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Savaged Page 19

by Nacole Stayton

  “What do you want, Jarod?” I ask. “I’ll do anything. I just want to go back to the estate, please,” I beg.

  He laughs again. It sounds evil as it pierces my ears. “I want everything he has. Including you, Bree.”

  Her screams fill my ears as my foot stomps on the gas pedal. This wasn’t part of the plan. The thought of kidnapping her never even crossed my mind. It was Anton that influenced me to take such drastic measures.

  All I’ve ever wanted, for as long as I’ve known the Kincaid family, was to be one of them. Their money, power over the community, and lavish lifestyle, have always appealed to me. And then those fuckers died and left Niko to my dad. It only fueled my hate for him. If I thought I was in his shadows before his parents died, it was nothing like afterward. My dad was so consumed with tending to Niko and the business, I think he forgot all about me. That’s ultimately what led me to Anton. I contacted him while he was still in jail and put the Kincaid’s own money on his books. I was young then, but I still had him eating out of the palm of my hand when he got out.

  It was simple. Anton had already killed Wade. Niko was next on his hit list and I wanted to be a part of it. I was already on the inside. I knew his schedule like the back of my hand. Hell, he was basically a caged bird.

  It was late and raining when I hit him over the head outside of the small bar. The rest is history. The only kink in the story was that he didn’t die. Lucky bastard. Anton wasn’t happy about that, but he didn’t want another stint in jail so we let things die down. In the meantime, I kept running the business while Niko cowered in his bedroom like a little bitch.

  And then I met Cambree. She was a game changer. I had been watching her for a few weeks before we collided outside of the coffee shop. It just so happened to be the same day that Niko asked for a brunette. It was perfect. The ultimate test.

  Her shrills echo throughout the car as I speed down the highway. I grit my teeth and crank up the radio, trying to drown out her voice.

  I thought we had something special from the moment we shook hands. Her smile was infectious and so warm. And her fucking mouth. I could stare at it all day long. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine it to taste as good as it did the moment I got a sample of it. Her body wanted me. I could feel it when I welcomed her into my embrace. But she kept screaming and trying to push me away.

  Niko showing up was a thorn in my ass. He ruined our special evening together and it was then that I knew that he needed to be taken out, once and for all.

  “Jarod, please! Just stop the car. Why are you doing this?” Her pleas are meaningless. I know deep down in her heart that this is what she wants. She’s wanted it all along. His money was all that attracted her. If I had been the man behind the contract in the first place, it would be my dick sinking into her little pussy every night. Not his.

  “Bree, baby, please shut the fuck up! I can’t concentrate with your screaming. We’re almost there. Then we can make love and forget that anything ever happened between you and Niko. I promise, we’ll get past this.”

  Through the loudness of the radio and her yelling, I hear my phone ringing.

  It’s Anton.


  “I can hear the bitch yelling. I assume you got her, then.”

  His words sting. “She’s not a fucking bitch, if you say it again—”

  He cuts me off. “You can’t threaten a man who’s not scared, Jarod. Don’t forget that.”

  Tossing my phone into the passenger seat, I seethe. He’s doesn’t know who he’s talking to. I finally have the girl, and hopefully, by sundown Niko will finally be six feet under for good.

  “IT’S NICE TO SEE YOU, Neil,” I say with my arms crossed over my chest as he enters my office.

  “I wish it were on better conditions, boss.” He strolls closer to the desk and takes a seat in front of me in the chair.

  The lights are on. I’m sure that surprised him when he walked through my doors. It’s easier to hide when the dark helped mask my facial expressions.

  “So, tell me what the fuck is going on with Jarod and don’t dare spare any of the gory details,” I demand as a muscle quivers in my jaw.

  “I think that Jarod is helping Anton,” he says smoothly with no expression on his face.

  Questions pop up a million miles a minute in my brain. Jarod is helping Anton? You’ve got to be kidding me. How? When? Why? My head shakes violently. “That’s not possible. Jarod doesn’t even know Anton,” I say matter-of-factly.

