Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 54

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  She jumped seconds later as another deep masculine voice—this one belonging to Vic, the manager and co-owner of Night Life—called her back to the stage.

  “Um,” she mumbled, jumping up from her seat at Hamilton’s table as she nodded short and sharp in his direction, “Hold that thought, okay?”

  Two hours later Callie found herself once again on the main floor of Night Life; this time clasped in the muscular arms of the man who’d quickly become her biggest fan.

  Having completed her show 10 minutes ago, she and Hamilton now joined a throng of dancers who moved and swayed to the sound of a jukebox that played a selection of love songs from the past two decades.

  Only Callie failed to notice the particular tunes that guided her dance; all she could hear was the pounding of her own heart as she clung to the man she found irresistible. As her arms wound around his muscled shoulders, and her tender breasts crushed the surface of his hard muscled chest, she couldn’t help but lose herself in his tight embrace; staring deep into those gorgeous eyes as their hips swayed together and he swept her across the dance floor.

  “So it’s very nice to see that you’re warming up to me just a bit, baby,” he whispered, adding as he gyrated his trim hips hard and suggestive against hers, “And once you see the surprise I have waiting for you outside, I have the distinct feeling that that warmth just might blaze into heat.”

  Taking the hand of a quiet Callie, Hamilton lead her out the front door of the night club and in the direction of the curb that formed its northern border; a curb lined with an assortment of vehicles that ranged from hatch backs to pickup trucks, vans to convertibles—along with a long, sleek ebony limousine that just happened to stick out like the proverbial sore thumb.

  “One of these things is not like the other,” Callie sang, adding as she graced a grinning Hamilton with a sharp, playful nudge, “Now, let me try and venture a wild, totally random guess as to which car is yours?”

  Her question was answered moments later, as she was waved into the velvet cushioned back seat of the limo that sparkled bright in the light of a full Florida moon; admiring the way that its golden beams cast the car’s luxurious interior in a lovely, almost surreal glow.

  Also glowing in this ethereal light was the sparkling magnum of French champagne that was presented her in the back of the limo; one that came courtesy of an attentive date who advised his driver to “show them the town.”


  Soon she and Hamilton found themselves speeding through the streets of the downtown area; a blanket of gleaming, crystalline stars marking their way as their glasses clinked together in a midnight toast.

  “So I must say, Miss, that I was most impressed by your show tonight,” Hamilton whispered, leaning inward to sear her lips with a hard, hot kiss, “Let me ask you, are you considering applications for groupies? You know, those particularly devoted fans who would do anything to please you?” he said these last words on a succulent purr that sent a bolt of arousal searing through her being with sudden and overwhelming force.

  “Well I’m always taking applications,” she whispered, taking a long, fortifying sip of bubbly as her eyes issued him a sensual challenge he seemed all too willing to meet.

  Dropping to his knees before her with a single smooth flourish, he took her tired feet into two strong hands and freed them from their confining black pumps; rubbing her tired pads before leaning forward to suckle her toes in a worshipful manner.

  Throwing her head back, Callie let loose with a shocked gasp as an attentive Hamilton kissed his ways up her legs and thighs; his sturdy hands all the while massaging her soft fleshed, fully made hips.

  “I plan to show you just how modest and humble I can be, Ms. Bradford,” he growled, adding as he surged upward beneath the fabric of her soft denim shirt, “Not to mention willing to please.”

  With these words he surged forth to lick open her soft feminine folds; fixing his full, moist lips around her heaving clit as she moaned with contentment.

  Kissing and licking her swollen nub with warm, attentive lips, he moved his head from side to side to intensify the divine friction of his mouth against her skin; letting loose with what seemed to be a proud chuckle as his lover cried out with a pleasured gasp.

  Deep in her psyche Callie knew this was wrong. She knew that nothing good could come of getting involved with the man who was about to become part of her family; yet right now, at this moment, all she could focus on was the intense pleasure that ran wild through every part of her body. She even thrust her hips forward to intensify the sensation as he leaned his perfect head farther inward, licking and nipping her swollen clit as the strands of his thick, silky hair brushed the skin of her fleshy thighs.

