Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 32

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  “What do you think?” she asked. He shrugged.

  “Like I said, just, you know, be on your guard. But you probably could use a little confidence boost, so maybe doing something outside of your comfort zone would be good for you,” he said.

  Marla bit her lip and looked back. Cage and Tanner were looking at her, aloof but interested. Her stomach flipped. Heart raced. She remembered that strange reaction she’d had to shaking Cage’s hand. She looked back at her friends. Closed her eyes. Took a deep breath.

  “Okay,” she said. “Wish me luck?”

  “You don’t need it, you hot-ass bitch,” Cassie said flippantly. But then she looked up at Marla with a smile that said: you can do it, just have fun. Marla took a mental snapshot of that smile and logged it away, just in case she needed it.

  With another huge gulp of her beer, she breathed deeply and turned towards the two men. As soon as they saw her walking back, they stood up. When she was a few steps away, they began to walk to one of the less-crowded tables in the back of the bar.

  As soon as she slid in across from them, she knew she’d made the right decision.


  Three beers later, Marla was more than tipsy. Tanner had come around to her side of the booth, and across from them, Cage was regaling them with a story of being stung by a bee on the beach. Something about his telling of the story made it a lot funnier than it really was. Marla felt comfortable with Tanner’s arm draped around her shoulders. More than comfortable, really.

  That slight ignition of excitement she’d felt the first time she saw the men had only been amplified the more time she spent with them, the closer they got. She was dazzled by Tanner’s intense blue eyes and charmed out of her mind by Cage’s crooked smile. She’d never had such attention paid to her by such attractive men, and she thought it felt damn good. Better than good. It felt amazing.

  Cage finished his story and stood, saying he was going to get a refill of his drink, leaving Tanner and Marla alone at the table. Usually, Marla would have been struck with shyness, especially realizing how close Tanner really was. But, to her surprise, she only leaned in slightly closer, taking in the smell of him, the heat baking off his body.

  “Enjoying yourself?” Tanner asked, and Marla nodded, giggling.

  “You guys are great,” she said. “Really fun.”

  “And you’re not taken?” Tanner asked suddenly, the brazenness of the question reminding her of their confidence at the bar. Some version of Marla wanted to lean back and pout and ask what that had to do with anything, that she was just hanging out. “Just seems odd, someone like you should be all wifed up already.”

  She just blushed harder.

  “No, I…I, uh, just got out of something,” she said. When she felt Tanner’s strong hand land on her thigh, brushing her skin with his thumb, electricity rocketed up her spine. Her mouth actually dropped open in surprise.

  “You know the best way to get over getting out of something,” Tanner said. “Is to get into something else. Meet me in the bathroom in five minutes.”

  With that, he slipped away, leaving Marla’s skin still tingling from where his thumb had caressed her flesh. Immediately, she felt her desire awakening, slowly at first then all at once. When had Todd’s touch ever left her so aroused? Even his most sensual massages never came close to the way Tanner’s hand, merely laid on her thigh, a single stroke of his thumb, made her feel lit up like a Christmas tree. Blushing bright red, she pulled out her phone.

  OMG hottie asked me to join him in the bathroom! She texted with shaking fingers to Cassie, praying her friend’s phone would be on so that she wouldn’t have to dive through the sea of people to find her. To her relief, her phone immediately dinged with a reply.

  Which one? And why are you still sitting at that table?!?!?! Realizing Cass must be near enough to see her, Marla looked up, scanning the bar. She sighted the blonde standing near the door, staring right back at her although she was among a larger group.

  Black hair, blue eyes. And because that’s like, weird???? Marla texted back refraining from including the very real and very strange detail about his hand on her thigh, and what it had done to her body.

  You’re crazy!!!! Go for it!!!! I’m right out here if something goes wrong! Cassie replied. Marla bit her lip, considering. The minutes were passing by quicker than she wanted. And where was Cage, anyway? He should have been back with the drinks…

  Looking up, she caught Cassie’s eye once more. The blonde stomped her foot dramatically, pointed to the bathroom door, and mouthed one word: go.

