Home > Other > ENSLAVED BY SHIFTERS > Page 73

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  “Christ,” she breathed, eyes widening as they took a leisurely walk down the length of sculpted forms that also boasted firm pecs, bulging shoulders and washboard abs. “How do they breathe? How for that matter am I breathing right now?”

  Finally raising her gaze to the heads that topped these statuesque bodies, she noted that the men stood on opposite sides of the spectrum when it came to unmistakable masculine beauty. While the rider to the left boasted lustrous wave of long golden hair and crystalline blue eyes, his companion was graced with a mane of jet ebony hair that fell graceful across his broad shoulders; framing a pair of wide dark eyes that mirrored the night.

  Both men wore signature cowboy hats of sleek ivory felt, thus completing the look of the classic Old West cowpoke. And both boasted bronzed chiseled faces that came complete with carved cheekbones, planed foreheads and full moist lips.

  Lips that now spread in dazzling white toothed beams as they fully and finally came face to face with their admirer.

  “Good mornin’ Ma’am!” the blond spoke up, tipping his stately hat high in her direction. “Welcome to Happy Trails!”

  Nodding his own gentlemanly welcome, the brunette tipped his hat in kind accord and declared, “We welcome you to our humble little stretch of land here. I’m Drake Lawrence and this is my brother Brett. We’re the owners and proprietors of the Happy Trails Ranch, and we hope you’ll have a good ol' time here.”

  “Oh no worries!” Judith insisted. “I’m already having a blast.”

  The smooth, sonorous chuckles that met these words sent tingles down her spine, as did the way that the brothers seemed to regard her with steady, intense gazes.

  “Glad to hear it,” Brett declared with a nod, adding as he made a broad and graceful gesture to encompass the whole of their natural surroundings, “We hope that you and your family enjoy everything that we have to offer here. You can feel free to explore the land here, just as you’re doing now, or come to the stables to saddle up for your own ride. We offer stallions and mares for the mister and missus and ponies for the kids. We reckon y’all will also enjoy the barbecues we offer every day and our bonfires at night.”

  Judith nodded.

  “Well what I’m enjoying right now are those adorable Southern accents of yours!” she admitted with a grin. “Does everyone in Florida talk so cute?”

  The brothers shook their heads.

  “Actually Ma’am, my brother and I hail from the great state of Texas,” Drake revealed, adding as he inclined his handsome head in her direction, “We came to Florida five years ago to bring a taste of the long horn state to folks here in Florida. And what about you Miss? I detect the lilt of an adorable accent coming from those pretty lips as well. Might you be from Minnesota, perhaps?”

  Judith nodded.

  “You betcha!” she exclaimed, drawing peals of laughter from the watching brothers as she pulled off her best expression of the exalted Marge Gunderson, unflappable heroine of the movie Fargo. “And as much as I liken a certain expectant fictional police detective in appearance and demeanor, my full and true name is Judith Lance.”

  Brett nodded.

  “Lovely name!” he praised her, adding as he cast a quick look around them, “And is Mr. Lance up and about this morning? We’d like to say howdy to him and your youngins as well.”

  Judith shook her head.

  “There is no Mr. Lance to speak of, and in point of fact there really never was—I never did change my name when I married,” she revealed, adding through gritted teeth, “And considering the rather disastrous outcome of said union, that’s in all likelihood a good thing. I have in fact come to the ranch to celebrate the grand occasion of my divorce.”

  She started as the brothers looked at one another, exchanging sly smiles before returning their gazes to her.

  “’Scuse us Ma’am,” Drake bowed his head before her, adding with arched eyebrows, “It is very seldom that we welcome single ladies here. I believe that I speak for both my brother and myself in issuing you a gentleman’s promise, one that only a man from the South could make and keep. We aim to personally ensure that you have a good ol’ country time here at Happy Trails.”