  Finally, and with a last resounding lick he sent her over the edge of an intense, pounding orgasm; one that made her tremble from head to toe as she howled her pleasure.

  Surging upward to catch up her body in two tender arms, he swept her up in an impassioned embrace as he laid her with care down the length of his ultra-soft back seat; their arms and legs entangling as their lips collided in a fierce, intense kiss.

  The couple peeled each other’s clothes off before sinking full into the depths of their luxurious trysting spot; their hips and thighs locking between them as her bare breasts crushed the surface of his hard massive chest.

  Lowering his head to kiss the sensitive skin of her breasts, her lover suckled her nipples until they hardened and stiffened beneath his attentive lips; all the while stroking and tickling her sides as she wrapped her arms around his planed back.

  Still famished for the lusty attentions of her talented, ardent lover, Callie allowed her ravenous hands to roam free down the hard muscled surface of his perfect pecs and his flawless washboard abs; her eyes flying open to admire the whole of his immaculate masculine beauty.

  Finally, her agile fingertips closed around the base of his long, hard cock, an impressive shaft that seemed to salute her presence as he gasped outright in a show of raw desire.

  “So tell me my lady, does your groupie please you?” he growled against her lips, adding as he flipped over on his back and flexed his every golden muscle for her sublime pleasure, “Then take him!”

  Eager to heed these heated words, a lustful Callie impaled herself on his long, hard shaft; taking him to the depths of her soaking wet pussy as their thighs met and locked.

  Descending into her lover’s arms with a loud, impassioned growl, Callie seized his lips with a white hot kiss as their tongues and legs entangled between them. And even as an enraptured Hamilton continued to probe and penetrate her, he still remembered to touch her body with the upmost tenderness; massaging her breasts and gently rounded stomach as his hips gyrated hard against hers.

  Continuing their dance of the evening before on a far more intimate level, the couple writhed and slithered against each other; the rhythm of the moving car beneath them adding additional rhythmic friction to an already explosive encounter.

  Finally, and with a single smooth flourish his shaft surged forth to her very core, taking them both over the edge of an intense mutual orgasm; one that consumed them both in an unbridled wave of sheer, unbridled ecstasy.

  Collapsing in one another’s arms, the couple continued to kiss and cuddle as the limo beneath them completed its trek across the narrow expanse of downtown Plainview.

  “Drat it to blazes Hamilton, what have we just done?” she asked him, adding with a drunken smile, “I mean, don’t get me wrong, it felt fantastic. But why in the blazes did we do it? Our parents will kill us.”

  Hamilton shook his head.

  “We’re both adults, baby, and we’re both natural born rebels,” he reminded her, adding as he pressed his hard body brazen against hers, “My father well knows that I go after everything I want. And what I want, my darling, is you.”


  The next few weeks passed in a confused haze for Callie Bradford, as she found herself living in what she considered to be two par
allel plains. By day she found herself enveloped in preparations for her mother’s wedding; helping her choose the cake, dress and decorations that would make her day complete. By night she met the groom’s son for an endless series of naughty clandestine trysts; heated encounters that took place everywhere from various five-star hotel rooms throughout Plainview to her dressing room at Night Life.

  One evening, following an exhaustive bridal shower planning session that involved several aunts, a good number of cousins and several of Harry and Hamilton’s extremely rich and don’t you forget it relatives, she stopped by Hamilton’s apartment for some needed down time; only to be greeted at the door of his exclusive penthouse by a man wearing nothing but a sleek, velvety ruby red G-string.

  “Hamilton!” she exclaimed, her gaze devouring a massive chiseled chest, washboard abs, long, trim legs, and bulging package that now were fully revealed to her. “Are we having a casual day? Or is what you would call dressing for dinner?”

