Imperfect Love: Twisted (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Imperfect Love: Twisted (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Mandi Beck

  “That’s another thing. You’re gonna get our asses killed one day with this Uber bullshit.”

  “Stop being a baby. Nobody is killing anyone.” Pulling her out the door, I lock it behind us and loop my arm through hers. Shelby and I went to college together. Roommates at Columbia all four years and then for a couple years after graduation. Until she met and fell in love with her man Charles and moved into his SoHo loft.

  “So tell me more about how he kissed you in front of Adam and Bethany.” The happy gleam in her eyes mirrors mine.

  Shoving her into the Uber, we say hi to the young kid driving and tell him where to go. “He did. They were being extra fucking awful for his benefit I think, and I just let it fly—“

  “You need to quit that. You can’t let them just be nasty to you, girl.”

  “I don’t even care. I mean, why bother? Let them show their asses and be dicks. I couldn’t care less.”

  “Whatever. You’re a better person than I am. And it’s not like you. The Fannin I know would straight-up cut a bitch.”

  “I know. But the way I see it is they’re doing it to get a reaction out of me. It pisses them off more that I don’t react. That’s how I win.”

  “Okay, I can see that. But still. Don’t let them put you down. Pretty soon you’ll start believing that shit and then you and I are gonna fight.”

  Laughing I hug her to me, “I will never believe a thing those two say to or about me. Don’t you worry about that.”

  A few minutes later we’re pulling up to the Iron Flask, a small group of people standing outside waiting to get in.

  “A wait, on a Thursday night?”

  “I don’t know, he said that they were really busy and he couldn’t leave. This is good though. It’ll make our job easier.”

  “True. But do we have to wait?” She looks at me skeptically.

  “Umm, no. I think I’m kind of dating the bartender. Maybe. I think. That has to give me some kind of special VIP treatment, right?” I shoot off a quick text to Jasper letting him know I’m here.

  Shelby nods. “For sure.”

  “Come on.” Handing our driver the money, I slide out to find Jasper already waiting at the door, a sexy grin lighting up his face.

  “Girl. If you don’t sex him up tonight, I might,” Shelby says in a low voice.

  “I’ll tell Charles,” I shoot back before weaving through the crowd to get to Jasper.

  It’s been a long time since I had this feeling about a man. The one where you’re in a constant state of semi, if not full-blown, arousal, butterflies in your stomach that sometimes feel more like a murder of crows and an excitement you experience with nothing else in life. Anything pertaining to him—a phone call, text, a fleeting thought, a dinner date, the mention of his name . . . whatever—brings it on. It’s a magical feeling, and I hadn’t realized that I’d been missing it until I found myself floating around in its euphoric haze since the moment I met Jasper.

  With the door propped open, he chats with the people milling about as he waits for us alongside the burly security guy in a Men in Black-looking suit. He’s outgoing and charismatic in a way that most of my fellow New Yorkers aren’t. It’s refreshing. With an inviting smile he gives them a rundown on wait times and tells them to be sure to try the honey whisky, the bar’s newest batch. When we reach him, he takes my hand and pulls me into his side like it’s the most natural thing in the world. It’s one of those moments the butterflies are more like swooping birds. Glancing at Shelby, she gives me a wide-eyed “get it, girl” look that I try not to laugh at. It’s hard with that damn googly-eyed face. Jasper waves to the waiting customers and leads us inside the busy room.

  “Sorry about that. You ladies look amazing. I’ll have to keep a bouncer by the bar to watch over you.” His voice is raised to be heard over the chatter around us. At the bar, he helps Shelby into a chair then turns to me. Wrapping large hands around my waist, he unnecessarily lifts me and places me on a leather padded stool at the end of the bar. Our eyes locked on each other, I recognize it for exactly what it is. Foreplay. One simple touch and I’m hot for him. Hell, who am I kidding, he smiled at me from the front door and I was hot for him. But I’m not alone. It’s there in the bright blue of his eyes. If he could, he would bend me over this bar right here. Right now. I’m not sure I wouldn’t let him. As soon as I’m settled, he leans into me, spreading my legs just a little as he places his hands on my jean clad thighs. I can feel my nipples pebble against the silk of my white tank, thankful for my thin leather jacket hiding them from view right now. Is it normal to be this turned on just from being close to him?

