The Highlander Who Loved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 4)

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The Highlander Who Loved Me (Heart of a Highlander Collection Book 4) Page 18

by Allie Palomino

  James snickered, shaking his head.

  “The problem was that he overheard her speaking to me.” Katie snickered. “Ye should have seen his face! His eyes were wide and mouth agape. ‘Feign? D’ye nay have any pity on me, woman?’ He’d asked her. Maddie smiled at him, hobbled over, and kissed him. She told him that she may have exaggerated a wee bit, but that I, indeed, was grateful to have her here. I agreed with her from where I was as she patted the side of his face, and ‘twas as if the anger left him.”

  James outright laughed. “My sister has that man wrapped tightly around her finger. If she desired the moon and stars, he would find a method to wrangle them for her.”

  Katie nodded her head, laughing. She looked up at him.

  “I know of such a man who has already given his wife the moon and stars.”

  James’ golden eyes softened and he leaned forward. Their lips touched and their tongues danced, as their kiss grew passionate.

  “How long before we could make love?”

  He asked the question as their foreheads touched.

  “A month or two, Sweet James. The women said it was more towards a month and a half but they’ve felt well after a month’s passing. I’m sorry.”

  He kissed her quickly. “Doona be sorry, mo stòr. Never. I would never place my carnal desires above yer wellbeing.”

  “Our desires.”

  He kissed her.

  “Ye have made us a family today. Ye have given me the greatest gift I have ever been bestowed.” He cupped her cheek.

  “Ye are a miracle, and ye gave me a second one. How am I deserving of such blessings? I doona deserve ye or Callum, lass, but I’m never letting ye or him go.”

  Katie closed her eyes, smiling. She opened them with tears gathering.

  “The sweetest words roll off that tongue. Poetry, it is.”

  James grinned. “Aye. And this tongue has many uses, nay solely for pretty words. Two months willna be so difficult.”

  Katie gasped and cupped her hand over his mouth, causing James to laugh.

  “Ye well know that ye enjoy its other uses, Lass.”

  She gasped again, her cheeks as red as he’d ever seen them.

  The baby yawned and made little moans. Their attention returned to the baby in her arms.

  “He’s beautiful.”

  Katie’s voice was airy. Tears gathered anew and fell slowly down her face as she looked up at James.

  “Mo stòr…”

  “I have been blessed with a loving husband and sweet baby. More than a year ago, I never believed I would ever have this life. Thank ye, my Sweet James, for all of yer gifts, but mostly for yer love. I love ye with my heart, my body, and my soul, James Rhisheart Menzies.”

  James kissed her eyes tenderly, moved to her cheeks, and then gently pressed his lips to hers.

  “With my heart, my body, my soul, and my life, I love ye, Katherynne Eleanor Menzies.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  A year and a half later

  Douglas was smiling as he exited Connor’s keep. James was speaking to a messenger who’d just arrived.

  “What has ye smiling, Da?”

  He shook his head.

  “They named the bairn after me.”

  James’ eyes widened.

  “So we now have Douglas Ramsay?”

  “Douglas Malcolm Ramsay. Malcolm and I are proud and humbled.”

  James nodded but became serious again. Noticing his son’s change in demeanor, he asked, “Is something amiss?”

  James made eye contact with his father.

  “We may have gained some information, at long last. Athyn Kerr sends it to Connor.”

  “Is that why he left Maddie while I was there and returned a few short moments after?”

  James nodded.

  “He asked that I speak to the messenger. He didna wish to leave Maddie for long.”

  Douglas gave a curt nod.

  “Well, what is the message?”

  James shook his head. “No message. This.”

  James gave his father a small parcel wrapped in fine cloth.

  “What is this?”

  James shrugged. “They feel like rings.”

  “What do they mean? Whose are they?”

  “I doona know,” James answered.

  Perplexed, Douglas turned to the messenger.

  “Explain to me why Athyn Kerr sent this?”

