Hunter: Rockstar Romance (The ProVokaTiv Series Book 2)

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Hunter: Rockstar Romance (The ProVokaTiv Series Book 2) Page 3

by Nelson, Cara

  “Save your foreplay for when I’m off the phone,” I said. “Sorry about not letting you know. I’m doing great, though.”

  “Okay. Should I let you go? Do you need me to come get you?”

  “No thanks, mom, I’ll be okay,” I said sarcastically.

  “Real funny, Trin. Well, I’ll see you later. I’ll be home all day, working on a deadline.”

  “Okay, catch you later. Can’t wait to talk.”

  “I know what that means. You’ve had some sizzle of some sort take place. Whenever you bring up talking, it’s always quite the story.”

  “Maybe,” I said. “Bye for now.” I pressed end on the touch pad and tossed the phone to the side. I didn’t know it was possible but I think I had a sex hang-over. I looked up at Hunter, who looked great. He was wearing a pair of baggy shorts and didn’t have any shirt on.

  He sat down and I actually grew a bit worried that he was horny again. I wasn’t, for once. My mouth tasted like paste and my body felt like it had been beat to a pulp with a battering ram. Hunter’s cock—that was the battering ram.

  “Breakfast?” Hunter asked.

  “Sure, why not,” I replied.

  “Toast and microwave bacon,” he grinned.“Nothing too intense.”

  “Well, it’s better than nothing. I’m starved. Don’t have an ounce of energy for some reason,” I said playfully. I got up and Hunter tossed me a t-shirt to put on. I slid it over me and looked around for my thong panties. Oh, there they were, hanging from the door knob. “I can only imagine how you’d explain those to your cleaning lady.”

  “She’s a gem. She’d never ask about it. I’m not even sure if she speaks English, to tell you the truth.”

  “She’s probably pretending she doesn’t,” I said.


  “Gets to hear a lot more about her rock star client’s life that way.”

  “Is that what you’d do, Trinity?”

  “I’m not sure I can keep my mouth closed that long,” I said.

  “It’s a beautiful mouth, open or shut. And, talented,” Hunter added.

  “You’re pretty talented, yourself.”

  We walked out to the kitchen and I got my phone, clearing out all of Brynn’s messages. I noticed one from Chaz Marx, though.

  “Hey, I have a message from Chaz,” I said. I wonder what he wanted. It was Sunday morning.

  “Well, it must be something he wants with both of us,” Hunter said, holding up his phone to show it was vibrating. “He’s buzzing me right now.”

  I listened as Hunter spoke with him. “Today? Really? No, she’s here. Two hours. Okay. See you then.” He hung up and announced, “Chaz wants to start a day early since you’re in town. We’ve got to be down to the set in two hours.”

  “Shit,” I said. All I’d been thinking about was a day spent staring into space, doing nothing aside from relaxing and enjoying a bit of time with Brynn and daydreaming about sex with Hunter before starting the job.

  “Want to join me in the shower?”

  I flopped onto the coach with a groan and he gave me a smug smirk. “OK, fine. You rest up. Let me shower and get ready; then I’ll take you to Brynn’s to do the same. Then, it’s off to work for us.”

  Chapter Four:

  Welcome to Hollywood

  Trinity and I made our way toward the studio, where the video set was being prepared, in relative silence. We were both wiped out, and it was clear that neither of us were thrilled to be starting out a day early. That was really saying something for me. I’d been excited to do a solo project for years. Now it was here and I was tired because I’d had a fun, intense night of sex with a woman who made it an art form. I didn’t think anything like that was possible in real life, and now my bar of expectations in the bedroom had been elevated to a new level—the Trinity Zone. I smiled.

  “What’s so funny?” Trinity asked, stifling a yawn.

  “Just reminiscing about last night. That was wild.”

  “You can’t stop smiling; I can’t stop yawning. At least you won’t require a gallon of make-up to look alert,” she mumbled to me.

  “Get real. You’re hot without make-up. Guys love that shit.”

  “Guys, maybe. The camera, definitely not.”

  Trinity’s statement was confirmed the second we walked onto the set.