  With his gaze still locked on mine, he moves in, brushing my wild hair back. My eyelids start to flutter closed all on their own in anticipation of his kiss. Instead of his lips on mine, I feel his warm breath against my ear. “Don’t drink too much tonight. I’m taking you home. I’ve thought of nothing else all day other than how un-gentlemanly I want to get with you. Seeing you step out of that car was all it took to push me over the edge of control. I’m taking you. Not to dinner like I promised earlier though. Just so we’re clear.”

  My breathing is ragged, my panties beyond damp. All I can do is nod.

  Jasper chuckles, finally kissing me . . . on my temple. “Good girl.” He pushes away and circles the bar to pour our drinks like he didn’t just rock my world with a dirty promise.

  Chapter Ten


  Fucking hell. It wasn’t my intention to tell Fannin I’d be fucking her tonight when I invited her here. Not my intention, but it couldn’t be helped. The moment I saw her step out of the car I knew. The shoes, the legs, the silky white top that bared the dip of her stomach and clung to the tips of her breasts, the smart leather jacket, and that wild as hell hair. I knew. I can’t wait to have that hair on my naked skin. Wrapped around my fist, spread across my pillow. The thought has me mentally going through the list of bartenders I could call in.

  With a whisky board in hand, I turn back to the ladies. Fannin is watching me. Sexy as ever without even trying. I grin, knowing exactly what she’s thinking about because it’s the same thing running through my mind. Us. Naked. Tangled in sheets. Shelby leans in and starts animatedly breaking the spell we seem to be under. When Fannin throws back her head and laughs, I glance over at Shelby wondering what she could have said. She winks at me and beckons me over.

  “Jasper. Tell her that she should wear white to the wedding,” Shelby orders as I hand her a glass of the warmed honey whisky from the tray.

  “Is that kind of thing frowned upon?” I truly don’t know.

  “Not only would Bethany stroke out, but so would my stepmother. I was given a list of colors to stay away from.” Fannin rolls her eyes before they land back on me. The want in them flashing hot once again. Taking the glass I hand her, our fingers brush, linger, reluctantly retreat. It’s absolute foreplay.

  “A list? Girl, those bitches are all crazy.”

  Fannin turns her attention back to her friend.

  “Right? I can’t wear lavender because that’s what the bridesmaids are wearing. I can’t wear any blue because mothers of the bride and groom are wearing it, and no red because it will clash in the family pictures.”

  I’m trying to figure out if she’s serious when Shelby’s head all but explodes.

  “Nuh uh. You see? You have two days to figure it out. Wear white. You won’t clash at all.” She shakes her head in disgust and goes to sip but a thought must strike her. “What does your daddy have to say about all this?” I’m actually curious of this myself “I mean, you’re his only child. He must have an opinion.”

  Fannin toys with a cocktail napkin. “I’m not really sure. He did call me after the announcement and tell me I didn’t have to come. That he was sorry about the position I’d been put in. But that’s about it.” She shrugs. “He was never fond of Adam, so I’m not sure how he feels about any of it, honestly.” My eyes trained on her face, I can see that it
bothers her. It’s going to be hard for me to be kind to any of these arseholes at the wedding for treating Fannin so poorly.

  “If you ask me, nobody has said anything about it because they all know it’s wrong. They’re wrong. Heifers,” Shelby huffs. I adore this woman. She’s a fierce friend and exactly what Fannin needs, if what I know of her family is anything to go by.

  “Will you be at the wedding, Shelby?” I’m hoping that she will be—we may need backup.

  “No. Even though they invited the whole damn company, I refuse to go. They did my girl dirty and I won’t support all that noise. Nope.”

  Fannin smiles at her friend. “You’re the best shit ever, you know that?” she says as she bumps Shelby’s shoulder with her own.

  “Oh, I know.” Smiling at the two of them I turn and grab a glass, opening up the tap on the huge whisky cask and filling the tumbler all the while watching Fannin in the mirror that runs along the bar. I’ve known her for days, not enough of them. And yet part of me feels as if I’ve known her always. I want to know her better. Still watching her, I sip the batch I tapped tonight for the first time. As I savor the smooth flavor, Theo comes up behind me, blocking my view of Fannin, and slaps my back.

  “Hey, mate. Whatcha staring at over here, eh?”

