Arctic Bound

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Arctic Bound Page 5

by Tigris Eden

  Chapter 6

  Eden’s Den was dark and electric in a way that put other clubs to shame. There were no pulsing lights, or flashing strobes, instead, the open space had dark corners, and sexual beats that called to a person’s baser instincts. The bouncer had been reluctant to let them in, but after a few glances from males in the line nodding yes in appreciation, they’d been given entrance. They were led to a closed off space in the club that seemed to cater to VIP.

  “Wonder who vouched for us?” Raven asked, curious.

  Nerina was curious as well. Eden’s Den was exclusive on certain nights, but even on their more public nights, the bouncer turned more people away then a revolving door at a department store. She knew this from scoping the scene when she’d first arrived in Alaska. There were two small cages that hung from the ceiling with a main cage in the middle of the floor. It was currently empty, but she knew what it was for. Later, there would be someone inside, likely a couple of volunteers from the audience who all wanted to be under Blue’s hand. Blue was the owner of Eden’s Den and not only was he masculine in a savage way, he was also sadistic. The one-time she’d come he’d been stripping the flesh from a petite blonde who called out his name over and over again until she passed out. No thank you. She was not down for being beaten, bound, gagged, or purged as some of the club goers would say. She was happy in her too-fucked-up-world, and had her own brand of therapy.

  In the smaller cages that hung from the walls there were women dressed in rubber from head to toe. Only their mouths were exposed to the air. One woman was dressed in red, with black stitching and the other was in black with red stitching. They were writhing against the bars to the beat of the music. Sade’s, Cherish the Day. Out on the dance floor bodies were rubbing, bumping, and sliding against one another. Others were in some of the darker corners, and the metallic tang of blood wafted into the air as sighs of ecstasy and moans filled with need, mingled with the haunting voice of Sade. Blue didn’t discriminate in his club. All types of players were welcome. Nerina had searched online once when she thought she wanted to become an exclusive member, but found her tastes ran too vanilla for some of the themed nights that Eden’s Den had to offer. There was also the issue of her heritage. Membership only catered to pure breeds. And she was definitely not pure. The word breed was used instead of race, even above the door there was a reference to breed. But she figured it was a play on words. Not many people were anymore.

  A woman dressed in nothing but a collar and thigh-high boots walked over to their table and took drink orders.

  “Cranberry, and Grey Goose for me.” Nerina ordered. Everyone ordered the same except for Anika. She went straight for the Crown and Coke.

  “This mark, what does he look like?”

  “Tall, tanned, and has a nasty scar running down his forehead, through his left eye and ending at the corner of his mouth.” Myieko answered.

  The waitress returned with their drinks stopping all conversation. Nerina took a sip of her drink and sat back in her chair.

  “Anyone I know?”

  “Nope.” Raven answered, “But you’ll know him when you see him. Trust me he’s a big fucker with a pair of emerald cut eyes that would melt your panties. Everyone be on alert, but at the same time, mingle. Try and fit in.”

  This got nods all around.

  The music changed into another sultry song, but this time the cage in the center of the room was lit with a red glow. The door swung open, and Blue stepped inside. There were females and males moaning appreciatively at the beast of the man that now stood center stage. He was almost seven feet tall. Broad shoulders supported thick arms and legs. Ropes of muscles enhanced all the right places in a way that could only be described as control. He wore his blonde hair loose with two braids on the side. Almost as if he were a Viking from a throwback era long ago. He completed his look with a rugged beard that was cut to outline a masculine jaw. His ice blue eyes hypnotized it’s prey. He ensnared his targets. His deep voice, heavily accented lured until there was nothing left to do but admit defeat. She’d had already seen him in action her first time at Eden’s Den. He didn’t dress like some of the other men that played in the cage, with their signature leather pants and black shirts. No, Blue was in a class all by himself. He wore a button up white shirt exposing his throat, sleeves rolled to his forearms, showing off his tribal tattoos. A silver torque rested around his thick neck with two wolves on the ends with sapphires for eyes, glinting under the warm glow of the light. His slate slacks were creased perfectly, but the part that really got to her was his lack of shoes. It made him more approachable. Gave off the illusion that he was laid back. Blue was anything but laid back.

