Bound to Me (The Harbour Series Book 1)

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Bound to Me (The Harbour Series Book 1) Page 9

by Christy Pastore

  Ella squeezed my hand, urging me to sit beside her. “Alex, you made a mistake. Nobody is perfect, and just remember there were two people who made the decision to have an affair. You cannot hold yourself entirely responsible.”

  Responsible. The mention of that word reminded me of just how irresponsible I’d been with Amanda. She’d gotten pregnant and I could have been the father. Ella deserved to know that part of the story. After all, finding out that I wasn’t going to be a dad, and that Amanda had chosen a life with Vince is what brought me here. I took a deep breath and hoped that what I was about to say next wouldn’t send Ella running back to the city.

  “In many ways the affair changed me, and things could be very different today.” Every part of me vibrated with tension as the words came out. Fuck. I couldn’t remember a time I’d been more nervous, not even dangerous missions had me this worked up. Ella’s thumb ran smooth strokes against the back of my hand.

  My gaze turned back to Ella, and I swallowed hard. “The day you and I met, Amanda had given birth to a little girl.”

  She gasped slightly, and her eyes closed. “And you could have been the baby’s father.”

  “Yeah, and after I found out I wasn’t my life took a tailspin. Our affair wrecked Vince and I felt this massive weight of shame. I thought I was in love with Amanda, or maybe it was the idea of us as a family. I don’t know.”

  “I’m sorry that you had to go through all that pain. I can’t even begin to imagine how you felt. You must have been in agony.”

  “And that’s when I decided to take a vacation and it brought me out here.” I tucked my fingers under Ella’s chin, bringing her eyes to meet mine. “In a way, my bad decisions brought you to me or vice versa.”

  “And you protecting me, and this attraction we have. It all reminded you of your situation with Amanda?”

  I nodded. The truth was that it was a myriad of things, but I didn’t want to burden Ella with a bunch of heavy stuff today. I wanted to get to know her, and I only hoped this conversation hadn’t placed a dark cloud over the rest of our day.

  Ella drew her arms up and around my neck. Her lips settled on mine, giving me a soft lingering kiss. My arm curled around her waist, bringing her closer. She snuggled into my side, and rested her cheek against my bicep.

  Guess I have my answer.

  It was nice to have this time with Ella, she needed to step away from the everyday and just relax. We rolled up our jeans and I carried her heels as we walked along the beach.

  “So tell me about your family. What’s on the Connolly family letterhead?”

  “Obviously you know about my brother, the Hollywood star with a hobby in real estate. He married Emma Bailey-Wilson, the fashion model, when they were quite young.” She crinkled up her nose. “And thank goodness he smarted up and divorced her bitchy ass. They have two daughters, Leah and Jade. My nieces are the cutest little darlings you’ve ever seen.”

  “You don’t care for your brother’s ex-wife?”

  “No, the minute I met her I knew she was a career climber. Emma used my brother to gain more fame. Not sure how into Hollywood news you are, but they divorced because she cheated on my brother with Dax Martin. Maybe the cheating turned out to be a good thing because that broken road led him to Holliday.”

  “Just like mine led me to you.” I reminded her once more.

  She smiled, sweeping her hair away from her face. “My sister, Molly, and her husband live in Vancouver, they have three boys. Molly was a chemist but she left the corporate world to raise her kids.”

  “I don’t know which would be harder, raising three boys or being a chemist.”

  “Right? Molly worked for a cosmetics company developing new fragrances. Have you ever heard of Tallulah or Miss Victoria?”

  “No, but I’ll be sure to be on the lookout for them now. Wait,” I paused for a moment and looked at her. “Do you happen to wear one of them?”

  “Tallulah,” she admitted.

  “I like it a lot. I didn’t let housekeeping change my sheets for two days because the scent of your perfume still lingered.”

  She blushed. “I’m flattered and hungry. I read an article that Praline Dreams is one of the must eat destinations in The Harbour. I need to try their homemade ice cream. I heard it’s to die for.”

