Hunter: Rockstar Romance (The ProVokaTiv Series Book 2)

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Hunter: Rockstar Romance (The ProVokaTiv Series Book 2) Page 15

by Nelson, Cara

  Finally, the very patient cab driver took a hard earned $50 from me. I sent him on his way and walked into the lobby of Hunter’s apartment building. A desire to turn and run fast and far away came over me. I must have had a crazy expression on my face because the door man walked over to me. “Can I help you, ma’am?”

  I ignored the ma’am, which made me cringe, and smiled. “No, I’m fine.”

  “Do you need assistance to know where you’re going?”

  “I know exactly where I’m going. Thanks,” I replied and smiled. When the elevator doors opened up, I walked in and turned around to see the doorman still staring at me suspiciously. I bet he’d be watching me on that elevator camera to see where I was headed.

  Nothing calmed me down more than messing with people a little bit so I stared right at that camera—just in case he really was watching—and started to lick my lips and slide my finger in and out of my mouth, going all porn star on him. It was naughty, but it made me laugh and gave me a seriously needed dose of courage.

  Chapter Eighteen:

  It’s Crazy, I’m All In

  Standing in the kitchen, in a pair of workout shorts, I prepared some coffee. I was eager to chill with the Wall Street Journal in hand—my little secret—as I tried to catch up on the markets. The party had been awesome the night before, maybe a bit too lively, and I was groggy and exhausted. It was a typical reaction for anyone who kept themselves running on nerves, caffeine, and long hours the weeks building up to a big event. The event ended and then it all caught up with you instantly. Today, I was going to kick it because in a few days time, I’d be going on television shows and doing interviews, traveling to New York and then back to LA several times over. The booking agents were really kind of a bunch of bastards that they couldn’t make it so I could just make one sweep from east to west, or west to east. No, back and forth like the little square tennis ball in the Pong game. That’s what it was going to be like.

  I heard a knock on my door and looked at the clock. 8:15 AM. That was really early. What the fuck? I walked to the door, thinking maybe it was a neighbor and I just wouldn’t answer it. I peeked through the hole and saw the top half of a head. Should I open it or not? Hell yes, I was opening it.

  “Trinity, what’s up?” I asked. She smiled as I looked her over, my eyes traveling slightly downward. “Is that a croissant in your cleavage?”

  “Oh, you noticed,” she said. “Mind if I come in?”

  I stood aside and she walked in, full seduction swing in place, and walked over to the coffee table and set down a coffee carrier with two cups in it, and a small bag. Then she turned around and stared at me. I wasn’t sure what to say, and honestly, I was so damn happy to see her that I didn’t want to do anything that might get her jazzed up. Play it safe, that’s what I decided to do.

  “Are you busy?” Trinity asked.

  “No, not really,” I said.

  “Alone?” she inquired next, looking toward my bedroom.

  “Not anymore,” I said.

  She didn’t say a word and she slowly took the croissant out of her cleavage, making it look like the sexiest damn thing I’d ever seen. The girl had flair with her pastry display skills, I thought. She turned around and put it back in the small pastry bag and then looked at me again.

  Without saying a word, she walked toward me and slowly slid off her t-shirt. I was still standing by the door, frozen in place, and in complete awe of the sudden change in my morning. Well, the Wall Street Journal could wait, this couldn’t.

  Now Trinity was standing in front of me with her bra on, and a mini skirt more red than her fingernails. She smiled at me, not losing eye contact for a second. Her hands went to behind her back and a few seconds later, she was slipping off that mini skirt and it fell to the ground as gracefully as a leave falling from the sky. I just stared at her, admiring her, and letting her take complete control. If this is what giving up control meant, count me in. Should have done it a long time ago.

  “You’d made a comment yesterday about not seeing me in my lingerie ever,” Trinity said, purring like a tiger but looking like she was ready to pounce.

  “So I did.”

  “Well, I felt horrible about that, Hunter.”

  “You’re doing a great job of making up for it,” I replied.

