Hoosier Werewolf 2: Who Let The Wolf Out

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Hoosier Werewolf 2: Who Let The Wolf Out Page 3

by Kate Steele

  Dustin turned and headed for the outside stairs that led up to his apartment. He looked back. Although he was frowning slightly he shot Chad a small, teasing smile. “I think you just like being bossy.”

  Chad returned his smile with interest. “That too.”

  * * *

  By the time Dustin packed and they made the trip to Chad’s house his headache was ramping up and he was ready to crash. He’d been arrested at nine a.m., spent twelve hours in jail, and then had been evicted from his apartment. Not exactly the most stellar day in his life. The highlight had been Chad. The man had a way of taking charge, smoothing the way and making it sound like with just a little effort, everything was going to be fine. To say Dustin was grateful was putting it mildly.

  Trouble was, now what? He wasn’t sure what to think or how to feel. Okay sure, a few minutes ago he’d been planning to break up with Jerry but shit, knowing that Jerry hadn’t cared for him at all had hurt. Not to mention how pathetic it made him look. Humiliation seemed to be the order of the day and he was being served a giant-sized portion. Being used was bad enough, having Chad know about it was worse and talking about it had been like having salt rubbed in the wound. At first. As usual, Chad had done and said things that made him feel whole again. Dustin was beginning to feel a little in awe of the man.

  Chad’s home was located in one of the older, classier suburbs across town and much like the man, it exuded a calm yet welcoming warmth. The house was all on one level, the outside made of worn, weathered stone in shades of beige, brown and cream. It was located on a lot several acres in size, surrounded and separated from its neighbors by thick stands of trees. Tangled undergrowth began where the neatly clipped lawn left off. Chad parked his car in a garage that was big enough for four vehicles. A black jeep sat in one of the empty bays.

  “Nice jeep,” Dustin commented, levering himself out of the car.

  “Thanks. It’s an indulgence, I know, but I like to drive it on the weekends.”

  He could hear the slight embarrassment in Chad’s voice. Dustin had the impression that while Chad apparently had money, he wasn’t one to make a big deal about it, nor flaunt it either. His car was nice, top of the line but conservative and his house, while good sized, was hardly a mansion.

  Dustin retrieved his suitcase from the trunk and followed Chad through a connecting door that led into a large kitchen. It appeared to be well equipped, the appliances gleaming softly in black and chrome. At the far end of the kitchen were three open archways. To the right was a formal living room, the first room he saw when he came in through the front door. To the left was a more relaxed living area complete with a stone fireplace, plasma television, stereo, a cushy looking overstuffed sofa and a recliner. Unlike the formal living room -- which was decorated in a style that was reserved, even borderline prim and proper -- this room in shades of cream, brown and gold was friendly and inviting.

  The third open doorway straight ahead was the beginning of a long hallway. Chad led Dustin down the length of it, pointing out various rooms as they went. The first to the left was the guest bathroom. The second to the right was Chad’s home office. The doorway across from it guarded a large closet, and the last two doors that stood opposite each other at the end of the hallway were bedrooms.

  “This is your room. I’m afraid you’ll have to use the guest bathroom. Unlike the master bedroom across the hall, this one doesn’t have an attached bath,” Chad explained apologetically.

  “Hey, I’m not going to complain. I appreciate you letting me stay with you, especially on such short notice and all.”

  “It’s my pleasure. So, are you hungry? I could put something together real quick or call for take out of some kind.”

  Dustin considered for a moment. He really did want to spend more time in Chad’s company. The man intrigued him but truth was, things were catching up with him. Jerry’s betrayal had been a shock. That, in combination with everything else that had happened today, in addition to the headache that wouldn’t let up, had Dustin feeling rather rocky. He wasn’t used to this feeling of being out of control and vulnerable. He didn’t feel threatened by Chad, far from it. Yet he wanted to deal with the man from more solid ground.

  “You know, I think I just want to go to bed. This has been a hell of a day.”

  “I understand,” Chad turned to leave then snapping his fingers, swung back around. “I almost forgot. Ethan wanted you to call.” Chad looked at his watch. “It’s not quite eleven. I’ll bet he’s still up.”

