Bound to Me (The Harbour Series Book 1)

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Bound to Me (The Harbour Series Book 1) Page 16

by Christy Pastore

  You could have knocked me over with a feather. I wasn’t prepared for those words. It’s a rarity to meet a woman who’s direct.

  Her eyes stayed connected with mine. “The answer is no.”

  I smirked. “I like her, Alex.”

  There wasn’t much time for the two of them to catch up because the bugle trumpeted alerting us the match was set to begin. Francesca scurried away, but not before giving us both a hug. The players had taken the field and the excitement bristled through the crowd. After the umpire’s speech, we focused our attention to the white ball in the palm of his hand.

  Alex’s fingers traced along the back of my knee and my heartbeat drummed in my ears. The feel of his rough hands against my bare skin, that little bit was almost too much to take. Wetness pooled between my thighs with every gentle graze. If we were in a darkened cinema theater I would have considered removing my thong and allow him the access to finger fuck me.

  After taking a drink, I whispered, “Are you having fun?”

  “I am. Are you?”

  Looking up at him through my lashes, I smiled.

  The smack of the mallet against the ball lashed out like a boom of thunder. The players raced their horses up and down the field in an exuberant fashion. When the galloping horses rumbled past us, I spotted Grady his navy blue jersey donned with the number four. He was the primary defensive player and allowed to move anywhere on the field.

  Expertly hooking his stick around the opposing player, he swung in defense. The ball flew to player number three allowing him to drive and score with ease. Whistles of appreciation and roaring cheers spilled from the crowd.

  After six chukkas, there was a pause in the game for the players to change mounts. Walking briskly, we darted through the crowd. Alex gripped my hand tightly. His touch was a bonfire, melting me like toffee over an apple.

  Opening the gate, he pulled me behind the stables and then pressed his tall frame against me. Before I could ask Alex what he was doing his mouth was on mine, probing and seeking entrance. A familiar hum of electricity sparked, winding its way through every inch of my body.

  One kiss, one look, or just one touch from him that’s all it took for him to turn me into a mass of hormones, ready to commit lewd acts in a public place.

  I moaned into his kisses, smoothing my hands up his back. His fingers dug into my skin, urging my hips forward.

  “What do you say we get out of here?” he rasped.

  “We’ve been here less than two hours.”

  The warm breeze whipped, inching the hem of my skirt up. Goosebumps splashed across my skin. Alex smoothed the fabric of my skirt down.

  “That’s an observation, not an answer,” Alex murmured against my lips.

  “Don’t you think it would be impolite to leave?”

  “Answering a question with a question is not acceptable.” His hands continued kneading my ass, making it impossible for me to think with any rationale. The wind was relentlessly toying with my skirt.

  “Ahh, there’s that arse I love so much.”

  I nearly gave myself whiplash when I turned in the direction of Charlie’s gritty brogue. He strode past us, making a cock sucking gesture with his hand. His tongue darted over his bottom lip and then he blew me a kiss. There were two other guys with him carrying photography equipment and snickering at Charlie’s crude comment. One of them looked like Tom Hardy’s hipster doppelganger.

  Oh shit. My ass was literally hanging out again.

  “Son of a bitch,” Alex hissed. He pulled my elbow, shoving me behind his tall frame. This time, my fancy footwork from years of walking in heels kept me from toppling over.

  A quick mental snap along with the breeze blowing up my skirt had me smoothing my palms down over my ass. My chest pressed against Alex’s back, feeling the primal energy bristling off him. Peering over his shoulder, I slid my hands around his biceps gripping tightly.

  “Best tits and arse you’ve ever seen, mates.” Charlie’s words grated on my nerves.

  The next thing I knew, Alex jerked his body away from me and tossed his jacket to the ground. He stalked towards Charlie, throwing the gate back. All three men turned to face Alex.

  “Apologize to the lady,” Alex growled.

  Charlie’s gaze met mine, and his lips quirked into a sneer. The tallest of the three men, squared up to Alex, as the other stood back.

