The Sweetest Love (Love Conquers All Book 5)

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The Sweetest Love (Love Conquers All Book 5) Page 8

by Victoria Wells

  Jen piped in with, “Do you think the television Batman’s thing was as big as those big black boots her wore?”

  Tilting her head to side as if in deep thought, Sonia came out with, “Probably so. That’s why he wore that huge black cape. You know… to keep him balanced so he wouldn’t tip over from his big ding-dong.”

  She had just swallowed her food in time. Otherwise, it would have gotten sucked down her windpipe. She couldn’t help but to laugh along with them at their foolishness. As soon as she got back to her desk she was googling actor Adam West.

  “OMG! You guys are nuts!” Roxy wrapped up the half of sandwich she hadn’t eaten and then put it back in the white paper bag. Going over to the fridge, she slung her leftover lunch on the shelf.

  Leaning against the counter, Roxy crossed her arms over her chest. Turning the conversation back on safer ground, she told them, “Adam and I are old friends.” Shrugging a shoulder she said, “Don’t make too much out of us holding hands. It was strictly a platonic thing.”

  She almost choked on the lie. Holding his hand had made her feel like his girl, if only for the short distance to his place.

  Gazing into each of their faces she could tell they hadn’t believed a word she said. Jen was staring back at her with a smirk on her face. Sonia was shaking her head. And Kay rolled her eyes.

  “Well, I guess I better get back to my desk.”

  A smile curved Roxy’s lips as she went back to her office. The heifers didn’t even have the decency to wait until she was out of earshot before they started their giggling.

  Chapter 15

  Adam’s lunch date hadn’t gone bad at all. Lisa was actually quite witty, easy to talk to and not bad on the eyes. If he hadn’t been interested in getting to know Roxanna, he definitely would have made room in his busy schedule for a dinner date.

  Crossing the threshold of his townhouse, he threw his keys on the table. Chuckling to himself he thought, or maybe not.

  Lisa had been quick to tell him she’d just gotten out of a long-term relationship with a man everyone in her family was into but her, and she was not in the market to date him or anyone else. “I just want to be left alone. But my great-aunt keeps trying to push me down the aisle.”

  Leaning forward, she rubbed her hand up and down Adam’s arm imitating her elderly great-aunt. “Sugar, you better hurry and get married before you dry up and won’t no man want ya. Don’t ya want some babies?”

  Removing her hands from Adam, Lisa had leaned back and snorted, “Not in this life. I work too hard to keep this body in shape.”

  A twinkle of mischief shone in her eyes as she cupped her perky breasts. “No way am I having a baby hanging off of these girlies.”

  Adam had thrown his head back and laughed. Having lunch with Lisa was like catching up with an old friend. She laughed just as hard when he told his story of his mom throwing every woman that wasn’t blind, cripple or crazy in his path. She howled even louder when he joked, “Just as long as the woman can get pregnant and carry a baby to term, it’s all good with my mom.”

  At no time did she give off any vibes that she wanted more than the blind lunch date their meddling family members had arranged. They had simply enjoyed their mid-day meal.

  Being an attorney had taught him to bring his best poker face when in any situation. He didn’t bat an eye when a woman just as attractive as Lisa came over to their table and tapped her on the shoulder. Standing to her feet, she let out a squeal. The two women intimately hugged just a little too tight, and their gazes held each other’s just a little too long.

  Shaking his head, he chuckled again as he went over to the blinking answering machine. Definitely not my type.

  Jumping out of his vehicle, Adam slammed the car’s door. He didn’t care that he was parked in a loading zone. The least of his worries was the forty-five dollar ticket some overzealous meter maid was hiding in the shadows eager to slap on his windshield.

  What was worrying him was why Roxy had canceled their date. The sexy little coward could have at least kept calling until he answered his phone.

  Taking long strides toward the office building housing Dawson’s Investments he was going to get down to the bottom of what was troubling her. Friday night… well early Saturday morning, they both were looking forward to their dinner date. Now she was telling him it wasn’t a good idea for them to see each other. What the hell?

