Cat of a Different Color: Halle Pumas, Book 3

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Cat of a Different Color: Halle Pumas, Book 3 Page 5

by Dana Marie Bell

  Adrian felt strangely detached as that mist touched him. Simon flinched slightly and backed off.

  “Sorry, man. I know you’re worried about her. Christ, we all are.”

  Adrian nodded, his eyes glued to Max’s. The strange smile the blonde man wore was beginning to grate on his nerves. “Protection?”

  “That’s for you to decide. What do you suggest?”

  Max’s tone was bland, the mist still surrounding him. It was clearly an order.

  Adrian frowned, surprised, but answered anyway. “Twenty-four seven protection while she’s in the hospital. Two Pumas on the door, two down the hall. Move her to an end room, have at least one of the Pumas keep an eye on the stairwell at all times. Males only, don’t risk the females. No one enters this room without you, Simon or me approving it. One of the women stays in here with her while she’s unconscious, in case of emergency. One we trust.”

  “I’d suggest putting the same precautions around Ms. Campbell,” Gabe Anderson said from behind the Alpha. “If Parker decides her interference cost him his shot at Ms. Montgomery he might decide to retaliate.”

  Adrian’s frown tightened. “There’s no one in the Pride I trust with Belle’s safety right now.”

  “I’ll deal with it.”

  Gabe’s determined voice held a note similar to his own; he wondered briefly if the other man realized it.

  Max nodded. “Good. Take care of it. Assign who you trust, both of you. Work together on it. Before they leave the hospital, I want suggestions for the protection of both women once they’re back home. Simon, I need you and Becky to head up to the Poconos and talk to the new Alpha of the Pack there. His name’s Richard Lowell. He’s agreed to give us a hand with Parker. It’ll take you about two hours to get there, barring changes in the weather. Emma’s got the store covered; Marie agreed to fill in for a few days while Sheri and Belinda get back on their feet.”

  “I’m on it.” Simon clapped Adrian on the shoulder, then did the same to Max in passing. He left without a backward glance.

  “Maybe we can gather a hunting party, find this son of a bitch and end this.” Gabe’s low growl echoed the one Adrian could feel building inside of him.

  “Do you have his scent?”

  “I got a whiff, yeah, but not enough of one to track well. I’ve got partial plates and a description of the vehicle that I’m running through channels.”

  “Then we wait.”

  Gabe nodded, accepting Adrian’s pronouncement without a fight.

  Max’s odd smile was still in place as he listened to the conversation between Gabe and Adrian. “Your mate’s starting to wake up.”

  Adrian turned, all of his attention focused once again on Sheri. He bent low over her so that she’d get a clear look at him. “Hey, princess.”

  She opened bleary blue eyes and stared up at him. “Sorry.”

  “For what? Nearly getting run over?” He forced his tone to be gentle when he felt anything but.

  “Scratched your jacket.”

  A slow grin crossed his face. “Fine. I’ll spank you for it later.”


  Her pained whisper was driving him insane. It was intolerable to him that she felt any discomfort. “She’ll be okay. Don’t you worry about her.”


  “Yeah, baby, she’s alive. She has a broken hip and arm, and a concussion, but she’s alive.”

  “Saved me.”

  “I know, baby. I know.” And she’d earned his undying loyalty with that one act of self-sacrifice.

  He couldn’t resist touching her for one more second, brushing her platinum blonde hair back from her face as gently, as lovingly as he could. “Sleep, sweetheart. I’m here. I’ll keep you safe.”

  When she nuzzled her cheek so trustingly into his hand and fell instantly asleep, two things happened. His heart broke in half, reforming with her as its core.

  And his resolve to kill Parker before he could lay another finger on her blossomed into something more. The man hadn’t just hurt his mate, he’d hurt his Pride. Looking into the dark blue eyes of the sheriff, Adrian finally understood what had driven his father to be a cop. Because the same fierce need to protect that haunted him burned in Gabe’s eyes, too.

  Chapter Six

  Max had implemented every one of his safety suggestions. Surprisingly, Adrian had found he and Gabe made a good team, each one bouncing ideas off the other until they had working plans they both approved of. Gabe had managed to get the hospital’s agreement on the guards, the room changes, everything they’d wanted.