  “Yee haw!” Brett concurred, tone spirited and robust. “Rest assured we’ll put a Texas sized smile on that pretty face Miss, starting tonight. We aim to show you some Southern hospitality—and then some. We insist that you be our special guest at our welcome dinner this evening, a meal that will be served over an open campfire out on the open range and under the moonlight. You can get to know us better, along with all of our other guests here at the ranch. Please say that you’ll make our night and join us.”

  A now openly blushing Judith thought a moment, and then nodded.

  “Indeed I will,” she agreed, adding with a grin and a playful wink, “Yee haw!”


  Judith just had to admit it. She was a bit disappointed that the hot blond cowboy’s offer to ‘put a Texas sized smile on her face’ turned out to be just another dinner invitation, not to mention an invitation to a meal bound to involve dozens of other guests. Even so, she did look forward to attending her first Southern style bonfire.

  Although originally intending to live in blue jeans for the duration of her trip (this owing in part to her ex-husband’s ongoing assertion that no proper lady ever wore jeans), she for some reason felt the need to dress up for this particular soiree; visiting a quaint little general store located at the edge of the Happy Trails property to purchase a trio of calico dresses that just might come in handy for the ‘evenings out’ promised her at the ranch.

  “Jesus,” she mused, staring in sheer wonder at the mass of ebullient fabric that now filled her sturdy grasp. “Not counting the BINGO nights that my ex and I enjoyed from time to time—and I use the word ‘enjoyed’ very loosely—when was the last time I had an honest to God night out?”

  She considered this question as she retrieved a few more items from the rustic storefront which featured the wooden interior, the barrels and rocking chairs and the Old West inspired art that one would expect to find in such a place.

  After also picking up some fresh fruits, striped peppermint sticks and a frosted bottle of ice cold sarsaparilla (she wasn’t even sure what sarsaparilla was, but this just seemed like the type of thing that one should buy at a general store), she headed back to the deluxe resort villa that bore a closer likeness to a traditional log cabin.

  A basic but beautiful structure built from cedar logs that shone bright honey brown in the light of the sun, the single story cabin came complete with a sloping roof and a narrow front porch; along with two front windows adorned by a pair of red and white checked gingham print curtains.

  Unlocking and swinging open the heavy wooden door that fronted her rustic haven, she stepped into a living area that—much to her initial surprise—consisted of a single large room that somehow managed to contain all of her living accommodations.

  The center of the room boasted a comfy leather couch flanked by a pair of classically engraved rocking chairs and facing a wide stone cast fireplace.

  Before the fireplace was a hand embroidered Native American rug that—much like the gingham curtains covering the windows—shone in a bright contoured pattern of scarlet and ivory.

  A long wood paneled bar formed the right far wall of the log cabin; a bar that flanked a small kitchenette featuring a small table, an icebox and a cast iron wood burning stove.

  Yet it was to the left corner of her unique abode that she now retreated; finding a comfy double bed that sported a floral patchwork quilt and a pile of lace fringed throw pillows.

  After hanging two of her new dresses in the polished wooden bureau that marked a far corner of her sleeping area, she stripped off the T-shirt and jeans she’d worn that day and threw on the panty hose and lace trimmed slip she’d brought with her on the trip.

  Finally, she slipped on the frock she’d chosen to wear to that evening’s bonfire; a full skirted, high collared gown
of lovely mauve calico, embroidered with a print of small ivory flowers.

  Grabbing a firm hold of her whisper soft skirts and twirling in circles with a girlish giggle, she next retrieved her pearl pink cosmetics bag from her pile of unpacked luggage in the corner.

  Soon she stepped before the full-length mirror that blocked her view of her cabin’s lavatory, facing a woman she didn’t quite know.

  Her frazzled blonde hair gathered neat atop her fair skinned head. Judith’s face sported a touch of blush and just a hint of mascara; as well as a glossy sheen of pearl pink lipstick that supplied the perfect finishing touch to her new and—or so she believed—improved look.

  Finally, she took leave of her cabin, taking off across the vast expanse of heather strewn greenery that denoted Happy Trails Ranch.

