Second Chance on St. Patrick's Day: A Billionaire Romance

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Second Chance on St. Patrick's Day: A Billionaire Romance Page 104

by Mia Ford

  They claimed I was an idiot savant when it came to learning how to be a refined lady. I soaked everything up like a sponge. It was as if I was born to live a life of luxury. I almost forgot how the man that was going to be standing at the end of the aisle was nothing more than window dressing.

  “Don’t beat yourself up over something beyond your control. I’m going into this with my eyes wide open. I could change my mind at the last minute, but I wouldn’t count on it. I’m doing this on the condition you follow through with your treatment. Don’t shake your fist in defiance when it comes to gamblers anonymous.” His guilt was going to help make him a productive member of society.

  “I see no reason why I can’t start with baby steps. It’s going to be a long road to recovery. I can’t promise not to slip off the wagon. I will think of your sacrifice and know that you are depending on me to clean up my act.” He hated himself and that was going to give him the courage to try something foreign to him.

  The shop was a classy boutique catering to the elite. Coughlin was fitting the bill and using word of mouth to make sure the church was going to be standing room only. It was a public relations nightmare. They had devised the perfect way to sweep the bad press under the rug. It was all about the next big story. This wedding was it.

  “Father, I want the best for you. You’re stronger than you give yourself credit for. Don’t let people say that you can’t do it. Never let their whispers of discouragement have any power over you.” There were times that I got the impression I was the parent in this equation.

  “A father should be taking care of his daughter and not the other way around. Normally, I would go out and find a card game to distract me from my problems. I’m going to refrain for you. My first meeting is in a few hours. I would like you to be there to make sure you put my hand in the fire.” It was a good step in the right direction and I was proud of how hard he was fighting to get his life back.

  “I would be honored to accompany you. Let me finish up here and then we can get a bite to eat before the meeting. I know this Thai fusion place.” He looked deflated and the urge to gamble was evident in his eyes.

  “You make a beautiful bride.” I got a catch in my throat and nothing would have made me happier than to run down the street screaming.

  “It’s too bad it’s not happening for the right reasons.” The seamstress didn’t speak a lick of English.

  We could speak openly without worrying it was going to find its way into journalistic hands. The press was everywhere. I had them jumping out of the bushes to ambush me with questions. I was coached on what to say without revealing too much. I claimed we fell in love during his recent stay in rehab.

  “I will stand by you every step down the aisle. It’s the least I can do considering the circumstances of this wedding.” Having him to walk me down the aisle was a dream come true for the little girl who planned her wedding down to the minute detail.

  The variety of dresses made my head hurt. I couldn’t decide and then one stood out from the rest of them. It was perfect, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to waste it on a sham marriage.

  I changed and came out with the glow of acceptance on my face. There was no need to alter its appearance. It fit like a glove and was practically made for my unique body shape.

  “I am a very proud father. That is the one. Don’t settle for something that pales in comparison.” I stood and admired the dress from every angle.

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself.” Sebastian was wearing a white suit with a blood red tie.

  “It’s not a good idea for you to be here. It was a fling and nothing more. I let myself be seduced. I can’t believe you came here.” He was like a dog with a bone.

  “This can’t be what you want. Tell me something that will make me understand any of this. What we did couldn’t be your idea of sowing the last of your wild oats. I won’t believe it until I hear it from the horse’s mouth.” I had to be convincing even though I was breaking apart inside by hurting him unnecessarily.

  “I was never one for commitment until I met Timothy. He showed me a life without love is no life at all.” Sebastian had his arms crossed and was trying his level best to read something into what I was saying to him.

  “You never mentioned Timothy. There was no engagement ring on your finger. He can afford to give you a huge diamond. The family is loaded.” He was waiting for an explanation.

  “I was scared and I used you for my own selfish reasons. I couldn’t bring myself to wear his ring. You probably didn’t notice that it was swinging on a chain around my neck. It was always close to my heart. I told him all about you and he forgave me without question.” I was playing with fire with the risk of being burned by my lies unraveling before my eyes.

  “Can you honestly stand there and tell me that you don’t feel anything for me? Look me in the eyes and make me believe it.” It was a slippery slope when the only thing I wanted to do was jump into his arms.

  “I don’t love you. I never did. I don’t know how much plainer I can make it. I made a mistake and it almost cost me everything. I’m glad my husband to be is forgiving.” The words felt like bile coming out of my mouth.

  “You said that with a straight face. You’re either a conniving bitch or you really do believe what you’re saying. I’m not sure there’s anything left to say. I hope your wedding is everything that you have dreamed of. Your happiness is important to me.” It was killing me inside to see him expose his heart with such vulnerability.

  “It’s about time it got through to your thick skull. I want you to leave and never come back. I don’t need this drama in my life. This is my chance for a new chapter with the man I love. I can’t have you muddying up the waters.” There was no way that I was going to pull him into my family problems.