  Chaz walked right up to us and gave Trinity a once over before extending his hand. “Chaz Marx. Nice to meet you, Trinity.”

  “Nice to meet you, too,” she said.

  He looked at me and actually gave me a once over, disapproval in his eyes. “You two look like shit.”

  “Maybe if we’d known we were going to start a day early, we could have gotten some beauty rest,” I said. “I’m assuming that we’re not shooting today, though, just going over the details and general flow of the project?”

  “I’d planned on shooting, but I think we’re better off waiting. What’s the point of doing it and then having to reshoot because you guys look lousy?” With that, Chaz walked away, and I broke out into an appreciative laugh as Trinity flipped him off. She wasn’t subtle, either. A full middle finger salute for all to see. I had a feeling that the crew agreed with her sentiments about Chaz. He was okay to me, and this project was a big deal for him, just like it was for me. For both of us, it was a break-out project.

  “You ready?” I asked.

  “I think so. I’ll admit, I’m interested about the concept, over all. I don’t even know the song yet,” Trinity said to me.

  “I wrote it,” I gave her a wink. “I think you’ll find it interesting.”

  “Even if I don’t, I’ll pretend I do,” she said to me. I must have looked shocked because she added, “It’s called acting, don’t be so sensitive.”

  “Don’t be such a smart-ass,” I countered.

  “Hey, Trinity and Hunter, come over here,” Chaz called out.

  We walked over and he took over, talking away about how the process was going to work. I’d already covered this and I suspected he was trying to be a bit of a show-off for Trinity. He clearly thought she was hot. I knew the look, and I couldn’t blame him. Although I was tired, I had no doubt I’d be set to enjoy our feast of the flesh again whenever she was ready.

  “There are five scenes we’ll be shooting in total. Each one will hopefully be wrapped up in a day, making it for a five day shoot. That’s ideal,” Chaz said.

  “What’s not ideal?” Trinity asked.

  “More,” he said.

  I looked at her and saw the look of a woman who was not impressed. In a way, it sort of threw me off because this was a good opportunity for her. I didn’t expect her to kiss ass, because I sure as hell would never do that, but she could be a bit friendlier. Tiredness made her cranky, and that was scary.

  “Hunter back to earth,” Chaz said.

  “Sorry,” I said. Now I’d started yawning and couldn’t stop.

  “I’m going to send Trinity off to make-up and to get measurements for wardrobe. Why don’t we go and discuss some of the specifics with you, the soundtrack, and all that?”

  “Sounds good.”

  “When can I hear the soundtrack?” Trinity asked.

  “You haven’t heard it?” he asked her. Then he looked at me. “Why hasn’t she heard it?”

  “I just haven’t gotten around to it,” I said.

  “Well, after she’s done, get around to it.” Chaz shook his head in disbelief.

  One look from Trinity let me know she didn’t get it, either. And, I had been caught in a lie. What could I say? I was actually a bit nervous about her hearing the song. I’d written it with her in mind, had known from the first note that no one aside from Trinity would be acceptable for the video. I hadn’t considered how hesitant I might be to share it with her. If we weren’t face to face, it might be a completely different story.

  Chaz was talking on and on and on. I tried to focus, but it was a bit challenging. Then I heard it, a whimsical, playful laugh, and I looked ove
r to the right and saw Trinity standing there, talking with some guy from the crew. Well, she’s perked up, I thought. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, completely absorbed in what she was doing, and not giving a damn about Chaz’s repetition and rambling.

  “Excuse me,” I said to Chaz. I walked away, not giving him a chance to respond.

  My boots echoed on the floor as I made my way across the large studio, the floor creaking below me. It was definitely an older building, but hey, most of these sets were. You’d build them up, tear them, down, and that’s the way it went. Why have a new building that cost a fortune because it was in a new part of town? Apparently some of Simon’s business sense had rubbed off on me because my thoughts sounded so much like him. Go figure.

  “Hey, Trinity, I need you over here,” I said to her. She jumped, not even noticing that I was coming. Our insane energy had apparently worn off from the night.

  “Hunter,” she said, sounding surprised.

