The Highlander Who Loved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 4)

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The Highlander Who Loved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 4) Page 11

by Allie Palomino


  He continued his gentle assault. Nipping her again, he asked, “May I continue downwards, mo stòr?”

  She nodded, her mouth dry. “Aye.”

  He slowly brushed his lips down to one shoulder. A shudder ran through her as his tongue moved over her damp skin, gently moving aside the chemise with his kisses. Katie held him tightly, scared and curious at the same time.

  His kiss moved across to her other shoulder to do the same, nipping and kissing, causing Katie to moan. Her fingers played with the hair at the nape of his neck, something she did often when they kissed, and he found that he loved this about her. The pleasure of these little demonstrations of affection he would have never known had he not known her.

  His kisses moved up to her neck again, and her sighs and moans were undoing him. There was nothing more that he wanted at that moment than to make love to her.

  Make her his at last.

  But he would always be patient with her.

  In between kisses, he asked if he could move further down.

  “Please, James.”

  Katie was breathless as she felt his firm lips move downwards, biting her chemise downwards.

  Her grip tightened in his hair as she released a loud moan when his lips enclosed one of her nipples.


  James slowly flicked his tongue over the hardening peak, his slow pace making his cock throb. He groaned, loving the soft feel of her skin on his tongue, and hearing her moans despite the deafening waterfall.

  It was as if he was only attuned to her.

  Now a pebble in his mouth, he sucked it and rubbed his tongue on the areola.

  Katie screamed, her grip on his head achingly sweet.

  “Lass,” he groaned, not recalling when he’d ever been so hard and in need.

  Every other woman before her was now forgotten. They’d been nothing more than a means to assuage his needs. He’d never wanted anything but a quick rut from them. He hadn’t treated them poorly; they knew what he’d wanted and he’d never made promises of more.

  Katie made him desire everything he’d shunned before.

  He wanted a lifetime with her.

  To rise each morning to her beautiful smile and melodious voice.

  To feel her body next to his at night.

  To share in laughter and love with her until dawn.

  To kiss, suck, and lick every beautiful inch of her while hearing her lusty moans.

  To fill a home with sweet bairns who would have her eyes and smile.

  He sucked harder, causing her to cry out and pull his hair.


  He moved to her other breast and Katie screamed, gripping him tight. Her eyes were closed and mouth open. Slowly, James’ tongue moved upwards towards her chin, kissing her open mouth passionately. Katie opened her eyes, which were hazy with passion. She was breathing hard through her nose, emotions flooding her until she did not know her name.

  But none of the emotions she felt included disgust or repugnance.

  Her palms flattened on his cheeks as she looked into his eyes, which blazed with a light she’d not seen before then.

  “I would like to try again.” She kissed his lips and moved back. Uncertainty entered into her mind but she firmly pushed it aside.

  “Are ye certain, lass?”

  She moved forward again until her forehead touched his chin and breathed in.

  “Sweet James.” She looked up, hoisted herself higher by wrapping her arms around his neck, droplets falling off of her and into the water.

  “Ye’ve been so patient with me.” She caressed his nose with hers.

  “How could I be anything but?”

  She shook her head. “I doona know. All I believe is that any other man would nay have been as tolerant.”

  “Then they would have been undeserving of ye, mo stòr. Fine things, the best life has to offer, are worth waiting for.” He kissed her lips. “And ye, my love, are worth several lifetimes of wait.”

  Her eyes roamed across his face before she kissed him. Pulling back, she nuzzled his cheek with her nose.

  “I would like to make love with ye, James. I wish to share my body with yers and know the true joy of joining with the man I love.”

  Her whisper was soft, and almost hesitant, but the look in her eyes reflected determination.

  Kissing her lips, he shifted them until she was closer to the rocks. Effortlessly, he hoisted her up and sat her onto the flat landing of the grotto. Planting his hands on either side of her hips, he heaved himself half upwards, legs remaining in the water, and kissed her lips. Katie admired the display of strength and the play of his bulging muscles.

  “It is warm enough here so that ye willna grow cold.”

  She nodded, surprised at the realization. “Aye. It is.”

  “I’ll return in a moment.”

  Katie watched as he effortlessly swam underwater and out from the waterfall. She looked around as she waited for him to return, curious to see what he would do. Before she’d even looked once around, he appeared with a torch and a sack through a slit that served as an entrance without having to swim in the water. She stood and walked towards him with arms crossed over her chest, self-conscious. James began lighting thick wooden tree limbs extending from the cavernous walls, which would serve as lit torches.

  “Cold?” he asked as he lit the last torch.

  She’d forgotten her modesty when she saw the effect the lit torches cast on the cavern.


  Her voice was soft and breathless as she reached out to touch a wall. James came behind her and enfolded his arms around her. He leaned down and kissed her neck. Katie flattened her hand against the wall, moaning. She felt his lips next to her ear.

  “The only beauty here is ye, mo stòr.”

  She closed her eyes, both hands now flat against the wall. She breathed deeply and cleared her mind. There was nothing more that she wanted at that moment than to be with her husband in the most special and intimate manner.

  “We doona have to make love, mo stòr. We can simply rest here to the music of the waterfall.”