  Unsteady on his feet as he saw the Menzies laird become increasingly irritated, the messenger sought to hurry and provide him with the little information he had.

  “It says the name of yer daughter, Laird. Madeleine. See.”

  He pointed to faded letters on the cloth. Douglas looked up at James.

  “‘Tis why the laird sent this to Laird Ramsay.”

  “Where was it found?”

  “Amongst the remaining belongings of his father, Laird.”

  “Boyd Kerr?”

  The messenger nodded.

  “Thank ye. Please extend our gratitude to Athyn.”

  The messenger nodded to Douglas, bowed, and left.

  “We’ll open it with Connor,” Douglas said.

  James and Douglas made their way upstairs after being told that Connor still remained with Maddie. Once upstairs, they knocked and Connor answered. Before he could tell them that he would be out in a moment, Madeleine saw what was in her father’s hand and urged them inside.

  “I want to know what is transpiring.”

  Connor groaned. “Lass, canna ye just leave this to me?”

  “Nay. That small parcel looks like one from my childhood. Belonged to my mother, if I’m correct.”

  Douglas walked over to Maddie, who had their newest baby sleeping on her chest.

  “Ye recognize this, lass?”

  She nodded. “I believe so, Father. I saw this a handful of times, and each time, my father,” Maddie looked up, cheeks reddening.

  “I apologize.”

  He laid a hand on hers. “Habits, lass. Nothing to be sorry over.”

  She shook her head. “He doesn’t merit the title. In the nearly three years we’ve known of each other, you’ve been more of a father to me than he’d ever been.”

  Douglas’ cheeks reddened at her praise. He squeezed her hand. “Ye humble me, lass.”

  Her eyes were luminous. “I love you, Father. I don’t know why I haven’t told you before now, but it has been in my heart for a very long time.”

  Douglas looked down, his grip on her hand tightening. His eyes were moist.

  “It has yer name.”

  Maddie took the small parcel and untied the ribbons holding it together. Inside were two rings.

  “Lord. I’ve nay seen that ring for nearly two and a half decades.” Douglas reached in and took one out.

  Maddie’s eyes widened, looking from the rings to Douglas.

  “What is it? What are they?” She questioned Douglas.

  Her father seemed at a loss for words. He kept swallowing, and his eyes were more moist than they had been a moment earlier. He raised a hand to his brow and it shook some.


  Maddie’s concerned voice broke him free from his reverie.

  “This was the ring I gave yer mother. My family’s crest ring.”

  He passed the rugged and hefty ring to her. Maddie’s fingers rubbed over the beautiful ring that was a part of her lineage. Gold and heavy, her finger passed over the familiar chieftain’s head that was the Menzies’ clan crest.

  “You gave this to her?”

  He nodded, swallowing.

  “The day yer mother was taken by that bastard, I took a few additional moments with her. I placed this ring and another in her small hand and told her that if she should ever have need of me, to send the one with the crest and I would know that it was truly she who was seeking me.”

  Maddie gasped. Her eyes moved from the ring to her father’s regretful eyes.

  “With every unknown messenger that came onto my lan
d, my heart would beat faster and lighter, hoping that it was that moment when she’d sought me out. I’d hoped time and time again that the messenger had this ring. And every instance that the ring did not accompany the messenger, my heart felt as if it had been torn from my chest still beating.”

  Douglas rubbed his head, ghosts entering the beautiful yellow of his eyes. Maddie reached out to clasp her father’s hand, her heart breaking for all that her parents could have been and would never be.

  “Was this the other ring you gave her?”

  He shook his head.

  “This one is yer mother’s ring that she loved dearly. It belonged to her mother and her mother’s mother.” Douglas looked up at Maddie. “A family ring passed on by daughters to daughters, she’d said.”

  “Then where is the second ring you gave her?”

  He shrugged, sadness in his eyes.

  “The other ring I gave her had belonged to my mother. ‘Twas her wedding ring, and I felt that it should belong to yer mother, as I would never again love another as I’d loved her.”