  “Why yes I am,” I said.

  “Okay, what do you need?”

  “I just need you over here by me. Chaz is killing me.”

  “So you want him to kill us both?” she countered.

  “Never claimed to be a gentleman,” I said, delivering a wicked smile.

  “Well, Steve, I’ll see you later,” Trinity said. She smiled at him and winked, then walked over to me. I noticed that his eyes followed her small, tight ass with each step she took. He noticed that mine had, too. Trinity Vanders was trouble, Chaz was right about that. And, how the hell had she managed to make me feel jealous?

  Chapter Five:

  Interesting Choice of Words

  “Alright. Time to let me hear the song, Hunter,” I said. I stared at him with my arms crossed, trying to be patient when I really wanted to smack him alongside the head to encourage him to move at a quicker pace. I had low tolerance for lies.

  “Why don’t we pick up a pizza and you can listen to it at my house? Some food might be good. I’m starving.”

  “Okay, fair enough, but why can’t we listen to it in your car?” I asked.

  “I don’t have it on my phone. It’s on my computer,” Hunter said. I smelled bullshit, but I wanted to hear the song. His reluctance was starting to freak me out, or wait, maybe it was pissing me off. It was like he was playing with me for some odd reason, making it so I had to be alone with him to hear the damn song. Seriously! Did he think he’d written the song of the century?

  “Great, let’s go get a pizza and do every other thing you’re throwing out there so I can’t listen to the song. How do you expect me to do anything good for this video if I don’t even know the song?”

  “I know, I know. Did you sign a confidentiality agreement?” Hunter asked me.

  “You’re fucking kidding me, right?” I asked, my olive skin burning with irritation.

  “Yeah, I’m fucking with you. Looks like it worked.”

  “Go ahead, take advantage of a desperate, hungry woman. Now I get it.”

  “Is it the pizza or me?” Hunter asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “That you’re hungry for.”

  “The pizza, definitely, and the song. As for you, well, we’ll see. Not sure you could handle anymore.”

  “Funny, I was thinking that about you.”

  “What do you like?” I asked.

  “Pretty much everything you did last night, Trin.”

  “On your pizza. Please say no anchovies. I couldn’t handle that.”

  “You don’t like them?” Hunter asked.

  “No, I’m allergic to them. I’d swell up like a balloon and get red blotches like I was a target for a paintball gun. Trust me, it’s not pretty.”

  He laughed. “I trust you. No anchovies.”

  I couldn’t help myself, but I found myself going into an entire trash talking extravaganza with Hunter. It was just so much fun.

  “Finally,” I sighed in almost-mock aggravation as I sat on the couch next to Hunter, his laptop open on the coffee table. “Pizza in hand, music in apartment. I’m hungry, and I want to hear the song. Got it?”

  “Got it,” Hunter said. “Well, here we go.”

  I sat down at the desk in the corner of his living room and as soon as I pressed play, Hunter stood and walked into the other way. I glanced after him, but was drawn in by the awesome introduction to the song. It was a funky guitar compilation that reminded me of something I’d hear during a walk down the runway for a ‘make a new statement’ designer. It was catchy. Very cool!

  Then Hunter’s low, rumbling voice joined the guitar. His voice was distinct, but if I had to compare it to anyone, I’d say it had an Eddie Vetter sort of edge to it, that it demanded you listen to the words he was saying. So I did.

  “Hot and sexy strutting around…knowing you can get it whenever you want…poisonous vixen…drawing me in…intoxicating me….delirious…an Asian beauty with a raw, tribal beat…only caring about her, I’m crumbling, succumbing…get the hell away…”

  Those were the lyrics I was able to catch. As soon as the song was done, I looked around for Hunter. He was nowhere to be found. Was it just me, or was I paranoid? Was he singing about me? Was I supposed to be flattered? Because the lyrics, the description of—maybe—my personality, did not make me feel good. They made me feel like I was some sort of toy not to be taken seriously, a real bitch who didn’t care about anyone else at all. Sure, I was rough, but I did care about people and I did have feelings, even if I kept them guarded.

