Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 11

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  As though on cue, the door opened and Veronica flounced back into the room, pouncing onto the bed beside Steel. She saw what she had interrupted and her eyebrows rose slightly, her mouth lilting upwards.

  “Did I interrupt a sweet moment?” she asked coyly. “My two favorite people getting a little bit closer, perhaps?”

  Steel grinned as he released Marcy’s chin and turned to Veronica.

  “Why? You jealous?”

  Veronica giggled, curled up beside Steel.

  “Not at all,” she said, sighing. “I want you to like each other. I want us all to like each other…”

  Veronica looked right at Marcy as she spoke, eyes dancing, hopeful. Marcy looked back at Steel. Baby…

  She shook her head, bewildered by her own feelings, her affection for Steel growing even as her feelings for Veronica deepened. Maybe this can work, she thought as she felt Steel’s strong bicep pulling her in close to his body, the radiating heat of him lulling her tired senses. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad…

  It was still early when they fall back asleep, entwined in the too-small bed of Marcy and Veronica’s dorm room. This time, they were pressed so tight that Marcy didn’t feel left out, tucked on Steel’s side. She didn’t have any dreams. She slept well. And she woke up happy.


  In the two weeks since Steel had first come to their dorm room and Marcy had allowed herself to let go once more, she’d found herself getting used to all sorts of things that she never imagined she’d have to get used to - like sleeping with two other people in a twin-size bed; with Veronica and Steel pressed tight against her. Like exploring her body in new ways every time they made love, all three of them taking and giving until they collapsed, exhausted. Like separating her expectations from reality. And surprising herself, again and again.

  She had come to terms with the new normal. She never asked “what are we doing” or “who am I to you” or “what’s going to happen next”; those questions seemed juvenile. It wasn’t about who belonged to who or who loved who most or even how it would all end up. It was about the moment, each moment, about pleasure and pain and closeness. Veronica still called Steel her boyfriend and called Marcy her best friend. Marcy didn’t think about herself as anything; not Steel’s girlfriend, not Veronica’s girlfriend. She sometimes had nagging doubts about her place, but she pushed them aside.

  What she did question was why Steel had stopped inviting them back to the clubhouse, where he had a room. His club, the War Horses, were based forty minutes or so away from Veronica and Marcy’s college. The first night they’d all spent together, they’d been at the clubhouse. But now, they spent their nights in Marcy and Veronica’s dorm room. She didn’t question it aloud, not even when she was alone with Veronica. But she wondered.

  Mostly, the reason she wondered was because there had been a man back at that clubhouse that hadn’t yet left Marcy’s memory. Crook. After her night in the clubhouse, when she’d tried to sneak out in the wee hours of the morning, Crook had accused her of being up to no good. He’d strip-searched her and locked her in a room. By all accounts, she should hate him. And she told herself that she did hate him.

  But that didn’t stop her from remembering the way he’d touched her, the way her body had responded. It didn’t stop her from dreaming about him. It didn’t stop her from wondering what it would be like to be with a man like that, someone so powerful and raw and…rude. Steel was rough in his own way; he certainly wasn’t a puppy. But Crook…he had a hardness in him, a recklessness that Marcy found herself thinking about at the worst moments. Like when Steel was entering her, or late at night when she was drifting off in Veronica’s arms.

  It didn’t help that Crook was the utter opposite of Steel in the looks department. Crook had black hair, black eyes, and a black, bushy beard; Steel was a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Adonis. It was almost as though they represented everything a man could be, and Marcy wanted to know both sides of that coin.

  Steel had been her first. He’d taken her virginity. Usually, Marcy knew, the guy who took your V-card was the one you ended up obsessed with. But nothing about her sexual awakening had been normal in the slightest. And the more she felt pushed to expand her boundaries, the more she wondered about what another man would feel like inside her…


  Crook called Steel into his office as soon as he knew the younger man had returned. Steel had been spending a lot of nights away from the club, and Crook didn’t need three guesses to figure out where those nights had been spent. He’d told Steel that he wanted Marcy. Steel had yet to deliver.

