Second Chance on St. Patrick's Day: A Billionaire Romance

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Second Chance on St. Patrick's Day: A Billionaire Romance Page 85

by Mia Ford

  I watched as the kiss deepened and she rocked over him. Their bodies moved so well together and I heard her moans as he gripped her hips and eased her into a rhythm. It was the first time that we watched her come, on Brent’s lap with their bodies close together and lips joined. It was stunning to watch her fall apart, her voice rising in the night as Brent eased his hands into her hair.

  Jane sank into him as he pulled her close, whispering to her gently as I stared at them. Brent urged her up and we took her into the bedroom, where she changed into another shirt in the bathroom before slipping into bed. Jane seemed stunned as she snuggled into me and found my lips while Brent locked up the suite. “Did that feel good?” I asked her as she nodded drowsily. “I loved watching you come, Jane.”

  “Tomorrow night, it will be you making me do that,” she promised before she kissed me again gently, making me hard again. Jane pressed into me and Brent came to bed and looked at us before kissing her hair.



  I was in over my head with these guys. Being with them made me feel sexy and confident and the night we danced together, I knew that I was going to give in. I knew that I had no willpower left at all, though I wasn’t ready for it to go all the way quite yet.

  The first night, I just kissed them and they touched me. I say just, but the feeling of being kissed by such charismatic guys, brothers no less, was intense. I could come just from my mouth against theirs, their styles different and skin warm under my hands.

  The second night that we were together, I attacked Brent. I kissed him first, deepening it quickly as I felt Brandon’s eyes on us. When Brent moved us to the chair, lying under me as he kissed me again; I knew that I had no hope. I found his shaft and pressed against it, finding the friction that I needed. Oh God, he felt so good as he held my hips and guided me, his rhythm matching the movement of our kiss. I rocked with him, needing the release that he promised as my clit burned with desire. I moved against him once, twice; crying out as I felt myself exploding. Brent slipped his hands into my hair and kissed me tenderly as I felt the waves pass through me. He was so gentle as I rode through the orgasm, stilling, and letting me control things.

  I crawled into bed with Brandon, snuggling against him as I kissed him. I knew that he was next and I promised him that it would be him making me orgasm the following night. I wanted him to touch me where no man ever had before since Derrick left me before things progressed that far. We had a lazy morning the following day, sipping coffee on the patio before I went downstairs to change for the tour the hotel set up for all of us as a break. I looked around as I walked into the room, wondering if I’d ever sleep in here. I knew that I didn’t want to.

  We went on a tour of some of the other beaches, having lunch in a seaside restaurant as a group. I struggled to not touch them as we sat at a table with a few others, trying to pay attention to the conversations around me as I smiled and laughed in the right places.

  We got back on the bus to go to meet a boat that took us to a place called Deer Island, passing by a few other places along the way. It was beautiful, and I leaned against the railing, taking pictures, and mulling over what I was doing. This trip was so much more than I thought it would be as I approached the idea of having sex with one man, much less two. Did it matter who it was? Was Brandon jealous that it was Brent that made me come first? Would this ever cause a problem between them?

  I was lost in thought as I felt someone come to stand beside me. “Are you okay?” Brent asked me as I glanced at him.

  “Yes. Why do you ask?” I replied as he tilted his head.

  “This…is a lot. I know that it’s not a typical situation for anyone, but you strike me as a rather innocent woman.” His voice was very soft and I looked over the water.

  “I am a virgin,” I admitted as I felt his eyes on me.

  “Are you sure about this?” His voice was serious and I nodded slowly before giving him a quick look.

  “Yes, I am. It might not be tonight or even tomorrow, but I want all of this. I just wonder what happens when we get home.” I kept looking slowly around to make sure that we were alone, until Brandon joined us. We worked together and this was natural.

  “We will figure that out as we go. This will stop wherever you want it to,” Brent said as Brandon looked at us. We stayed there as the boat pulled into the island, stunned by the rough trip to the shore as I held my bag over my head and made my way through the water.

  It was a fun afternoon and we went back to the boat to return to the hotel. We’d already decided to have dinner in the suite, just the three of us and I joined them on the elevator. We walked in together and I stretched as I felt the sunburn starting to sting. I always wore sunscreen but the water seemed to have washed it off a bit.

  Brent got the room service menu and we looked at it, deciding on a few dishes to share and a bottle of wine. Brandon looked at me and saw my red skin as he touched me gently. “You should soak in a bath after dinner. Maybe it’ll take the sting out of that.”

  They did have a beautiful tub.

  We had dinner on the balcony and laughed as we ate, discussing the day. I drank two glasses of wine and took the third into the bathroom to draw up a nice bubble bath. I was inside of the water when they walked into the bathroom and sat down on either side of the tub, talking to me as I relaxed.