  “Apologize for speaking the truth? I don’t think so, mate.”

  “Listen, mate,” Alex retorted. “Two words to the lady and then you can be on your way.”

  He puffed up his chest. “And if I don’t, just what are you going to do about it?”

  “For your sake, I’d pray it doesn’t come to that.”

  Charlie laughed, and shoved a hand at Alex’s chest. “Piss off.”

  Alex’s hand swung over and landed on top of Charlie’s. An exchange of icy glares shot like flying arrows between the men and then Alex released the hold he’d had on Charlie.


  Charlie punched Alex, striking him square on the jaw.

  Alex didn’t even flinch as his fist connected with Charlie’s nose.

  “Alex!” My hands flew to my mouth, muffling the scream of his name. Everything was in slow motion after that moment. All I saw was blood spraying across the white fence before Charlie crumpled to the ground.

  My throat tightened and panic rolled through me. I scooped up Alex’s jacket and hurried towards him. Alex stood staring straight at Charlie and every hair on my neck stood on end.

  Charlie rolled up, resting on his hands and knees, trying to stable himself. The tall man offered to help him up, but Charlie batted his arm away.

  “You,” Charlie snarled, pointing his finger at Alex. “You’re a dead man.”

  Alex steeled his spine, giving him a flippant wave of his hands and stared after the men until they rounded the corner. He turned to face me after the men were out of sight.

  When Alex cradled my face in his hands, I felt all the air rush from my lungs. “Hey, are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” My gaze darted from his eyes, to his jaw. “Are you okay?”

  “Not going to lie, I didn’t think the fucker had the stones to hit me, but he did.”

  At least Alex’s humor was still intact. He pulled me into him and kissed the top of my head. Squeezing his hand, we walked behind the stables and through the sea of cars. He needed an icepack and most likely a shower and a stiff drink.

  “I just need you,” he said, as he opened the passenger door for me. I stared at him in confusion.

  He laughed. “You were thinking out loud just then, but that drink does sound pretty good.”

  “Sorry, my head is swimming from what just happened with Charlie. Do you think he’ll make good on this threat?”

  His hands tangled in my hair. “No, I don’t. That was his wounded male ego spouting off bullshit. He’ll calm down, lick his wounds and forget all about this.”

  “But what if he files charges against you?”

  He pressed his forehead against mine, running the pad of his thumb across my lips. “If he does, then I will deal with it. He hit me first, so I could just as easily have him arrested for assault. Try not to worry, okay?”

  Giving Alex the peace of mind he needed, I nodded. “Okay.”

  Today’s events certainly left me feeling puzzled. The way Charlie had approached me at the baseball game and now being so bold to state his comments out loud. Did he have a death wish? Or was he really just that stupid? I couldn’t worry about Charlie or how any of this affected him. My focus was on Alex.

  CHARLIE MCNEIL. IT WAS a name I had grown very tired of hearing, seeing or even thinking about.

  Sweat poured down my back. I pushed myself hard the last half-mile on the long stretch of beach. The dunes that decorated my property came into focus. Beads of perspiration rained down my forehead, running into my eyes. Sweat dripped off my nose and my quads ached in pain.

  I raced up the dun
e and collapsed on my freshly mown lawn. This wasn’t the best cool down. Giving it all my strength, I pushed up and jumped to my feet. I stretched out my limbs and did a few crunches for good measure. Even though I’d just trained like I like I was about to depart for a field mission, or compete in the Olympics, tension still lingered.

  My mind was a fucking mess. Maybe I should take up yoga like Ella. She seemed incredibly calm for a woman who was opening a business in less than a month. As I walked in circles around the pool, taking in deep breaths, I couldn’t help but smile.

  Despite how the day of the polo match had started, Ella and I managed to salvage the holiday. After leaving, she’d made me stop off at the market for some fruit and whipped cream. For dinner, we devoured steaks and the biggest loaded baked potatoes you’d ever seen. They dripped with butter and were topped with sea salt and chives. At dusk, we sat on the beach eating our triple berry dessert while watching the fireworks light up the sky over The Harbour.