  Dressed only in lingerie and some strappy black heels, she took my hand and walked toward my bedroom. My feet unfroze and I followed her, not able to keep my eyes off her small tight bottom that drew me in as I glanced appreciatively at the red straps of her g-string. My cock was so hard that it was under no sort of control under my workout shorts that I was wearing.

  Once in my bedroom, she sat me down on the bed and pushed me onto my back before sliding off my shorts. She knelt there by my knees, staring at my appreciation of her and stroking it gently with the tips of her fingers. Crazy jolts of adrenaline shot up and down my body. I’d never experienced anything like it.

  Then she got down on her knees and pressed her breasts against my inner thighs as she sank down onto me and took me all in. The warmth of her breath on my most sensitive skin and her lips gliding up and down on me was perfect. I bit my lower lip, trying to figure out how to stop myself from coming right away. Hopefully the bite would give me a little pain to distract me and enjoy this a bit longer. No hummer had ever made me orgasm before and I wasn’t ready to do it—yet. Later, absolutely.

  I brought one of my hands around and started to play with Trinity’s neck, slowly moving her ebony hair out of the way and feeling her soft skin. She didn’t stop me and I just kept doing that as she sucked on me until I couldn’t take it any longer. I wanted to have her next to me on that bed and feel her skin pressed against mine.

  Sitting up slightly, I put my hand underneath her and easily lifted her slight frame up and immediately missed the presence of her mouth on my cock. I sat her on my lap and just stared at her, wrapping my hands around her mid section now so I could release the clasp of her bra and appreciate her beautiful breasts. She was looking at me again, not saying a word, and just watching. I traced my fingers around her nipples and they responded, growing more pert and inviting my mouth to taste them.

  As I gently kissed her breasts, her nipples hardened, her skin practically tingling, responding to my touch. Her gentle moans and rocking hips let me know that she was into it as much as I was. I had to have her.

  I drew my fingers down along her ribcage, making her squirm. I grabbed her waist and tossed her on the bed. God she was gorgeous, splayed out for me to see—all of her. I played along her belly, smiling at the way she quivered, and then I drew my hands lower, until I found her panties, already soaked with her eager wetness. I slid the scrap of red aside and she bucked against me. She grabbed me then, and pulled me toward her, guiding me into her very center. As soon as I slid home, both of us breathless, she shoved my shoulder, hard. I could have fought her, but why? I let her flip me over onto my back and I couldn’t help but smile as she slid down, lowering herself onto my cock, leaning forward to hold my face in her hands as she moved so slowly, I ached with need. As soon as she had taken all of me inside her, she started to move up and down, slowly and rhythmically. It was insanely awesome and she was driving me out of my fucking mind.

  Our eyes remained connected. I saw her fear, her passion, everything—it was like we were feeling the same things and understood each other without having to say a single word, our bodies were so responsive, so in tune. This was so different from any other encounter we’d ever had. It was tender and all-consuming, but we didn’t kiss—just like the first time we’d had sex.

  Finally, I couldn’t hold back any longer and I started to release. “Yes, that’s so good, baby,” Trinity cooed, as she clenched, her body pulsing around me as she arched her back and moaned in satisfaction. When we were both spent, her eyes found mine and she slowly came in and gave me the softest, most gentle kiss.

  “That was fucking amazing,” she whispered into my ear.

sp; “Fuck yes it was,” I whispered back. I lifted her off of me and leaned back, taking her hand and guiding her to lie next to me. I rolled to my side and just looked at her, playing with the ends of her hair that was cascaded over her breast, making her look like a modern day Aphrodite, a temptress who always got what she wanted.

  “So, how’s your day going?” Trinity asked, smiling at me playfully.

  “I’d say it’s going pretty great so far. How about yours?” I replied.

  “Couldn’t be better,” she replied, dragging her red-painted fingernail along my chest.