  “Ice cream, that’s on the approved lists of gluten-free foods?”

  “As long as there are no brownie bits or something that contains wheat, most ice cream flavors are safe. Thank fuck, because if I had a dairy allergy I think I would throw myself into the ocean.”

  This girl was fascinating, and I wanted to know everything about her. She was sweet, smart, ambitious, and her dirty mouth was a bonus. Ella sprinted ahead of me and scooped up some rocks and then tossed them into the ocean.

  When we got to the path that led from the beach into town, we used the outdoor shower to rinse off our feet. It didn’t really help matters much; sand was everywhere. So we stopped in one of the local shops and picked out some beach appropriate footwear.

  “What about your parents, are you close with them?”

  Ella held onto my arm as she tried on a pair of black sandals. “We’re a pretty close family, I’d say, despite the fact that we don’t live close to one another. My parents live in London, and travel to Cork, Ireland a few times a year. That’s where I grew up. Mom is a retired school teacher. When she’s not traveling with Dad she works part-time at a bakery.” Ella walked around, and then stopped to study her reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t take my eyes off her legs, my eyes skimmed up and down her body as she turned in different directions. If only we were in a lingerie shop. My dick was half hard just thinking about Ella in various pieces of lace and silk.

  “My father started out in construction, but later moved to real estate development. While he was working construction, he started buying up real estate; foreseeing the emerging market and made a sizable amount of money. He taught each one of us how to invest our money and diversify our portfolios.”

  Ella and me, we were similar that way. Despite the fact that each one of us Robertsen siblings had a trust, my father was adamant about each one of us working and saving our money. “Did you always want to be a business owner?”

  “Those are my favorite pair of sandals we sell.” I peered over Ella’s shoulder to find a woman folding t-shirts, smiling in our direction.

  “Yes, they’re quite lovely,” Ella replied. “Can you hold them at the cash wrap for me?”

  The woman nodded. “My pleasure, and please let me know if you need anything else.”

  “I’d like to wear those out of the store, if that is possible?”

  “Not a problem at all.”

  She tapped her finger to her lip, and started walking. “You asked me a question. Oh yeah, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, honestly.” Ella and I rounded the corner, and found that the men’s shoes were right in front of us. The sneakers I had been wearing were officially soaked with water and sand. I was sure that I’d be tossing them out.

  “I went to London College of Fashion and studied Fashion Management. I envisioned working at Harrods or Burberry,” she said, and picked up a pair of Reef flip-flops holding them in my direction.

  I nodded, and began looking for my size. No such luck.

  “One day I was shopping for some specific pieces and French designers that I loved. I couldn’t find anything remotely close. That’s when I had this idea. Ultimately, I ended up researching and then drew up a business plan for my father. He was impressed and helped me get the loan I needed to set up shop. The rest is history.”

  I began looking at other styles. I found a pair I liked in my size and then tried them on. “That’s very cool, Ella. You should be really proud.” I wasn’t so much a flip-flop guy, I had a pair of Birkenstocks once, and every time I wore them my sister, Amy rolled her eyes. She made me donate them to Goodwill. Then I tried to convince her I could pull off Crocs. That was a bad idea.

hanks.” She pivoted and turned back to face me. “Those look good on you.”

  “What do you say we pay and go grab some of that ice cream you were talking about?”

  “That sounds like a very good idea.”

  AFTERNOON SETTLED INTO DUSK and we walked back to his house where we relaxed onto the couch in his media room. During our stroll through town, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about his affair with Amanda. I understood all too well the pain he’d felt. I wanted to open up to Alex and show him the same kind of honesty he’d given me. But how do you tell someone that your ex-boyfriend was on trial for a sex scandal involving a minor? Usually, I didn’t have to tell people, because they already knew thanks to the tabloids. And it was “Poor, Ella Connolly,” caught in the crosshairs of the whole sick and twisted course of events. A violent shudder moved through me at the memory.