  For the past three nights Ella had nudged me, telling me that I had been dreaming and was stealing the covers. I’d laughed each of her adorable accusations off and then apologized by sliding deep inside her, giving us both an explosive orgasm sending us satisfied and back to dreamland.

  Still, the relief was only a temporary fix.

  She’d ask if everything was all right. I’d smile and kiss her soft lips, reassuring her I was all good, and that it was probably just the summer heat. I’d even suggested that I might have restless leg syndrome. Stupid, I know.

  With her boutique scheduled to open in weeks, I didn’t feel the need to add to her stress level by confessing that Charlie fucking McNeil had been taking up space in my head. Two weeks had gone by, and he hadn’t even filed a complaint. I was certain that slimy bastard would have, just to make my life miserable.

  Nothing but silence since the event, and it was unsettling. Maybe that was his game, to make me wonder, essentially driving me crazy. Little did he know, but I’d had training in that area. I just needed to remember how to compartmentalize that bullshit. Fuck his mind games.

  In addition, I needed to keep my head clear and focused on Ella. The idea of her working long days at the boutique without me, I did not like that one fucking bit. However, I needed to respect her process while she prepped for the grand opening.

  For my own peace of mind, I’d flown Marcus Blevins in from Grand Rapids to provide security. He was one of my oldest friends and top guys at the company. The fact that he’d worked the mayor of Detroit’s security detail for eight years left me with little worry.

  I walked up the steps of the house. Once inside, I stripped out of my workout gear and then tossed the sweat soaked garments into the laundry basket.

  My phone rang just as I threw the towel around my waist.

  “Marcus, what’s up?”

  “Man, you need to get over here ASAP.” The tone of his voice had me freaking the fuck out on the inside.

  “Is Ella okay?” My heart pounded in my chest. “Yes or no, Marcus.”

  “Physically she is fine. Visibly she is upset.”

  “Gotcha, I’ll be right there.” I swiped my finger across END CALL without another word.

  Not being in control had me sick with worry. Uncertain of what had happened left me feeling a bit shaken. Although my gut told me Charlie McNeil was no longer silent.

  I closed the door to my office and then plopped down on top of one of the many boxes that occupied the small space. Once more I pulled the photos from the envelope. Coldness seeped into my body and settled in my spine as I flipped from one glossy photo to the next. That fucking douchebag had snapped pictures of Alex and Charlie’s fight. I hadn’t even realized the lumbersexual version of Tom Hardy was even taking photos.

  The worst part was that they were manipulated in a way that the world would see Charlie as a victim. What would this do to Alex’s reputation?

  No pictures of Charlie punching Alex or trying to rush towards him. This is just how deceiving photos can be. Something captured in a millisecond of time means more than it does. How would the tabloids spin this?

  “Ella!” I heard Alex calling out my name.

  “I’m back here, in the office,” I shouted, then pulled the handle opening the door.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  My hands shook as I handed the envelope to Alex. Unsure if it was frustration, annoyance, or just plain anger. “Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel.”

  Alex’s eyes captured mine and that was enough to send me rushing into his arms. Maybe exhaustion from the weight of everything had finally taken hold. Or another angle, perhaps I felt the need to comfort him before he unclasped the envelope finding the photos along with a request for five hundred thousand dollars. My guess was that Charlie and Hipster Hardy would split the money.

  I managed to peel my body away from Alex. His gaze dropped to the envelope and I nodded for him to open it. I dropped my ass back onto the box, which I’d decided would be my chair until the one I’d ordered arrived.

  “That bad, huh?”

  “That depends on your definition of bad.” I buried my face in my hands unable to look at Alex as he rifled through the envelopes contents.


  I stared up at Alex, his expression was blank—no furrowed brow or clenched teeth. How could he not be angry about this?

