Merlicious 2

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Merlicious 2 Page 15

by Diane Merlin, Alexis Ke, Cara North

  Tatyana followed him into the room, sat on the coffee table and faced him. “What's bothering you?"

  Zion opened his mouth then closed it.

  "I mean, other than the obvious, and why do you think you don't belong here?"

  "You bring me alive. Make me feel things I've never felt before, but—” He sucked in a deep breath, let it out slow. “But I feel if I stay here ... with you ... this,” he fanned his hand above his head, “I will lose myself."

  "And what is that, Zion?” she probed.

  Zion leaned forward, placed his elbows on his knees and cupped his face with his hands. “I don't know.” Can't tell you. “Everything is so unfamiliar.” How will I learn this world? “I—” The ringing of the phone interrupted his words.

  Tatyana jerked, reached over and grabbed the phone off the base. “Hello, Selbie.” She paused and waited for the other person to speak.

  "Got a situation here.” Greg answered back.

  "What now?"

  "The news got wind of your witnesses’ story. They are here asking for an update. Want to know why the man wasn't brought in."

  "Damn.” Her hand tensed on the receiver.

  "Damn is right. The Lieutenant wants to know the same. He's looking for the APB as we speak."

  "What did you tell him?"

  "What was I supposed to tell him? It's your case. My name's Bennit, and I ain't in it."

  Tatyana closed her eyes and thought. “I can't give him to the wolves. They'd eat him alive."

  "Well you better think of something. The Lieutenant wants him brought in for questioning."


  "Right now. I'm not even supposed to be telling you this. Act like it was your idea, but you better get him in here. Put him in lineup. Take a picture or two, but get your ass and this mystery man in here before the Lieutenant sends a cruiser to your house."

  Tatyana hung up the phone without saying goodbye. She stared at Zion and blew out a breath.

  "What's going on?” Zion stood and stepped over to her. “What's wrong?"

  The truth always worked. “Two people saw you in the water with a woman. You came to shore, she didn't. Who was the woman, Zion? Did you kill her? Why did you kill her? Where are you from?” She threw questions at him one after another before he could answer the previous.

  Zion paced around the room and sat back down. “I don't know what you are talking about. No! I didn't kill anyone. I'm incapable of killing human—” He caught himself. “I told you last night, I don't know where I'm from. Why won't you believe me?"

  "It's not for me to believe. I've got to take you in."

  He stared at her, his mouth opened then closed.

  "For questioning."

  "Are you in trouble too?"

  "No.” Not yet anyway. Can't be in trouble if people don't know how deep you are, now can you? “Come on. Let's get this over with."

  Tatyana walked over to the front door, paused and threw her hands up in the air when Zion stepped up behind her.

  "For God's sake, Zion. Where are your clothes?” She let out a loud laugh. “You can't go walking around outside naked."

  Zion glanced down at his body, bewilderment filling his eyes as he hunched his shoulders.

  Tatyana walked to the bedroom, rummaged through the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweat pants and an old tee shirt. “Here, put these on, and please don't tell anyone I gave them to you."

  Her mind ran a mile a minute as they drove to the police station. How was she going to convince her Lieutenant that Zion was innocent of murder? He was not capable of taking a human's life.

  How can you explain that to people who have no idea what goes on in the real world? If she didn't play it right, Zion would be spending the rest of his life, as short as it might be, in the slammer.

  Chapter Five

  People scurried about. The air was hot and dry, stale. Zion's chest tightened when he was escorted into the small dimly lit room. He was guided to the battered table and the metal chair. A large, burley man with a bald head pulled out the chair and shoved him into it. A handcuff was secured around his wrist and attached to a small hook on the table.

  Land lovers do not understand or want you in their world. They will break you. Destroy you. King Neptune's words echoed through his mind. Zion glanced up at the man.

  "What the hell you looking at, punk?” The man puffed out his massive chest and folded his arms across it, taking a step closer to Zion.

  Zion quickly diverted his gaze to the floor. “I don't want any trouble."