  There was a bit of silence for a moment and both of us just remained still and nothing was uncomfortable, not our nakedness or the silence. I decided to just enjoy the moment for what it was and not to push it. When Trinity was ready to talk, she would. Until then, I’d just appreciate her for what she was, and in some ways, what she was not—which was a traditional woman. She was the only person I’d ever met who was so comfortable expressing herself with her body. She was one of a kind, and she had already told me everything I needed to know.

  Trinity propped herself up on her elbow a bit further and I followed suit. Our faces were about ten inches apart, but our feet were entangled and her breasts were pressed against my chest.

  “So, were you surprised to see me this morning?” she asked.



  “I think I expressed that quite clearly just a few minutes ago,” I said, slightly smiling.

  “Very well, in fact,” she said. “So, I saw your interview for The Rift last night. I found it quite fascinating.”

  “You did. What about it?” I asked. Okay, maybe I was going to push it and challenge her a bit.

  “The story of how you wrote the song and the video shoot, too,” she said, playing dumb.

  “Yeah, that girl was so hot but so hard to figure out.”

  “Raw, huh?”

  “That’s a great way to describe it,” I said. I lifted my hand and tapped the end of her nose. She quickly opened her mouth and snapped at it like she was going to bite it.

  “That’s you, always ready to pounce,” I said.

  “Always? Hardly,” Trinity said, smiling mischievously.

  “Well, maybe,” I conceded.

  “So, aren’t you going to ask me what I’m here to talk about?” she finally asked.

  “We can both agree that when I try to force you to talk, bad things happen,” I said, laughing. “That one night did not go according to plan at all.”

  “It was a pretty elaborate plan to try and pull off on a stubborn person like me, you know.”

  “A guy has to hope, Trin. What can I say?”

  “I never thought I’d say this, but it feels weird sharing with you what I want to while I’m lying here naked. Maybe we should get dressed.”

  “If you want to, let’s do it. I know for a fact that there’s some coffee out there and a very tasty looking croissant.”

  “Deal,” she said. Then her stomach growled. We laughed, and then I got dressed in my shorts again and tossed Trinity a t-shirt. I didn’t want her too dressed.

  Once out in the kitchen, we sat at my small table, the bag of pastries ripped open and my favorite coffee from my favorite coffee house in hand.

  “That is a huge assortment of pastries,” I said. There were eight of them there.

  “I didn’t know what you liked,” she said.

  “I definitely love variety.”

  “It’s funny you should say that. So do I, and that leads me to what I wanted to tell you, Hunter.”

  “Okay, I’m ready,” I said. I saw her start to tremble a bit. She suddenly looked scared out of her mind. “Just say it. Nothing you say will impact what I think about you, Trin.”

  “Don’t be so nice, it freaks me out,” she said softly.

  “Is this better? Get on with it, biatch.”

  She laughed and then she breathed in. “Well, here we go. It drove me crazy when I saw you flirting with those girls when we went up north. And the song, those damn lyrics seemed like such a slam and it kind of hurt my feelings, which is lame, I know. However, when I saw that video I realized a great many things about myself and why I am typically hesitant about relationships, or even the possibility of them. I have no fucking clue about what we have. Is it sex? Is it more? Somewhere in between? I don’t know.”

  She gasped for a breath and I tried to hide my laugh, but a small one slipped out. “First, I was talking and not flirting that day—for real. Second, just breathe and relax and keep talking. I have all day.”

  “Well, there are so many things that I want to do and I don’t want anyone telling me I can’t or thinking I should consult with them first. Maybe that’s selfish, I’m not sure, but it’s the way I feel. I see so many women my age sacrificing a lot in order to make a guy happy. It makes me sick to my stomach. But it also makes me sick to my stomach to see a thirty year old version of myself who is all alone, but doesn’t want to be anymore. I mean, I would just die, Hunter, if I ever had to join one of those dating websites, waiting for someone who I hoped to be the one to wink at me, or whatever shit they do.”