  Marla closed her eyes. She thought of Todd, half Tanner’s size with a quarter of his good looks, in bed with some other girl. She thought of the way her skin had crawled so deliciously when he’d put her hand on his thigh. She thought of how she could blame it all on the booze in the morning. She thought of the royal nagging she’d endure from Cass if she didn’t. And then she thought of that hand again and…

  The bathroom was surprisingly clean. It had a single stall, being a unisex bathroom, and a mirror and sink, but not much else. Tanner was leaning against the sink when Marla entered. She caught a glimpse of her own face in the mirror behind him when she entered and stood before him, a shy smile on her face, blushing beet red.

  “I…I don’t usually…”

  “Come here,” Tanner said, a wicked grin crossing his face. Marla chewed her lip, swayed forward without actually taking a step. But before she could blink, she felt herself being pressed forward, Tanner’s larger figure walking her across the bathroom until her heels hit cold tile.

  Just like in the ring, she thought dazedly; it would be the last coherent thought she’d have for some time. Tanner’s lips closed over hers, firm but soft, pressing urgently, his tongue demanding entrance to her mouth. Marla’s eyes fluttered closed as she allowed him, his tongue running along the inside of her lower lip before moving further in, his arms closing around her waist. He pulled her away from the wall, into the center of the room, his tongue slipping against hers, tickling the roof of her mouth, dancing against her cheeks until she was moaning.

  Marla’s whole body seemed to throb at once with a gloriously deep desire, her head detaching from her shoulders, nipples tight and clit begging for attention as Tanner’s hand moved from her waist to her hair, grabbing at it and exerting the slightest force, just enough for Marla to feel who was in control.

  All the same, she felt her own fingers closing around his belt loops and tugging, pulling him in closer, his knee slipping between her legs, his cock hard against her thigh. Her nerves seemed to come alive one by one, each moment that passed awakening some new place on her flesh that craved his friction. As his lips moved away from hers, she whimpered, wanting to feel his breath in her lungs, his tongue in her mouth…until that mouth began to favor her earlobes and neck, and his hand moved to cover one breast with a warmth that made her heart beat in double time.

  Marla was flushed and panting, her brain giving up all its protests in the name of decency. She was going to let this guy fuck her in the men’s bathroom, and she didn’t give a single fuck. The hand in her hair yanked backwards, forcing her to expose her neck, and his mouth travelled down, leaving a trail of warmth where his lips graced her skin, her stomach boiling with desire. His hand on her breast teased her nipple through the cotton of her shirt, twisting it slightly until pain and pleasure mixed in a whirlwind of delirious sensation.

  She didn’t hear the door opening, or shutting. She didn’t second guess it when the hand in her hair and the one on her breast was joined by fingers snaking up her thigh. She only felt pleasure, pleasure, and more pleasure as those fingers slipped up past her shorts and then down her waistband before grazing her swollen clit. Only then did she gasp, eyes popping open, and feel the second body pressed hard against her.

  “What the actual fuck!” she yelled, pushing herself off Tanner, only to stumble back onto another body, one as hard and hot as his. Swirling around, she found herself face
to face with Cage. Her mouth opened, but no sound came out. She expected, for some reason, for him to be smiling and laughing, some sort of sick joke, but his expression was set in dire hunger.

  “What. The. Fuck,” she said, stumbling away from the two men, both hands out as though to hold them off. But, though visions of force ran through her mind, the two men stayed where they were. The two men exchanged a quick glance.

  “Worth a shot,” Tanner said with a shrug. Marla felt rage building inside her.

  “Um, no, fucking…no. That does not make it okay to fucking…fucking…do….do whatever you just did! I came in here with you,” she said, pointing one finger in Tanner’s face. “Not you,” she continued, moving her finger to point at Cage.

  “That’s fine,” Cage said, stepping to the side. “You’re not into it. We’ll find someone else who is.”