  “Oh, jeez, I should have thought of that myself.”

  “Don’t worry about it. You’ve had a lot on your mind. Feel free to use the phone,” Chad offered, gesturing to the one that sat on the bedside table. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  Dustin returned his smile. “G’night.”

  He sat on the bed, his gaze on the closed door and sighed. How did everything get so fucked up? Despite Chad’s confidence and optimism that they’d get to the bottom of this and prove Dustin’s innocence, he still felt like a prisoner facing the guillotine. The blade was balanced over his neck and just the right bit of pressure would send it plunging down.

  Dustin winced. He’d experienced too many new things today, most of them unpleasant. Now he was spending the night in a strange bed, in a room not his own. The feeling of being totally disconnected from everything familiar grew and grew until he desperately reached for the phone and dialed the one number that might bring him a little peace.

  His call was answered on the second ring. “Hello?”


  “Dustin! Are you all right?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay,” Dustin answered, though he suddenly felt like crying. He swallowed hard and blinked his stinging eyelids repeatedly.

  “Chad got you out okay?”

  “Yeah, bro, Chad’s been great. Thanks for calling him.”

  “I knew he’d help you. Hey hold on minute, Nick wants to talk to you.”

  Oh, fuck. Dustin braced himself.



  “You all right, bro?”

  “Yeah but… oh, man, Nick, everything’s so fucked up. I didn’t do this. You know I didn’t do this, don’t you?”

  “Fuck yeah I know you didn’t. Jeez, Dustin, I know you, kid. You’re no druggy and you sure as hell wouldn’t be selling that shit.”

  Dustin felt a wave of relief crash over him. “Thanks, I just…well, I just needed to know.”

  “Hey, no one who knows you would believe you’re a drug dealer. Shit, you wouldn’t dare be one ’cause you know I’d kick your ass.”

  Dustin laughed. “That’s for damn sure.”

  Nick’s chuckle was warm and easy. “So I’m assuming you’re out of jail and home.”

  “Well, I’m out of jail, but I’m calling from Chad’s. I got evicted.”

  “Old lady Winters kicked you out?”

  “Yeah. She said I embarrassed her and she didn’t want a drug dealer living under her roof.”

  “Son of a bitch. I never did like that old bat. So when are you moving your stuff out? When are you coming home?”

  “I’m not. Chad has an extra bedroom. He invited me to stay with him so I can still be close to school. He says it’ll be better too if I’m close on account of the case.”

  “I s’pose that makes sense, but what about the stuff in your apartment?”

  “I’m gonna put it in storage for now until I find a new place.”

  “You’re still going to need help moving it. Yell when you’re ready. Ethan, Crewe and I’ll come over and give you a hand.”

  “Will do, thanks, bro.”

  “Hey, we Parks brothers stick together. Right?”


  “Get some rest. Call if you need anything.”

  “I will. Tell Ethan I’ll call him tomorrow.”

  “You got it. Hold on a sec.” Dustin could hear a muffled conversation taking place. “Ethan says if you can’t
reach him here, he’ll be at Crewe’s. You got the number?”

  “Yeah, I’ve got it.”

  “All right. Take it easy, bro. Bye.”

  “Bye.” Dustin disconnected the call and flopped back on the bed.

  That had gone far better than he’d thought it would but then he should have known better. Nick was nothing if not fair and open minded. The only time he’d ever jumped Dustin about anything was when he’d had it coming. It was funny but Nick, in addition to being the eldest, had always been something of an authority figure for Dustin and Ethan. Not that their parents weren’t, but Nick just seemed to have this mile-wide responsible streak that encompassed not only his own behavior but that of his brothers’ as well. He also had an innate ability to apply his authority in a subtle and judicious manner. Ethan and Dustin rarely chaffed under Nick’s almost imperceptible guidance.

  Dustin yawned forcing himself to his feet to unpack before he passed out. He emptied his suitcase, hanging up jeans and shirts in the closet then filling the top drawer of the dresser with briefs and socks. The second drawer received a few pairs of sweat pants and some older tees that he wore around the house. He kept one set of these out and changed into them, bundling his dirty clothes and laying them neatly on the padded chair that stood to one side of the dresser.

