Webs of Deceptions

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Webs of Deceptions Page 3

by D L Davito

  From across the room Frank and Ted smiled secretly to themselves as they realized that Susan’s mini-outburst had the desired effect on her husband. Tim was contrite as he said: “Of course I believe you honey, I guess I am just surprised that you seem so anxious to go back to work after just a couple years of being a stay at home mom.” He put his hand on hers, “And I’m not sure how I feel about having strange men drool over you.”

  Sue squeezed his hand: “Oh silly man, that’s not going to happen. Anyway, the hours Mr Scala asked for won’t keep me away from you and Timmy very much at all. And if I can contribute to our family’s welfare by paying the mortgage, I would love that.” She turned to Tony: “When do you think my first overnight trip might be?”

  “Well, we have an auto show coming up in a couple of weeks that would be for two days and a night that I would like you to take on”, Tony said. “You would simply stand by the new car in an elegant gown and look pretty. That would be no problem for you.” Suzie blushed at the complement.

  Tim picked up the thick contract; “I would like to read through this before we sign.”

  “Of course.” Tony said. “Why don’t you two sit at that conference table by the window and go through it together. You will both have to initial each page where marked and sign the last page to make it binding.”

  After ten minutes Susan got bored with trying to read all the legalize so she just leafed through and initialed where she had to, then signed it. She left it with Tim to continue reading and went over to the bar to refill her coffee. The three gentlemen were standing at the bar chatting softly and smiled at her as she joined them.

  Tim was having trouble concentrating on the document because he kept glancing up to see his wife laughing and talking to the three men who were gathered around her.

  Finally, he picked up the pen, initialed and signed the contract.

  Chapter Seven – Let’s Celebrate!

  Susan and Tim were giddy with excitement on their drive home. “I think you were right about these guys honey”, Tim admitted. “This seems like one hell of a good deal we got to let us keep our home and get back on our feet. We won’t even have to ask your parents or mine for money to help us out anymore. In a couple years we will be sitting pretty.”

  “Oh Tim, this was better than I expected in my wildest dreams!” Sue said. “You don’t know how frightened I’ve been about our money problems. Even the sacrifices that Mr Scala said we would have to make won’t be any problem. I’m actually anxious to go back to work, especially for a salary that will cover our mortgage payments. The part-time schedule I have means that I will only have to increase little Timmy’s time at MDO by one day – from the Tuesday and Thursday days he has now to Monday, Wednesday and Friday. He loves it there and won’t mind a bit.”

  Tim nodded and said: “Hey, I have a great idea! We have a couple hours before we pick up Timmy, and I have the Visa card from Scala with a ten thousand dollar credit on it. Why don’t we swing by the house, change out of these monkey suits we wore for the meeting, have a ‘quickie’ then go to the mall and buy some presents for ourselves?”

  Sue giggled and punched his arm. “You men, all you think about is sex!” But it sounded like a wonderful idea to Susan. It had been months since they could splurge on themselves. Also, her woman’s intuition had picked up on the sexual tensions in the room and she was feeling pretty randy herself from the morning meeting. “Do you think it will be alright for us to use some of this money on us? Mr Scala did say it was for you to use for home improvement materials.”

  “Sure”, said Tim. He was anxious to have sex with his wife right now. She looked damn good in her dress-up clothes, but he couldn’t wait to get them off of her. The way those three men were looking at her made him strangely horny. “Those guys won’t care what we spend the money on, as long as they get it back – with interest. They stand to make a lot of money on us Honey, they are sharks and that’s all they care about.”


  Perhaps calling them ‘wolves’ instead of ‘sharks’ would have been more accurate. While Tim and Susan were home having a quickie fuck, the three men were at the office discussing her and the events of the meeting.

  “Susan Dodge is a real hottie”, said Ted. “I think she is going to be a spectacular piece of ass.”

  Frank agreed: “I’ll say, even in those conservative clothes she oozes sex appeal. It was all I could do to keep from feeling that tight ass or giving her perky tits a squeeze.”

  “All in due time”, cautioned Tony. “Lets not spook her until we make her an offer she can’t refuse.” They all laughed at his reference to ‘The Godfather’ movie.

  “When do you think we can get to our next step?” Asked Ted.

  Tony replied: “Well, it’s pretty clear she is doe-eyed in love with that husband of hers. I don’t think we could get her where we want with just a money threat. But, we should be able to have her in a position where she will do anything for us by Wednesday. By the way, I hope no one objects, but I am going first.”

  “Hell no Tony”, said Frank. “You sure earned the right to be the first strange cock to break in this new, married pussy. You lucky dog, it will be like fucking a virgin with experience! I’m just looking forward to seeing her face when she realizes that she loves riding a new cock.”