  She closed her eyes, tempted to be afraid and hide away from this man who’d only ever shown her patience and love. He didn’t cast blame on her for her reluctance in touching. He understood.

  He understood her.

  She felt one of his hands flatten on top of her palm that rested against the wall, and he wove his fingers with hers on the stone.

  “I love ye, Katie.”

  She closed her eyes, willing the horrors in her head to recede and not interfere any longer with relations between her and her husband.

  Katie turned, James still having one arm around her. She reached up, her palm resting on the side of his head. Her thumb felt the prickling of his growing beard.

  “Nay. I willna be a prisoner any longer. They willna ruin this for me. They willna succeed in my ruin.”

  He rested his forehead against hers.

  “Ye, my love, are the strongest person I know.”


  He shook his head slightly, eyes intently looking at hers. “Man or woman. Ye are a vision of beauty, fierceness, and strength my eyes have never seen, and my heart has never known. The strength in ye, mo stòr, is greater than even that of a warrior.”

  He pulled back, both hands on her cheeks. James stared at her for long moments, eyes gliding over every beautiful feature of hers.

  “Ye amaze me. Ye inspire me. Ye drive me to be a better man.”

  She gasped at his words, her eyes filling with tears. Slowly, she stepped onto her toes and reached up to him. Katie touched his lips with hers in a kiss that was at first soft and tender.

  And became ravenous.

  “If at any instance, ye need to halt-”

  She pulled back an inch and placed her fingers on his lips.

  “Thank ye.”

  His eyes held hers before their lips met again. The sou
nd of Katie’s moans were only surpassed by the beautiful waterfall and occasional groan from James.

  James slowly laid her down on the soft plaid he’d spread before the lake, on the landing. The cavern appeared to glow, as did the cascading water.

  But the lovers were not noticing.


  His hands were at her thighs, and he stopped and looked down at her, eyes questioning.


  He slowly began lifting the chemise higher, exposing her creamy thighs to his hungry gaze. Each thumb rubbed a circle, marveling at the softness of her skin.

  Katie gasped as her back arched.

  James’ eyes moved upwards to her large upturned breasts, the outline of her nipples standing prominently through the thin material. His hands slowly brought up her chemise, simultaneously caressing her skin and revealing her beautiful body to him. The light from the torches and streaming water gave her body an ethereal appearance, which convinced James that his wife, indeed, was otherworldly and an undeserved gift to him from God.

  “Mo stòr.”

  Katie’s eyes were closed, her lips trembling. Her breath was panting as she struggled to push the memories away as they tried to intervene into her thoughts. She’d managed to grow more powerful in expelling them from her active thoughts since her violation, but remnants lingered.

  She would no longer allow those ghosts here with her and her husband-

  …the man who’d only ever touched her with loving hands, who’d kissed her with a worshipping mouth, and who’d looked at her with adoring eyes.

  She opened her mouth to reveal clenched teeth.


  The helpless sound she made tore at him. Crinkles appeared at the sides of her closed eyes as she fought her demons.

  “My love, open yer eyes. Look upon me. I am not them. Ye are not with them.”

  He grasped one of her hands, brought it to his mouth, and kissed it.

  “Ye are with me.”

  Her eyes opened slowly and were clouded with memories.

  “Keep yer eyes open, and look into mine. I will fight with ye to keep them away. We will fight together, mo stòr. Ye never have to confront anything alone again.”

  Tears fell down her face as she took in the moment. Her husband was the most wonderful man, and he treated her like the treasure he believed her to be.

  “I love ye, Katherynne Eleanor Menzies.”

  Her smile was small when she responded, “As I love ye, James Rhiseart Menzies.”

  He caressed her cheek and kissed her. Katie responded, her head lifting to fully kiss him as he tried to move back.

  “I want to be yers, James. I will push those memories aside, and replace them with the new memories we will create.”

  His eyes were intense as he leaned down again and kissed her. Slowly, he kissed a path to her shoulders, causing her to gasp.

  “May I have the freedom to touch ye, my love? Yer body?”

  Her hands lifted to his cheeks. “I trust ye, as I trust no other. Yes, James. Love me.”

  James kissed her. “Keep yer eyes on me, mo stòr. I am here with ye. Always.”

  She nodded swallowing, and all of her thoughts left her as James’ mouth sucked on her pebbled nipple. Her cries echoed around them as her back bowed. He moved to the other, and Katie’s eyes flittered closed as the sensations overpowered her. Bad memories began intruding into her mind again, and she opened her eyes seeking his downward.

  His eyes were watching hers, and she was in the present again with him.

  James kissed a path down to her belly, and Katie emitted a sound halfway between a laugh and gasp. The sounds she made were making him engorged with need. He knew that he needed to move slowly even if he felt he’d explode.

  Her skin was the softest of anything he’d ever touched. Flower petals were as rough as grass compared to her creamy skin. The feeling that he would soon make her his washed through him, accelerating his heart beat as if he’d run a great distance.

  The love he felt for this woman made him feel invincible and weak at the same time. He could, and would, slay a league of men all at once, while dropping to his knees in fear of harm coming to her.

