Incubus Trial

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Incubus Trial Page 16

by Emma Jaye

  Ezra tilted his chin up, exposing his vulnerable throat as he spread his legs.

  For long moments, Ezra thought he wasn’t going to accept his gift. Apart from Silas, all the vampires took, they used him. He and Silas, they gave to each other. This was the one thing he could give to the demon who was the centre of his existence; the person who had given up so much to be with him.

  “Complete the circle, let me give to you as much as you give to me.”

  Only Fabian had his neck, fed fully while he took him, and although the climax had been epic, it had been forced. Fabian always held him face down, squashed against the bench or the bed. He wanted to cradle Silas with his thighs, his arms and body, as they gave to each other.

  Then his neck was bare, and Silas filled him. Vampiric speed was such a turn on.

  “I shouldn’t–” Silas said, his eyes glowing bright coals as his fangs distorted his words.

  “We’re both demons, who gives a fuck about being goo–” Ezra didn’t get to finish the word as Silas lunged at his neck. A gasp of pain ripped from his throat, but he put a hand on the back of the vampire’s head, holding him in position as he tilted his hips up, taking as much of Silas into his body as possible. The intensity of the lust flowing into him caused a wave of dizziness, but he wanted more.

  “Oh fuck, that’s– more, I need–” His eyes flew open as Silas bit again. The vampire took everything he gave and returned it.

  His climax thundered toward him like a cavalry charge. Ezra had never learned to be quiet. The vampires loved his groans and screams of pleasure and pain, but this, this would bring the roof down. He grabbed the hand that held his forehead and pulled it down to his mouth.

  Ezra felt Silas’s growl through his own flesh as the vampire smothered his nose and mouth in a tight grip and fucked him with the speed that only a vampire possessed. Ears buzzing, and vision fading, Ezra gave himself over to his love as the sweet pain of climax crashed into him.

  Safe, loved. The emotions washed over his foggy mind, but perceptions of his body were taking longer to come back. Silas still suckled at his neck, his body moving gently against him. Despite feeling as if he’d been run over by a traction engine, he stroked the back of Silas’s head. Silas withdrew his fangs.

  “No, don’t stop,” Ezra mumbled, but Silas’s tongue was already licking the wound closed. He found himself cradled against the vampire’s chest.

  “Sorry, I think I got a little carried away.”

  Ezra managed a tired smile against the demon’s cool flesh. “Don’t worry, gives me a buzz, to be honest.”

  “Me too, my dear, me too. And Father’s taken Morvan and most of the other to a clan gathering. It’s just us, Stephen and the humans for a few days. I wouldn’t have risked it otherwise.”


  Ezra woke groggily for what seemed to be the hundredth time in the last day or days. Maybe it’d been an entire week, it certainly felt like it. He regretted pushing Silas to feed from his neck; the vampire couldn’t seem to get enough. The number of books piling up under the bed was welcome, but he’d been too tired to look at them when Silas saw to his other responsibilities while most of the clan were away.

  He opened an eye and found himself staring up into Stephen’s face.

  “Ach, you’ve been a bad boy, Ezra.”

  Ezra blinked, trying to get his mind in gear. “I’m always bad; that’s the way you like me.”

  Stephen didn’t appear to be amused. “Well, this particular badness could end in a heap o’ trouble. Silas has been feeding, hasn’t he?”

  Fear shot through him. The reddening eyes of the vampire meant Ezra hadn’t a chance of hiding his emotion, but the Scottish demon couldn’t be a hundred percent sure why he was afraid.

  He shrugged. “So? I’m scared. Doesn’t mean anything. I don’t want Silas wrongly accused; Fabian would rip his head off.”

  “Dinnae try to sell me a dog, incubus, I’ve got eyes. He hasn’t visited the humans since Fabian left, and you’re pale as a ghost and have barely enough energy to get outta bed. I know what I’m going to find if I take that collar off.”

  “And I know what’ll happen to you if I tell Fabian that you took it off.”

  Stephen’s lips quirked. “I always knew you were a canny wee thing. Question is, what do we do about this situation?”

  The last bite on his neck was still raw, but they’d heal in a matter of hours. With no evidence, Stephen didn’t have a leg to stand on.