  I got out blushing as I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I had barely touched them all day and stepped over to Brandon, nuzzling his lips with mine as I felt lips on my neck. It made every nerve ending in my body react as Brandon deepened the kiss slowly. I lifted my arms to slide my hands into his hair, feeling the towel slide down my body before I could stop it. “You’re beautiful,” Brent told me as I felt him tracing my back gently with his fingers. Brandon slipped a hand between us, and I felt him slide it up my stomach to capture one of my breasts in his hand.

  Oh. God.

  He thumbed the nipple as our tongues collided together and I felt Brent take a gentle hold of the other one. He tugged, and I pressed my thighs together as my pussy screamed with need. I never felt this before, and I knew that I’d give them everything I had to offer.

  The odd embrace had continued for a while before I felt Brandon cup my ass and lift me against him. Excitement flooded me as he brought me to the bed and placed me on it, still damp from the bath. His rough voice told me to lay back against the pillows, and I did, all too aware of my nakedness on display. One of them kissed me slowly, distracting me as our tongues moved together quickly. I knew it was Brent by the way a hand tugged again at my pert nipple while another pair of hands parted my legs. “Do you want to come?” Brandon asked me as I let out a moan and splayed my legs open for him. I’d used the toys at home to death and my own hand, and now I needed his touch.

  I felt him tracing my thigh, damp with desire. Brent worked my breast with his hand, careful with just enough force to send heat to my core. When a finger slid into my folds, I let out a pained cry as my body instantly reacted. He found my clit, swollen and needy and stroked it teasingly as I felt myself creep closer to the edge. The feeling of coming against Brent’s cock was incredible, and I knew that this would be too, no clothes between us. “You are so wet,” Brandon told me as he circled my nub again, sliding a finger over my entrance.

  I came as he slid a finger inside of me, thumbing my clit at the same time. I screamed, rocking forward as Brent held me close. He peppered me with soft kisses, and I moaned as I felt warm breath between my thighs. I looked down to see Brandon’s eyes watching me as he covered me with his mouth, tracing me with his tongue. “Brandon…oh God. I’ve never…” my voice trailed off as he sucked me between his lips, focusing on my sensitive clit and bringing me to another orgasm as I cried out. I closed my eyes and breathed, feeling better than I ever had. This was wrong, me being involved with my supervisors but it felt so right. The guys moved to either side of me, and I felt a mouth cover my right nipple, working it with teeth and tongu
e before a hand slid down between my legs to touch me again. Oh, God. I was coming again, and I never wanted to stop as lips covered mine.

  We woke up to the alarm, and I blinked in the dim room. Where was I? I felt the warmth surrounding me and looked to see Brent and Brandon sleeping beside me in boxers as everything came back to me. The conference. Mazatlán. The way they made me feel when we were all together, making me blush and reach over Brent for the alarm. He opened one eye and gazed into my face for a long moment. “Are you okay with what happened?” His voice was soft in the quiet room as I pressed myself against him. I nodded. “I won’t…we won’t go further if you don’t want us to.”

  “I want to,” I assured him as I pressed a soft kiss to his neck, hearing him moan softly. His skin was soft and smelled so masculine as he slid an arm around me. I kissed down his chest slowly with uncertainty as he whispered for me not to stop. My mind went over everything that happened between the three of us, and I thought about how turned on they both must be. I circled his small nipple with my tongue as I slid my hand into his shorts, gripping him.

  “Jane,” he choked, sliding his hand down to cover mine. “You don’t have to.”

  “Guide me,” I told him as he covered my hand and stroked me over him slowly. He was thick and long, making me wonder how this would ever fit inside of me. I stroked him, first gently and then hard, feeling his breath quicken before he jerked forward and warmth flooded our hands as he choked out my name.

  The alarm went off again, and Brandon stirred as he rolled towards me. He wrapped me in his arms, feeling me pressed against Brent as his hand slid lazily down my side.

  We stayed together every night, taking things just a little bit further every day. The last night is when I knew that I was ready since I’d fallen madly for these men in the short time that we’d known each other. They played my body skillfully before Brent slipped into me for the first time, slow and gentle so I could adjust to him. Brandon stroked my skin as I moaned and whimpered, pinching my nipple once I was ready for Brent to move. Before I went to sleep, I felt Brandon inside of me, gentle so he wouldn’t hurt me. “So wet. So tight. So fucking beautiful,” he told me as he moved above me, kissing me gently. “You’re ours, Jane.”

  “Yours,” I agreed as I came for him, feeling him still inside of me before jerking. I had no idea how this was going to work out yet, but I loved these men. I loved them both and as unconventional as that was, it was the truth. Brandon’s words to me only assured me yet again that they felt the same. We planned on a lot of nights at my apartment while we worked through this new situation and some private time in the office until we could sort through that, keeping our relationship under the radar.

  I landed in New York with a smile on my face, ready to take this on. I was ready to love these men the best that I could, showing them all my feelings along the way.

  Dirty Professor


  I am going to make her mine.

  Even if that means….going against my own self and breaking all rules.

  Elena is sassy, s*xy, gorgeous….

  F*ck…she’s everything a man could dream of.

  But there’s one problem.

  She’s my student.