  “I know you know I’m not a patient man, Steel,” Crook growled from behind his desk. Steel’s hard, narrowed eyes didn’t falter, even under his President’s stare.

  “I guess I do know that,” Steel said, crossing his arms. “I also know it’d take a damn fool of a President to go around threatening his own men just to get laid.”

  At that, Crook visibly stiffened. Steel had been wanting to say that for weeks. He’d had more than enough of Crook’s evil eye glares and barely-veiled comments.

  “I don’t appreciate being told how a President should act,” Crook snarled in response.

  “And I don’t appreciate being treated like the enemy just ‘cause I can’t get a girl that you scared off to want to fuck you,” Steel said.

  The two men held each other’s stare, neither backing down. Why is he going so crazy over her, anyway? Steel wondered. He, of course, had more than a liking for Marcy. But she wasn’t that special. She was no Veronica. Marcy was cute with her brown hair and melted-gold eyes, and she was fit and firm and tight in all the right places, with nice, pert B-cup breasts and a very squeezable ass. But Veronica had that long, silky black hair, those deep green eyes, and a body so curvy it could drive a man crazy. For Steel, there was no contest.

  Why am I going so crazy over her, anyway? Crook asked himself. He’d only met her once, twice if you counted the awkward meeting the morning after. But he couldn’t forget how her flesh had responded to his touch, even under the direst of circumstances. And he couldn’t forget those deep, honey-hued eyes, either.

  But Steel was right. If any other man in his company had acted like Crook when on the hound, he would have chewed them out good. Still, he hated admitting when he was wrong.

  “You’ve got a point,” he said through gritted teeth, breaking the stare first. “It’s not your fault if she’s reluctant to jump into bed with a man who locked her in a room.”

  Steel fought the urge to breathe a sigh of relief. Truth was, he probably could have gotten Marcy into Crook’s bed a lot earlier – he’d held off, partly from spite and partly from liking Marcy too much to deliver her straight into Crook’s arms.

  “I appreciate it,” Steel said, softening his tone. “I’m doing my best, boss.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” Crook said, waving his hand to dismiss Steel. “You just keep on trying.”

  Steel nodded and left the room, closing the door behind him. He looked at the doorknob for a moment before moving down the hall. He knew it was time. He’d had his fun with Marcy, and it was time to share. And, he knew, it wasn’t just because Crook was lusting after her. He’d seen – and heard – enough, all those nights in Veronica and Marcy’s dorm, to know the desire was hardly one-sided. He wasn’t doing anyone any favors by keeping them apart – except for himself.

  Crook tried to return his focus to the papers in front of him, accounts from the bar that were designed to hide the remainder of the War Horses’ income flow. But he kept getting distracted. Even after all these weeks, he couldn’t get Marcy out of his head. He didn’t know if he just needed her once – to get her out of his system – or if it was something deeper. He hoped for the former, feared the latter.

  Nothing could bring a big man down faster than a little woman. Either way, he was getting impatient. He needed her out of his head one way or another. And that would begin with one night. The rest…well, he could deal with the rest whe
n he came to it.

  Steel had better deliver soon, or Crook couldn’t promise he wouldn’t go back to his wrong-minded behavior. That girl had the better of him, it was for sure. The only solution? Get the better of her, and fast.


  Veronica always left early for class on Thursday mornings, while Marcy could sleep in. And since Steel had started spending more and more time in their dorm room, even on weeknights, Thursday mornings had become a strange time for Marcy. It was the one time that she was alone with Steel, without Veronica acting as a buffer – or, rather, the cream to their Oreo.

  For that matter, on the nights that Steel didn’t come by, Veronica and Marcy didn’t act on their desires or impulses with each other. It seemed clear to Marcy, that it had become an all-or-nothing package deal. Veronica and Marcy would cuddle at night together, but that was it.

  Somehow, this was easier for Marcy than being alone with Steel. Perhaps because just being close to Veronica was enough to make Marcy happy; she liked the feel of her roommate’s soft skin against her own, the way her hair smelled, the way she smiled in her sleep sometimes. With Veronica, it was more than lust, and love made the waiting bearable.