  “Nothing. If anyone says anything, all of us are in the shit,” Ezra replied.

  “So, we’re in this together?”

  Ezra didn’t like the way Stephen’s eyes focused on his neck. “I’m low, you said so yourself. Any more and it’ll–” Ezra didn’t get to finish his sentence before the collar was off and Stephen’s teeth fastened in his neck. Just like Silas, feeding from him turned Stephen on, and the big vampire fucked him hard as he took great mouthfuls of blood.

  “Ah, fuck, not to much, please, I’m–” His pleas fell on deaf ears but Stephen finished quickly. The vampire removed his fangs and dick cock from Ezra’s barely conscious body.

  “Get some sleep,” Stephen said as he slapped Ezra’s thigh. He didn’t have any problem obeying the order.

  EZRA GROANED. HE DIDN’T bother pulling the blanket off his head where Stephen had thrown it. he couldn’t believe it, but having the rest of the clan back would be a relief. Only having two food sources bordered on starvation rations and the blood loss killed his appetite anyway. He just wanted to sleep.

  “For Satan’s sake, leave me alone. I don’t think I could get it up anyway.”

  “Doesn’t bother me any, but it might piss off some of the others. I take it that son of mine hasn’t been leaving you hungry? I thought I’d find you half-starved with only the two of them here.” Fabian’s voice sent a dizzying surge of adrenaline through him.

  His hand shot to his throat. The feel of the leather made him fuzzy with relief. At least Stephen possessed the brains to put it back on when I passed out. He didn’t want to think about what would have happened if Fabian had found it missing and his neck raw.

  “We won by the way, not that I ever thought we wouldn’t, but there are a lot of vampires who feel the need to celebrate.”

  Ezra moved the blanket and focused unsteadily on the blond vampire who still dressed like a seventeenth-century dandy. This time, he was wearing his green breeches with the lacy shirt and long brown boots.

  Ezra ran a hand through his hair, trying to appear a little less zombie-like. How the fuck am I going to cope with the entire clan wanting a go? Where the fuck is Silas?

  “That’s great,” Ezra said as slid off the bed and onto his knees. Fabian always wanted the same thing, and if he was distracted by Ezra’s mouth, he might not notice that his prized toy was barely awake.

  Ezra went through the motions of giving head even though he had to shut his eyes as he was so damn dizzy. Not even his dick reacted to Fabian’s desire; he’d never been this low on blood before.

  As he leaned forward, he prayed Fabian wouldn’t notice his lack of an erection. It was one of the few times he was grateful that most vampires didn’t give a shit about their ‘toy’s’ pleasure. Lucky for him, the clan leader used his preferred technique of grabbing Ezra’s hair and using his mouth rather than making him do all the work.

  His ears were roaring, and the room spun by the time Fabian grunted and emptied down his throat.

  “What’s the matter? That’s got to be the most lacklustre performance you’ve ever given.” There was a pause. “You’re not even hard.”

  Ezra could hear him, but it took all his focus to remain conscious rather than moving away immediately as soon as Fabian released him. Drawing up energy from he didn’t know where, he mumbled, “Sorry.”

  Knowing that staying on his knees would be suspicious, Ezra put one foot flat on the floor and pushed up. He stumbled, landing back on the cold stone in a heap. A hand li
fted his chin, but even Fabian’s furious red eyes and the vampire fumbling with the buckle on the collar weren’t enough to keep Ezra’s tenuous hold on consciousness.

  EZRA WOKE, AN UNDETERMINED time later. A cold faced Robert looking down at him.

  Robert stuck a paper straw in his mouth. “Drink.”

  Ezra sucked, not wanting to annoy the vampire further. He couldn’t remember Robert ever looking this angry. What was worse, there wasn’t a trace of desire coming from him.

  When he pulled away, leaning back on the pillow, already tired, Robert growled out, “You stupid fucking bastard, one rule, just one rule and you couldn’t manage it, could you?”

  “What, what happened?”

  Robert cuffed the side of his face. Dots appeared before his eyes, and his ears rang. He thought he heard a sharp intake of breath from further back in the room, but he couldn’t be sure.

