Mysty McPartland

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by The Rake's Substitute Bride

  Taken aback, not only his sharp tone but the conviction in his eyes, Sheldon didn’t know what to say. He sounded so convincing that her cheeks warmed and her stomach fluttered with pleasure.

  To assure her that he meant what he said, Nathan smiled and gathered her up in his arms. “You are truly an amazing woman. Your loveliness takes my breath away. It’s such a pity that because what society deems beautiful everyone so foolishly agrees and misses seeing what is truly unique and ravishing. Lucky for me and you I am not so shallow.” He chuckled and brushed a lock of hair behind her ear. He could see that he’d surprised her again.

  Even though her heart was racing and everything inside her was melting, Sheldon could only shake her head in bemusement. “Are you trying to seduce me again Nathan?”

  “Is it working?” He laughed and shook his head, “No my love I am just telling you the truth. Don’t you think it’s ridiculous that every blonde, blued eyed woman is thought beautiful? It doesn’t matter if she has a huge nose, or has cross eyes and bucked teeth. Possess a mouth that’s tight lipped and a figure that is lacking.” He watched her and the frown on her brow grew, he knew she was considering his words. It annoyed him that she didn’t think she was beautiful, and he was determined to convince her that she was.

  Sheldon pondered Nathan’s statement and had to admit there was some logic behind it, but still she didn’t think she was beautiful, maybe pretty, but that was all. “Perhaps you’re right about society. However, Nathan I think your imagination is running wild to consider me beautiful. Why even my height and build are lacking. And you have to admit my face is no work of art.”

  “Damn it wife, I am telling you that you are. And what is wrong with your height and build? Just because you’re on the tiny side is insignificant. In fact I like the idea that you are. It makes me feel more manly and protective.” Nathan’s irritation had risen at her continued denial. He wondered what it would take for her to believe she was stunning.

  The more Nathan kept insisting she was beautiful, the more uncomfortable Sheldon was growing. She was ready to latch on to anything that would start an argument. “Ha, now I understand. You’re only saying all this nonsense because it makes you feel good.”

  Not at all surprised that she was still going to deny it, he was tempted to shake some sense into her. With a heavy sigh of frustration, Nathan decided to leave it for now. Besides he would have the rest of their lives to convince her that it was true. “Have you forgotten already that here in this room and in this bed there will be no arguments?”

  Sheldon wrinkled her nose and seeing his eyebrows twitching she laughed. Lifting her arms, she wrapped them around his neck. “I suppose I owe you another boon for not remembering?”

  Nathan gathered her closer and gave her a wicked grin. “Oh yes my love and its time you paid.” He held his breath and waited, he wanted her to make the first move and kiss him.

  For just a heartbeat, Sheldon hesitated. However, the sparkle in Nathan’s eyes set her blood on fire. She leaned forward and lightly placed her mouth on his, when a growl rumbled in his chest she became even bolder and slipped her tongue between his slightly parted lips. When it slid along his, it set off an explosion deep in her stomach. She pressed herself more firmly against him, hoping to relieve some of the pressure in her breasts and the tight ache in her nipples.

  A little stunned at his wife’s boldness, Nathan nevertheless was ecstatic over it. For her to be so daring and eager told him that not only was he winning, she was also no longer denying the attraction between them. It was such a huge step that he was unable to keep the kiss light and couldn’t stop himself from greedily sweeping the inside of her mouth with a hunger that wouldn’t be denied. The hard points of her breast rubbing against the wall of his chest were driving him mindless and he couldn’t hold back his groan of pleasure.

  Stunned from the overwhelming kiss, Sheldon’s heart raced with a small amount of fear, but it was soon banished by the excitement sweeping through her. She couldn’t stop her hands caressing over the width of his broad shoulders. When she felt the fingers close around her breast she froze for a moment, or two. However, it felt so delicious that she pushed it more firmly against his palm.

  Her eager response only increased his hunger for her, and Nathan, without thought, let his mouth slip from hers and left a trail of kisses down her slender throat. Through the material of her nightgown, his thumb brushed against the already hard peak of her nipple. He rolled her under him and captured the tight bud between his lips, his tongue swirled around the rigid nub and wetting the cloth, he drew it into his mouth and suckled.

  A sob of pleasure tore from her. Sheldon threaded her fingers through his hair and pressed him more firmly against her tingling breast. Every part of her body ached for more of his touch, need and moisture gathered between her thighs.

  God, how he wanted her, to ease his aching flesh inside her, but somehow Nathan blocked out his own need. Deep down inside he knew that she wasn’t ready for this to go all the way, so with great reluctance he lifted his mouth away and gazed down at her lovely face. She wore a flush of desire on her cheeks, and her mouth was lush and red from his kisses, when he watched her long dark lashes flutter open and saw the sensuality glowing in them, he couldn’t resist kissing her one more time.

  Confused when the intimacy ended, every limb in her body turned to jelly, peeking at Nathan through the thickness of her lashes, she wondered why he had stopped kissing her and touching her. He was lying beside her and she noticed the skin across his cheekbones was tight, his mouth was set in a grim line and he didn’t look in the least bit happy. Well hell, if he hadn’t liked what they had just done why didn’t he stop before? She was so annoyed with him she wanted to kick him out of bed.