  “What the hell,” Marla said, suddenly feeling like she was making an ass of herself even though clearly she was in the right. “Do you do this shit to all girls? I mean, is this some gay thing? It’s fine if it is but…”

  “No, and no,” Tanner said. “But many girls find they rather like having two men at their disposal, rather than just one.”

  “Um, not this girl,” Marla said. “You should really tell someone before you…you…do that.” She ran her fingers through her hair, huffing in shock and sheer amazement at their cockiness over the whole thing. “Can’t you find two girls to…”

  “I don’t want two girls,” Cage interrupted, and he moved closer to her. Marla took half a step back, but felt herself drawn into his gaze. Powerful, demanding, raw. “I like having one girl, and watching her come again and again while we fuck her mercilessly.”

  Marla’s mouth opened again, her lip quivering slightly. Her eyes were wide. Trying to take it all in: what he was saying, the way he was saying it, the way he looked at her while he said it, the pure virile power of his body…

  She was as wet as she could ever remember being in her whole life. Her pussy throbbed and ached, her clit screaming for attention over the slight tease that had been Cage’s fingers…

  “So?” Tanner said, arms crossed around his chest. Marla’s attention turned to him, and she realized they were waiting for her to stay or go.

  “I, uh…I have…I have to go,” she said, and before her body could take over, she pushed past them. But she felt a strong grip on her wrist and twirled around, heart fluttering somewhere between panic and desire. Her skin raised in goose bumps as Tanner smoothed her palm out before grabbing a sharpie from his pocket; while she stood, too dumbfounded to speak, he wrote out a phone number on her palm.

  “In case you change your mind,” he said with a knowing look. Marla looked at her palm, then at him, then at Cage, then back at her palm again. Then she ran out the door.

  When it shut behind her, she was panting, red-faced, and the whole bar seemed to be looking at her. No one was, of course, but she felt like she had the stench of sex and desire leaking from her every pore. Hurriedly, she scanned the room for Cassie; luckily, the tall blonde was drunk enough to be laughing louder than the music, and Marla rushed to her side.

  “We need to go,” Marla said, whispering in Cassie’s ear. Cassie turned to her, slightly drunk, a smile lingering on her lips. That smile promptly disappeared when she saw the state that Marla was in.

  “What happened? Whose ass do I need to kick? Point ‘em out to me! John, get over here and…” Cassie was looking around the bar frantically for the culprit while waving at John across the room.

  “No, no one, Cass, let’s just go,” Marla said, pulling her friend towards the exit.

  “Well, John’s our ride, I’m wasted,” Cassie said, resuming her waving. Luckily, John spotted her and strode across the bar towards the two girls. His face darkened as he got closer and saw Marla’s distress.

  “Did those guys fuck with you? Marla, say the word and…”

  “Ugh, no! No, let’s just go, please, I’ve had enough of being here and I just want out,” she said through her teeth, pulling Cassie towards the exit once more. John trotted ahead of them and opened the door for them. Marla noticed that he turned once; Cage and Tanner stood at the bar once more, and the three men shared a heated look.

  Finally, the Cassie and Marla tumbled into the car. Cassie opted to sit in the back seat with Marla.

  “Babe, I feel like a damn chauffer,” John complained, shutting the driver’s side door. Cassie shot him her lioness look and he turned away, silently starting the car.

  “Marla, you need to tell me if something happened. We can do something about it…”

  “Cassie, please, just trust me. It’s not…nothing awful happened. I just…I just got overwhelmed, that’s all,” Marla said, realizing as she said it that it wasn’t too far from the truth. Except that “overwhelmed” took on a few different meanings in the context.

  “Aww, babe, I’m sorry. It looked like you were having fun,” Cassie said, hugging her friend in close. Cassie smelled like cranberry vodkas and lip gloss, but it was comforting to have her close. Especially since Marla had been left with a lingering arousal that made the whole world seem like a trippy sort of porno.