  "Trouble, you got all the trouble you can handle. I hear you kill women in the water."

  "No! I've done no such thing.” Zion jumped up from the chair, remembered he was restrained and sat back down. His free hand pounded the surface.

  The officer took a step toward him, his fist balled. The door swung open, and Gregory and Tatyana entered.

  "Is there a problem?” Greg asked.

  The other office relaxed his shoulders. “Nothing I can't handle."

  "You're excused, Officer,” Tatyana said before he could elaborate further.

  The officer glanced at Tatyana, Greg and then Zion before he walked to the door, paused, looked back at Zion and stepped out. The slamming door vibrated the walls and rattled the room. Zion sat motionless, his eyes glued on Greg as he wondered what was next.

  Greg pulled out a chair across from Zion, sat down and leaned across the table. He settled his gaze on Zion's face. Searched his eyes and then looked toward Tatyana. He drew a key out of his front pocket and unlocked the handcuff. “So, who was the woman?"

  Zion stared at him. Opened his mouth then closed it.

  "Why'd you kill her?” Greg banged his closed fist on the table. Tatyana jerked at the noise.

  "I've killed no one.” Zion's voice was harsh, dry. “No one,” he repeated.

  "That's not what the witnesses said."

  Zion glanced over at Tatyana, who'd yet to speak.

  "Hey!” Greg snapped his fingers in front of Zion's face. “I'm talking to you. You keep your eyes on me. Not Officer Selbie. What? Are you a pervert, too?"

  Zion's head snapped back to settle his gaze on Greg. He'd heard that word before. Pervert. Someone crazy, a nut. Prays on the helpless.

  "You've got to believe me. I didn't kill anyone.” He rubbed his hand across his face. “She was—"

  Tatyana pushed away from the wall, walked over to the table and pulled out a chair. She flopped down without speaking.

  "She was what, Zion? Who was she? Where'd you know her from?” She prayed he wouldn't tell the truth. “Where is she now? Just tell us where she is, and we can settle this whole matter. Have her come in, make a statement. You'll be able to leave ... go home."

  Zion jumped up from the table, his movement fast, too fast for Greg to stop him, and walked over to the far wall. “I don't know any of this that you say.” He looked at Tatyana. “You've got to believe me."

  "We don't have to believe anything but the woman you pulled out into the water.” Greg's voice raised an octave.

  "I wasn't pulling her out. I was—” Zion shut his mouth. “I've got nothing else to say.” He mimicked the other police officer and folded his arms tight across his chest.

  Tatyana and Greg glanced at each other and then Zion before pushing up from the table and walking to the door.

  "We'll be right back.” Tatyana's warm voice was calm.

  Zion nodded.

  Greg pulled the door shut, grabbed Tatyana by the arm and pulled her over to the corner.

  "So, what do you think?” she asked.

  "Like you said, he's probably harmless. Looks like a lost puppy.” Greg let out a soft laugh.

  "What do I do with him?"

  "Humph. Take him downstairs, get some mugs, a few prints. Run them just in case and cut him loose. He'd better not leave town."

  Tatyana sighed, closed her eyes and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. “You think the DA's got a case?"

  "Naw, not right now.” He tapped his finger on her chest. “You better keep an eye on him."

  Tatyana stepped back into the room, closed the door and stared at Zion for several minutes. He sat at the table, his hands clasped in front of him, his head bowed.

  "You may be in some heavy trouble, Zion."

  He brought his head up and settled his gaze on her face.

  "You've got to tell me everything you remember about the woman."

  "I don't remember anything.” He leaned back in the chair. “Am I going to jail?"

  Probably. “No, not at the moment, but they aren't finished. I need to take your picture and get your prints. Will you do that?"

  Zion nodded, pushed up from the table and held his arms out in front of him, his wrists together as if he were waiting for her to handcuff him again.

  "I don't think that's necessary.” She opened the door. “Come on."

  * * * *

  Two hours later, Zion sat in the car staring at his hands and the black stains on his fingertips left over from the printing pad. “Why?"