  I played it again, and once again, the song faded but my feelings didn’t. I still felt offended, which made me want to lash out. I looked around and saw nothing that wouldn’t break if I gave it a little frustration relieving smack. Get over yourself, I finally thought, scolding myself for being so overly analytical

  “Hey, Hunter, where are you?” I called out. I looked around and didn’t see him.

  He came around the corner and looked at me with a sheepish grin.

  “What gives?” I asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t tell me you’re too skittish to watch someone listen to your song. That doesn’t add up.”

  “Well, maybe I am. What did you think?”

  I had to answer carefully. “I think that it had a great beat, interesting lyrics. I’m sure it’ll be a hit.”

  “Thanks,” he said. Now I was really confused. He sounded disappointed. But why? Leave it to me to get the hots for a guy that I think is similar to me in how I think, react, and deal with the shit and sunshine that happens in life, only to find out after the most incredible sex I’d ever had, that he’s not similar to me at all.

  “Well, let’s eat our pizza, and then I should get back to Brynn’s. I definitely need some great sleep so I’m ready for tomorrow afternoon on the set.”

  “Okay, sounds good.”

  We ate our pizza, which was pretty decent, even though it was cold by the time we dove in, and then Hunter drove me back to the apartment. Our exhaustion had caught up to both of us, and we couldn’t stop yawning.

  “Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow,” I said.

  I leaned over and kissed his cheek. It was the first time we’d even kissed. Yep, we’d yet to make-out. Last night was awesome, all about sex and not feeling the need to do the make-out ritual during it. I loved it. Plus, it was a great reminder that it was just sex. Kissing made things…complicated. It muddled the mind. Maybe that was the get the hell away from me line of the song.

  “Well, look who’s here,” Brynn said, looking up at me as I walked into her apartment.

  “What a day,” I said, flopping right onto to her couch, which was next to her rickety old recliner that her grandparents had given her.

  “Tell me all about it, including last night. Well, maybe not all the details from last night. Some things are best left to my imagination,” Brynn replied.

  “Indeed,” I said. I quickly filled her in on the fun day, how wiped out we were this morning, and everythin
g that I’d learned on the set. Then I came around to the song. I mentioned it briefly, and I felt myself feeling uneasy about it again. Might as well go against my natural grain and talk about it without being prodded; get it off my mind. If I didn’t, I might not be able to sleep, and I had to sleep.

  “So, have you heard Hunter’s new song, the one for the video?” I asked.

  Brynn leaned back in her recliner and I heard a spring pop. She made an odd face, like it had poked her in the butt and then answered. “No, I haven’t yet. He’s kept it pretty low key, maybe because of Gauge.”

  “Aren’t you curious?”

  “Yes, I’m dying to hear it and want to write about it, but I can’t get a copy of it. Driving me nuts.”

  “Well, I heard it today, Brynn.”

  “What did you think?”

  “Great beat, but the words, they kind of disturbed me.” My words made Brynn freeze and stare at me.

  “They made you disturbed? I cannot even imagine a song getting under your skin. A person, yes, but a song. Nuh-uh. What was disturbing about it?” She asked me this as she leaned forward like she was waiting for a deathbed confession.

  “Well, they seemed like they were written just for me, but a huge slam. Not very warm and fuzzy.”

  “Warm and fuzzy are hardly words used to describe you two, you know.”

  “I know, but I just can’t shake the feeling that it was directed toward me. He lied about me not being able to listen to it earlier. Completely uncool. Oh, and he didn’t even want to be by me when I listened to it. Weird, huh?” I folded my arms and could feel my fingers clenching into fists. I was confusing myself, which wasn’t completely uncommon, but still a bit of a shocker at this moment.

  “Not sure, maybe he felt sensitive about it. I think there’s that side to him.”

  “Oh God, Jessie is rubbing off on you. I don’t want him to be sensitive, I want him to be like I imagined he is.”

  “I think you’re making a big deal out of nothing. Maybe you’re just tired,” Brynn offered. She stared at me and I saw that she really had no idea what she could say to ease my mind. It was me—and me alone—that was tripping me up.


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