  Pushing through the revolving glass door, Roxy joined the five o’clock work crowd, hustling and bustling to make it home. Sitting in front of her computer all day to finish the report had been draining. Her tiny bathtub was calling her for a nice, long soaking. After her soaking she would go online and look at some more paint samples. The apartment manager had offered to provide the cheap, no frills paint. She had graciously declined.

  If she was going to be there for the next few years, until she could save for a down payment for a small, cozy home, she wanted to have the best. Nothing for her walls would do but Behr paint.

  Picking up her pace, she was on a mission to make it to the platform in five minutes before her train arrived. If she missed this train, the next one wasn’t coming until five-forty-five.

  What the heck! Fear seized her, but was quickly replaced by anger. Some fool was pulling on the strap of her tote bag!

  “Get off of me!” she screamed, balling her hand in a fist and swinging.

  “Whoa! Roxy! It’s me!” Adam shouted, leaning back to avoid the sucker punch to his left jaw.

  “Don’t do that! I thought you were some idiot trying to snatch my bag!”

  Although Center City was pretty safe, one could never be too sure. Lord knows she couldn’t afford someone snatching what little money she had in her purse.

  “Sorry, babe,” he apologized. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I just want to talk to you.”

  “I don’t want to talk,” she told him as she began walking to the station. He got my message. Good!

  Adam fell in step beside her. She wasn’t about to brush him off. If she didn’t want to see him, she had better woman up and tell him why.

  “Well, I want to talk,” he all but annoyingly growled.

  “I don’t,” she volleyed back with a growl of her own, ignoring the curious glances.


  Roxy nearly skidded in her three inch pumps. Oh… no… he… didn’t! Cocking her head to the side, she shot him an icy stare. “What did you call me?”

  Adam stepped closer, closing the gap between them. He immediately became aroused when his chest brushed against her breasts. Looking down into her upturned face, he repeated himself. “I called you a coward.”

  Get a hold of yourself, girlie! Of all the times for her body to betray her, why now! The firmness of his broad chest rubbing against her caused her nipples to pucker in sweet, painful agony.

  “I’m not a coward,” she all but stuttered, taking a step back. Being close to him was too distracting. “I just don’t want to talk to you.”

  Sidestepping Adam, she clicked and clacked her way down the pavement.

  Confusion skated across his handsome features. Had he done something wrong? If so, what did he do? Then it hit him. Cursing under his breath, he took off after her.

  Roxy rolled her eyes when she saw him out of her periphery. “Go away!” Telling him her place of employment had been a bad move. Stalker!

  “Are you mad at me because I didn’t call?” he asked, ready with an explanation that he hoped would smooth everything over.

  Roxy’s laugh was hollow and humorless. “Trust me. I got better things to do than sit around waiting for you to call.”

  Whoa! What’s with the attitude? And why was he taking it when he couldn’t figure out what he had done so wrong? If he had done anything wrong. Here he was, a grown man running down the street like some desperate, lovesick, teenager. This was so not Adam. He did not chase after women. And this one had him literally chasing her.

  Anger began to swell inside of h
im. She had been the only woman occupying every space of his brain since seeing her that day at his parents’ home. Hadn’t they held each other, shared each other’s pain? Hadn’t they stayed up talking and kissing for hours like lovers do? And hadn’t they promised to get to know each other better?

  Yes, they had. And now she wanted to flip the script like none of it ever happened. Now she wanted to push him out of her life before he could even get his foot in good.

  She had just made it to the top of the stairs leading down to the platform when a steel vise griped her upper arm.

  “Ow!” she cried out.

  Ignoring her protest of pain, he laid into Roxy… real good. If he had been yelling and screaming, maybe that would have been better. But the low key, cool, ominous tone of his voice had her trembling.

  “You know what, Roxanna? You can keep your little nasty attitude to yourself because I don’t need it, nor do I want it. I thought you were a woman and not a little girl masquerading as one. You need to check yourself.”