  “That’s all you have to say is ‘hmm’?”


  I shrugged. “What about the money? Doesn’t that bother you?”

  “No, I’m calling his bluff. I don’t negotiate with blackmailing pussies.”

  “Ohhhh kay.” I leaned back against the wall.

  “Ella, the photos are of me, but he sent them here to your boutique. He doesn’t know my address or even my last name. Who cares if they get published? Hell, I’ll upload them to my social media page and ruin his fun.” He pushed the pictures back inside the envelope and tossed them on top of my file cabinet.

  I couldn’t understand. Wouldn’t his family be disappointed? “So you’re not at all concerned?”

  “If the photos were of you, hell yes, I’d be concerned.” His knuckles grazed my upper arm. “I’m going to have that envelope and its contents examined. I’m upgrading your security system here. And, as a precaution, we’re filing a restraining order.”

  Not once did I ever think I’d have to file a restraining order, or have to go to such lengths to feel safe. Alex bent to meet my eyes, his hands framed my face. “Ella, talk to me.”

  “I don’t think you should post the pictures to your social media accounts.”

  He laughed. “Yeah, I didn’t think that was a very good idea.” He dropped a gentle kiss on my mouth. “What else needs done around here? Put me to work.”

  My hands slipped up and around his neck. “Why don’t you go do all the things you mentioned and I’ll finish unpacking. I have some things I want to get ticked off my list before we leave for Chicago.”

  “As you wish, sweetheart.” He kissed me again and then walked out the door.

  THE FACT THAT CHARLIE had personally dropped these photos off at Ella’s boutique pushed me over the edge. That motherfucker was clearly stalking her and that would end today. Although, I wasn’t entirely sure how this would all work with the restraining order since Ella wasn’t a US citizen.

  As I climbed into my Range Rover, a million things swirled through my head. I needed more information. Normally, Marcus was my go to for research, but I couldn’t have him distracted with anything but eyes on Ella.

  “Patrick, I need a favor,” I barked into my Bluetooth.

  “Sure thing, what’s up, boss?”

  “Whatever project you’re currently on, assign it to someone else. We have a time sensitive project. I need a top of the line, and I mean the absolute best security system installed in a building out here. The girl I’ve been assigned to security detail, someone is—I don’t trust anyone else, and I—”

  “You got it. I know this i
s important.”

  “I’ll arrange a plane for you and send along all the details. I need this done like yesterday, Patrick.”

  “Say no more. I’m on it.”

  “One more thing, I’m going to Chicago for the weekend, you and Marcus update me as soon as everything is installed.”

  “Will do. You taking the lady with you?”

  I huffed out a sigh. “I am.”

  “Don’t worry about a thing, Alex. We’ll handle it.”

  “Thanks, man.” I ended the call just as I’d turned into my driveway. I was wound up again, more tense than I was before. At this point, would another run even help? I slammed my door shut and hoofed up the stairs.

  I splashed some scotch into a tumbler and settled into the chair behind my desk. How had things become so damn messy? First, I was just a guy hired to work private security detail for a short time to de-stress and get my life back in order. Now, I had more problems than Jay Z at this point. I tossed back the drink, feeling the burn all the way down.

  Charlie McNeil was playing a very dangerous game. One thing was certain; he wasn’t prepared to play in my league.

  Once we settled into the hotel, I’d surprised Ella with a full day of pampering. I wanted her to be completely relaxed before tonight’s fundraiser. The spa director helped me put together the services, since my knowledge of this sort of thing was limited to facials, massages, pedicures, and manicures.

  With Ella happily occupied, I took some time to unwind. The Bar at the Peninsula wasn’t open yet, so I headed to one of my favorite Chicago hangouts, Giordano’s. I sat at the bar watching the Cubs game along with several other patrons.

  Man, I love this town.

  I signaled the bartender for a refill. During the commercial break, my eyes scanned over the mass of people filtering in from the street. Most were carrying shopping bags from all the prominent stores on the Magnificent Mile.


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