  Trinity stopped talking again and I sensed that it was my turn. “Guys aren’t so different that way, you know, and we tend to give other guys crap once they’re whipped. Who knows why, probably because we’re scared. I’ll admit, I am clueless about how to have a healthy relationship because I’ve never tried to have a real one. But maybe that’s the answer, for people like us, anyway.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “What I mean is that we should just be happy about each other and think about how great today is. To hell with tomorrow. I’ve never expected guarantees in my life and doubt that’ll ever change. In fact, a guarantee freaks me out more than a relationship does.”

  “Really?” she asked, taking a sip of her coffee and a large bite of croissant, which left a flake on her chin.

  I reached over and brushed the flake off and continued. “Yes, really, Trin. Guarantees set you up for disappointment, but life, well, you know it’ll disappoint you sometimes but you know that it can surprise you in a good way at other times. That’s what you were to me, one of those great surprises.”

  “Me? Hard to believe.”

  “That’s insecurity talking. I was pretty stupid not to see you were so insecure earlier. It just never would have occurred to me. You always have command of your room and your environment.”

  “Just like you,” she said.

  “Yeah, I do for the most part and I’m good at the roles I wish to play, but I’m human, I get tripped up. Trin, you tripped me up so bad, enough that I thought I was going insane. I’m not used to it and frankly, I despised it.”

  “I’m really sorry for acting the way I did, Hunter. I was out of my element and didn’t know how to process it all. I wanted to run, but all these things happening that kept me here. I was such a spastic.”

  “Well, I’m glad they kept you here, Trin. And yes, you were spastic and I forgive you. It’s just what you were going through and I can’t control that. Only you can if you want to.”

  “I’m not sure where all this leaves us,” Trinity said. “I have to head back home soon because I don’t have any other gigs lined up here and can’t bug Brynn forever by bunking with her.”

  “Does she really care?” I asked.

  “Probably not, but still.”

  “It’s okay to let people help you now and again, Trinity. It doesn’t mean you’re weak or they think you’re incapable.”

  “You can say that because you’re famous, Hunter. You’re where you want to be.”

  Her statement surprised me. “Where would you get that idea? I’m only twenty-eight years old and if I’ve achieved it all already, well, then I might as well say to hell with anything else. I have a ton of things to do yet that I haven’t done or tried.”

  “You’re lucky that you know. I’m clueless, I’ll confess,” Trinity

  “I don’t want to piss you off or make you feel committed, either, but I can help get you a few connections if you really want to pursue the acting thing more, or modeling, whatever. That’s one perk of my life and I don’t mind giving it away freely. Everyone willing to work for it should catch a break, sooner or later. Take us for example.”

  “Us?” Trinity asked, crinkling up her nose.

  “I had to work my ass of just to have this conversation with you. Of course, it was totally different today than it may have been a few days ago, but that’s okay. The timing was right, I guess.”

  “I just didn’t know. I really feel like a heel about it, too,” Trinity said.

  “So, are we in agreement to just hang out and let life takes its course? If it’s smooth and good, great, and if it sucks, adios.” I raised my coffee glass and Trinity raised hers. “Let’s toast to the flow.”

  “To the flow,” she repeated.

  Chapter Nineteen:

  Coming Alive

  I was lying in Hunter’s bed and he wasn’t there. Stretching out, I loved how completely happy and blissful I felt. An involuntary smile crossed my face as I observed the various pieces of lingerie that were strung around his bedroom, making it look like there had just been an orgy free for all in it. It was only the two of us but it was a free for all, one that made me smile like the vixen I apparently was. Damn, I felt great.

  My phone was on the table and I decided to send Brynn and Jessie a text to let them know what was going on. The two were overly concerned way too often and not very good with their subtle hints, but I was grateful to them in this case—so long as they didn’t make it a habit. I typed in: Thanks Besties! Had a yummy day yesterday. Today, who knows…

  With my phone in my hand, I rolled over and stared at the small dent in the pillow where Hunter’s had must have been. I wondered where he was. My phone buzzed and I saw a text reply from Jessie. It read: Yay! Can’t wait to hear the details…


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