  Drawn by avid curiosity, Nerina stepped into the crowd to get a better look inside the cage. People moved out of her way, allowing her to reach the front just as a tall brunette with nothing but lace panties entered the cage. Blue didn’t move, but watched as the woman approached him, her eyes downcast as she stopped a foot away from him. Above the cage there was a wood beam that looked to be hanging from the ceiling with three rings. Nerina knew a little about rigging equipment, and knew that the rings would support a maximum weight of up to thirteen hundred pounds. Her knowledge had come by way or research. Another person entered the cage with corded rope that was neatly rolled into bundles. The new comer dropped eight bundles and quickly retreated. As the music changed, Blue stepped closer to the woman, grabbed her by the back of the neck and gently pulled her forward to whisper in her ear. What he said was anyone’s guess, but whatever words were spoken seemed to mesmerize the female further. Her head fell forward as if in a trance, and Blue walked a slow circle around her. He still whispered as he looked her over. Nerina could hear the deep cadence in his voice but was unable to decipher his words. When satisfied, Blue turned her to face the crowd. Cheers of appreciation were given and the woman smiled slightly as if pleased that not only did Blue approve of her, so did the crowd.

  Blue knelt down behind her, palming the globes of her ass before reaching up and pulling her hands gently behind her back. He massaged her for a moment before he positioned her arms, ensuring both her palms securely held her elbows.

  She was definitely flexible, Nerina would give her that.

  The music, mixed with the subdued atmosphere contributed to the already euphoric crowd. Herself included. There was an intimacy between Blue and the woman on stage that made Nerina feel like an intruder into their delicate world. He kissed the woman’s hips. First, one side and then the other before standing. His massive frame overshadowing his subject. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a white blindfold. He placed it over her eyes, tying the knot quickly before stepping away and circling her once more. The entire time he spoke to her in a quiet commanding tone.

  The woman’s body swayed to the lull of his voice. He took hold of her elbow, as he picked up a bundle of rope. Nerina couldn’t look away. Too captivated by what was happening in front of her. Afraid she’d miss something. There was a flurry of quick movements with both hands and rope. When Blue moved to pick up the next bundle, she was shocked to see he’d actually tied the first bundle of rope around the woman’s waist and beneath her ass in a pattern that fit snug against her pale skin. Her arms was secured to the rope around her waist. Intricate knots dug into the woman’s skin making a beautiful pattern. The next bundle was used to tie her to the middle ring that hung center stage and when that was complete, Blue whispered in her ear and then gently pushed her shoulder, inverting her mid-air. The woman hung suspended. Held only by the ropes and ring. The ropes around her waist and buttocks acted as a cradle to hold her secure.

  Nerina held her breath, she wasn’t one for bondage, or any kind of D/s, but this was something different. This was something more. She’d never be able to be up there on stage in front of anyone because of her scars. Wasn’t sure she could do it without her scars, but watching the couple in front of her, awakened something inside that was buried deep, in an area she wasn’t so su
re she’d ever be able to explore.

  Nerina watched as Blue continued to tie the woman up, attaching rope to the two outside middle rings, almost as if he was roping himself a hog. His hands rubbing over the expanse of the woman’s exposed flesh as he used bundle after bundle of rope until there was nothing left, only the woman hanging mid-air. He spun her, he kissed her. Blue nibbled on her stomach, legs, and neck and the female loved every minute of it. The bar hanging in the middle of the cage rose higher, taking the woman with it. Blue released a leg and then another and spun her again, until the woman arched into a position that made her gasp. The knots were embedded tight to her skin making her look helpless but at the same time serene. As the music turned to yet another slow beat, she was lowered, and slowly unbound. The crowd praised her as she was finally freed and kissed on the forehead by the enigmatic club owner.