  Marcy didn’t entertain the notion that Veronica might feel the same way. It would hurt too much to imagine that Veronica loved her the way Marcy loved Veronica, only to know, deep down, that it wasn’t true. It would remind Marcy that someday, Veronica might move on and leave her behind. So she didn’t think about it, didn’t worry about it, and just let it be. She had Veronica now, and that was enough.

  Still, that left the issue of Steel.

  Marcy had been trying to figure out how to talk to Veronica about it. Whenever Steel spent the night, they’d go to bed satisfied – and wake up horny. Thursday mornings were no exception, but without Veronica there, Marcy wasn’t sure whether or not she was supposed to – or allowed – to act on those morning feelings.

  Veronica and Steel still seemed like the couple, with Marcy as the added bonus. Marcy didn’t mind being the added bonus. And, she realized, she was slowly feeling closer to closer to Steel. Almost as close as she felt to Veronica. But was their room for all three of them in one relationship? She didn’t really know, and she tried not to linger on the question for too long. After all, she was having a lot of fun being the added bonus.

  And college was about having fun, right? She’d wanted adventure and excitement and daring – and sleeping with Steel and Veronica gave her all of that, and then some. She did her best to keep it in mind that this was all a grand and exciting experiment, and expecting anything more would be foolish.

  But that all didn’t make the question of what to do about Thursday mornings any easier to answer. Steel had only been there once before on a Thursday, and neither had made a move on the other, despite obvious – and intense – desire in both parties. It had almost hurt to wake up beside Steel’s hard, chiseled body and not act on the opportunity. Marcy wasn’t sure she’d be quite so strong the next time it happened.

  Which, as it happened, was exactly a week after the first time. Marcy half-woke when Veronica pried herself from the threesome, all squeezed together in the too-small bed. She watched through bleary, blinking eyes as Veronica dressed, felt her friend’s soft lips kissing Marcy’s cheek as a goodbye, then the brush of her breasts behind fabric as Veronica leaned over her to kiss Steel goodbye, too. And then Marcy fell easily, though not quite contentedly, back to sleep.

  When she woke again, she was flushed and panting. She couldn’t really remember the dream she’d been having, but it had been a whopper, that was for sure. She could feel how wet she was between the legs, the way her skin tingled all over and her stomach felt emptier than empty – her desire left unsatisfied as the dream drifted away into her subconscious.

  Groaning with frustration, she rolled over, wanting to close her eyes and slip back into dreamland to finish what her mind had started. But when she rolled over, she found Steel, awake and staring at her. Her body stiffened. When he looked at her that way…

  Well, it was hard to do anything but throb all over.

  “Morning,” he said, studying her, his ice blue eyes intense and heavy on her naked flesh. She felt hot and cold at the same time, tingling all over.

  “Morning,” she said back, drawing the covers up around her nude body. Her nipples were hard already. She didn’t want Steel to get the wrong idea…did she?

  “You know, a lesser man would be jealous,” Steel said, his voice so low and sexy that Marcy had to fight the urge to shudder.

  “What?” she asked, confused and overwhelmed – as usual – by the desire that pulsed in her veins.

  “That was one hell of a dream,” Steel said, half-smiling. Marcy blushed even more, if that was possible. There was no use in hiding how horny she was, then. He already knew. Marcy let her eyes flick downwards, just for a second. Sure enough, he wasn’t hiding his own ardor. His huge cock was stiff as a rod beneath the covers, making a very visible, totally indiscreet impression on the sheets. She looked back up at him and bit her lip. Just the sight of his hardness was making her slit wetter.

  “Oh,” she said. “I’m sorry if I kept you up…”

  He laughed, then moved in slightly closer, so that Marcy could smell him; man and leather and last night’s sex. Her mouth suddenly went dry.