  “You’re wrong, Niko.” He gulps and then continues. “I noticed something strange going on with Jarod a few months ago. I’m ashamed to admit that I started tailing him. At first, I wasn’t sure what was going on, but he’s my son, my blood. Of course, I was able to notice a change in him. He kept having these meetings with someone. I wasn’t sure whom it was, and he sure in the hell wasn’t going to fess up and tell me.

  One day I went to his apartment when I knew he wouldn’t be there. I don’t know what I was looking for a first, but I felt uneasy and started rifling through his drawers and closets. Until, I found this.” He holds up a black mask.

  Memories of two men standing over me cloud my vision. No it couldn’t be.

  “Niko, there are blood stains on this. My gut didn’t feel right. I had it tested. I thought surely my own son didn’t have anything to do with this. It had to have been a mistake. I thought that maybe he found it on the scene and took it to try to piece together some evidence for us.” He pauses, frowns, looking disoriented. “The dry blood stains match your DNA.”

  My throat closes. No air whatsoever leaves or enters my lungs. My vision tunnels and I feel like I’m suffocating. Jarod, my assistant, closest friend and brother, tried to murder me. This can’t be true.

  “Neil, I don’t know. Jarod is a standup guy. Other than what he did a few days ago to Cambree….” My voice trails off.

  “What happened a few days ago?” he asks as he scoots closer to my desk.

  “I caught him kissing Cambree. He went off on me, saying I wasn’t good enough and that they shared a connection and some shit. I punched him and he ran out of her apartment. I haven’t seen or heard from him for days. That’s why I called you. As pissed as I am at him for being so fucking stupid, I was also worried about him. Something is obviously off.”

  Neil looks like I caught him off guard. He quickly stands up and shoves his chair away. I eye him, unsure about what is going on, about what’s running through his head. Standing up also, I feel like puking when he says, “The Longleaf complex, the big deal you settled not too long ago, was set up. Anton was the other bidder. He wanted it to help stash his guns. He basically had it all envisioned, was setting up shop. Then Kincaid Enterprises came in and stole it right from under his feet. The next day, you were attacked.”

  From dealing on the streets to trafficking guns, Anton’s name has been dragged through the mud on numerous occasions.

  “It gets worse. I also found these.” Neil holds up a handful of visitors’ passes.

  Jarod had visited Anton in jail. I feel like I’m on an episode of some television show like Snapped. Instead of continuing to feel like the victim, my mindset changes. Like Cambree says, we’re survivors.

  “How do you feel about all of this? He’s your son. I’d think you would be spewing lies trying to protect him. Maybe that’s what this is. How do I know that you’re not lying to my face? Making up some lame ass story?”

  He grinds his teeth. I can practically hear it. “I feel like shit. I can’t even fathom my son being wrapped up in something like this. Though, at first after your parents died and I gained custody of you, he wasn’t happy about it. As equal as I tried to make things, he resented sharing me with you. But you grew so close, like brothers, that I assumed that had passed. I don’t know what has happened to him, but this isn’t my son. I knew your father for years, before you and Jarod were even born. I’d never betray his legacy or his family. It kills me to admit it, but Jarod’s
on a rampage to obtain everything that belongs to you. I think Cambree is in danger.”

  I roughly pull my phone out of my pocket and dial her number. There’s no answer. I dial it again, but she still doesn’t pick up. “Fuck!” I shout. “Are you prepared to go into battle even if it’s against your own son?” I need a straight yes or no answer. He can’t waver on this one.

  “I’m…I’m….” He stutters. “I’m okay with finding him and making sure Cambree is safe, but I don’t want any harm to come to him. He needs helps. When we find him, promise me that you won’t beat him to death? I promise to get him admitted somewhere. Dammit!”

  I’m pissed. Beyond angry. All I want to do is find Cambree and beat Jarod senseless. I lie to Neil’s face, knowing that he’s the only chance I have at finding her.

  No other words are spoken as we both march to the door. We jog down the hallway and then rush down the steps, taking several at a time. I lock the door behind me and climb into Neil’s car. I know he’s taking us to his house. He has an array of bulletproof jackets and guns there. I pray that we don’t need them, but in the pit of my stomach, I know that we will.