  When she finally left the stage, Nerina could see the ropes left a very distinct impression on her skin. A design of some sort. She couldn’t make them out, but none-the-less they were striking. The woman wore her marks with pride as she made her way through the crowd.

  “How did that make you feel?” A voice she knew all too well whispered into her ear.

  Is he really here? Nerina thought to herself. There was no way that Victor was here in the club, right now, talking to her, and asking her the ridiculous question of how did that scene make her feel. Was he stupid or something?

  Turning to face her tormentor, she glared up at him making sure he saw her displeasure at him sneaking up on her.

  “Don’t you have anything better to do with your time, than harass me?”

  “Who said I’m here to see you?”

  “Who says you aren’t?”

  “I do.”

  Great, they were going to spare verbally with the one another until one of them gave in. Well, it wasn’t going to be her.

  “Whatever, I’m here with friends, so, later.”

  He almost reached for her arm, the one with the silver bracelets that covered her scars, but seemed to think better of it.

  “How about a dance?”

  Was this guy for real? He had no problems displaying his apt dis-like of her disfigurement, and now he wanted to dance?

  Victor was a big man and she couldn’t see how he was going to dance with her, but if that’s what he wanted, then one dance wasn’t going to hurt anyone.

  “I wish you weren’t wearing that top.” He said out of nowhere as they swayed to the beat of the music.

  “Well, I wish you wouldn’t open your mouth to speak, but we can’t all have what we want.”

  Victor threw his head back and laughed. It was deep and melodious and shot straight to the core of her traitorous body.

  There was a gentle touch at the nape of her neck and Nerina almost bolted until she heard his brother Colin speak into her ear.

  “What do we have here?”

  “We’re having ourselves a dance Colin. Behave yourself,” Victor urged with a growl in his voice. She hadn’t realized before but not only was Victor vocal in the sense of grunts and growls, and a few rumbles, so were the rest of his family. Including Teak. Maybe it was a cultural thing, living in a small town. Communication was just as verbal as it was non-verbal so maybe those sounds meant something to them.

  “Wish she wasn’t wearing the death top man,” Colin commented as his hands went to the outside of her thighs to move her the way he wanted her to move. She didn’t protest, men tended to be touchy during dancing. As long as they both knew that’s all they were getting from her she was okay.

  “What’s with the two of you wanting me out of my top?”

  “Silver doesn’t look good on you is all. You should try gold, maybe even cooper, but silver? No, silver just won’t do. It clashes with your skin tone.”

  Well that was definitely a first. Two men advising her on what not to wear and then suggesting what she should wear. Maybe they weren’t into girls. You know that’s not the case. Her mouth cracked into a grin she couldn’t hide, and Victor leaned forward so that his breath caressed her cheek as he whispered in her ear.

  “Why are you smiling?”

  “No reason, I just didn’t realize you two were gay is all.”

  Victor’s back straightened and he stopped moving to stare down at her with an arched brow. His brother Colin tightened his hold at her thigh, almost painfully.

  “We’re not gay.” Victor said, clearly offended. She knew they weren’t gay, but she’d said it anyway, so he could see how it felt.

  “You got something against gay people? Or is it all people you view as different or beneath you?”

  His growl was almost as loud as the music. Nerina stepped out of Colin’s grip so that she could look both brothers in the face.

  “Who in the hell gave you the idea that we’re remotely like that?” Colin asked with a sour look on his face.

  She looked in Victor’s direction, who was still staring at her as if she’d said something totally out of character. It wasn’t like he really knew her anyway. He’d have no clue that on any given day, she always spoke her mind.

  “Your brother took one look at me and made an assumption. So I made my own. It doesn’t feel good to have people assume does it?”

  “I was taken off guard is all.”