  After John dropped Marla off at her place, with both John and Cassie imploring her to call if she needed anything and John repeating that he’d “take care” of whoever had upset her, if she wanted him to, she immediately went to bed, forgoing even the hangover-preventing glass of water she was usually responsible enough to drink.

  She tossed and turned for what felt like hours, feeling her body’s long, slow descent from the height that Tanner’s touch had brought her to. And Cage’s, she reminded herself scolding herself the next moment for even giving him the benefit of including him as a reason for her arousal. After all, she’d already been wound up, there was no way that finger would have felt anything but amazing.

  Finally, she slipped into a feverish sleep.

  Unfortunately, even in sleep, she couldn’t escape the desire in her breast.

  She dreamed she was on a boat in the middle of nowhere. The sun was high and glorious on her skin, the lapping of the waves peaceful and repetitive. She was lying back in a recliner, enjoying the cool breeze. A figure appeared beside her, and looking up she was delighted to see Tanner there, his black hair blowing slightly in the breeze, his cool blue eyes softly tracing her body.

  He was naked, and Marla reached up to stroke him, feeling the blood pumping through his cock, her fingers lingering near the plush head. Suddenly, another figure appeared to her other side. Cage, Tanner’s opposite, with his short blonde hair impeccably coifed, his melting brown eyes similarly devouring her. He, too, was nude, and she reached up with her other hand, taking his erect cock and giving it the same attention she was giving Tanner.

  She leaned in close to Tanner’s cock and licked the head, smiling up at him, only to turn and give Cage the same treatment. Tanner’s hands pressed on her head, moving her mouth down Cage’s cock; suddenly, she was on her knees, and while bobbing her head up and down on Cage’s dick, she felt Tanner’s fingers probing her slit, her juices running freely as he moved his fingers up and down, teasing her clit by rolling over it only to move down and tease her pussy by penetrating it slightly.

  Moving her mouth from Cage’s cock, she turned to give Tanner her mouth’s attention, using her hand to pump Cage while her tongue rolled over Tanner’s head, tasting his briny pre-cum. Cage’s hands played with her breasts, making her moan, tweaking the nipples slightly as Tanner’s fingers continued their assault on her pussy, bringing her infinitesimally closer to orgasm with each teasing slide.

  And then she was riding one of them, didn’t even know which one, while the other cupped her chin, fed her his cock one inch at a time. They were different but the same. It didn’t matter, the pleasure running through her body told her it didn’t matter who was who.

  Especially not when she felt a thumb press against her clit as she ground herself down on
the man below her, felt the cock in her mouth throb, felt a hand on her shoulder pressing her down while the other cupped her tiny breast, the hips below her thrusting upwards, filling her just as her mouth filled with seed, and she came like a train, the whole world one glorious sensation, a thousand hands tickling all across her body, her body filled with a pleasure she’d never known possible, until…until…

  Marla woke up panting, a cold sweat making her blankets moist. Looking down, she found her fingers plunged between her legs, her fingers wet with her juices, her thighs painfully tense, a throbbing sensation in her pussy a reminder of the climax in her dream…a climax that, it seemed, hadn’t just been in her dream.

  As she spread herself out, still panting, still sweating, utterly confused, she tried to make sense of what she’d just experienced in her subconscious. Marla didn’t even like blowjobs; Todd had asked for them all the time, and she’d obliged, but only out of some sense of girl-friendly duty. But the dream had been so vivid, the feeling of having her mouth and pussy filled at the same time something so arousing and erotic that it had made her explode with pleasure. In fact, now that she thought about it, that dream orgasm was a million times better than any orgasm Todd had ever given her.

  People can have fantasies without wanting them to come true, she told herself, determined to be staid in her feelings that a threesome was disgusting and nowhere close to her actual desires.

  But the dream stayed with her throughout the day. She’d be clasping together a necklace and suddenly remember it, and her shaking hands would have to rest on the table top for a moment before she could regain enough composure to complete the task. She barely ate all day, even though she was, by nature, a voracious eater. And that night, she was afraid to even go to sleep, worried about what dreams that night would hold.


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