  I did enjoy our conversation, though. Alex told me all about how he started his business over ice cream. I learned a little bit more about his military life, but not too much. He had answered several questions as being “classified.”

  “Do you want to watch Die Hard or Terminator?”

  “Seriously? Is there not a more recent film we could consider watching?”

  “If we watch a movie I haven’t seen, then I’ll have to pay attention. What if I get distracted because I’m busy kissing you?”

  “Ahh, Netflix and chill?”

  He laughed, and shook his head. “Not quite, sweetheart.”

  I grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels. To my surprise, IFC was showing one of my brother’s films.

  “Oh, Ronan is in this one,” I said pointing to the screen. “It’s a brilliant film.”

  “Is this a kissing movie?” he asked, draping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer.

  I laughed at his spin on a reference from The Princess Bride. “Yes, there is a bit of kissing.” I nudged him with my elbow. “It’s not totally girly. You’ll be happy to know there’s action as well.” My hand fell to his chest where my fingertips had a mind of their own, tracing the hard ridges and planes of his chest.

  “What’s it like having a famous sibling?”

  “It’s interesting for sure.”

  “Could you imagine living your life in the spotlight, under a microscope and being chased by the paparazzi?”

  Unfortunately, yes, I did know and all too well. This was an opportunity to share more. For a split second, I thought about spilling my guts about David and the whole mess, but for now, it seemed too much too soon. Something told me Alex would be able to handle hearing everything, but I just didn’t know if I could handle telling him. Not yet anyway.

  “Well, that’s what I have you for,” I leaned up so that I could see his face. “To keep me safe.”

  “I promise to do just that, you’ll always be safe when you’re with me.” He lowered his lips to mine and kissed me, sealing his declaration. His arms banded around my waist and he moved so that I was lying on my back and he was on top of me. Alex’s fingers grazed up the side of my ribcage and I felt my pulse race up my throat. The pull between us was intense and became stronger every time we were around one another.

  Alex’s tongue traced the shell of my ear and my hands pushed under his t-shirt, seeking the need to feel his skin. My fingertips caressed up his back along his spine and his tattoo flashed in my mind.

  “Why the double snakes?” I asked, as he kissed my neck.

  He pulled his head back to look at me, his eyes darkening. “Snakes are protectors and, for me, the two represent the duality of man.”

  I swallowed before speaking, “Are you saying you have two personalities?”

  “No, one reminds me of the past and mistakes never to be made again. While the other represents the future and all that I aspire to.”

  Mistakes of the past, and here history was repeating itself. I had chosen to be with a man as opposed to working on my own aspirations. The very reason I was in the country. It seemed ironic, because I’ve made a lot of wrong decisions in my life. Had I not learned anything?

  Do not dwell on the past, I told myself. Enjoy the present and this moment with Alex.

  “Who knew you were so deep,” I replied, allowing my fingertips to trace the ink on his muscular back.

  “Deep, yes, that’s me.” His voice was rich and warm.

  Alex hand pushed up underneath the fabric of my bra. As his clever fingers rolled my nipple, I let out a low moan. His arm came up behind his neck and he yanked his t-shirt off, tossing it to the floor. I couldn’t help but admire him. Every beautiful inch of him was sculpted to male perfection.

  “Buried deep inside you is where I want to be,” he rasped, before kissing me. His tongue swept along the roof of my mouth, driving me wild with need. I ground my pussy against his cock, showing him I wanted that too. My eyes closed as his hand floated down my body, finding its way back up my shirt.

  “You are so beautiful,” he said, as he lifted the hem of my shirt up and over my head. “Every part of you is perfect.” His lips returned to my stomach and he kissed every inch, leaving hot trails of fire in his wake. The straps of my bra came down and I lifted so that he could remove it. My hips jolted up from the couch when his mouth wrapped around my breast, sucking and licking my nipple. A low moan crawled its way up my throat and my hands found their way to his ass, his incredibly well defined ass.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  “Tell me. What do I do to you, Alex?”