  She smiled as she caught the earthy aroma of a blazing, smoldering bonfire; her eyes widening as she caught sight of the source of this heavenly scent.

  Her vision was caressed by a tall blaze of fire that loomed scarlet across the velvety nightscape, burning high and glorious as a small throng of people admired its blazing majesty.

  Her beam faded somewhat as she joined this throng, a collection of tourists of all ages, genders, colors and backgrounds.

  Indeed, she mused, the only common link drawing these people together seemed to be that very sense of togetherness. No one else had arrived alone at the site of that evening’s bonfire, and many of her fellow and sister revelers seemed gathered in small but binding groups. As people huddled close to share food and conversation with their friends, family members and apparent romantic interests, no one stopped to greet her or even wave in her direction; let alone invite her to join their tightly knit social circle.

  “Perhaps I made just a slight mistake in coming here this evening,” she mused in silence, frowning as she saw one couple in particular making out like impassioned teen-agers. “Couldn’t those people show a shred or two of decency by acting a little less—I dunno—in love? Why make the rest of us feel bad?”

  Her spirits lifted moments later as she felt somebody watching her.

  “Correction,” she thought, biting her pearl pink lip as she shifted her eyes to identify the source of this mysterious gaze. “Two some bodies are watching me. And if I may say so, their level of hotness—both individual and combined—easily beats that of any other gent present. If not of any other man I’ve ever seen at any point and time throughout the entire course of my earthly existence.”

  “Miss Judith!”

  Greeting her in unison, the brothers Lawrence also graced her with matching white-toothed smiles, each taking her hand in his as they led her in the direction of their blazing bonfire.

  “You’re beautiful,” Brett praised her, himself resplendent in yet another skin tight pair of blue jeans and a jet black Stetson that stood high atop his golden blond head.

  “You just glow in that dress Ma’am,” Drake agreed, dipping his own tan Stetson in her direction as he leaned forward in his own pair of delightfully sculpted blue jeans.

  Judith grinned, waving away their praise with a gesture that just seemed to bellow, “What, THIS old thing?”

  “Oh thanks,” she told them, as her own admiring gaze grazed the whole of their impeccable forms, “As for you two, well you would glow in barley sacks.”

  Much to her consternation, the men before her opted to wear shirts for this particular occasion, yet these sleek button down denim toppers did nothing to conceal the bulge of their massive chest muscles; or for that matter the brawny arms that now escorted her to the edge of the bonfire. And as they walked she couldn’t help but notice the polished brown leather cowboy boots that graced their sturdy feet.

  She watched in utter delight as the brothers welcomed their guests in grand fashion; treating them to a campfire sing along in which both Drake and Brett sang and played the country western guitar.

  Taking requests from the crowd, the brothers howled with laughter when a smirking Judith requested “a down home twangy ditty from either Patsy Cline or Britney Spears—you know, whatever works.” They shocked her by delivering flawless renditions of both “Crazy” and “Slave 4 U”, both pinning her with flirtatious stares as they crooned the seductive lyrics of their requested encore.

  Next the brothers told a campfire story with a decidedly spooky bent, both assuring Judith in confidential tones that—in the event that their story should become all too frightening for her ladylike sensibilities—she would be free to grab hold of either or both of them at any time and hang on for dear life.

  Next they offered her a seat at the center of a plaid gingham picnic blanket that faced the heart of the fire, also handing her a plate of yummy treats charred to perfection; earthy edibles that included char grilled chicken, corn on the cob and—the piece de resistance, at least in her view—s’mores.

  “As per my husband’s requests, I haven’t sampled anything remotely chocolaty and devilish since the day of our wedding,” Judith admitted, even as she finished off her fifth delightful concoction of rich milk chocolate, billowing white marshmallows and crisp golden graham crackers. “I sure did miss my s’mores—not to mention the general concept of eating anything with any semblance of, what do they call it, flavor?”

  Brett guffawed outright.

  “Well I do believe that I speak for both my brother and myself when I say that we adore curvaceous women,” he assured her.