  The ride is quiet as he drives. I debate on calling in reinforcements, but I don’t even know what we’re walking into and I don’t want to put more people in danger. I’m sure he’s thinking about what kind of situation his son got himself into, and my thoughts are consumed with Cambree. Nothing else matters right now. If any harm comes to her, I’ll lose it. We pull into his driveway and hastily exit the car, running toward the door. When we get inside, my heart is thumping in my chest. I’m running on pure adrenaline.

  He tosses a vest at me, and I grab a gun that is hanging on the wall. Checking the barrel, I tuck it into the back of my pants and slide a few extra bullets in my pocket. Neil turns on his computer. “What’s her number?” he asks as his hand fumbles with the mouse.

  I call out the number and watch as he pulls out his phone and does something with it. I’m not sure what, but as soon as he finishes, he rushes me back out the door. We climb back into the car and screech tires pulling out of the driveway. Time stands still as my mind races, and the car flies down the road. The possibilities of what Jarod is capable of, especially with Anton at his side, cause anxiety to flood my veins.

  “Here,” he hands me his phone, “see that red dot blinking on the screen. It indicates Cambree’s location. See that other red dot?” I nod. “That’s Jared’s location. He has her, Niko. They’re together.”

  Our tires speed down the road as we swerve in and out of traffic. The blinking red dot gets closer as we gain more ground. My body is jostled around as we turn abruptly and come to a complete stop.

  “We’re here,” Neil announces.

  Looking at his phone, I can see that the dots are still flashing, but as I peer at the screen, they suddenly disappear. “I think he turned their phones off,” I say as I swing open the door, guns blazing.

  We’re parked in an abandoned lot. I have the weird sensation that I’ve been here before. No, I know I’ve been here. “This is where I found you,” Neil says, confirming my thoughts.

  “There’s a door around the side; I’ll go in first. Come in after me. And Niko,” I glance up to make eye contact with him, “I know what he’s done, but he’s still my boy.” It’s a silent plea. I take it for what it is and follow behind him. The building is quiet, eerie.

  I’ll be damned if I let Anton or Jarod fuck with what’s mine. The sorry bastards didn’t kill me then and they sure as hell aren’t going to touch Cambree. Temper leaks out of my pores with every step I take.

  “Well, if it isn’t Niko Kincaid in the flesh,” I hear from behind me and stop dead in my tracks. I don’t move. My eyes stay glued on the back of Neil’s head in front of me. Time ceases to exist. The owner of the voice that berated me while I was being kicked in the ribs is standing right behind me.


  Neil turns around. I nod my head, silently telling him it’s okay. I need him to go look for Cambree. He gets my wordless gesture and takes off.

  Anton and I are left standing face-to-face. Nothing but anger flows between us. He hates my family and me for what we’ve done to him, and I hate him for taking my father.

  “So, this is your big epic plan? Lure me into the middle of nowhere and finish what you failed to do the first time,” I provoke.

  “I didn’t fail to kill you. That was your best friend, Jarod. He’s the sack of shit who left you still breathing.”

  His words mean nothing to me. I want revenge as much as he does. Neither one of us speak as our eyes stare each other down.

  “Jarod, stop, let go of me!” I shout as he grabs me and carries me over his shoulder. I’m kicking and screaming. My throat feels hoarse. “I’m sorry for whatever I did. Just stop. Please, let me go. I swear, I won’t tell Niko anything. It will be our little secret.”

  All I can see is the black SUV as I’m flopping in the air on his shoulder. He’s too far-gone to hear my pleas. This isn’t the man that I know. The one that showed me kindness, took care of me when I was in the hospital, and cared for me like a brother. He’s a stranger, a creep, and a kidnapper.

  “Stop fucking moving, baby!” he shouts. My lips seal, scared of the repercussions of me speaking. “I swear. I will cut your little fucking throat. Is that what you want? Do you want me to end your life all because you can’t keep your mouth shut? It will kill me because you know I love you, but I’ll do it if you don’t keep your mouth closed!”