  Tatyana didn't look at him. “Not now, Zion.” She tried to sound calm.


  Five minutes later, in relative silence, Tatyana pulled her car into the carport, and stepped out of the vehicle. She walked over to the door leading into the house, pulled out her keys, opened the door and stepped inside.

  After another minute passed, Zion walked in behind her. He didn't speak but headed toward the bathroom.

  Tatyana heard the water running in the tub. She wanted to go to Zion, wrap her arms around him and let him know it would be all right, but she couldn't. She wasn't so sure herself.

  How could she help him get his memory back? Get him to go home where it would be safe. Staying here on land was going to be a disaster in the worst way. She pulled out the chair at the table and folded her body into it. She crossed her arms, laid her head down and closed her eyes.

  An hour passed before she glanced at the clock. She tilted her head and listened for movement. Silence blanketed her.

  Zion! Had he left? She pushed back from the table, stood and walked to the door leading to the rest of the house. She listened but heard nothing. Her heartbeat pounded in her chest. Small beads of sweat glistened on her brow, and she wasn't sure if it was because she was afraid he'd left, or because her heart would break if he did.

  She stormed into the bedroom and found it empty. Tatyana turned, thinking she heard a noise coming from the bathroom and walked toward it. Pushing the door open, she stopped in her tracks, staring at the nude man reclining in the tub. Zion's body was totally submerged in the water. His eyes were closed, and tiny delicate bubbles floated out of his nose and from behind his ears.

  Tatyana took a step closer to the tub. She nodded and allowed the soft smile to curl the corners of her mouth. Zion's sleeping posture made her heart skid in her chest. Electrical impulses tumbled across her skin when long ago memories of the sea came to her mind. Oh how she missed it, the water cascading through her hair the way it flowed over and around Zion's face and the ocean's warmth around her body. Zion's hair floated in the tub like it was in the air, suspended. Her gaze traveled down to his feet and back to his face. He was a magnificent seaman. She'd wondered why he'd want to leave all of that behind. With his loss of memory, he might never get it back. Never. The longer he stayed on land, the harder to turn into...

  Tatyana reached out, dipped her hand into the water and rubbed it down the side of his head, allowing his hair to intertwine with her fingers. She closed her eyes for a moment and relished the sensations surging through her body.

  * * * *

  Zion couldn't understand why Tatyana had been so mean to him at the station. How could she allow that man to interrogate him the way he did? He thought the feelings he had for her were mutual. Now he guessed he was wrong. She wouldn't even answer him as they drove home. Wouldn't even look at him.

  He stormed into the house, not knowing what to do, how he really felt about the situation, and decided to give her some space. He walked around the bedroom for twenty minutes and then settled in the bathroom. After sinking his body into the tub, fatigue he didn't know he had overpowered him. He didn't even resist his body's need to go under. Without thinking twice, he submerged in hopes he wouldn't drown. The capacity to breathe air and water was new to him. He'd heard his people were capable of it if on land long enough, but how long was long enough? Damn, he was so confused he might even drown in the shower.

  He took a slow breath and allowed the water to fill his lungs, trickle by tiny trickle. No choking, no gagging, no coughing. He took another breath and realized the pounding in his head was gone. Another breath and the muscles in his body were relaxed. He wished he were home.

  The water parted from his hair, and the fingers sliding across his skin were warm. A comfort. He opened his eyes and stared up through the water into Tatyana's face. Her eyes were closed but fluttered with each respiration. Her chest rose and fell in harmony with his. She was beautiful. This is what she'd look like in his world, her body saturated in the teal waters of the ocean and her hair cascading down her shoulders, a mass of curls, unencumbered by clips and ties. Her hands roaming his body as they swam the endless sea. Lovemaking on land was wonderful, but he knew when sea lovers copulated it was beyond belief. Nothing one could even imagine. Oh, how he wished she were one of them. He blew out a breath and shuddered when he remembered he couldn't go back. He wouldn't leave her if he could. She showed him a new world, a new life, a new love.