  Gesturing with my glass to the stunning image in the mirror, that wild hair of hers, the elegant column of her neck as she throws her head back and laughs, “Fannin.”

  “Ahhh, that’s her then?” He whistles between his teeth. “I can see the appeal. Introduce us.” Theo slaps my back again and walks to stand in front of Fannin and Shelby, waiting for me. Taking another sip, I join them.

  “Ladies, this is the manager of the Iron Flask, Theo Carre. Theo this beauty here is Fannin McGuire and her gorgeous friend is Shelby Mends. I believe you’ve had the pleasure of speaking to both of them earlier today.” I watch as my oldest friend clasps Shelby’s hand and then Fannin’s. Holding hers between his two larger and saying something that I can’t hear but that makes her smile shyly.

  Shoving him playfully, I go to stand at the side of Fannin’s seat, caging her in with one hand on the bar and the other on the back of her seat. “What did I tell you? Reputation.”

  “Oh, that’s rich coming from you, king of the kilt over here. Watch out for him, Fannin. He’ll seduce you with whisky and that plaid skirt of his,” Theo throws back.

  “Cheeky fucker. King of the kilt?” I grumble with absolute zero heat. “Go manage something, why don’t ya?”

  He laughs, “I’m actually getting ready to go through all the things you ladies sent over after our conference call. Brilliant ideas.”

  “Oh good. I hope that they’re what the owner and your team are looking for. I love spending time in here—it’s really helped with my brainstorming,” Fannin tells him, Shelby nodding in agreement.

  “The owner will love it, not that it matters since I’m in charge here.” He winks at them. “It’s been a pleasure, ladies. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Drinks are all on Jasper.” He gives a little wave and makes his way to the offices.

  “He seems really nice.”

  “Aye, he’s a good one. We’ve been friends since we were just wee lads actually. Went to secondary school together, what you all call high school, and then to uni.” I still have her caged in, the smell of her wrapping itself around me. Something sweet and floral with a hint of spice. It’s all Fannin.

  “Did he move here with you?” Shelby asks as she taps on her phone.

  “No, he had been here for a year or two before I came. He helped to set this whole place up. It’s his baby.”

  “And the owner clearly trusts him,” Fannin adds.


  “Excuse me, I have to take this.” Shelby slides off the stool and weaves her way to the restrooms.

  “So, is that what you’re trying to do? Seduce me with whisky and a plaid skirt?” With the glass to her smiling lips, she looks at me through lowered lashes.

  “Oh, you’ll know when I’m seducing you, love.” I take a step closer, closing the space between us, forcing her to sit back in her seat. “You’ll feel it in every inch of this gorgeous body.” Ignoring the room and all the people in it, I run my nose along her jaw, stopping to whisper into her hair. “I won’t need whisky and the only skirt that I’ll be getting into is yours.”

  Chapter Eleven


  Is he for real? I mean, seriously. I’ve never been so turned on from someone’s words before. Jasper hasn’t even really touched me yet and I’m ready for him to put his hands and body and beard and just everything all over me. Someone calls his name and he steps away, raking his fingers across my back as he goes to help the other bartender.

  “Sorry, that was Charles. He finished early so he’s going to meet us up here.” Shelby settles on the chair beside me, jostling my leg. “Girl, you okay? You’re all flushed.”

  “You ever feel like you’ve been fucked, in a good way, without actually being fucked?” I ask my friend, a little dazed, and a lot hot for a certain Scotsman. Taking a sip of the warm honey-kissed whisky, I watch Jasper as he moves around the bar.

  “Oh, it’s like that, huh?” Shel gives a little hoot. “Yeah, he looks like the type. I bet he’s kinky as all hell. Perfect for your ass. He’ll love the vibe drawer.” I choose that moment to take a sip of my drink, and she nearly gets sprayed with it.

  “Oh my God, shut up!” Between her putting me on blast and the sting of the whisky that almost came out of my nose, there are tears in my eyes.

  “Mmm hmm. You just watch. I want all the details too.” She swivels on her chair, peering down the bar. “Look at him with his fine ass. You need to take a bite out of it for me.”