  Douglas shook his head. “Wynton must have found it if the other is here but that one is not.” He made fists. “I doona want to think what he would’ve done to her if he did.”

  Maddie gasped, bringing one free hand to her mouth. She looked down to make certain she had not disturbed the baby. Douglas handed her Anne’s family ring. Maddie’s hand shook as she brought it closer to her eyes. The golden ring was simple with a thin band and a single small, pale blue cabochon in its center.

  “Beautiful. This was hers?”

  She looked up at her father.

  “Aye. Havena ye seen it before?”

  Maddie shook her head. “I saw him with this small parcel a few times as a child and he would never let me hold it. Said that if I didn’t behave, he would throw it into the fire. One evening, I thought he’d done just that. I’d been so very sad that I’d never seen what had belonged to my mother.” She paused for a moment.

  “He never spoke to me about her.” Maddie continued, looking up at Douglas. “Had it not been for your retelling of your memories, I would have never known anything about my mother.”

  “Didna the servants speak to ye about her, lass? Even her lady’s maid?”

  Maddie shook her head, looking at James. “Nay, James. None of the servants there for all the years I lived with my father, had known my mother.”

  James’ eyes widened and he looked curiously at his father who’d also taken an interest.

  “How did that come to be?”

  Maddie shrugged as she looked at Douglas. “Some died and some left without a word to my father or brothers, they’d told me. My father and brothers refused to speak of my mother.”

  Connor hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head. Douglas gently tucked the rings into one of her hands but she shook her head.

  “Nay, Father. Keep them. Cherish them now. Keep something of hers. There’s much time for me to have them one day still.”

  He kissed her hands. “I have the greatest of all gifts my Anne gave me, lass.” He patted her hand as Maddie gasped. She smiled through tears and Douglas swallowed, eyes luminous.

  Connor cleared his throat. “Still, one question remains. Why would Kerr have these rings?”

  James stepped forward as a thought struck him. “I’ve nay mentioned this before, but when Kerr’s men attempted to ambush me, a few of them spoke with an English accent.”

  Douglas stood, rage making his face redden.

  “What is it, Father?”

  Eyes moving to Maddie’s alarmed face, Douglas attempted to calm himself so as not to upset his daughter or grandson.

  Maddie said what they all were thinking. “A Scot in possession of an English family’s rings?”

  James stepped forward.

  “He helped them! Wynton was Kerr’s mysterious benefactor.”

  Connor cursed under his breath.

  James continued. “Explains much. It would explain how Kerr came to be with so many men at his command. Also explains why some never spoke for fear that we would hear their accents and discover what had been transpiring.”

  “I will find him.”

  They stared as Douglas rose to his enormous height, the brooding look on his face foretelling of rage and a desire for vengeance.

  “I will accompany ye, Father.”

  Douglas shook his head. “Nay, son, ye have an expecting wife. Stay and serve her. I also would like to have peace of mind that the clan will fare well in my absence. I want ye to be laird in my stead.”

  James nodded, not wishing to countermand his father. Truth be known, he wanted to remain by his Katie’s side. Their first bairn’s arrival was difficult on her, though she attempted to disguise it from him. He didn’t want to leave her for a moment. Besides, he sensed that his father wished to be on the journey and find Wynton himself.

  “Be safe, Father.”

  Those words were like water on a flame. Douglas looked at Maddie and nodded. Leaning over, he kissed her head as well as the baby’s.

  “Worry not, daughter.”

  “He’s ruthless. Evil. Underhanded and dishonest.”

  Douglas smiled at his daughter, covering one of her hands with his.

  “Thank ye for the warnings. I vow to ye that I shall return whole and hale. We’ve a lifetime remaining ahead, my beautiful daughter. No one will take that from me when much has already been taken.”

  He cupped one of her cheeks.

  “I love you, Father.”

  “As I love ye, lass.”

  Once outside the keep, Douglas finalized his orders to James.

  “Are ye certain ye doona wish for me to accompany?”

  Douglas’ nod was curt.