  Releasing his grip on her, he took a step back and stared at her. If the look had been a scathing one, she could have handled it. Instead it was one mingled in hurt, anger and pain. And it nearly killed her. Oh my God… what have I done?

  “My biggest mistake was thinking you were worth my time.” And perhaps my love one day, he had wanted to say, but decided telling her such a thing would make him too vulnerable in her eyes. And that’s not what he needed right now. He needed to hold on to the anger he was feeling to keep her at a distance. If she didn’t want any parts of him, then he would grant her wish.

  Without saying another word, Adam turned and left her standing there.

  Numbly Roxy made her way down the stairs and sat on the metal bench. Her train had long gone. For the next thirty minutes until the train arrived she sat there feeling sick, her stomach a churning mess.

  What have I done?

  Chapter 16

  The work week seemed to inch by at a snail’s pace. This only dragged out Roxy’s state of misery. She had tried calling Adam on his cell and home phone numbers. He hadn’t responded to either.

  Burying herself in work nose-deep hadn’t helped. Thoughts of Adam and how she had treated him wasn’t leaving her alone. His words taunted her at every turn. “My biggest mistake was thinking you were worth my time.”

  She swallowed the large lump in her throat threatening to cut off her air supply. He had thought she was worth his time. And she had to go and blow it by acting like a brat. Why didn’t she just let him talk to her like he tried to do? Why did she have to be so stubborn and not hear him out?

  “You know, you should just go see him.” Sonia whispered as she leaned her hip against Roxy’s desk.

  Smiling up at her office mate, her lips trembled. She had shared with her work buddies what had happened between her and Adam. They had been really supportive and backed off with the playful teasing.

  “I’m scared he might not see me. He won’t even return my calls.”

  That annoying lump moved from her throat to her chest. She had hurt him by pushing him away and lashing out at him, which she hadn’t meant to do.

  “Thank you,” Roxy whispered when Sonia passed her a tissue to wipe the tears that had begun to fall.

  “You’re welcome, kiddo.” Standing up, Sonia reassured her, “It’s all going to work out.”

  Going over to her desk, Sonia picked up a stack of envelopes. Figuring Roxy needed time alone, she threw over her shoulder on her way out of the tiny office they shared, “Be back in a little bit. I have to take these down to the mailroom.”

  There was more to Roxy’s story, but she didn’t push. If one thing she learned about her new friend, she was very guarded. She just hoped whatever else was troubling her would soon be resolved.

  Roxy let out a sigh of relief after Sonia left. She hated getting all emotional in front of others. But what could she do? Especially when she felt like she may have lost a friend. The only other time she felt so mixed up and out of sorts was when Abby had died.

  How strange was that? More tears fell from her eyes. First she lost Abby and now Adam.

  But you don’t have to lose Adam. Just call him again, the tiny voice in her heart whispered.

  Wiping her eyes, Roxy’s fingers glided across the keyboard as she googled the law firm where Adam worked.

  Taking a deep breath, she picked up her phone and dialed. When the perky receptionist answered, she asked to speak with Adam West.

  “Mr. West isn’t in the office. May I take a message?”

  Disappointment crushed Roxy. “No, thank you.”

  Adam stretched and yawned. He’d been up since six this morning doing research for a new case. Sleep had been hard to come by these last few nights. Throwing down the file he’d been reading onto the coffee table, he rubbed his tired eyes.

  Blowing out a harsh breath, he cussed. This so-called vacation hadn’t gone the way it was supposed to. He had planned on spending time with Roxy, getting to know the grown up woman. But that hadn’t happened. For some reason unbeknownst to him, she had pretty much told him to go to hell without so much as an explanation. And then the next day she had blown up his phone with messages wanting to talk.

  Too damn bad. She should have talked when he wanted to talk. He didn’t have time for her wishy-washy demeanor. He was too old to play games. If she didn’t want to be bothered, then so be it.

