bad guys.”

  He grinned, straightened and walked out. Kelly sighed in satisfaction and turned her head to lock eyes with the dark-skinned older woman who hadn’t cared to hide her staring.

  “He’s my boyfriend.”

  The woman looked away.

  The minutes passed with agonizing slowness. Kelly twiddled her thumbs and played with her phone, unable to fall back asleep. An hour later, a doctor dressed in a lab coat, scrubs, and a medical facemask covering most of his nose and chin approached her bed.

  “Ms. Banner?” he asked, his deep voice muffled by the mask.

  “Hello.” She smiled in welcome. He did not resemble the doctor that had tended to her before. “Was there a shift change?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He brandished a needle. “Relax for a moment, please.”

  “Sure.” She closed her eyes and waited for the medical professional to prepare the needle when his subtle fragrance wafted over her.

  Mmm. Citrusy. Ooh, Benjamin would rock that cologne.

  “Excuse me,” she croaked, “what scent is that? It’s so unique…” Her voice trailed when she recalled Ricky’s nickname for the perp.

  Citrus Stalker

  Her eyes popped open and she stared fearfully at him as a dark sensation slid through her stomach. She could be overreacting. The killer wouldn’t be stupid enough to walk into a hospital in the middle of the day.

  Fear mounted despite her rationalizations.


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