  That time I do lose my whisky. All over the shiny bar top and poor Theo who is just walking by, his phone pressed to his ear. He stops dead in his tracks, eyes closed as whisky trickles down his cheek and drips from his chin. Oh. My. God. Kill me now. Shelby literally falls all over me laughing her ass off. The bitch. This is her fault. I’m frozen, same as Theo until Shelby nearly knocks me off my chair with her laughing. Springing into action I lean across the bar with a wad of cocktail napkins and attempt to wipe my spit and whisky from the poor man. “I am so sorry. Shit. I’m sorry. It’s her fault. She always does that. Waits till I put something in my mouth and then says something she knows will make me laugh.” I’m rambling a mile a minute and Theo just lets me, his shoulders shaking with his own laughter as I make a bigger ass of myself.

  “S’alright, love. Not the first time a woman has spit all over me.” He winks at me, saying into the phone, “Lorna, we’ll chat later. He’s busy anyway.” Smiling at me, he takes the napkins I’m still trying to mop him up with. “Saved me there. I had no desire to be on the phone with that silly cow. I should thank you.”

  All I can do is bury my head in my hands and groan. “I really am so sorry.”

  Shelby, finally composed and sitting in her own chair, sighs happily. “My work here is done I think.”

  “Bitch,” I hiss without any real heat.

  “Am I missing all the fun over here?” Jasper stands next to Theo, looking him over. “What happened to you?”

  “Your girl spit her whisky all over him,” Shelby offers.

  “It was your fault! It was her fault. She told me to bite your ass.” If she’s going to throw me under the bus, I’m dragging her along with me.

  Shelby only shrugs. “It’s a nice ass; what can I say?”

  Jasper points a finger at my friend. “You. I like you.” Turning to Theo, “What are you doing out here? I thought you had office work to do?”

  “I do. There was a call from Scotland. Fannin saved us both I reckon.”

  “Aye. I’ll not be taking any calls tonight. From Scotland or anywhere else,” he tells Theo with a slap on the back. “How are you ladies doing over here? I’ll get you a new drink. Try to keep it in your mouth this time, my Fanny girl.” Theo gives him a fun
ny look as Jasper turns to the cask and pulls the tap.

  “Fanny?” he asks him when he comes back to us with my drink.

  “Apparently it’s my new nickname. It’s growing on me. I think,” I laugh as he nods, obviously not sure about it.

  Shelby gives a little squeak. “Charles is here. I’m going to bring him in to meet everyone and then we have to go,” she says as she dashes to the front door. That girl is so crazy about her man, and him even more so about her. It’s a beautiful thing to behold.

  “Is Charles her husband, then?” Jaspers asks, leaning across the bar a bit to be heard.

  “Not yet. They’ve been together for about three years now though. She’s hoping he pops the question soon.”

  “So we like him?”

  Smiling, I answer honestly, “He’s perfect for her.”

  Before he can answer, Shelby and Charles are there and she’s making introductions.

  “Nice to meet you, man. Thanks for stepping up for our girl,” Charles says, hooking a thumb in my direction making me grin. He’s so damn sweet.

  The men shake hands. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  Charles turns to me and gives me a hug. “Fannin. Looking good rocking a fro,” he teases.

  I stick my tongue out at him like a child. “So what’s good here? Shel said this is the spot right now.”

  Just as he says that, a server comes over and places a cheese and meat board like we had the other night and a glass of whisky for Charles on the bar then slips silently away. She was like a ninja. Charles looks at me with a cocked brow and a grin.

  “You guys have to excuse me; I have to go help out for just a little while longer. Charles, it was great to meet you. I hope you enjoy your whisky.” Jasper gives me a pointed, smoldering, light-my-ass-on-fire look. It’s full of promise for what’s to come.


  It’s midnight, Charles and Shelby just left, and for the first time tonight I’m able to sit and really take in my surroundings. The place is still incredibly busy, the tables all full as well as all the seats at the bar. Jasper has been non-stop for the last hour, sending me apologetic looks every so often which I wave off. I love watching him work. He’s amazing with the people and they all love him. Especially the women. He’s been hit on tonight so many times I’ve lost count and with each one he allows them to flirt, but he doesn’t encourage it by flirting back. A couple of times he’s even pointed in my direction. Though I wasn’t able to hear what was being said, I could tell through the women’s body language alone. Oddly enough I wasn’t bothered by it in the least. Not that we’re together or that I have any right to be jealous. Jasper isn’t mine for them to take. But it’s nice to feel like I wouldn’t have to worry if he were.


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