  Katie’s moans grew louder as his hand slowly lowered to her juncture. He would not hurt her. James had to make certain that she was prepared for his entrance. Encountering her dripping with desire, Katie groaned and closed her eyes.


  Back bowed, Katie was panting. As he slowly kissed upwards from her belly, their eyes met again. Moving from her neck to her jaw to her mouth, his kiss was ravenous.

  His treasure was the most beautiful and bountiful he’d ever seen.

  No other woman compared to the woman before him.

  “I had to make certain ye were prepared for me, love.”

  “Am I?”

  Her question to him reflected just how innocent his wife was despite the ordeal she’d experienced. He rested his forehead on hers and they stared deeply into one another’s eyes.

  “Aye. Ye are more than primed, my love. Ye are certain?”

  Her smile was wide and luminous as she whispered, “Make me yers, James.”

  James kissed her until she was writhing with passion. He positioned himself above her and slowly began entering her sheath.

  He groaned but was determined to move slowly and keep his gaze on hers.

  He saw her start to withdraw from him. Her gaze shifted beyond his shoulders and her breathing was erratic, but not from his attentions. James gently took her chin in between his fingers and moved her gaze back to him.

  “Look at me, love. Yer husband. Ye are here with me. Our bodies will at last join and become one as our hearts already have.”

  Katie nuzzled his chin with her nose. “Aye, husband. Love me. My body is yers, as my soul and heart are.”

  Eyes locked, he entered her slowly. Katie’s moans echoed his groans.

  As he’d told her before, he’d never shared the pleasures of the flesh with a woman as inexperienced as his Katie.

  And he was glad for it.

  The pleasure he felt now was immeasurable and unmatched. Her sheath was deliciously tight around him.

  And that he was experiencing this with her now, the unification of their bodies, made the possessive beast within him howl.

  His breath was heavy as he fully sheathed himself. His eyes never left hers as he clenched his jaw for control.

  Katie was his.

  Now and forever.


  Her soft utterances of his name escalated his pleasure.

  “Feel good?”

  His voice came out more like a growl, but Katie smiled in understanding and gripped her arms tighter around his shoulders. Her hands began wandering, feeling the hills and valleys of the evidence of his incredible strength. His muscles were large and hard underneath soft sun-kissed skin.

  Her breathing was uneven, but she nodded. “It hurts some.”

  He saw the pain she attempted to shield from him, in her eyes.

  “I willna move, Love. Yer body needs to accustom itself to mine.”

  She laughed and kissed his chin. “I’m nay sure it can, husband. Ye are rather large, filling and expanding me until I doona believe I can accommodate an inch more of ye.”

  His grin was wicked as he leaned down to kiss her. “Ye already have, mo stòr.”

  She moved upwards to catch his mouth with hers. Their eyes never veered and continued to look at one another. When James moved within her, she gasped and her gaze turned hazier.

  It was his undoing.

  Watching her closely, with every pleasure of her body reflecting unguardedly on her beautiful face, was the most sensual experience of his life.

  James withdrew, hearing her sigh, and thrust forward, hearing her moan. Her hands gripped him tighter, mimicking the hold her sheath had on his cock.

  He groaned, eyes locked on hers. The playfulness that was shared between them
before was replaced by a demand their bodies made on them, to assuage the building need that was rising with each thrust of his hips.

  Her chin jutted upwards. “James!”

  Unable to resist, he kissed his wife’s lips, loving the feel of them. He slowly moved his tongue into her mouth, mimicking the movement of his hips. Katie’s eyes reflected her confusion and then understanding came into them, all at once. Her hands moved upwards until she was grasping both sides of his head, and began kissing him as he kissed her.

  When he felt her tongue in his mouth, he groaned until the echoes surrounded them in a chorus of pleasure.

  James began thrusting faster and Katie’s lips released his so that she could cry out. Her throat upturned and he dove in to kiss it. Sucking on it, and then biting her throat, caused her to clench the walls of her sheath, causing within him a euphoria that was better than anything he’d ever felt.


  She chanted his name reverently, and they were wrenched from her soul.

  “It feels good. Something is happening.”

  He moved up from her neck and reestablished the connection of their eyes, and their souls met again.

  “Yea are nearing the end, my love. Doona attempt to halt it. Give yerself over to it.”

  Her eyes were barely focused, but they remained looking at him.

  “Give yerself to me.”

  Her mouth opened and she let out a lusty cry that reverberated in the cavern at the same pace her sheath was now spasming around him.

  James let out a roar that overpowered her cries and whimpers.

  They reached their peaks at the same moment, eyes locked and souls merged.

  The rapture on her face heightened his pleasure.

  “Beautiful,” he groaned.

  Katie eyed her husband, who looked like he was in the throes of great pleasure. The unexpected feeling of pride that she was the one to gift that to him, merged with her own pleasure, extending whatever it was that she was experiencing with him.

  Throughout the storm of their pleasure, and as they fell from their peak, their eyes never wavered. Their souls spoke to one another as their bodies got to know the other.

  As their hearts found a calming rhythm, Katie moved upwards to kiss him. Their lips were slow and languid, kisses that were sensual and sloppy.


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