  “Stay with yer wife. This is my journey, my demons.”

  “Think ahead. He may be a bastard but he is an intelligent one.”

  Douglas’ eyes hardened and he clenched his jaw.

  “He will suffer for every slap and abusive action towards Maddie and my Anne.” He paused for a moment.

  “I yearn to squeeze that man’s neck until the last breath leaves him and his soul returns to hell.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Two months later

  Douglas looked at his second-in-command, Finlay. This had been the last keep Douglas knew of, that Wynton owned. The bastard was richer than the king himself and held more properties than anyone had a need of.

  “‘Tis a frustrating endeavor, this. Finding a rat is never easy.”

  Finlay nodded opening his hand. “Aye, but closer we move, if this is any indication.”

  Fresh ashes from the hearth marred his skin. “These doona appear to have been here long. He knows he’s being hunted.”

  Douglas nodded. “I wish to rid the earth of him and return to my daughter. I’m much to old to be traipsing about.” He sighed, looking at Finlay who was only a few years younger than him. “It is time, friend, for us to move on and enjoy the benefits of a hard-worked life, aye? I’ve grandbairns I wish to teach to fish and hunt. Tasks that I had enjoyed instructing my son, but have more time for, now, for the bairns.”

  Finlay nodded. “Aye, Douglas. It is time. I have five of my own. While Highlander warrior blood flows through me and I will always raise my sword alongside ye, I find that I desire being with my family more every morning.”

  Douglas slapped his back. “And that we shall have, after we find this rat. We shall at long last enjoy all that we’ve worked for.”

  “Did ye gain any information from the stableman?”

  Douglas nodded his head. “Aye. The most curious bit of information. I found it odd when Madeleine told me that none of the servants who’d cared for Anne or knew Anne, remained at the keep when Maddie was a child. ‘Tis unusual, no?”

  At Finlay’s nod, Douglas continued, watching the men enjoy their respite. “The stableman said most of them died suddenly the day after her birth. Four of the servants’ bodies were found, each ap
parently having suffered ill-fated accidents. Anne’s lady’s maid disappeared along with a few other servants.”

  “Odd coincidence. The day after Madeline was born? Did they nay question this?”

  Douglas shook his head. “Knowing what I know of Wynton, they wouldna have. They were justifiably afraid of that man. He had a short-temper and thought nothing of striking anyone who spoke words he didna like. My Anne told me many a story of that impulsive man. His temper was volatile, and my Anne felt the his wrath on several occasions.”

  “What are ye thinkin’?”

  Douglas grimaced in thought. “It seems odd. The man is a wretch, but ‘tis odd that everyone who knew my Anne was gone, and just after the birth of our daughter.”

  “Mayhap he desired to isolate young Madeleine so that she wouldna have any kinship or information about her mother. ‘Twould be yet another torture for the child.”

  “Aye, ye make wise points, Finlay. I canna help feeling ‘tis more, however.”

  At Douglas’ thoughtful face and squinting eyes, Finlay asked, “What is it?”

  Douglas nodded and a smile slowly spread. “I remember my Anne speaking of one last keep Wynton held. Said he oft traveled there, for what she suspected were trysts.”

  “Had many, did he?”

  “Oh, aye. Anne said he had many. Saw with her own eyes. Bastard that he was, would force her to watch on occasion.”

  Finlay spit on the ground. “A true bastard he was. Where is this keep?”

  “Northeast, I recall her saying, along a river. ‘Twas far enough so that she felt safe for a week’s time.”

  “Lived in fear, did she?”

  Douglas clenched his jaw. “Every day of her short life.”

  The burning feeling in his chest returned. Pure and raw, the heartache never left him. Regrets and guilt plagued him since she left him those many decades ago. She’d forced his hand, attempting to ease his conscience. Wynton had threatened James and Anne, if Douglas ever sought her out.

  Wrong he had been to believe that Wynton would maintain his word.

  He’d promised that if Anne left quietly with him without any hesitance, he’d keep her safe.


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