  “Stephen’s dead, you stupid fucker. Fabian hauled him down here and ripped his head off while you slept like a baby. I had to watch my friend beg for his life then wash his blood off the walls, and off you. And don’t think you’ll be seeing Silas again either, you evil little shit.”

  Ezra’s heart stuttered.

  “We don’t know how you did it, but you somehow managed to addict him to you. That’s all that saved him from having his head ripped off like Stephen. We’re all hoping that sending him away will break it.”

  He’s alive. A huge weight lifted from his chest. He was sorry about Stephen, but he had warned the demon not to feed. Although if Silas hadn’t virtually drained him several times, it wouldn’t have been–

  “As for you, they’ll be no more special treatment, no more coddling, no more books for favours. We found your stash. How many of us did you have dancing to your tune, thinking we were the only one? It could have been me minus my head as easily as Stephen. I knew him for eighty years; he wouldn’t have done it unless you enticed him into it.

  “Fabian’s had the whole clan fucking you, even let a few of the humans have a go, to bring you back. Personally, I wouldn’t let you die, you lying bastard.”

  He stuck his fingers in from of Ezra face, with his finger and thumb half an inch apart. “You were that close to dead. Now, none of us gets to be alone with you, and we have to leave a week, a whole fucking week, between visits so we don’t get addicted either. And Bones and I have been demoted to keepers.”

  “Hey, I don’t mind getting addicted to that,” a voice called out from behind Ezra.

  His eyes shot toward the sound of the rough male voice. Robert moved to the side. The far side of the cellar now had a row of eight cages, each just big enough to contain a thin straw-filled pallet and a bucket.

  Five men and a woman occupied the cells. Unlike Ezra, they wore clothes. Only one, a small, wiry man watched them. The others lay on their pallets as if asleep, or trying not to be noticed.

  He knew vampires fed on humans, but other than the man he’d seen killed on the train all that time ago, he hadn’t seen another mortal. They looked... fragile.

  “What are they doing here?”

  Robert shrugged. “We needed the space. Seems there’s been a spate of serious crimes. We get the ones sentenced to death.”

  The small man called out, “I’ve got friends looking for me, and when they find out I’m being kept here illegally, all sorts of–”

  Robert turned to him. “Do I look like I give a shit about a bunch of humans? If your friends turn up, and they won’t if they want to keep breathing, they’ll end up just as dead as you will be soon.”

  “Yeah, so why don’t you fucking get on with it? I’m fed up with watching you lot fuck him.”

  “You see that?” Robert indicated the piles of ‘erotic’ equipment now stacked at the end of the room. “It isn’t for show. Now shut the fuck up before I use some of it on you, rather than him.”

  The vampire looked back at Ezra. “Someone will be down later to check on you. If you want to play with the food, go ahead I’ve lengthened the chain so you can reach them. None of us are due to feed you ‘til tomorrow.”

  With that sour statement, Robert turned on his heels and left.

  “Hey, cum bucket, why do you get special treatment?” the talkative man called out.

  All six humans were looking at him. The temptation to get some information about the outside world warred with fear that it would only depress him. Had it been five years, ten, fifteen, since he’d been taken?

  “Hey, I’m talking to you, whore.”

  Ezra looked up. Is energy from a human different to that from a vampire? Whatever the case, he was hungry. Waiting a day for a vampire to feed him when there was food right here was pointless. Besides, trying to seduce this lot would distract him from thinking about Silas, about Stephen.

  He stood up and stretched, displaying all his wares.

  “There’s a lady present, cover yourself. Have you no sense of decency?” The indignity in the older man’s voice made him look down at himself.

  He tilted his head, feigning ignorance. “Decency?”

  “The man’s clearly an imbecile,” the older man said to the unresponsive man in the cell beside him before turning back to Ezra.

  “It means conducting yourself with modesty, not showing your–” the man waved toward Ezra’s groin, “male parts, in public.”

  Ezra hid a smile at the man’s red face. This was fun.

  Looking down at his erect dick, he said, “You think I need to be modest about this? Show me yours, and if it’s better than mine, I’ll be as modest as you like.”

