Second Opinion

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Second Opinion Page 11

by Suzanne, Lisa

  “My story goes back to high school. God, it’s been ten years since I graduated,” she said.

  We talked about nothing while we talked about everything, skirting the real issues as we stopped for sips of wine between our easy conversation. I found Avery to be intelligent and beautiful. We weren’t close enough to confess the real darkness of our pasts, but I knew we were on the path to discovering why we both were so afraid to let others in.

  I’d been to this very park with friends, other women, and family members. I’d gone by myself for a hike or to bike through the mountains. And as I thought about it, I realized I was having more fun with Avery than I had ever had with anyone else there.

  It was just one more piece of evidence that pointed toward the fact that I was ready to let someone in, and I wanted it to be her.

  The question was whether or not she was ready to let me in, too.

  We finished eating without confessing our secrets. I’d known since Saturday night I wanted to tell her about Rachelle, and I wondered if she had that same urge to tell me about whatever happened to her.

  It was completely natural to grasp her hand in mine after we cleaned up our meal and saw people gathering for the hike. The wind rustled her hair, and I caught that flowery scent I’d come to associate with her. It did something serious to me. I shook my head to clear it, confused about these mysterious, unexpected feelings for a girl I’d known for years.

  Our tour guide informed us we’d be starting the hike in five minutes. I glanced around at who would be walking with us. Three older couples, maybe in their sixties or seventies. A couple of families with small kids. A couple about our age. And that was it. We wandered away slightly from the group so we were out of earshot but close enough to hear when the hike was starting.

  “Do you come here a lot?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “A few times a month.”

  “Have you been on this moonlit hike before?”

  “Nope. I always wanted to, but I never had anyone I wanted to go with.”

  I looked down at her and caught her looking up at me. I smiled, and she did, too. Her smile knocked the wind out of me. I wanted to see more of it. I wanted to be the cause of it.

  She shook her head. “You tend to say things that I have no idea how to respond to.”

  My smile widened into a grin. “Like what?”

  She glanced away. It was dark, so it was easy for her to hide her real feelings. “I don’t know. I just know your reputation, and you say things that are so opposite of everything I thought I knew about you.”

  “My reputation?”

  “You play the field.”

  “I’ve heard the same about you.”

  “One minute!” We heard the loud yell of the tour guide over our quiet conversation. We both looked down at the ground as we headed back toward our group.

  “Look, Avery, I like hanging out with you. I don’t care about reputations.”

  “I like hanging out with you, too.” Her voice became shy, a far cry from the confident vixen who had answered her door naked the night before.

  I squeezed her hand as if to let her know I was sincere, and I felt her squeeze back. Maybe she was ready to let me in.

  And maybe it was exactly where I wanted to be.

  The hike started. It was a two mile hike on a mostly flat trail through the desert. The guide began with a short talk on desert hiking safety at night, and then he started walking. The kids in the group all ran to the front with their flashlights, and the older folks followed them.

  As much as I enjoyed the outdoors and the park ranger’s information about desert plant life, it just didn’t seem as important as my quiet conversation with Avery, so we hung toward the back of the group.

  “How’s fall break going so far?” I asked.

  “Well, I spent a lonely night in my bed last night, and then I spent all day thinking about this guy who won’t leave me alone.”

  I chuckled. “I believe you texted me first, Ms. Peterson.”

  “Just to let you know I had a good time with you over the weekend.”

  “Nice try. It was an opener and you know it.”

  “You caught me. No denial here.”

  The tour guide stopped to talk about a cactus, and we stayed toward the back, whispering to each other.

  “It worked.”

  “Yeah, it did,” she giggled. “Don’t pretend like you weren’t going to call me.”

  “I’d have probably waited a day or two.”

  “You still invited me here tonight.”

  “No denial here, either.” The tour guide stopped talking and resumed walking. We followed along, careful along a steep hill that dipped down, our hands still twined together. “So what other plans do you have for the rest of the week?”

  “I’ve got some research papers to grade. Other than that, nothing special. Catching up on sleep and soap operas.”

  We heard some coyotes howling in the distance, and Avery stepped in a little closer to me. I let go of her hand and tossed a casual arm around her shoulders. I felt her arm slip around my waist, and I couldn’t help but notice how well we fit together.

  “What’s your week like?” she asked.

  “The usual.”

  “I know you’re in construction, but what exactly do you do?”

  “I’m a project manager for a home builder. I oversee the budget, scheduling, and planning every phase of a house. We’re opening a brand new neighborhood, so things have been busy.”

  “How does Reed fit into that?”

  “He’s in environmental. He does research and he inspects homes for energy efficiency both as the house is being built and once it’s finished. I do more of the front end stuff, and he does more of the back end stuff.”

  “Do you enjoy it?”

  “It’s a job, but most of the time it’s interesting.”

  The guide stopped again to talk about some other plant, but our conversation continued.

  “What’s your dream job?”

  I tugged on the bill of my cap involuntarily. “Playing baseball.”

  “Did you always want to play baseball?”