  And through it all Max had watched, silent, that odd smile on his face more often than not.

  “Will you fucking tell me what you’re smiling over?” Adrian finally demanded the next morning. It was just before they opened. Max had arrived at the practice with that damn smile on his face and it hadn’t left. It was driving Adrian nuts.

  For the first time ever Adrian felt Max’s full power. The golden haired man drew up to his full height, his power whipping about him, filling Adrian’s senses until he should have fallen to the ground, groveling. Why he didn’t surprised him. He should have been down on the floor kissing cheap carpet. Instead he was standing upright, eyes locked on Max, every sense alert to some unknown threat. He didn’t even realize he’d taken a battle stance until Max relented, the power withdrawing into him with a suddenness that sent Adrian stumbling, like he’d been leaning against a wall and that wall suddenly disappeared.

  “Do you understand what’s happening to you?”

  Max’s voice was gentle.

  “No,” Adrian said, horrified. Did I nearly challenge the Alpha?

  Max grinned. “Knock it the hell off.”

  I nearly challenged the Alpha, and he’s smiling about it? He bared throat in a submissive gesture that, despite his earlier posturing, felt perfectly natural.

  “Don’t bare your throat to me.”

  The command in Max’s voice, the near anger there, surprised him. His head snapped up. “Why not? I nearly challenged you, for fuck’s sake.”

  Max laughed. “Asshole.”

  Somehow, hearing his friend call him that made everything all right. “Fine, Lion-O, why don’t you tell me what’s going on with me?”

  “Only Emma gets to call me that,” Max groused, flopping down into an office chair. He stretched his long legs out before him, his feet crossed at the ankles, and folded his hands over his stomach. He was the picture of ease, and it didn’t fool Adrian for a moment. Those sky blue eyes were too sharp for him to be truly relaxed.

  “Fine. Oh Great and Exalted Leader, impart your wisdom unto me. And hurry it up, I’ve got a patient due in an hour.”

  Max rolled his eyes. “Do you remember the position your father held within the Pride?”

  Adrian nodded; it was no secret. “Yeah. He was Marshal.”

  “And what does the Marshal do?”

  Adrian frowned. Max was being a pain in the ass. “The Marshal protects the Alphas and the Pride from threats,” he parroted. “Do I get a cookie now?”

  “And when was the last time the Pride was threatened?” Max raised one brow and stared at him demandingly.

  Adrian blew out a breath. “My father killed an Outcast who was hurting Pride members. Females, to be specific,” he added with a little growl.

  “Uh-huh. And that was, what? Twenty-five years ago?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “So your dad is no longer Marshal.”

  Adrian shrugged. “I know. I figured Gabe was. That’s why he came back to the area.” Adrian gulped as his eyes went wide. “Are you telling me I’m Gabe’s Second?”

  Max rolled his eyes. “No. Idiot. Gabe is your Second. You’re Marshal.”

  Adrian blinked. “No fucking way.”

  “Yes fucking way.”

  “I’m an eye doctor. I’m not a cop.”

  Max grinned. “So? Are you saying I can’t kick ass with the best of them?”

sp; Adrian’s eyes widened. “No! Hell, no. Do I look stupid?”

  “I’m not going to answer that.”


  Max grinned. “What about Simon? Do you consider him a wimp?”

  “No,” Adrian agreed thoughtfully.

  “Okay then. Didn’t you notice how Gabe listened to you, followed your directions, added on only after he’d gotten your approval?”

  Adrian blinked again, startled. The other man had done that, hadn’t he?

  “That’s because he knew instinctively who you are, and who he is. And he’s fine with it.”

  Hell, maybe Max was right. He blew out a breath as all the odd sensations he’d been feeling recently suddenly made sense. All males felt the need to protect their mate, it was bred into them. A male who wasn’t willing to lay down his life in defense of his mate and kits didn’t deserve either. But his reaction to Belle’s pain had been almost as strong as his reaction to Sheri’s. His need to ensure his Alpha’s safety and the safety of his Pride had been eating at him for the past two days, ever since his tires had been slashed. Adrian was both horrified and fascinated. “Marshal?”