  She gasped as Hamilton took her gentle by the hand and pulled her to him; searing her lips with a white hot kiss as he pressed himself against her.

  “Well Dad said that you were planning your mom’s bridal shower today,” he whispered against her lips, closing his door behind them. “And I was just wondering if you were accepting auditions for a party stripper?”

  Callie grinned as he led her through a luxurious living area punctuated by trendy, cushiony azure hued velvet furnishings, a multi-faceted multi-media center that formed a full corner of the room, and various examples of brass framed fine artwork lining the walls.

  Sitting her down at the edge of a cushiony couch placed just beneath a brass, candle lined chandelier, Hamilton stood tall and proud before her as he flexed and writhed his muscled form; flexing his hard, toned pecs and rolling his washboard abs as he seared her with a hot blue eyed gaze that dripped with seduction.

  “You look incredible,” Callie purred, adding with a playful wink, “I do believe you’re hired.”

  She giggled in spite of herself as Hamilton shook his head—and his hard, trim hips—and wagged a scolding finger in her direction.

  “Well don’t make a final decision,” he purred, gyrating his heaving package full in her face, “without touching the merchandise.”

  With this he took her hands in his, inviting her to touch and caress every inch of his bare, exposed flesh. Ah, but aside from touching the merchandise Callie felt compelled to taste it as well; leaning forward to lick his abs as he writhed and undulated before her.

  She gasped then as he launched himself into her lap and gyrated like a wildcat; his sleek, sexy moves creating a divine friction that turned to fire the moment he kissed her.

  Continuing to wiggle and shimmy in her lap, Hamilton seized his lips in a heated kiss as his agile hands massaged her shoulders; in the process lowering the straps of her fire red sundress slowly down her arms as he gyrated his hips against hers.

  Lowering his head to kiss her exposed breasts, he wrapped his arms around her back and flung himself against her, their bodies now moving and dancing together as he licked her nipples and tickled his fingers down her bare sides and buxom thighs.

  Overwhelmed by the intoxicating effects of his sultry, provocative tease, Callie finally seized Hamilton and plied his lips with a heated kiss; her wandering hands tickling his abs before reaching downward to strip off his ruby red G-string.

  Soon their naked bodies collapsed in a fevered heap in the depths of his velvety couch; their arms and legs entangling to join their lips and tongues in a sexy, succulent tango. They lost themselves in an intimate embrace as their hips and thighs locked between them; their hands also joining as, in a single smooth flourish, he plunged his long, hard shaft to the depths of her soaking wet pussy.

  Their bodies continued to move and writhe together as Hamilton continued his dance on a far more intimate level, thrusting his hips against hers as his cock advanced and retreating—matching with perfection the rhythm of his tongue as it flexed and rolled inside her mouth.

  For a few priceless moments she lost herself in all things Hamilton; running her hands through his thick, dark hair as she inhaled his citrus tinged scent. She purred outright as he massaged her back, letting loose with a lusty growl as—with a long last thrust—he filled his lover to the core.

  The two screamed outright as their bodies exploded in the heat of an incredible climax; one that seized both of them in a haze of ecstasy as their eyes flew open to engage one another in a binding, impassioned gaze.

  Callie knew in that moment that they had made perfect love—and that they probably were destined to remake it time and time again, several more times that very night!

  Ah, but there was more to their forbidden affair than sex. Indeed, the two talked and laughed endlessly about everything from their childhood experiences to their future plans. Callie sang her songs for Hamilton and even wrote a few in his honor; he reciprocated with lavish gifts of rose bouquets, pearl and diamond jewelry, and even a new guitar—a shiny Les Paul model that she’d coveted since her teen-aged years.

  Yet as much as she relished her lover’s company and treasured every moment that they were together, Callie still dreaded the moment that they would stand side by side at the altar; not as a couple ready to marry, but as the adult children of the bride and groom.

  When that day finally arrived, Callie walked down the aisle in a sleek silk dress of rich pink taffeta; roses and baby’s breath weaved into the strands of her soft, fiery hair as delicate slippers adorned her feet.