  “Yep.” I nodded to emphasize my passion for the sport. “I played in college.”

  “Then why didn’t you go to the big leagues?”

  “Injury. I wrecked my shoulder.”

  We stopped to listen for a minute about the jumping cholla cactus, and once the guide started walking again, we resumed our conversation.

  “Do you like teaching?” I asked.

  “I love it.”

  “Why high school?”

  “I had a tough time when I was in high school. I wanted to teach high school because I know what to look for. I know which kids are struggling because I was one of them. And if I can help one kid get out of a bad situation, then I’ve made my mark on this world.”

  Part of me wondered how many wonderful women I’d passed up because I had never bothered giving them a chance, but the other part of me was glad I’d passed on all the others.

  If I hadn’t, I might not have had the opportunity to stand in San Tan Regional Park with Avery Peterson at that very moment. And her speech about why she wanted to be a teacher was the final straw. I needed to see where I could take things with her. I wanted to know every detail about what happened to her in high school. I wanted to know who had hurt her so badly that ten years later, she was still hurting and she was still working toward correcting the mistakes of her past.

  I stopped walking even though the group hadn’t. Since her arm was around my waist, she stopped with me. I pulled her other arm around me, and I looked down at her expressive brown eyes. They were shaded in the dark, but the moonlight cast a glow over her beautiful face.

  “You’re an incredible woman, Avery.”

  She opened her mouth to say something, but I never heard what it was because my mouth crashed down over hers. Her arms tightened around my waist as I brought my hand up to cup her cheek.

; Our tongues twisted together, and I felt things inside of me clench together in an unfamiliar way. I always enjoyed kissing women, but I wasn’t used to feeling it inside. I was used to the physicality of the act, not to the emotions and feelings that went along with it.

  But you can’t help what you feel.

  She moaned and pulled back from me reluctantly. “We need to catch up with the group or we’re going to get stranded out here in the middle of the desert.”

  I glanced around. The group was far ahead of us. I brushed her breast lightly with the back of my hand. “Would that really be such a bad thing?”

  “You’re naughty,” she said with a wicked smile.

  “No denial here.”

  She laughed at my repetition of our earlier conversation, and then I grabbed her hand and we caught back up with our tour.

  We actually listened for the rest of the tour, learning interesting facts as we held hands. I felt closer to Avery than I’d felt to any woman in years, and it was oddly comforting.

  I glanced ahead of us at the older couples, and the families in front of them with the kids. I had that strange feeling of déjà vu again. I seemed to get that a lot when I was around Avery. I had started looking toward the future. I thought about a not-too-distant-future as I looked at the families with kids at the front of our pack, and I thought about a distant future as I looked at the older couples still holding hands after years and years of marriage.

  And for the first time since Rachelle, I wasn’t terrified of the thought of getting close to someone.

  The hike came to an end all too soon, and our easy conversation continued as I drove back toward Avery’s apartment.

  I pulled in front of her building and put the car in park. I wanted to stay the night; I wanted to go in and fuck her until she wouldn’t be able to walk straight the rest of the week, but something stopped me.

  “You want to come in?” she asked.

  “More than anything. But I need to head home.”

  Her face fell in disappointment. Surely she viewed it as a rejection, but that’s not what it was at all. “So you’re making me watch the game by myself?”

  I took her chin between my fingertips and kissed her gently.

  “Stop thinking whatever you’re thinking. I have an early meeting tomorrow and I need to prep for it.”

  It wasn’t a lie, exactly. The prep work wouldn’t take more than ten minutes, and the meeting wasn’t that early. But I just wanted to leave sex out of it for a night. We were getting close quickly, and I needed to prove to myself we were building something that was more than a few nights of awesome sex.

  She nodded as if she understood, although clearly she didn’t. I kissed her in a way that ensured she’d think of me the next day, and I pulled away after I watched her walk into her apartment.

  I couldn’t get the disappointed look on her face out of my mind as I watched her walk away.

  She clearly had wanted me to come in, and I obviously had wanted to. But for once in my life, I was thinking with my head instead of my dick.

  God. I was starting to sound like a woman.


  The next morning found me at my semi-early meeting in a shitty mood.

  I was gulping coffee like it was water. I was exhausted with another night’s sleep lost to thoughts of Avery. I felt like shit I hadn’t accepted her invitation after our perfect night together. The minute I pulled away, I wondered if she’d invited me in because she wanted to talk. Maybe she’d wanted to tell me about whatever had happened to her in high school. We’d turned a corner for sure, and I was confident she would tell me eventually.

  But I had pulled away and denied us both that opportunity.

  My mind was stuck on the fact that I wanted more than just sex with her. She inspired that animal tendency in me for sure, but I didn’t want to cloud our perfect night together with screwing.

  I wanted to leave it in its perfection.

  And that was something I’d never imagined I would ever want.

  “Grant, we need your final walk-through on 233, 234, and 235.” Lucas’s voice grated on my last nerve. I knew what my job was, and I knew they needed my approval. I just hadn’t had a chance to get out to the job sites.