  Oh shit, was I supposed to answer him? Or was that a rhetorical question?

  Why am I debating this?

  A hot man, a man that I’d been lusting after since I’d met him, was on top of me kissing me and told me wanted to be buried deep inside me and I was thinking about frivolous crap. My hands tangled in his hair as he feathered kisses down my neck and across my collarbone. Alex lifted me off the couch and instinctively my legs came up and around his waist.

  “Where are you taking me?”

  “To my bed, of course.”

  His tongue dipped inside my mouth, licking me slowly. He tasted like chocolate, rich and creamy chocolate decadence. With every kiss and stroke, my body hummed with desire. I was pressed so tightly against him I almost couldn’t breathe. But that didn’t matter. I’d give up oxygen if all I needed were Alex’s kisses to keep me alive.

  “I want to take it slow,” he whispered against my lips. “I want to take my time with you and remember everything, your touch, your taste and savor it all.”

  My voice was shaky. “Yes, I want that, too.”

  We made it halfway up the stairs, but a knock at the door interrupted our moment. I slid down Alex’s tall frame and he pulled me behind him, shielding me from whoever was outside. We were out of view, so there was no way whomever it was could see us standing there half-naked.

  “What do we do?” I whispered.

  “I should have hung the ‘Sorry We’re Fucking’ sign on the door.”

  I let out a hushed laugh and then buried my face into the hard muscles of his back.

  He turned to face me. “If we’re quiet, maybe they’ll go away.” He brought his index finger to my lips and I ran my tongue along his skin, sucking his finger into my mouth. A smirk crossed his lips and he brought his other hand around my breast, squeezing and stroking my nipple with the pad of his thumb. Shockwaves of pleasure flitted up my spine. I took his finger deeper into my mouth, and swirled my tongue around. A moan rumbled from his chest and I felt it rush through my entire body.

  “Keep doing that and I’ll fuck you right here on the stairs.”

  This time the knock at the door was accompanied by the sound of the doorbell.

  “Mr. Robertsen,” a woman’s high-pitched voice rang out. “I know that you’re in there, I see your vehicle parked in the driveway. I need to speak to you about your landscaper.”

  Alex shook his head, his finger slipped from between my lips. He brushed his lips over m
ine, running his tongue along the seam of my lips.

  “Ughh, that is Mrs. Shaw . . . I need to talk to her. She’s upset about the height of my hedges.”

  “What do you want me to do? I kind of need my shirt, unless you want me to greet your guests topless.”

  “I don’t think so, you’re going up to my room where you will undress and wait for me in my bed.” He kissed me, before turning to walk down the stairs. “I’ll be quick, I promise.”

  I turned and ran up the staircase, when I reached the top I looked back at him over my shoulder. “You better be or else I might be forced to start without you.” I shimmied out of my jeans and panties, and dropped them both onto the landing where we’d been standing.

  All I heard was a groan as I sauntered down the hallway towards his bedroom.

  I SNAPPED MY PLANNER closed, and shoved it into my handbag. “Well, that was my final scheduled appointment,” I told Alex, as I slid into the booth. “I don’t know if I like the idea of a boutique inside a hotel.”

  “It’s not just any hotel though, it’s The York Hotel, one of the best in the world,” he pointed out.

  “I get that, but I think storefront would be more ideal. I believe I’d be limiting myself from foot traffic and window shoppers.” I leaned forward, bringing my arms up to rest on the tabletop. Looking around the lobby, I observed people scurrying around, too busy to bother with the retail shops. No matter where the location, there was always a risk. “Besides the rent is extremely high, and, not to mention, I’d have to sign a minimum three year lease.”

  The waitress from the café came to our table and I ordered a tea and a few chocolate-dipped coconut macaroons. Alex ordered a double chocolate brownie, which made me jealous, and a bottle of water.


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