  I fight the tears that are forming in my eyes. I don’t want him to see me weak and crying. I want him to think that I’m not scared of his threats. Although, I’m shaking on the inside, I do my best to hide it.

  He sets me on my feet, and I take in our surroundings. The walls are all dark and the room is empty other than a small wooden chair in the middle. “Are you going to sit willingly or am I going to have to hogtie you to the damn chair?”

  I take a step forward, too frightened of the alternative. “Thatta girl,” he murmurs, as he ties my hands together behind my back anyway.

  “Jarod,” I whisper. I want to see what he’ll do. I’m calm as I call out his name. I want him to remember it’s me. The girl that he once liked. He doesn’t yell. I’m surprised. I test my limits again. “I’m sorry.” He twitches, and I think I’m getting to him. My nose is running but I can’t move my arms to wipe it away.

  “Talk to me. I want to know why you’re so mad. You know that I care about you.” That’s it. That’s what he needs to hear. If I can make him remember that I’m not the enemy, maybe he will trust me enough to untie me. He turns to face me and our eyes connect, except the glare that comes from his direction is pure hate. His face is cold, detached. My voice drops as I plead, “What can I do to make this better, Jarod?” I want to get something out of him. I don’t understand why he would go to this length. He has to know that this is leading me away from him, not toward him.

  “You can’t do shit!” he hollers. His words make my body tighten in fear. “I want everything he has. He should have died the night that we attacked him. Except he didn’t, and then you come along and you’re perfect. I’ve wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you. Yet, I willingly gave you over to him. I was playing a role. But the time has come for his life to finally end and then you can be mine. Just like you should have been since the day I bought your coffee. You’re everything I’ve ever dreamed about in a woman.” He nears my side and brushes my face with his hand. I want to squirm under his touch, but I try to stay as still as possible.

  It’s the calm before the storm.

  As if a tornado rushes through the room, sounds of people yelling, gunshots, and commotion surround me. Cold metal brushes my arm. My wrist wiggles as it becomes untied from the chair. With shaky legs, I stand up. Niko is standing next to me, blood splattered on his face. I don’t know what’s going on or what happened as I take a step forward.

  “I wouldn’t move if I were you, brother,�
�� Jarod’s voice commands, but I don’t know where it’s coming from.

  Niko puts his hand in front of me, halting my movement.

  “Brother? My brother would try to kill me? You’re really twisted if you think that.” Niko’s face seems relaxed as he talks to Jarod. His tone is oddly calm. It scares me.

  “All I ever wanted was to be important. To you, I was like a servant. Like your housekeepers, running your errands, collecting whores for you to bang. You never once acted as if you cared about anything until she came along. I picked her out! I saw her first. She should be mine.”

  The pressure of Niko’s arm in front of me hardens. “She will never be yours. I don’t even know why you’d want her. She’s my girlfriend and you’ve been like family. You’re sick. You know that? Even your father thinks you’ve gone off the deep end.”

  I glance back in Jarod’s direction. His mouth hangs open and he looks like he’s just been punched in the face. Terror runs through me as he holds his gun up in the air. I turn my head slightly, my eyes tracing the laser beam pointed directly at Niko’s chest.

  “No!” I scream in horror, flinging my body in front of Niko. My head whips backward and collides with his shoulder. All of the air is sucked from my lungs. I feel like I am suffocating. I feel weak and cold. I fight to keep my eyes open.



  Niko and Jarod shout in unison, as my legs become Jell-O. The sound of another bullet being fired rings in my ears as unmistakable warmth surrounds my chest. I close my eyes, unable to fight the sleepiness, and reach into the light to grab Grams’s hand.

  “THANK YOU ALL FOR coming out today. I’ll make this brief since I’m not used to being the center of attention.” The sound of cameras shuttering in the distance fills my ears. “Two years ago, two men named Anton Vadim and Jarod Culver attempted to murder me and left me for dead. After the incident, I allowed the world to believe that I had perished. I thought that I would be safe living in the shadows.


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