  Max sighed. “You know how the hierarchy goes, Adrian. Why are you surprised you’d be right at the top? You’re damn near as powerful as I am, and you are as powerful as Simon. And, hell, the three of us have been best friends for years. I just had to make sure you accepted it before confirming it.”

  Alpha, Beta, Marshal, Omega; that’s the way the hierarchy went. Alpha was the ruler of the Pride, the Marshal was its paw, and the Omega was its heart. All were positions you were born to, not made into. The Alpha could tell you how the Pride was as a whole, but had trouble seeing the details, so the Marshal filled in the physical aspects for the Alpha while the Omega filled in the emotional ones. Without all three the Pride would falter and eventually die.

  He looked into Max’s eyes and saw the understanding there. Max had a similar burden, but his, as Alpha, was even greater. There was no sympathy in his gaze. Like him, Adrian was what he was.

  He nodded his acceptance.

  He felt the mantle of the Marshal settle on his shoulders with surprising ease as Max’s power subtly surrounded him. It felt comfortable, like a part of him had been missing and then given back to him. His Puma purred its approval. He now had the authority necessary to ensure not only the safety of his mate, but that of his Alphas and his Pride. Although he knew it was still incomplete; they had no Omega, but unless he missed his guess Max already knew who it was and was just waiting for the right moment to clue the person in.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  Max shrugged. “Sure.”

  “Why didn’t I feel this when Becky was attacked?”

  Max raised one eyebrow and waited.

  And it hit him. “She wasn’t Pride yet.” And because Livia hadn’t endangered a Pride member, his “spider sense” hadn’t tingled.

  “And since she challenged Emma rather than just attacking her, it wouldn’t have set you off, either.”

  “But Emma was in danger, wasn’t she?”

  Max shrugged. “Not really. It was a dominance challenge. Trust me, if Livia had gone after Emma without challenge, you would have activated.”

  “Okay, now you make me sound like a Wonder Twin.” Adrian shuddered.

  Max huffed out a laugh and leaned forward. “Yeah, I can just see you in purple tights. Do you want to know how this works or not?”

  “I suppose I’d better. I wouldn’t want to be so lame I could be beaten by a mop.”

  Max grinned. “Okay, relax. Think about the Pride as a whole. Who’s in pain right now, and is it natural or something inflicted?”

  He frowned. How the hell was he supposed to know that?

  Only, he did know. Becky had a toothache; he’d have to let Simon know. Sarah Parker had cut her finger, probably trying to cook. She was a bit clumsy with the kitchen knives, and just about anything else she laid her hands on. Marie Howard had a skinned knee from a fall. Emma also had a cut finger…and she was…

  He turned to Max, horrified. “Emma!”

  Max was up and out the door before he’d finished. Adrian was right behind him. It was only a few blocks to Wallflowers but they both ran the whole way, jackets left behind in their hurry to get to Emma.

  Max stopped outside the door. “Mother fucker.”

  Adrian growled low in his throat at what had been the glass front of the store. Emma held up a piece of the glass that had been her picture window, some of the old-fashioned gold lettering still visible, blood dripping down her hand from where she’d cut herself. Her eyes glistened with tears as she stared at it. “Max?”

  Max was through the door and holding his mate before the first tear fell.

  The gold eyes that locked on Adrian’s were fierce. “Find him.”

  Unspoken were the words, kill him.

  Sheri woke up with the worst headache she’d ever felt in her life. Her head pounded in time to her heartbeat, and nausea danced a tango in her stomach. It felt like something was trying to pry its way out of the top of her head using a jackhammer. “Kill me,” she whispered, groaning.

  Even that slight sound made her skin crawl.

  “Hey, princess. Head hurt?”

  She opened her eyes. Adrian leaned down, nose to nose so she could see him clearly. His deep brown eyes were full of concern.

  “Owie,” she whimpered.

  He kissed her forehead, reaching above her to press the call button. “I’ll get you some medicine for the pain. Okay?”

  She would have nodded but that might have made the top of her head fall off. So she chose not to. She closed her eyes against the minute glare coming through the windows. Adrian must have shut the curtains. Bless the man.