  “Yes”, said Ted. “I’m betting that lush, hot body is connected to a super-hot libido. And she doesn’t even know it yet! A hundred bucks says she surprises herself by cuming the first time your cock slips into her pussy.”

  No one took Ted’s bet.


  Oblivious to the ramifications in store for Susan and Tim, they spent the weekend giddy with joy at their good luck. It was as though a huge weight was lifted from their shoulders with their fear of losing their home and ongoing financial concerns evaporating with one stroke.

  Even little Timmy picked up on their mood as he laughed and giggled with them during the day. At night, when he was tucked snug in his crib, mommy and daddy enjoyed better and more ardent sex since their honeymoon.

  Neither of them realized that the terms of their new ‘refinance’ deal meant that Tim would effectively be working for nothing by improving the value of the house, and that Scala Enterprise had a percentage of the equity he was working so hard to build up. Nor did they understand that Susan would be bringing in ten times the salary they were paying her.

  And that was just for the legitimate side of her job. The licentious plans these ‘benefactors’ had for her could bring in much, much more.

  As the Dodge family basked in their happiness, and made love with abandon, a group of lusty, predatory men were plotting their next steps. Steps that could result in this sexy young housewife being made to fulfill their every carnal desire, whenever and however they wanted her to. Mrs Susan Dodge would continue her blissful life as a loving wife and mother, she would just have to give sexual pleasure to strange men whenever they wanted. And her husband would never know.

  Chapter Eight – Photo Shoot

  Tim spent Sunday designing the new porch and gazebo and headed out early Monday morning in his old pick-up to buy the tools and materials he would need. He was excited about his new project and really looking forward to getting started. He kissed Timmy and his wife goodbye and wished Susan ‘good luck’ on her first day of work. She could tell he was anxious to begin his new home improvements project and barely paid her much attention.

  Susan was very excited about going to work at Scala Enterprises and took extra care applying her makeup and selecting her wardrobe. She dressed in one of the new outfits she bought during the spending spree she and Tim had after Thursday’s meeting. She looked at her image in the full-length mirror and thought she looked pretty good. That thought was confirmed by little Timmy as she got him ready for MDO when he said: “Mommy pretty!”

  She felt pretty and special as the receptionist welcomed her and showed her to her new office where she would do research for
her trade show modeling assignments.

  Susan was setting up her desk with supplies and positioning a framed photo of her family when Tony stepped into her office to greet her. “You look terrific Susan”, he said. “That’s great because I have a photographer coming in today to take some portfolio pictures of you. Our clients will be tripping over themselves trying to get you to model their wares.”

  Sue blushed and smiled brightly at Tony: “Why, thank you Mr Scala. I’m anxious to start earning the generous salary you are paying me.”

  Tony’s grin widened as his eyes took in the lush curves of her body. “I think we are going to be very pleased with your work here”, he said.

  “Come to my office in about an hour for your photo-shoot, meanwhile you can use your desk pc to do some research on the new Subaru. You will be going to the Detroit Auto Show to show it off next week.” He turned and walked away before Sue could ask any questions.

  ‘Photo-shoot? Detroit?’ she thought. ‘Oh well, I’m sure everything will be fine’. Sue turned to her pc and began a search for ‘Subaru, features and specifications’.

  An hour later Sue was knocking softly at Tony’s door. “Come in”, she heard him say. When she entered and shut the door behind her Sue noticed a tall, good-looking man setting up photography equipment. Tony introduced them: “Susan Dodge, this is Lester Polk.”

  “Call me Les”, he stepped over and took her hand. She noticed a similar ring on Les with the inscription “OMW”. ‘Some day I’ll have to ask them about their silly men’s club’, she thought. “Call me Sue or Suzy”, she smiled as he led her into the room.

  “This is going to be the easiest assignment I’ve done all month”, Les grinned, as he looked her over. “Have you done any modeling before Suzy?” Les asked.

  “Oh no. I’m just a housewife, this is all very new to me.”

  Les smiled: “Don’t worry Sue, I’ll help you through the process. This will be fun, you look like you were born to make love to a camera.”

  Sue couldn’t help blushing as Tony said: “Didn’t I tell you she could be a star?” Then he excused himself: “I’m meeting Frank for lunch, so will leave you two alone to work your magic. Take good care of our newest star, Les.”

  As Tony was leaving Les said with a wink: “She is in good hands, Tony.”


  Les had Susan sit in a leather chair as he snapped some face shots. Sue felt self-conscious and her smile seemed artificial and phony, even to her. Les spoke softly to her as he stepped behind her chair and gently massaged her neck and shoulders. “No problem Sue, sometime it takes the best models a little time to relax and get in the mood.”

  He went to the bar as he said, “often a little wine and music helps.” Sue gratefully sipped the white wine he brought her and heard Otis Redding’s sexy crooning over the speakers.