  Drake nodded.

  “Absolutely,” he agreed, adding as he leaned over to whisper in her ear, “And this weekend Miss, we would love for you to indulge yourself in any and all things sinful.”

  Brett nodded.

  “We want you to enjoy yourself, to lose yourself here,” he added in his own sultry whisper. “Just let go and do all of the things that were denied to you during your marriage. Just do what feels good Miss.”

  She took in her breath as both of the brothers turned to face her with a single smooth flourish, both penetrating her with probing gazes and smooth sensual smiles.

  “And if there is absolutely anything we can do to make your stay here more—shall we say? —pleasurable,” Drake told her with a downright wicked smile. “Do let us know.”

  Judith took in her breath as both of her hosts closed in to press their soft warm lips across the surface of her flushed cheeks. She felt her heart pound, as suddenly their massive muscled bodies seemed to close in around her, their musky scents flooding her senses as the silky strands of their long, thick hair grazed her shoulders.

  Suddenly her entire body was suffused with a raw and most exhilarating feeling, an emotion she could identify only as desire.

  She and her husband had abstained from making love for the last year of their marriage.

  “Well at least to each other,” she mused, rolling her eyes heavenward. “I do believe he was spending some quality time with his secretary. And I made a special friend that was shiny, cylindrical and about six inches in length. His name was Oscar and all he had to say was ‘Whirrrrrrum’—that is when I turned him up to full power and installed fresh batteries. Always did favor the strong silent type.”

  Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined herself the subject of seduction for two young, gorgeous men, especially not the cowboys of fantasy who now wrapped their muscular arms around her broad shoulders and nestled their heads against hers.

  For a time, she just sat with them in peaceable silence, casting her gaze upward to behold the crystalline star strewn sky that oversaw their gathering.

  A gathering that grew smaller by the moment, as the crowd around them began to disperse; with many smiling guests stopping to thank the brothers for a lovely welcome dinner as they headed back in the direction of their cabins.

  Although they acknowledged each expression of thanks as any true Southern gentleman would, with a tip of the hat and a sincere “Thank ya kindly,” the brothers kept their attention focused on the one special guest who so seemed to captivate them.

  Soon the
brothers cradled her sturdy back with their arms, their strong hands shifting in massaging motions as they cradled and massaged her.

  Finally, she found herself alone with Drake and Brett, clutching both their hands as they offered her their own special brand of Southern hospitality.

  “Now Miss, please be assured that we never would force ourselves onto a woman,” Brett assured her, squeezing her fingers for emphasis. “So if you are not comfortable with the idea of being with us tonight, or perhaps would like to think about it before we go any further, then say the word and we’ll see you safely back to your cabin.”

  “Absolutely,” Drake agreed immediately, emphasizing his words with a short sharp nod. “We are true Southern gentlemen Miss, and we have no desire to pressure you. It’s just that we’ve truly never found ourselves so strongly drawn to one of our visitors.” He paused here, shaking his head from side to side as he graced her with a beneficent beam. “Your warmth, your humor, your intelligence calls out to us.”

  Brett snorted.

  “Call out to us?” he asked, as he inclined his head in Judith’s direction. “You not only call out to us, you make us as frisky as a couple of Texas bulls in heat!” he fell silent here, as he bowed his head low before her, “So sorry to be vulgar Ma’am. You get my meaning?”

  Judith thought a moment, and then nodded.

  “I do get your meaning,” she told him, with a salacious wink, “And personally I think it is high time I get a little vulgar. Or at the very least, have a little fun.” Her tone grew lower and more serious as she added, “All of my life I have talked and thought myself out of so many life adventures—things that I might really have enjoyed. Even when it came to my job and especially when it came to my marriage, I always went for the safer option—as opposed to the choice that might thrill or excite me. Well now Gentlemen, I am more than ready to be thrilled and excited—and personally I can’t think of two better people to share my greatest life adventure, to show me the time of my life.”


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