  Standing, he stretched again. Going over to the fridge, he pulled out a beer and twisted off the cap. He took a long draw from the bottle before setting it down on the counter. This was why he kept women at a distance. The first time you did something they didn’t like they were either ready to make you pay for it with blood, sweat and tears or they were ready to kick you to the curb.

  Once a woman crossed that line, there was no going back for him. Roxanna Harris was no different.

  Roxy’s heart pounded in her chest. She had never been so anxious in all her life. But this was something she had to do. Her fingers trembled when she pressed the doorbell.

  She waited for what seemed like an eternity when in reality it was only about thirty seconds before the door swung open. Her stomach churned in nervousness. The dark scowl he wore screamed loud and clear; he was not happy to see her.

  Adam held his stern mask in place as he stared down at Roxy. In spite of all that smack he was just talking to himself, he had an overwhelming urge to grab her in his arms. He wanted to kiss her until she was dizzy and then shake her until she told him what he had done so wrong for her to push him away.

  Shifting from foot to foot in her stilettoes, the lines she rehearsed in her head on the cab ride over suddenly vanished. She couldn’t remember her own name! “Umm… umm…”

  Adam lifted a thick brow. If he didn’t know any better he’d swear she never mastered the English language. “Are you alright?”

  Embarrassment burned her cheeks, turning them a deep crimson. “Yes… I mean no… I mean… I just came to apologize,” she stammered, feeling like a complete idiot.

  Before she could turn and make her hasty getaway, Adam reached out and gently pulled her across the threshold and into his arms. He could tell it had taken lots of courage for her to come here and face him.

  Dropping her purse on the floor, she wrapped her arms around his midsection. She wanted to weep. He felt so good. She thought she’d never feel those strong arms around her again. Thought she’d never inhale that scent that was so masculine, so him.

  “I’m sorry I was so nasty to you, Adam,” she murmured, embarrassed all over again.

  She became worried when he released her and didn’t say anything. Reaching around her, he closed and then locked door. She followed him when he led her to the sofa and motioned for her to sit.

  “Do you want something to drink?” he asked as he headed to the kitchen.

  “Water please.” She needed something wet to keep her tongue from getting stuck to the roof of her mouth. She had some explaining
to do.

  Adam handed her a bottle of water as he took a seat next to her. Roxy twisted the cap off and took a swallow. Wanting to get the rest of her apology over and done with, she started yapping away.

  “Adam, I really wasn’t upset about you not calling last weekend.”

  Cocking his head to the side, he gave her a doubtful look. “No?”

  She looked pitiful as she mumbled, “No.”

  Dropping her head, she didn’t say anything. She had never been jealous of another woman. Not even when Carl, her high school sweetheart, sent her a Dear John letter halfway through his freshman year laying it all out that a long distance relationship wouldn’t work between them. As she suspected, months later she found out he had really dumped her for another girl on campus.

  But seeing Adam with another woman had her twisted up on the inside. Not to mention it had started causing her to think all sorts of crazy things. Was the woman really his girlfriend? Had he tried to do to her what her father had done to her mother all those years ago? Was he pretending to be unattached when he really had someone else?

  Meeting his gaze, she blinked back the tears. She tried to gain control over her voice when she spoke, but it didn’t work. It came out a soft shaky mess. “That day you came to my job, I saw you earlier in the day with someone.” She swallowed the lump steadily growing in her throat. “I saw how she was touching you and how you were smiling and laughing with her.” A single tear feel when she bitterly accused, “You told me you didn’t have a girlfriend.”

  “Oh baby, come here,” he said as he reached over and pulled Roxy on his lap. She willingly went, burying her face in his chest.

  It all made sense now. Even though it was an innocent lunch date, he could only imagine what it must have looked like to Roxy.

  “I swear to you Roxy, I don’t have a girlfriend. Lisa was a blind date my mother set me up with. It just so happened she wasn’t as bad as the others.” Adam gently explained as he tenderly kissed her temple. “Although I wasn’t interested in her, I found her to be really cool.”


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