  Leaving his bedroom, he walked quietly down to the bathroom with his toiletries, razor, hairbrush and the like. After using the facilities he washed up, brushed his teeth and made his weary way to bed. Dustin debated a moment, shrugged then shucked his clothes off. He always slept in the nude and didn’t think Chad would mind. While his body slipped between the sheets, his mind played with the question of what Chad wore to bed.

  The thought of finding out brought a tingle to his groin and he reached down, rubbing his fingers over his slowly burgeoning erection. The light, teasing touch felt good. Another jaw-cracking yawn took him and he struggled to concentrate on the pleasurable sensation emanating from his cock. Didn’t I read somewhere that orgasms are good for headaches? Moaning softly, he closed his eyes, snuggled into a more comfortable position and fell asleep mid-stroke.

  Two hours later, Dustin woke with a start from a dream in which Mrs. Winters was pushing his sofa out the apartment window. It landed with a crash, the frame splintering and wood flying in all directions. One fragment came winging toward him and though he ducked, it slammed him right in the head.

  With a gasp Dustin sat up, hands flying to his temples. The headache that earlier was been tolerable, had grown to monstrous proportions. It throbbed and burned like a crazed marauder from hell, the pain twisting his stomach, making him nauseous. Unfamiliar with the objects in his new bedroom he fumbled for and nearly knocked the bedside lamp off the table. A wild scramble and thump saw it set back upright and he managed to turn it on to its lowest setting, but even that sent a searing shard of agony straight through his skull.

  Sitting on the side of the bed cursing softly, Dustin raised his head at the sound of a soft knock on his door. “Dustin. Can I come in?”

  “Yeah,” he managed.

  The door opened and Chad walked in. He was bare-chested and wearing only a light pair of sleep pants that dipped low and hung loosely from his hips. Even through the pain, Dustin was able to admire the dark cloud of hair on his chest, his rock hard abdomen and the shadowy trail that meandered straight down over sleek muscle to disappear into the teasing waistline of those flimsy pants. Chad’s attire made him suddenly conscious of his own nudity and he pulled the sheet over his lap.

  “Are you all right?” Chad asked, eyes filled with concern. “I thought I heard something fall.”

  “I’m sorry I woke you. I almost knocked the lamp off the table.”

  Chad squatted down in front of him drawing Dustin’s gaze. “You look like shit. Are you sick?”

  Dustin snorted then winced. “Headache from hell. It’s been coming on since I was arrested. I thought I dodged the bullet but it got me.”

  “Did you take anything?”

  “No and my stomach’s rolling now. I’d probably lose it if I did.”

  “I’ll be back in a minute. I think I have something that might help.”

  Chad rose and walked out. Dustin remained right where he was, staying as still as possible. Movement only made things worse. In just a few minutes Chad was back with an assortment of items. The first thing he did was pop the top off the bottle of ibuprofen he’d brought.

  Shaking out a couple of tablets, he held them out to Dustin. “Back when we were in college, there was a virulent strain of flu going around. Crewe caught it. He was sicker than a dog, couldn’t hold anything down, not even water. After two days he was dehydrated, desperate for something to drink. I just happened to bring some gingerale to our room, so I offered him a little bit. He was able to keep it down along with some aspirin even though his stomach still rebelled against anything else. I want you to take these with some gingerale. I think it’ll settle your stomach and you need the pills to help with the inflammation.”

  “What inflammation?”

  “The veins in your head. That’s what causes the actual headache pain. The veins become inflamed and swell. And that’s also what this is for.” Chad held up another item he’d brought. Dustin could hear a muffled rattle inside.

  “An ice pack?”

  “An ice pack. Now take your medicine like a good boy.” Dustin made a face at Chad but did as he was told. “Now, here’s what we’re going to do.” Chad circled the bed and climbed in on the other side. He seated himself with his back against the headboard. “I want you to come here and lean back against me.”