  “I know,” I snapped.


  “I’ll get to them tonight. I’ll sign the paperwork in the morning.”

  “What’s up your ass?”

  Usually Reed did final walk-throughs before the home buyers did, but he was on his honeymoon. So, this week it would be me.

  And this was the one week when I really wanted to get out of work early. For the first time in my life, I wanted to leave work so I could spend time with the woman who had occupied my mind for days.

  “Fuck off, Lucas.”

  He made a show of rolling his eyes. “Oh my God. You met someone?”

  I shook my head. It wasn’t a lie; I had known Avery for years. It wasn’t like we had just met.

  “Grant Carpenter, I never expected this from you.”

  I remained silent. He was right, and my denial would only spur him on. I pretended to be engrossed in something on my laptop. Lucas and I were basically equals in the company, but we were the bosses. I hated the idea of the others in the meeting seeing us bicker. I hated the fact I wanted to kick his ass.

  And I hated it was all because of her. I didn’t want to think about her non-stop. I wanted to bang her out of my system. I wanted to forget about her.

  If I kept repeating it, it was bound to come true.

  But the truth was that I wanted to make love to her.

  That last thought was all wrong, but it was the only real thought I’d had all day.

  “Never expected what?” I finally asked, tired of Lucas and his stupid true accusations.

  He just shrugged and grinned.

  After the meeting, I headed to my office, glad for the time alone. I checked my calendar and then found myself staring at my phone. I knew she’d be home. I knew she’d check her phone at some point.

  So I sent a text.

  I was fucking pathetic.

  I’m sorry I didn’t come in last night. Give me another chance tonight? –G

  I watched to see if my message was delivered, and after a full minute, it hadn’t been. Maybe she was still sleeping. Maybe she had found some other guy to keep her company since I’d stupidly left.

  What was it about that last thought that had me pounding a fist down against my desk?

  A response came about fifteen minutes after I sent my text. The only reason you need to apologize is for waking me up with your early morning text. –A

  I glanced at my clock. It was a little before eight.

  I promise to make it up to you. –G

  How? –A

  I’ve got new home inspections tonight. Come with me. –G

  On your job? –A

  I thought about it. It would just be her and me in the houses. There were only a few people who had access, and I knew for a fact I’d be the only one inspecting that night. I formulated a plan in my mind. Sure. Why not? –G

  Is it legal? –A

  Of course. I wouldn’t invite you if it was illegal. –G

  Okay. Tell me when and where to meet you. –A

  I figured out the logistics and texted the details, and then I got back to work.

  After everyone else started cleaning up to head home for the day, I headed toward the first house I needed to check. I told Avery to meet me at the second house when my work day ended. The houses I needed to inspect were the first three built in a brand new subdivision, so we’d be totally alone—something I’d been craving with the beautiful girl who had taken over my thoughts, especially after the way I’d left the night before.

  I started my checklist of items to inspect. I was finished with the first one and nearly done with the second when I heard a light knock on the door.

  I opened it, and there she stood, looking like a cross between an angel and a devi
l. I wasn’t sure how she managed to do that. She was ethereal and wicked all at once.

  “Come on in,” I said.

  “How’s the inspecting going?” she asked, stepping into the house and glancing around.

  I leaned in and planted a quick kiss on her, mostly because I needed to feel her lips again. The move was completely natural. “Good. I’m about done with this one.”

  “Give me a tour.”

  “Yes ma’am.”

  I led her through the house. New builds were always gorgeous, but this particular neighborhood featured huge custom homes with tons of upgrades. She halted so suddenly when she walked into the kitchen that I nearly walked into her back. She gazed lovingly at the stainless steel appliances and the granite countertops.

  “This is gorgeous.”

  “All yours for the low price of eight hundred grand.”


  I shrugged. “I can’t afford them. I just help build them.”

  She chuckled. “Good thing I’m not after your money, then.”

  I lowered my voice. “What are you after, Avery?”

  She moved in toward me, holding her body back but resting her arms on my biceps. I wanted to feel her. I wanted her body against mine. But I held back, waiting for her to make the move.

  “I’m after you, Grant. I’m not sure what’s happening between us, but I really like you. I find myself thinking about you all the time.”

  I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her in close so our bodies were flush against each other. “Feeling’s mutual.”

  I lowered my mouth to hers, and her sweet lips opened to mine. I slipped my tongue into her mouth and kissed her the way she deserved to be kissed: slowly, sensually, with feeling and passion.

  I felt everything I put into the kiss coming right back at me as our tongues twisted together. Her fingers dove into my hair and tugged, and that one little movement caused my already hard cock to tighten further. That little movement reminded me of when she tugged my hair when I was buried deep in her tight pussy and she was seconds away from coming.

  I had always enjoyed women, and I had loved sex since the very first time I’d had it.

  But being with Avery was so different from anything else I’d ever experienced. I wanted to take my time with her. I wanted to know who she was. I wanted to kiss her and hold her. I wanted to stay the night with her.


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