Second Chance on St. Patrick's Day: A Billionaire Romance

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Second Chance on St. Patrick's Day: A Billionaire Romance Page 87

by Mia Ford

  Logic might take over her senses, and I knew that it should. I knew that this shouldn’t happen, not with me being a teacher and her a student. Not with Elena being my student. Not at all.

  I made the drive home, acceleration rushing through my veins from all the coffee that I had as well as the hope to see Elena tonight. I wanted her alone, feeling my cock jerk in my pants at the thought of touching her. I wanted more every day that she sat in my class. I had the curve of her ass in skinny jeans memorized by the second week in class and fallen in love with her sweet smile as she met my eyes.

  I lived just a few miles away and pulled into the complex, parking in the very back of my house as my phone chimed. I glanced at the screen, and my heart jumped into my throat as I read that Elena was coming over.

  I rushed inside and picked up a little bit, wiping down a mess on the counter that I’d walked out on. I glanced in the fridge to see that I had wine, beer, soda and some juices and water to offer Elena. We just ate so I didn’t need to think about that, and there were a lot of places that delivered in Seattle.

  Jesus, I was acting like this was a date. She might decide not to even show up for all I know, and it wasn’t a date. I had no fucking idea what it was but the fact that I wanted her was primarily on my mind.

  It wasn’t just a physical attraction. I liked Elena’s personality and talking to her at the coffee shop was like a breath of fresh air.

  I started a fire in the small fireplace, adding some ambiance to the room as I began to pace. I hadn’t been with a woman for about a month, the last one being a quickie at her place. My house was my space, and I kept that out of here most of the time. I liked my privacy, and the women were always willing to go to their place. If they had a roommate, it didn’t matter since I’d be out when we were done anyway.

  I thought I heard a car outside and remained standing in my living room before there was a knock at the door. I breathed in and walked over to the door, opening it gently to see Elena smiling nervously at me. “Your complex is so beautiful.”

  “Thanks. I like it,” I replied as I gestured for her to come inside while Elena looked around.

  “Wow, it’s so cozy. I could fit my studio in your front room.”

  “You live in a studio?” I asked as she smiled with a small nod.

  “Yeah. Partial scholarship and I have to pay rent, so I keep it small. It’s just me, so it doesn’t matter too much,” Elena replied as she looked at me.

  “Would you like something to drink? I have a lot of choices.”

  “I already shouldn’t be here, and now you’re offering me a drink?” Elena’s voice was shaking, and I stepped forward to touch her shoulder.

  “I am not going to play you with alcohol, Elena. I have it, but there’s no pressure here.” I meant that in more ways than one and she nodded as she froze underneath me.

  “I think I need something. I don’t like beer that much, so do you have anything else?” She turned and met my gaze with an intense one of her own.

  “I have wine. White and red,” I assured Elena as she nodded.

  “White would be good.” I nodded and headed to the kitchen to pour her some and grab a beer for myself. I told her to make herself comfortable, and she was sitting on my couch with her jacket draped over the back, showing off the pretty blue sweater that fell from the left shoulder. Her pale skin was so beautiful, and I licked my lips as I walked over to sit beside her. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks,” Elena tried to smile brightly, but I could still see her nerves at work in her eyes. She sipped the liquid as I popped open my beer, staring into the fire. “Have you ever done this before?”

  “This?” I pressed as she blushed and laughed weakly.

  “Seen any student out of the classroom?”

  “I have only met with them in my office, and nothing has ever happened with a student. You’re…different.” I looked her over as she turned her head to meet my eyes.


  “I don’t know. You’re different from the woman I’ve spent time with in the past as well. Though I haven’t been in anything serious with anybody with all of my schooling and then working.” I turned the bottle in my hand and gazed past it into the fire. “Are you dating anybody?”

  “I wouldn’t be here if I were,” she said in surprise as I looked at her. “No, I’m not dating anybody. I am just focused on getting through school right now, and high school was the same way. I had to work hard then since my parents didn’t have a lot of money. It was a bit of a disappointment just getting a partial scholarship to all of us.” I saw the sadness flash over her face before she smiled and shrugged. “It’s worked out fine, though. I am managing.”

  “You’re doing great,” I told her as my hand slipped behind her to play with her hair. “Everyone struggles through college. I did, too.”

  “You seem to be doing well now,” she said as she looked around the room again.

  “Teaching is fine. I bought this with some money that my mom left for me since my sister Marie lives in her house. I don’t have a glamorous life at all, Elena but I’m happy. This is what I want to do.” She turned to stare at me, and I twirled a strand of hair in my hand. Her eyes locked with mine and I felt the heat between us fill the room. “I want you, Elena.” She took a large, slow swallow of the wine before leaning forward and setting it on the table as I watched. Her tongue darted out to lick her lips as my hand slipped gently around her neck to pull her against me as she gasped. “Tell me when it gets to be too much.” I pulled her closer, tilting my head as I brushed my lips against hers, feeling the burn from the contact. “Fuck me,” I murmured as I pressed my mouth gently to hers again, not wanting to frighten her. I didn’t know this girl’s experience, and I had to fight not to push her down and take her right here and now.