  “By what? I’m like you and anyone else, I just happen to have a disability. You took one look at my hand and you literally sneered.”

  “I did no such thing.”

  “You did.” She insisted. “How about we cut the dance short, and go our separate way.”

  “Great going dip-shit. You just ruined my chance to get fresh with her.” Colin chimed in.

  Victor growled again. This time at his brother Colin who was smiling.

  She started to back away but Victor apparently had more to say.

  “Introduce us.”

  “To who?”

  “Your friends.”

  “Not happening, go find someone else to dance with.”

  She did not want him or his brother meeting her friends.


  Ignoring his request she walked past him back to where her friends were seated.

  “We thought we were going to have to get you a drool rag. You were so caught up in the scene with the Viking.”

  Funny. They thought Blue looked like a Viking too.

  Nerina rolled her eyes and took a seat between Raven and Anika.

  “Who’s the tall drink of water you were chatting with just now?”

  No one she wanted to introduce them to, that was for sure. Especially Colin, he was in law enforcement, and there was no way he wouldn’t know who at least Myieko was. She was wanted in more than twenty states.

  “How about we not go there and just leave it at that.”

  Anika pouted.

  Out of all the girls, she was the one that devoured men by the dozen.

  “But he looks like my future baby daddy.”

  “Everyone looks like your FBD, girl. You need to give it a rest.” Raven said, smiling.

  “Yeah, what’s the body count up to now, like a gazillion?” Kenzie asked.

  The waitress approached them again, this time with a tray of drinks they hadn’t ordered.

  “Compliments of Mr. Varangian.”

  Who was that?

  “And who would that be?” Anika questioned, looking around the club for their would be drink patron.

  “Oh, he’s the owner of the club, everyone calls him Blue. But to his staff, it’s Mr. Varangian.” The waitress said with a sigh. Either she was high, or stupid. Her eyes dilated at the mention of her employer’s name. The man was fine, but damn, he didn’t warrant that kind of reaction. You didn’t think so five minutes ago.

  “Send the drinks back.” Raven instructed.

  The waitress’ eyes widen in shocked, as if a courtesy extended by the owner was never rejected.

  “I can’t do that. No one ever says no.”

  “Yeah, well date rape is no
t on our bucket list, so the answer is still no. Send the drinks back.”

  Raven’s voice was harsh brooking no argument from the waitress who turned quickly on her heel and rushed over to the bar where she whispered to another girl. Both of them turned in their direction starring as if Raven had grown and additional head, along with extra arms and legs.

  “Our mark is here, and he seems to be with his brother.” Myieko said, standing to head into the crowd.

  Nerina turned looking out on the floor and didn’t see a man with a scar on his face. Myieko had walked around the cage once, then made her way to the back of the club where she could keep an eye on things.

  “Rina?” Kenzie called, drawing her attention back to the other girls seated around her.

  “Tells us everything you know about your friend Victor.”


  “You’re such a loser man.” Colin joked as Victor made his way back into the owner’s lounge where Blue sat nursing a whiskey.

  “How so?”

  His brother grunted.

  “Did you really think the human was going to go for you?”

  No he didn’t think that, he knew it. She wanted him just as bad as he wanted her. Only, he shouldn’t have acted on it. It was a good thing too; she was decked out in silver. Her arm was covered, hell her top had been made of it. It was like she knew she’d be surrounded by werewolves. But he could still smell her sweet scent. It called to him, tempted him to say fuck the silver and go for the gold. There was something also grating his brain that he couldn’t quite put his finger on when it came to her friends. They were familiar but they weren’t. All five women were outfitted in silver in some form or fashion. The bouncer at the door had only let them in under Blue’s watchful approval. Their hands had been stamped with a different sort of ink than the rest of the club goers and members, alerting them that they had silver on their persons. It was a dangerous game they played, but the patrons of the club knew the risks if they chose to engage the women.


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