  On her arm was a gorgeous man who likened a prince from another time; a tall, statuesque, ebony haired cavalier adorned in a smart jet black tuxedo and shiny silk shirt.

  Yet even as every woman in the room admired her escort with wide eyes, he only had eyes for her; pulling her closer to her side as he whispered, “You’re beautiful, my darling. And on this day of love, I simply must say it. I love you, Callie.”

  Nearly dropping the bouquet of pearl pink carnations that occupied her sturdy grasp, Callie strengthened her hold on her lover’s muscled arm.

  “I love you too,” she whispered, daring to hold his gaze for a long, timeless moment as the two finally approached the altar.

  The next few moments passed in a frothy haze for an addled, emotional Callie. Even as she watched her radiant mother, a vision that day in a foot length dress of satin and lace that shone in its hue of purest ivory, join her beloved in the eternal bonds of marriage, and even as she contemplated the bittersweet sight of seeing Jama kiss someone else aside from her beloved father, she still snuck hooded glances at the best man; a gent who returned those glances with grins and winks meant for only her to understand.

  Soon all assembled for the wedding travelled en masse to the Plainview Country Club, the site of their parents’ wedding reception.

  Seated at the long, lace clad table situated at the front of the hall, Callie took a moment to admire its ebullient decorative scheme; a delicate pastiche of white and red rose floral bouquets, ribbons, pennants and banners in the bride’s signature colors of white and pink, and balloons and confetti strewn at various spots throughout the hall. Then her gaze drifted to the center of the floor, where she saw her mother dance a slow, romantic waltz with her beaming new husband.

  She gasped as suddenly her vision was filled with the ebullient image of her own beloved; one who extended his hand across the table and invited her to dance.

  Soon she too swirled across the dance floor in the arms of a dashing, handsome partner; one who twirled and swayed her across the floor as they stared deep into one another’s eyes.

  “This day has been beautiful,” Callie whispered, gracing her beloved with a beneficent smile.

  Hamilton sniffed.

  “Oh it was fine, I suppose, for a ceremony that took place in Florida—as opposed to, say, Italy or France, where they really do it up right,” he chided with a caustic arched eyebrow, adding more seriously, “What I really mean to say, bella, is
that this day was not as beautiful as the woman in my arms. In the days that I have spent with you, Callie, you have changed the way I look at my life—you have changed me. And while I’m so sorry about the way I treated you at the beginning, I swear that I will spend the rest of our lives making it up to you. I love you, Callie.”

  With these words he swept her up into two loving arms and seared her lips with a binding kiss; his full, moist mouth seizing hers as he pressed his body to hers. Their public surroundings dissolved around them as she leaned into his kiss, sinking in his arms as their tongues began their own intimate tango.

  The moment was fleeting.

  “What in the hell do you two think you’re doing?”

  Jumping away from the secret lover who was really no longer a secret, Callie turned to face the source of this furious, thundering voice; one that assumed the imposing form of her new stepfather.

  She said nothing in response to his angry words; only stood still and stoic as her calm, composed lover went to stand stock still in front of his father.

  “I’m sorry, Father, this is all my fault. We didn’t mean for you to find out this way,” he told him, adding as he folded his arms before him, “The fact remains that Callie and I have fallen in love.”

  Callie cringed as her mother erupted in a loud, sharp sob; clutching her long, smooth skirts as she raced in the direction of a corner restroom.

  Taking off in pursuit of a distraught Jama, Callie rushed through a door that she was sorely afraid would be slammed in her face; coming to stand beside a woman who now wept openly into a pile of freshly retrieved bathroom tissue.

  “Mom, I’m so, so sorry,” she whispered, fixing a tender hand on the surface of her mother’s small, quaking shoulder. “We didn’t mean for this to happen….”

  She cringed as her mother jumped away from her, scowling outright as she pointed an accusing finger in her direction.


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