  Chapter Three

  Eying Chad doubtfully but having no objections about getting close to the man, Dustin shrugged, winced at the movement and carefully obeyed. It wasn’t like they were about to indulge in a wild no-holds-barred fuck. He settled back against Chad while Chad stretched a leg out on either side of his hips. Leaning his head back against Chad’s chest Dustin groaned as the change in position made his head throb.

  “Easy,” Chad soothed. “Just relax.”

  Chad placed the ice pack on his head and Dustin had to admit, the cool weight of it against his scalp felt good. Then Chad did something that felt even better. He began to lightly massage Dustin’s temples.

  “Oh, fuck, that feels good,” Dustin moaned then shivered.

  “Shh, just take it easy. Let all the tension go.”

  By degrees, Dustin felt his muscles go slack. Tension he hadn’t known he was carrying flowed away, drained by the gentle pressure of Chad’s clever fingers. Firmly yet gently, Chad rubbed over Dustin’s forehead, back over his temples and followed his hairline above and around his ears. His fingers smoothed over the curve of Dustin’s skull, lightly kneading the muscles of his neck where they met the back of his head.

  Dustin uttered an occasional blissful moan, his heavy eyelids closing. He teetered on the edge of sleep, surrounded by Chad’s warmth. When he heard Chad murmur, “That’s right, pretty baby, so, so good.” He couldn’t muster the strength to reply. It was the last thing he remembered before drifting to sleep.

  * * *

  Even after Dustin had fallen asleep, for a little while, Chad kept up his light massage. It felt so good touching his mate, breathing in his scent, having Dustin’s boneless weight resting against his chest and in his arms. Eventually Chad too began to yawn. It had been a long day. Upon hearing that Dustin was in trouble, Chad hadn’t wasted a moment. From the time he’d left his office he’d been on his cell phone, setting all the wheels at his disposal in motion.

  There was no way he was going to let Dustin spend one minute more than he had to behind bars. First order of business had been to arrange bail and second was to contact his investigator. He’d been more than gratified to hear everything the man had come up with. As a private investigator, Noah Badden had connections that were invaluable and Chad had never been so glad as he was now that he’d established a good working relationship with
the man who’d once been his lover.

  Yawning again, Chad considered going back to his own room. For all of three seconds. This is what he’d dreamed of the past few weeks, he and Dustin horizontal in a bed. Of course it hadn’t worked out exactly like those dreams but for now, it was close enough. No way he was giving up even this much.

  Chad took the ice pack off Dustin’s head and dropped it over the side of the bed. Pulling up his left leg, he carefully eased Dustin over on his side. Dustin muttered and stirred but didn’t wake. While Dustin sleepily groped for his pillow, Chad stretched out behind and spooned his body along Dustin’s, sliding one arm beneath his head and the other over his waist. Dustin cuddled his cheek against Chad’s bicep and wiggled his butt against Chad’s groin. Apparently satisfied and comfortable, he quieted.

  Chad clamped his jaw against the groan that was trying to work its way up from the depths of his chest. Dustin’s tight little ass squirming against him had sent the blood rushing straight to his, up till now, quiescent cock. It was all he could do not to fasten his teeth into the curve of Dustin’s shoulder, open him with a couple of spit slicked fingers and fuck him until the sun came up.

  Squeezing his eyes shut, he took what he hoped would be deep, calming breaths. It didn’t help. Dustin’s scent was so strong, so persuasive Chad was near shuddering with the tension that filled his body. Every time he thought, I should go, the wolf commenced an inner howling that had his gut churning in reaction. Only the fact that taking Dustin now would be cruel kept the desire from spiraling out of control. The wolf understood pain and instinctively, above all else, was genetically programmed to care for its mate. It was in fact, the wolf, who put the man in his place. His mate required sleep to heal, all other needs must wait.

  Chad concentrated on listening to his inner self. It still amazed him how at times he and the wolf seemed to be one closely intermingled entity and at others, two separate beings completely at odds with each other. No matter how the dynamics of the pairing between man and beast balanced, they always seemed to end up doing the right thing. These musing calmed Chad’s body and mind. He bowed to the wolf’s decree, left his mate in peace and joined him in sleep.


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