  He could have easily paid off Coughlin. This wasn’t his mess to fix. That particular responsibility fell on my shoulders. I was destined to pull my father’s ass out of the fire. It was my cross to bear.

  My father had vacated the premises and came back in after Sebastian took his leave. He showed his feelings on his face. A confession was good for the soul. I was no fool. Resistance was futile. My fate was to walk down the aisle with only the family and my father knowing the real reason.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing. I can tell he really cares about you. Don’t throw this away because of me. I don’t think that I could live with it.” His crestfallen expression had me reaching out and putting my hand on his shoulder in a comforting gesture.

  “Everybody makes decisions they sometimes regret. This isn’t one of those times for me. I don’t need love to be happy. Curing you of your addiction is the only thing that matters. I walk into this with my head held high. The smile on my face might be a cheap imitation, but I can live with that.” I didn’t choose the dress I wanted and went with a brand name.

  “You are deluding yourself if you think Timothy is going to substitute for the one you love. Forget about dinner. I’ll get something on the way to the meeting. I don’t want you to come with me. It will only be a painful reminder of what I’m putting you through. I need some time to myself.” I was going to say something, but once he made up his mind there was nobody that was going to stop him.

  I didn’t even have a matron of honor. That position was going to go to Timothy’s little sister. She was oblivious to the machinations of the family. Sheila believed the story of our chance meeting. I had repeated it so much that it was becoming gospel.

  To the outside world I was the happiest woman, but inside I was dying a little more each day. The fact remained Timothy was nothing but a way to get out from underneath my father’s debt. The wealth and prestige was a consolation prize.

  The big day of pomp and circumstance was going to leave me empty inside.

  Chapter Eight


  I had the engine idling in neutral. I could see her car approaching the church. Sneaking up on her was child’s play. Placing my hand over
her mouth startled her. She didn’t try to scream.

  I got her in the car and secured her with the seatbelt.

  “I told you…” I stopped her argument by kissing her into a breathless haze of confusion.

  “Your father came to see me. Enough said. I took care of his debt. You should have come to me.” The wedding was called off, but I could tell Coughlin wasn’t very happy.

  “I didn’t ask for your help.” I had arranged suitable accommodations at a very fancy hotel.

  “That’s precisely the problem.” Twenty minutes later and I found my prescribed parking spot in front of the sliding glass door of the room.

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to prove. It’s a little arrogant for you to think that you can sweep in on a metaphorical white horse to the rescue.” I stepped through the door and pushed her gently onto the mattress.

  I began tearing through the white virginal lace of her dress. She was fighting me. There was no real conviction behind the assault of her dainty hands slapping my shoulders.

  “I’m not going to let you ruin a good thing. We have something special to hold onto. You have to stop running from your happiness.” I relieved her of her dress committing to memory the way that her underwear erotically adorned her body.

  “I can’t stay angry with you.” The purple bra and panty set had me anxious to rip them off of her.

  “I’m a little exhausted after all that, but it was well worth the effort.” I grabbed her from around the knees and dragged her along the comforter toward me.

  I was on my knees stripping off my shirt in a hurry to catch up with her. She ran her fingernails down my chest stopping short of my belt. With shaky reverence, she began to pull the leather from my pants. She reached inside the zipper and gave my manhood its freedom.

  It was a short-lived freedom.

  Her mouth encompassed the knob and had me firmly in place between her tongue and the top of her mouth. I watched fascinated by the disappearing act. The slip and slide surface of her tongue easily accommodated my girth and length.

  “I thought about this moment. I’m glad your father came to see me with his hat in his hand. Be careful… you are handling sensitive cargo.” I inadvertently thrust my hips making her gag momentarily.

  I traveled my hands down the length of her spine. It was delightful to hear her purr. She sent those same vibrations down my shaft. My cock flexed from how she was molding me like clay in her mouth. Her efforts were not in vain.

  “I love your body. I’m looking forward to finding all of your erogenous zones. Every woman has certain spots that drive them crazy. I want to be surprised.” She found one of mine by lightly grazing the inside of my thighs and making brief contact with my heavy balls.

  I would have bet $1,000,000 I was never going to find love. It was almost a guarantee on my investment. Jessica was something more than the ordinary girl. The scent of vanilla and cinnamon was intoxicating. The halo of her perfume was placed in strategic places on her body.

  “Keep doing that and we might have a problem. Give me a breather.” She was reluctant to let go with her lips sealed tightly around the crown.

  It popped free from her lips with a look of disappointment in her eyes. She was pouting and I was close to giving in. I rallied the forces of my resolve. She fell back with her legs in the air holding onto her ankles. I jumped into the space to occupy it with my tongue.

  “I don’t know what to say.” She didn’t have to say anything, but the audio component of her moans encouraged me to continue exploring every inch of her body.