  “Liam,” Elena whimpered as she kissed me harder, initiating more as I deepened the kiss with a gentle teasing of my tongue against her lower lip. Her lips opened, and I slipped my tongue inside as she moaned softly, locked in my embrace as her hand slid around my waist. My mind screamed at me to stop this, but she felt too good; too warm against me as our tongues danced together. I felt her breathing through her nose and when we took brief breaks, but we kissed for what seemed like hours before I moved to her jaw. “Oh, God,” she said, guilt filling the room as I kissed gently, slipping a hand into her hair. “I…”

  “What, Elena?” I pushed her to answer before moving down to the soft skin of her neck. There was a sweet scent to her, something fruity that I memorized at the moment.

  “I want this. I want you,” the words came out of Elena’s mouth rapidly before she froze. “I’m not supposed to be here. I’m not meant to be involved with you.”

  “We both know that, but it’s too fucking intense, Elena. I want you too much.” I kissed her again and pulled her body over mine, one hand gripping her hip while the other remained tangled in her hair. I was hard as a fucking rock and felt her press against me as she let out a cry. We kissed as she moved against me, my hand guiding her as I lifted my hips slowly. Elena’s tongue was busily moving with mine as she rocked, moans and whimpers deep in her throat as I sensed that she was close to a release. “Do you want to come?” I asked against her lips as she nodded and gripped me harder, kissing me again.

  She shook and dropped her face into my neck, letting out long cries as her orgasm washed over her. I slipped both hands down to cup her ass, moving slowly against her to prolong the feeling and see if I could find my own climax. I was so damn turned on right now, and all I could think about was stripping her bare and fucking her on my couch.

  She wasn’t one of the bar whores. This was Elena; a beautiful, sweet, scared girl that was making her way into my heart as I bit my lip and shot onto my briefs before slowing down and holding her against me.

  “That was…so much. I’ve never felt like that before,” she murmured as I stroked her hair softly.

  “Are you a virgin?” I asked her, breathlessly wa
iting for her answer. I was already pushing the boundaries just being here with her, and taking her virginity was too much…but so hot as well.

  “No. There was a guy in freshman year that I dated for a few months, but it was nothing like that.” Her voice was shaking as I pressed my lips to her hair, feeling her shake in my arms. “Even when we had sex, it wasn’t half of what that was. What’s so different?”

  “Attraction,” I replied, unsure of what else there was, though there had to be more. “It isn’t that easy to obtain for everyone.”

  “Has it felt like that for you before?” Elena asked as I thought for a moment. I was considerably older than she was and had some good times, but no. They had never been like Elena, and I hadn’t even slept with her yet.

  “No. Never, baby. You’re different for me.”



  I didn’t think that my heart was ever going to stop racing as I stayed in Liam’s lap, feeling his warm embrace. When I was finally calm, I moved beside him but remained curled against him as I drank some of my wine. I needed it to sort through my jumped thoughts.

  There was a hint of attraction with my ex-boyfriend. Sex was pleasant with him at best, but just the feeling of what just happened with so little contact was overwhelming to me. It made me wonder what it would be like to have Liam touch me, kiss me in places that he’d never seen. I lifted my gaze to him and found his eyes locked on my face, moving to kiss him tenderly. “Did you…you know?”

  “Fuck, yes. You felt too good on top of me,” he replied as he cupped my cheek with his hand.

  “Can we do more?” I asked in a whisper as his eyes searched mine. “I don’t know how far I want to go, but…”

  “Want to go to my bedroom?” Liam asked as I smiled and nodded gently. He kissed me again, soft, and sweet before rising and extending his hand to me. We took our drinks as Liam led me upstairs into a large bedroom that was lit by warm amber lights. Liam smiled at me as he lit some candles and invited me to join him on the bed. I sipped my wine and moved in front of him as he reached out a hand to stroke my cheek gently. “You’re so beautiful, Elena.”

  “Do you say that to all of the girls to get them into your bed?” I asked him, trying to sound flirty but likely failing miserably. I was sure that I sounded insecure instead.

  “To be honest, there haven’t been any women since school started.” I stared at him incredulously. “It isn’t that I don’t get offers, both on and off campus. I do, but I just haven’t been interested in anybody…apart from you. I was trying to fight that attraction, Elena. I was. But fuck if I don’t want you.”

  “Why me?” I asked as he shook his head slowly before lifting his eyes to look at me.

  “There are so many answers to that, Elena. You are different than anyone I’ve met before. You stand out in the students that I see every day, and you have from the start.” I didn’t understand. It was just me. “Tell me something. Why are you here? What is it about me?”

  “I’m sure you know that you’re gorgeous, Liam. I don’t have to tell you that. But it’s more than just how you look, though your eyes make me forget my own name. It’s how you talk to us in class, so confident and knowledgeable. You love what you do and what you studied to get there, and I just want to live my dream. I want to feel half of your self-assurance, Liam.”

  “Life isn’t always what you expect, Elena. I didn’t dream about being a teacher when I finished college. It just so happened that my mother passed away after a long illness, and I remembered how much I liked it here. The job came up, and I took it. I want to be close to my sister and everything is good.” Liam smiled at me as he looked over my body. “Sinfully good now.” I blushed as I looked around the room. “I know this is wrong, but I can’t stop myself.”