  “Okay, sweetheart, the nurse is coming.”

  She could hear the squeaky shoes of the nurse in the overly waxed hallways before he did, but she didn’t say anything. Speaking hurt too much. Even grunting was beyond her at the moment.

  If he’d just kill her the pain would stop. She’d be forever grateful to him.

  She closed her eyes as he began stroking her hair, careful of the large lump on the side of her head. She heard the nurse enter quietly, and Adrian explaining what was wrong. A few minutes later the nurse injected something into her IV.

  “You’ll feel better in a few moments, sweetheart.”

  She couldn’t even nod. She sighed, and he seemed to understand.

  He left her for a moment. She could hear water running in the bathroom, and a moment later a cool washcloth was draped over her forehead and over her eyes. She moaned as the cold took some of the pain away.

  “I don’t want you to worry about anything, princess. I have it all under control. Relax and go to sleep.”


  “The vet checked him out. He’s fine, just a little banged up. They kept him overnight for observation. He’s at my place now.”

  Her lips twitched up. It wasn’t a smile, she hurt too much for that, but it was the beginnings of one.

  “Belinda’s awake and talking. She’s in pain, and she’ll need physical therapy, but she’ll be okay.” His hand moved back to her hair, stroking softly. “Gabe’s looking into who hit her, and we’ve set up security measures for the both of you. Someone will be with you at all times.”

  She stirred, frowning. Just as she opened her mouth, his finger pressed against her lips.

  “No. I need this, sweetheart. Don’t fight me on it. I can’t be with you all the time, but I need to know you’re protected or I’ll lose my fucking mind.”

  She kissed his finger in answer.

  “Thank you.” His lips gently touched hers, a barely felt caress that didn’t jar her head. “I put the same security measures on Belle, just in case.”

  She bit her lip and tried not to cry. She knew it wasn’t her fault, but she couldn’t help feeling it was. The medicine the nurse had given her began to work, making her drowsy. She fe
lt herself slipping away again as his lips brushed hers once more.

  “Sleep, princess. I’ll guard you.”

  She wasn’t sure, but just as she drifted off she thought she heard him whisper, “Love you.”

  That was good. Because she loved him, too.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead!”

  Sheri considered keeping her eyes closed just a little bit longer. Maybe four or five hours. Just until Mrs. Anderson left.

  “I know you’re awake, Missy McFaker! Open those eyes! It’s a beautiful day out!”

  Oh, dear God, please don’t let her have opened the blinds. Sheri cracked her eyes open and shut them with a squeak as ice picks in the form of sunlight jabbed themselves into her eyeballs. “Please close the curtains!”

  “Dear, you need more sunlight. You’re way too pale.”

  Sheri groped the nightstand, trying to find her sunglasses. “Can you hand me my sunglasses, please, if you won’t shut the curtain?”

  “Those old things? They’re way too dark. You should try using blue blockers. You’ll see much better that way.”

  That would turn the ice picks into broadswords. No, thank you. “I have albinism, Mrs. Anderson. Sunlight is dangerous for me,” she explained as patiently as she could.

  “Oh? OH!” Sheri heard the rattling of the curtains being drawn. As the light dimmed she sighed in relief. She cautiously opened her eyes.

  The room was comfortably dim again. Mrs. Anderson stood at her bedside holding her sunglasses. “Sorry, dear. I didn’t realize.”

  Sheri stared at her, totally dumbfounded.

  “Yes, I know. I’m not the world’s most observant person. Are you hungry?”


  Mrs. Anderson beamed down at her, dark blue eyes twinkling. “Good. I’ll just get you your lunch then.” She marched over to the door and pulled it open. “The young lady is awake and we’re hungry.” She shut the door and marched back over to the bed. “There. Your food should be here shortly.”

  Sheri tried, and failed, to stifle a giggle. “Door to door service, huh?”

  Mrs. Anderson nodded decisively. “Of course. It pays to be the grandmother of the sheriff and the mate of the Marshal, you know.” She plopped down into the chair next to the hospital bed, grinning. “So, what is it you want to know?”


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