  Nathan let out a frustrated sigh, feeling his wife’s hot gaze was setting his blood on fire. He opened his eyes and rolled over on his side. He met her angry stare with a raised brow. “Surely my love you’re not upset over what happened?”

  “Of course not. But you can’t deny that you are?” Sheldon snapped back at him when he started laughing, she glared at him furiously. As far as she was concerned there was nothing humorous about the situation that she could see.

  Unable to help his reaction, Nathan quickly cut his amusement short at her waspish tone and narrowed eyed glare. “I’m not in the least bit upset. In fact my love, I enjoyed myself tremendously.”

  Sheldon frowned over his reply. “Why then did you stop and afterwards looked so miserable?”

  His fingers lightly trailed down her cheek, he captured her chin and a wide grin lifted the corners of his mouth. “Because my little innocent, if we continued any longer I would have taken you. And as for looking so miserable, as you put it, I ache so badly because I want you so much.” He watched her consider his words and knew by the droop of her mouth that she was feeling rejected. He couldn’t understand why in certain areas his bride lacked confidence.

  Ah hell, she was making him feel guilty and he had to find some way to make her understand. “When we make love Sheldon I don’t want you to have any regrets afterwards. I want you with me every step of the way when we come together. No hesitation, no second thoughts and especially no remorse.” He sucked in his breath at the sight of her big beautiful eyes going all soft and warm. Something tightened in his chest and he knew at that moment she was starting to care for him.

  He wanted to take her back in his arms and kiss her again. No, he wanted a lot more than a few passionate kisses. He wanted it all and though everything inside him screamed for him to just take her, he knew he couldn’t do it. She needed a little more time and though it was killing him, he would give it to her.

  Behind her husband’s bad reputation, his bossiness and superior male attitude, underneath it all he was such a sweet, kind man. And Sheldon silently admitted that he was starting to creep into her heart. She turned her head away and bit her lip, she knew it was a dangerous thing to care for this man. No matter how many
times she shored up her defenses against him, his potent personality kept knocking them down.

  Not in the least surprised that she was fighting her feelings, Nathan decided he’d done enough for now. “Come along sweetheart it’s time we were up. We have a thousand and one things to do today if we are going to leave.” He sat up and reached for his robe at the end of the bed and slipping it on, swung his legs over the edge of the mattress, stood up and tied the sash around his waist.

  Thankful that Nathan wasn’t going to pursue the subject any longer, Sheldon wiggled up into a sitting position, making sure the top of her nightgown was covered by the bedding. She brushed the lose hair off her face and watched him walk behind the screen. “I gather you are planning that we leave soon?

  “Yes, hopefully we’ll be on our way by midday.” Came his reply.

  Sheldon frowned. “But Nathan I really should go to the hospitals and orphanages and let them know I will be away for a while.” She didn’t like the idea of just up and abandoning what she felt was her duty.

  Even though he was expecting she would find some excuse it still annoyed him. “I know how much helping out means to you Sheldon. I’m sure they’ll understand that we have only just been married. They know you would have to spend time with your husband. Just write a few notes explaining things and I’ll have someone deliver them for you.”

  Darn man always had a reasonable answer for everything, feeling a little miffed, Sheldon tossed the covers aside and slipping off the bed reached for her robe and hastily pulled it on. Biting her bottom lip, she admitted she was worried and nervous about going away with him, especially after what happened this morning.

  Heat seared her cheeks remembering she was the one who initiated the intimacy between them. Well, since he was considerate enough to give her time, she would just make sure she didn’t do it again. Until she was sure of what would happen to them in the future, she couldn’t afford to take any more risks with her heart. She didn’t want a loveless marriage or faithless husband, and if she couldn’t have his love or his fidelity she wasn’t going to accept anything else.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Bethany stood on the side of the dance floor and scowled, she was absolutely livid, and she had to find a way to end her ex-fiancé’s and her sister’s marriage before it was too late. If Sheldon fell pregnant any hope of becoming a duchess was doomed. Surely, a man as handsome and sensual as the duke would be hesitant and appalled to make love to her older sister. Perhaps she could seduce him away.

  Surely a man such as the duke would never find any satisfaction with her sister. It was unbelievable that he would prefer Sheldon over someone like herself. She was beautiful, everyone told her so. No, he was only saying so because she humiliated him by running away just before the wedding ceremony. She was the one who was meant to be a duchess not her older silly sister.

  The only way she could achieve such a status was to tear their relationship apart. The duke was desperate for an heir and if Sheldon hadn’t conceived yet he would be frantic to find another woman to have his baby. And she intended to be that woman. Now all she had to do was come up with the perfect plan.

  Sheldon had such childish ideas about marriage and if she found out that her sister was sleeping with her husband and if I became pregnant before her older sister, her stupid sister wouldn’t hesitate in leaving him. The problem was how to make it happen? She couldn’t afford to waste any time. When she suddenly heard the duke’s name mentioned she moved closer behind the two gentlemen to listen to what they were saying.