  “I understand the feeling,” I agreed as I looked over the king-sized bed that was against the back wall, looking further to the dark dresser to the left and what looked like a walk-in closet to the left of that. There was even a small fireplace in the corner, and I wondered what it would be like to snuggle with Liam with it lit at night after we’d made love and I was ready to sleep in his arms.

  I blushed and dropped my head forward as I pushed that idea out of my mind. We were already pushing it being here together, and I was thinking of a future? That wasn’t going to happen. In my opinion, I wasn’t certain that I should sleep with him at all but sitting here in this room, feeling his eyes on me made me want him so much. I lifted my gaze to see how intense his eyes were as he searched my face for something.

  I moved forward to kiss him gently, slipping my arms around his shoulders as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. This time, Liam pressed me back against the pillows as he deepened the kiss, dropping his body between my thighs. I pulled him close to me as our teeth crashed together, needing more of him. He moved to my jaw and neck again, driving me insane as I arched my back up to offer him more. Liam’s hands slid up my sides as I gasped, his thumbs stroking just under my breasts over the suddenly thin material of my purple shirt. “Liam.”

  “Can I take this off?” He whispered as I nodded and blinked at him. He moved his hands to find the hem, pulling it over my head as I stretched my arms up. I was wearing a pretty pink bra underneath, and his eyes practically glowed as he took me in. “Beautiful.” He kissed me again as I felt him pressing closer to my skin, making me heat up deep inside. This was nothing like the last time, and I moaned as he pushed between my legs with his hard cock.

  My legs were spread wide as he moved over me and I was losing all control of my body. I was still reeling from the feeling that he gave me earlier as he thrust slow and hard against me, his mouth sucking on my neck. He stared into my eyes as he palmed one breast over the thin lace, his gaze smoldering as I pebbled under his touch. Liam reached for the front clasp of my bra, unhooking it as I nodded helplessly at him. His fingers stroked my nipples, hard and aching for him to touch me as I closed my eyes and sucked in my breath.

  He stroked and kissed me, making me want to beg him for more. Liam kissed down my chest, between my small breasts as I moaned his name. My hands gripped his hair as he moved to the left, breathing hot air on my nipple as I groaned long and loud.

  His mouth covered me, sucking gently as I opened my mouth. It sent jolts all over my body and made the ache deep inside throb as I raised my hips to meet him. “That feel so good, Liam. God, I want to…”

  I jerked as his hand covered my jeans and pressed against me. “Are you going to come again, Elena?”

  I felt teeth scrape gently over my sensitive skin as he worked the button of my jeans and started to slide his hand down my stomach. “Oh, God.”

  “Can I touch you?” Liam asked as I jerked my head in a nod. “Take your jeans off.” I moved quickly, needing him as I helped him slide them down my legs and kicked them off. His hand stroked me over the lace of my underwear as he lowered his mouth to my other breast and sucked harder. I rocked against his fingers as they slid through my folds, wet with need for him and I gripped his hair with my hand.

  Oh, God. Another release shot through me, feeling his fingers on my bare skin now as I cried out his name. He kissed down my stomach as I felt it pass through me in waves, crying out when his mouth covered my sex. “Have to taste you,” he muttered before dragging his tongue over me and tasting what he did to me.

  It was too much even as I clutched his head, pulling him closer. “Liam, I want you.” I breathed out, my body needing so much more than his touch or mouth. I wanted him inside of me.

  “Elena?” He asked as he pulled away and looked at me. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I want you, Liam. I always have. I can’t stop this,” I pleaded with him as he pulled back and stripped off his Henley. I eyed his muscled torso with a hunger that I couldn’t identify as he jumped to his feet and loosened his jeans before dropping them, along with his briefs. “Oh,” I murmured as I took in his hard, thick cock with wide eyes. “You’re so…”

sp; “I will go slow. I will make you feel amazing, Elena,” he promised me as he walked to the nightstand and opened a drawer. I watched as he grabbed a couple of condoms and tossed one onto the bed.

  Liam moved between my legs with his mouth again, worshiping me with his lips and tongue as I melted before him. He eased a finger inside of me, stroking me gently as I moaned and gripped the sheets. By the time he was sheathed and positioned before me, I was begging Liam to take me. I needed him. His lips brushed mine as he slid into me, my body wrapping tightly around him as he spread me open.

  Oh. God. He felt so good as he moved slowly, filling me, and stretching me open. Liam held still as he buried himself and took a few breaths as he gazed into my face. “You okay, baby?”

  “It’s just been a while,” I murmured as the reality of what was happening hit me. I had never felt better, but everything about this was so wrong. It didn’t matter though as Liam slid out and took me again, a little faster this time as his name escaped my lips. My body was adjusting, and I rocked against him as he groaned and watched our bodies joining. “Go,” I whispered as he started to move with me as we fell into a heated rhythm, bringing us closer to the edge as my hands held him. I gripped him, clawed him, and probably bruised him as I felt him moving in and out of me, moaning my name as felt his lips brush against my skin.


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