  And f*cking her is against all rules.

  Do they make rules for professors too?

  Apparently yes,

  But who says you have to be compliant!

  You can be non-compliant…as long as no one comes to know about it.

  It’s HARD for her and I really don’t care about the rules.

  I am willing to take this relationship sh*t DEEP, really DEEP….

  The question is how long can she hide that baby bump from me and from the world?



  I dropped onto my back and sighed, feeling the jolt that Liam always gave me when we were together. The sheets on the bed were messy and scattered haphazardly over the king-sized mattress as I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds in the condominium. Liam had gone to the kitchen to get us some water and the chocolate chip cookies for dessert that I knew he loved. I’d brought them over to go with the pasta that he made us for dinner, but we’d gotten distracted halfway through the meal and ended up in his bedroom.

  That always seemed to happen to us.

  I thought back to the class that I met him in during my Junior year at the University in Seattle. Liam walked in through the door near the front, striding confidently to the podium as I prepared myself for the Economics course. It wasn’t my favorite subject, but it seemed to be the lesser of two evils when it came to my choices, so here I was. I looked at the tall, handsome man that was looking us over with beautiful ocean blue eyes as he set some papers in front of him.

  I knew why the subject of students and teachers hooking up was so popular as I looked back. He was stunning and probably several feet over what I considered petite at my own five foot six. His body was clearly muscled underneath the worn jeans and dark blue Henley that he wore with black Converse, making him look like a college student himself. I knew that he wasn’t though just by the way he stood before the large class, guessing him to be in his mid to late thirties. He sure didn’t look it but the way that he oozed authority told me that he wasn’t one of the fumbling boys that had asked me out since I moved here from Portland. He had dark chestnut hair that was long enough to be considered tousled, framing his face in soft curls and covered by a dark green beanie. His hands were big as they organized his things and the smile that he flashed at us when he was ready to start made me forget my own name.

  I heard him speaking but got lost in the throaty sound of it more than whatever he was saying. He introduced himself as Doctor Liam Forsberg and told us a little about his degrees that ended with a doctorate in the subject of Economics. That helped me at guessing his age, knowing that he put in a few years to obtain all of that as I sat up in my seat halfway back and in the center of the room. He explained that he’d be passing around a seating chart to keep track of who attended class and that we should pick somewhere that we liked for the semester. That made sense with a class this size and I glanced around at the people that surrounded me, happy to see that they were anything but the jocks that were clustered more towards the front. The students that were sitting around me were just your average, run of the mill people getting an education like myself. I’d even call myself a little awkward and perhaps nerdy, more content with a book in my studio apartment than a night at a frat party.

  My best friend at school was a lot different, often urging me to hang out with her at such things. Ginger was a bubbly, beautiful auburn haired girl that had friends in every clique, knowing a lot more of the students than I did since she wrote articles for the paper. She had the chance to meet people whereas I just went to class and went home to my apartment, where I worked as a freelance in order to earn some money and still have time to study. I had a partial scholarship, but since I chose to live alone over sharing a dorm with some randomly selected roommate, I had to work as well. I was all right with that since it was such an isolated job and gave me a lot of time to myself. Emails and chats were a perfect way of keeping in touch in my opinion.

  I heard my name being called and I opened my eyes to see Liam looking questioningly at me. “Hmmm?” I asked as he sat down and set a plate of cookies down along with a big glass of ice water.

  “I thought you might have fallen asleep,” his voice was soft and rough from what we’d just done together, a memory that made me shiver.

  “Just comfortable,” I assured him as I propped my body up against his pile of pillows and reached for the glass. “Are you still hungry for the dinner that we abandoned?”

  “I stuck it in the fridge for the time being. It’ll reheat fine. I just wanted to come back here and be with you and these amazing cookies.” Liam winked at me as I blushed, the pink covering my pale skin. I knew just how much that surface reflected our relationship as I shivered under the scrap of cloth that cover
ed the various marks on my body.

  I loved all of them equally and every act that gave them to me.

  Liam turned on a movie on the large television as I snuggled against his side, tearing off small bites of the cookie on the top of the pile as I drifted between what was playing on the screen and his warmth and scent. There was a fire to the left of the television, keeping the spacious room warm as I smiled.

  I didn’t plan to sleep with my college teacher. That was never a thought in my head and only happened in some of the books that seemed to be so popular. I was attracted to him, but so was every other female in the class as well as at the college. He was one of the hottest men I’d ever seen, but I didn’t expect the interest to be given back to me.

  It all started when I had a little trouble in the class and went to talk to him. His office wasn’t huge on campus, and I sat down, prepared to ask him my questions until I looked into his eyes. Their blue depths and varying shades captivated me as I opened my mouth to speak, making me forget everything that I was saying. “Miss Carter?” He asked as I remained silent, blinking, and taking a deep breath. Once I explained the issues, he directed me to the class tutor and gave me the email to contact the girl before leaning back in his seat. “You’re a stunning girl, Miss Carter.”


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