  “So your cousin Nathan married. If he gets his wife pregnant before the year is out you’re going to lose everything.” David Dixon watched the emotions flit over his friend’s face.

  His jaw clenched, Andrew glared coldly. “Damn bastard. I thought for sure he wouldn’t go through with it. I’m going to have to do something to make sure he doesn’t breed a whelp so he can inherit.”

  “I’ve heard he had to use his betrothed sister as a substitute bride, since the first one ran away. I also know that his wife is one of the women that continue to harass a man when his taking his pleasure in one of the many whore houses. Those damn bloody women need to be taught a lesson. Just the other day they stormed into The Pantheon bathhouse and ruined my pleasure before it could even get started.”

  “My God, she does what? Are you saying she visits the whore houses?” When his friend nodded in confirmation, Andrew wondered if this could be something he could use. “I wonder if my cousin knows? He would most certainly not like his own wife catching him in such a place.”

  “I don’t care if he likes it or not. And be most assured he does know. If the woman interferes again I’m going to make certain she pays dearly for it.” David would never forget the humiliating episode he suffered at that woman’s hand or the dukes for that matter. Now that he’d sown the seeds, he decided to let Andrew think how he could use it for his own benefit. “I’m going to find a drink. I’ll see you later.”

  Andrew watched his friend walk away, this information might be useful to him. He just had to think of a way to use it. He was about to leave himself, but hesitated when an attractive woman stepped in front of him. It took a moment to recognize her and when he did wondered why she approached him.

  When the discussion between the two men ended, Bethany stepped up to the remaining gentleman. “I hope you don’t mind but I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation. As you probably know who I am I won’t waste time in introducing myself.” When she saw the interest light up the pale blue eyes, she quickly continued. “I realized too late I made a terrible mistake in fleeing my wedding. However, like you I do not wish for my sister to become pregnant. Perhaps if we work together we can prevent it from happening.”

  “And what is in it for you my lady and for that matter how is it going to help me?” Andrew thought he might have some idea of what she had planned, but unless it aided him he would refuse any assistance from her.

  For a few moments, Bethany thought the question over as her gaze studied the man in front of her. He was nowhere near as handsome as the duke or impressive. He was actually quite the opposite, with his chubby florid face and stocky build. However, if this man could stop the duke from fathering an heir, he would inherit everything. What did she care what the man looked like? All that mattered was becoming a duchess and the wealth and power that went with it. “I think if we work together it would be mutually beneficial to both of us. After all, you want the title and so do I.”

  Andrew broke out in a grin. “Why don’t we find somewhere more private to discuss our mutual needs?” When the lady nodded in agreement, he offered his arm and led her out into the garden and found a private corner so they could continue the conversation without any one over hearing what they were discussing.


  Wrapped tightly in her husband’s embrace, Sheldon knew that after the passionate moments she just spent in his arms she would have to make a decision. Her husband had an iron will control she acknowledged with admiration. However, she knew he was suffering from holding himself on such a tight rein. She was also being tortured, her body ached and craved him to finish what he had started. She doubted she could spend too many days or nights suffering from the sexual tension that now gripped her body.

  However, before she could completely succumb to the passion she needed a few answers first. She drew in a deep breath of courage and plunged into her questions. “Nathan, just say if I did fall pregnant, what would happen between us then? Would you want me to continue to share your bed? Or would you go out searching for another woman to fulfill your sexual needs?”

  At the soft whispered words, Nathan stiffened. He knew exactly where these doubts and questions were coming from and if he had his wife’s sister in front of him now he wouldn’t hesitate in strangling her. Trying to hold back his anger, he let his fingers trail down her arm and up again. Only to repeat it while he answered her. “The only thing that would happen between us sweethear
t is that I would care for you even more. As for you leaving our bed, it’s never going to happen. I made vows to you Sheldon and I intend to keep every one of them. No, I won’t be seeking out another woman to satisfy me because none of them would be you.”

  His tone held a wealth of conviction and she believed everything he said. However, there were still doubts lingering. “Even when I grow fat and ugly? Surely the sight of me looking like that would sicken you?”

  “Why would the sight of you growing big with my child revolt me? Damn it Sheldon, I can assure you nothing would stop me finding you beautiful or lessen the attraction I have for you.” Hell, her family certainly did a number on his wife. He could only imagine all the put downs she suffered and the disparaging remarks they hurled at her. He wanted to beat the lot of them.

  The raw anger in his tone, more than anything, told her he was speaking the truth. Still she had a few more question. “I know it might be too early to tell yet. But do you think you could ever come to love me, even just a little?” Her heart raced and her nerves were strung tight while she waited to hear his reply.

  Nathan couldn’t help grinning in the dark. His little bride, it seemed, was on the verge of giving into the passion that sizzled between them. He also knew she was starting to care for him. Clasping her close, he rolled her under him, brushing the hair off her face he gave her a brief kiss. “My darling wife let me assure you, that I would find it very easy to love you and not just a little. I know that once you accept our marriage we’re going to be extremely happy together.”


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