  Tatyana opened her eyes and settled her gaze on Zion's still face.

  His eyes opened wide with fear when he remembered land dwellers do not breathe under water. How would he explain this to Tatyana? Why hadn't she run screaming from the room?

  Zion sat bolt upright in the tube, sloshing water over the rim. He leaped over the side and scrambled to the corner. “I—I—I don't know what to say."

  "I take it you really aren't from around here.” Tatyana snorted a laugh, turned and left the room.

  Zion slid his body down the wall and squatted on the floor. He pounded his head against the wall behind him. “What now? What am I going to say?” His voice was ragged and strained as he chastised himself. “Why was she in here anyway? She didn't want to talk to me earlier. Why now?"

  He closed his eyes, took a steadying breath and pushed up from the floor. He paced the bathroom for five minutes before he decided to face the music. Swinging the door open, he strode to the living room.

  Tatyana sat on the sofa, the television on with the sound muted and a book open in her hands. She didn't look up when he came in, but a soft, devilish smile curved her lips.

  He wasn't sure if it was from the book or what she'd seen him do in the tub. No, he was sure it wasn't from the tub scene. He walked over, folded his body down onto the sofa and sat in silence, his back tense against the cushions. The electrical impulses shooting across his skin made him shiver. He glanced down his still nude body, watched his manhood twitch, closed his eyes again and tried to stave the feelings. No way would she allow him to touch her after what she'd just seen.

  "I need to explain something to you before you toss me out."

  "You think.” Tatyana reached over and rubbed her hand through his hair.

  He cringed and rotated his head to get away from her. He didn't want her to touch him for fear of what it would do to him.

  "Why don't you want me to touch you, Zion?” Her voice was low, almost a whisper.

  "We need to talk.” He pivoted so he was staring at her. “You do something to me, something I've never felt before. I never thought I would have the things you've given me.” He blew out a breath and reached for her hand. He intertwined his fingers with hers, brought her hand to his face and rubbed it down the side. “I'm not from this place.” Zion closed his eyes and waited for her to respond.

  "When did your memory return?” She cupped his chin and tilted his face toward her.
r />   Zion opened his mouth then closed it. After a heartbeat, he said, “The first night, but how—?"

  "Let's just say...” She leaned forward, grazed his lips with hers. “Neptune can be a tyrant when he wants."

  Zion stood and paced the room. He ran his hand through his hair. He turned, stared at Tatyana for a minute, searching her face for answers. After a long minute of silence he asked, “Why didn't you tell me?"

  "Why didn't you tell me?” she threw back at him.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “How would I tell you, my love, I was from the sea?” He shook his head. “I just couldn't. You would have thought I was crazy, a pervert or a madman. Isn't that what you asked me when you rescued me from the hospital?"

  Tatyana pushed up from the sofa, walked over to him and draped her arms across his shoulders. She put her face close to his so their noses were touching. “I understand."

  Zion shook his head and tried to look away.

  Tatyana cupped his chin and brought his face back to her. “Zion, I knew that first night who you were."

  "But how?” He brushed his lips across her mouth, buried his face at the crook of her neck.

  "Merfolk can't eat tuna."

  "But you ate the same as I."

  "I've been here a long time.” Shrugging her shoulders, “We adapt."

  Zion laughed, his breathe hot against her skin. The warmth of it made her heartbeat pulse in her neck. Zion wrapped his mouth around the sensation, wrapped his arms tight around her body and pulled her close to him. “So you knew all along. You were stringing me along. Why didn't you tell me?"

  Tatyana moaned when the heat from his touch fluttered in her groin. Every nerve ending in her body awakened at his touch. She turned her face and captured his mouth, hot, greedy with need. Her tongue probed and prodded until he opened and allowed her entrance. The loud moan circulating the air was from her. She pushed him back, gasped for a breath of much needed air and stared into his eyes. “How could I? You had amnesia. You would have thought I was mad, a pervert or crazy. I wasn't sure if you would get your memory back. Some don't. Some remember everything. Some never lose it."


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