  My hands roamed freely over her curves. It was an electrifying moment to taste the fruits of my labor. Her juices burned the bottom of my lip in a good way. I was darting in and out with no visible resistance standing in my way. Her clit was coming out from underneath its hood.

  “Where did you ever learn to do that? I would say somebody has been holding back. I’m guessing you live by the motto always leave them wanting more. It worked.” She had risen from the mattress with her upper half suspended in the air.

  I had her delicate panties pulled to the side. The pink of her interior was something I could not resist. I felt the moment of truth was upon her. At the exact moment of her release, I rode the wave with my initial penetration all the way to the balls.

  I was on top of her and she was thrashing her head from side to side whipping me in the face with her hair. It was somewhat painful, but the perfect way to spur me on. I was doing obscene pushups over top of her. Each time I bottomed out, she would squeal and point her feet at the ceiling.

  “Yes… so damn deep… I have you where I want you and I’m not letting you go.” That was perfectly fine by me.

  I had no problem with the way that she kept me close with her ankles locked behind my back. This was not a conditional kind of love. It was all encompassing which made the sex an explosive reminder of our feelings for each other.

  The lips of her sex were kissing me in this squeezing sensation. It was not for the faint of heart. I drove the heated column of my flesh into her over and over again. I was churning her orgasm to the surface. Her second one was strong enough to make her eyes roll into the back of her head.

  “You’re like a virgin on prom night.” The tightness of her hole circled around my cock.

  “I’ve never been blessed with a partner like you. You seem to have this instinct.” I was in the unique position of watching her facial expression.

  My pace moved into the next gear. My breathing was labored. I was doing everything I could to keep up with her demand. Her moans were a symphony for my senses. The sheets were tossed aside with only the one underneath her inflicted by her fingernails tearing through it.

  I was on a one way trip to pleasure. This wasn’t just fooling around. This was a thrill ride to remember. My gun was loaded and ready to fire. She had found a way to get underneath my skin. It wasn’t an easy feat to accomplish. She had the power to pull the trigger, but she was reluctant to do it.

  “Jessica, you know my body better than I know it myself. I didn’t think that was possible. It goes to show you sometimes the best things happen when you least expect it.” My loins were a blur of motion slamming repeatedly between her legs.

  The wet sloshing sound of my member buried to the hilt was almost too much to endure. I slipped underneath her, lying on my back and holding onto her breasts. Her hands were on my chest pulling at my hairs.

  “Come on… you’re not leaving here until you give me what I want.” It was torture and pleasure at the same time to have her in the driver’s seat.

  “Whatever it is you want… you can have it.” I was in uncharted territory with a woman who wasn’t going through the motions because of my money.

  There was real enthusiasm in her eyes as she bounced up and down on my pole.

  “I want you to let me have it all. Shoot the geyser of sweet cream into me. I know you are a ticking bomb ready to go off.” The timer was set to go off when she wanted it to.

  She somehow understood the mechanics of my anatomy. Slowing down prolonged the agony. I was begging her with my eyes to finish what she started. She moved her pelvis around in a circle and leaned forward to make sure my shaft was rubbing up against her clit.

  Her infectious moans were heard like a beacon to others. I had no doubt those in a hotel were given some explicit ideas about how to keep things fresh in the bedroom. I think it was safe to say I had found the woman to set me ablaze.

  She began to gallop like a wild stallion, slamming down on top of me hard enough to keep my attention. I didn’t need any further incentive.

  “Cum with me…cum with me.” How could I refuse a request like that? The answer was I couldn’t.

  I buried my head between her breasts and screamed my release. I felt it exiting time and time again until there was nothing left. She had taken a hold and wasn’t letting go. I fell back without a word in reserve to express myself. She purposely went down on me giving me mouth to mouth re
suscitation to no avail.

  “I can’t even lift my head. Where do you get this energy? If you could bottle it then you would make a fortune.” She came up for air and laid her head on my chest to hear the beating of my heart.

  My body was still feeling the effects with my cock jumping to attention. It was the phantom presence of being with her putting extra lead in my pencil. It wasn’t quite at its full potential, but it was showing signs of reviving from the dead.

  “I hope I didn’t hurt you too much. It’s not like you didn’t have it coming. I never had any plans for the white picket fence and children that come along with it. The future is uncertain and there’s no telling if what we have is forever.” I placed my finger on her lips to silence her negativity.

  “It would be best for you to quit while you are ahead. Life is full of uncertainties. We can’t let that stop us from going for it. Do you think that you would ever want to walk down the aisle again? I’m going to give you this to signify a promise to make you an honest woman.” I wasn’t sure if it was going to be a long engagement, but I was ready to commit to something more than breakfast in the morning.

  “I will dismiss my misgivings. You’re what I want to wake up to every morning and go to bed with at night.” It sounded like a dream come true. I didn’t want to pinch myself.


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