  “Don’t apologize for your dreams, baby,” he said, and reached out to brush a strand of hair from her face. The merest contact made her want to melt. “But you know, it wasn’t my name you were mumbling in your sleep…”

  Veronica, Marcy thought, biting her lip even harder. He knows how I feel about her…I was dreaming about her…

  “…it was Crook’s,” he said, finishing his sentence and interrupting her train of thought.

  Marcy’s eyes widened, but the moment he said it, she knew it was true. She remembered, now, how she’d dreamt of the burly, handsome club President, taking her savagely, making her come again and again. She’d been having a lot of those dreams lately. She tried to tell herself that she was getting so much action from Steel and Veronica that her mind needed to think up something else for dreams.

  Truth was, she’d never forgotten the way her body responded to Crook’s rough hands on her body, his raw power washing over her and making her nerves dance.

  “Oh,” she said, blushing. “I…I…I don’t…I don’t know…”

  “You know,” Steel said, moving even closer, close enough that the heat of him flowed over her body and made her eyes feel heavy. “If you want him, you can have him. I can make that happen for you, baby.”

  “I…I don’t,” she protested. “It’s just dreams. I don’t really want him.”

  “No? You don’t want to know what another man’s cock would feel like in that tight pussy of yours? You don’t want to know how it would feel to fuck two men at once? ‘Cause I wouldn’t mind sharing you with one more person, baby…”

  “Steel,” Marcy whispered, feeling her body roar its desire as the dirty words filled her head. She was seeing mental pictures of herself pinned between Steel and Crook, pictures of Veronica and her sharing two cocks instead of one. When Steel grabbed her, roughly, and pulled her onto her back, simultaneously rolling over so that he was on top of her, pinning her to the mattress, she couldn’t help but spread her legs wide, her pussy begging to be filled by him.

  He leaned his hips in, teasing her, spreading her pussy with the head of his cock but going no further. She squirmed underneath him, her hips thrusting upward, but he put one hand on her waist and pinned her down.

  “You ever think about what that would be like?” he growled, sliding one more inch of himself into her, making her mouth open in a gasp. “Have two men at the same time?”

  “Urm,” she squealed, her mind racing with the thought of it, her body screaming for more of him. He chuckled and slid in further, still teasing her. Marcy felt her desire like an ache, wanted to be filled by him.

  “Wanna suck my fat cock while
Crook fills this sweet pussy?” Steel went on, inciting a blaze in her nerves as he slid in a little further. She moaned and tried to thrust upward again.

  “Tell me you want it, baby,” Steel breathed into her ear. “I wanna hear you say it.”

  “Yes,” she cried out. “I want to fuck Crook, I want to fuck both of you, I want two cocks filling me up, I want…I want…”

  “Good girl,” Steel said, and thrust into her fully. His cock seemed to split her pussy in two, and she cried out in pleasure as he thrust into her warm, wet sex.

  He lifted himself up and grabbed her hips, yanking them up off the bed; her legs wrapped around his waist, desperate for him to be deeper, closer. His fingers dug into the flesh of her buttocks as he fucked her fast and hard, slamming into her young cunt like a stallion, feeling the desperate contractions of her body as she neared climax.

  He lifted one hand, licked his thumb, and pressed it against her clit. Marcy felt the dual sensations bring her to a painful peak, her mind blanking as a white fever built in her womb. She clawed at the sheets, her whole body tense and raw with sensation.

  “You want me to come in you, baby?” Steel growled, barely containing his own climax as he watched the girl writhe and moan below him. “You wanna feel me fill this pussy?”

  “Yes, fuck yes, please, Steel,” Marcy groaned, wanting to feel him thrust into her deepest self, to give her what she needed.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, bottoming out inside her in one hard thrust, driving her over the edge as he spilled his warm, sticky seed into her. She bucked and came against him, crying out wantonly as her nerves scattered and darted with pleasure, seeming to confuse and overwhelm her body with energy and ecstasy. Steel’s cock throbbed inside her as her pussy milked every drop of his cum from his dick. When he was empty, he lowered her body gently, pulling out and leaning forward to kiss her dewy lips.


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