  The small man barked with laughter. “You tell him, sweetheart. I’ve seen a lot of dicks in my time, and that gets the fucking rosette.” There was a golden glow around the man already, but it wasn’t only him who was aroused by Ezra’s display. The woman and four of the five men, including Mr Modesty, were glowing with arousal.

  “Robert said some of you fucked me while I slept. Which ones?”

  Mr Decency turned a bright cherry red. “Mind your language, and I assure you, young man, that I may be guilty of many things, but sodomising unconscious men is not one of them.”

  “You only sodomise men who are awake?”

  The man spluttered, his face almost purple. “That is slander; if I was free, I’d knock you down.”

  Ezra grinned. “If you don’t like what you see, why is your cock hard?”

  The way the man’s hands covered the front of his trousers made Ezra laugh out loud.

  “If he doesn’t want you, I do. I did you earlier; none of the others did. It was damn kinky being watched by the bloodsuckers, but beggars can’t be choosers. Him on the end and the girl only got here a few hours before you woke up. I’m Sid.”

  “What did you do to land yourself in here?” Ezra asked.

  Sid grinned. “Fucked the wrong lily white upper-class arse. Kid’s father caught me bending him over in the stables. That big bald bastard picked me up an hour later.”

  “Morvan,” Ezra added.

  Sid shrugged. “He didn’t give a name. Judging by the number of times we’ve been fed, that was five days ago. All they’ve done to you is stare into your eyes, tell you to drink and then fuck the living daylights out of you. It’s a different pair each time.”

  “You must be hungry,” a quiet voice came from the last cell. “I’ve got some bread left if you want it.”

  “Matilda,” the old man snapped, “Don’t talk to him, and avert your eyes immediately. You will go to the Lord as you came from him, pure and innocent.”

  The reminder of his own similar ambition before he arrived here soured the fun of the brief flirtation. Despite there being six others in the room, loneliness pressed down on Ezra. The ability to eat mundane food as well as his future had been stolen from him, partially by Silas. And he wanted the lying bastard back more than anything.

  “Are you like them?” a man who hadn’t spoken before asked. His dark skin marked him as having ancestors hailing from the dark conti
nent, but his accent was similar to Ezra’s.

  “Do they accept you’re like them?” he asked the black man, pointing to the white men on either side of him.

  “Certainly not, the negro is a lesser race,” Mr Decency piped up.

  “Says the man who lives off what’s under his daughter’s skirts.”

  Ezra was about to give the black man a round of applause when Mr Decency spoke again. “So, you’re not a vampire? You’re one of God’s creatures, not the Devil’s?” Mr Decency asked.

  And with that, Ezra was back in the game. “Do I look angelic to you?” He ran his hands down his body, grasped his growing erection and gave it a waggle.

  “You look like a god to me.” The girl’s eyes were wide, hungry and a little fearful.

  “Matilda, avert your eyes.”

  “Oh, stop it, father. As much you insist on pretending, I’m not a virgin. In case you don’t remember, that’s why we had to deal with Mr Edgewater. He found out his betrothed wasn’t as pure as we made out. And that was after I became Mrs Fenster and Mrs Hargreaves.”

  “Ha, the filly has spirit after all,” Sid called out.

  Ezra performed a florid bow, then opened his arms to indicate the entire cellar. “Pleased to meet you all, welcome to my world. My name is Ezra Erotes. And I will, if you let me, make your stay as pleasant as possible.”

  “Erotes? Like the Greek gods of love?” said the man who hadn’t shown any interest so far.

  “It’s my family name. I’m an incubus.”

  Stunned silence filled the room. Ezra wished he’d kept his mouth shut.

  “So, are you hungry, Mr Incubus?” Sid asked. The glow of the man’s lust covered him like a golden halo.

  Ezra stepped over to his cage, dragging his chain behind him. “I’m always hungry; what’s your pleasure?”

  “Don’t do it, Sidney. He’ll steal your soul; your life,” Matilda’s father called out.

  “Sodomy, one of my favourite pastimes, is a mortal sin. I’m heading down, not up. Plus, I doubt being caged with a bunch of vampires leads to a long life. I might as well enjoy myself while I still can.”


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