  Les resumed his massage and she felt herself relaxing with this handsome stranger as she finished her wine and grooved to the Rhythm & Blues. “Uhmmm” she murmured, I wish my husband would treat me like this once in awhile.”

  “I’ll be glad to step in for him anytime.”

  Sue turned red as she realized that she must have said her thoughts out loud… “Oh no Les, I didn’t mean it like that. I love my husband very much. It’s just that he has been preoccupied lately.”

  She felt Les’ fingers at the top of her breasts and realized he had unbuttoned the top of her blouse! “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “Just posing you in your best light”, said Les. “You have great boobs and a little exposed bodice adds to the photo. Here, let me show you.” Les snapped a few more shots then showed them to Sue in the view screen. What a difference from the first set! She had to admit that these photos were beautiful and made her look downright sultry.

  “But, this one shows too much of my breast and makes me look too sexy don’t you think? I am a married woman after all.”

  Les said that he thought the photos were perfectly tasteful. “But”, he offered: “I’ll show all the pictures we take to you and we will delete any that you don’t approve of.” He didn’t tell her that his camera was set to ‘copy mode’ and he would still have all of them.

  “Well, okay I guess.” Sue didn’t know if it was the wine, music or the sexual tension in the room but she was feeling pleasantly tingly all over.

  “Good!” Said Les as he pulled her chair to the center of the room and tugged her skirt up to mid-thigh while he spread her legs. He took some pictures at an upward angle from the front then had her lean forward as he loosened another button and tousled her hair a bit. “Wonderful! Great! Beautiful!” He said as he continually changed her position and snapped away. Sue was getting in the groove and feeling good. In fact, she was secretly enjoying being touched by this handsome stranger as he positioned her for increasingly sensual shots.

  “Let’s take off your bra now”, said Les.

  “WHAT? What do you mean?” Gasped Sue.

  “Trust me Suzy, this will be great. Your nipples are perking up and I want to capture them through your blouse. Just step into Tony’s bathroom and slip the bra off, put your blouse back on and I’ll show you what I mean. Come on now, we don’t have all day.”

  He seemed to be getting frustrated with her and Sue realized she might be sounding silly. After all, he was a professional and knew what he was doing. Anyway, she had the right to delete any that she felt inappropriate.

  “All right Les, but maybe you better fix me another glass of wine while I change”, she said as she went into the bathroom. Les’ grin was downright devilish as he fixed her another drink.

  For the next 20 minutes Les positioned Susan in several sensual poses. His hands seemed to be all over her body but Sue didn’t try to stop him. After all, she thought, he is a professional. He seems to know what he is doing and, although she would never admit it, this strange man’s touch on her breasts, tummy, hips and legs felt very nice. At one point Les even had her kneeling on the desk like a doggie and had her skirt pulled up to her hips with her blouse wide open. ‘Hot damn!’ he thought: ‘Tony and the boys are going to love these’.

  Then he had her take off all of her undies and put on a flowing evening gown that left little to the imagination. “We don’t want any panty lines to mess up the flow of the silk material here”, he said as he smoothed the cloth over her hips and ass. “Uhmmm, okay”, agreed Sue.

  Susan was in turmoil. Every time Les positioned her for another pose his hands brushed against her body, often in a very intimate way. She didn’t want to seem prudish by stopping him, but she was feeling passion that should be reserved only for her husband. ‘I just won’t tell Tim about this’ she thought.

  By the time the photo session came to an end, Sue was feeling randy as never before and couldn’t wait to get home to her husband. Her body wanted sex and she could feel a layer of perspiration all over her skin. She was afraid that Les could even smell the musky, woman-in-heat scent about her.

  Sue toweled herself off in the bathroom and changed back into her office clothes before coming out to see the photos Les had taken. Mrs Susan Dodge, housewife and mother, could not believe how sensual and sexy she appeared in the pictures! “You are really an artist with that camera Les, these photos are great. But some are just too revealing to keep.” Sue was shocked to see herself in some of the poses - although she was clothed, some of the pictures bordered on pornography! They went through the pictures together and she deleted over half of them. Or thought she did.

  Chapter Nine – A Dry Spell

  The sexy, turned-on feeling stayed with her the rest of the day and, in fact, seemed to intensify and fill her with wicked thoughts. By the time she picked up little Timmy for her drive home, she was thinking of a way to get him down for an early nap, while she dragged her husband off to bed. ‘God I’m horny’ she thought.

  But it wasn’t to be. Timmy was so excited from playtime with his friends at MDO he was just to wound up to lay down. And Tim was so happy sa
wing and pounding away on the new deck that Sue had trouble getting him to stop for a while, even for supper.

  “So, how was your first day?” Tim asked as they were eating dinner.

  “Wonderful!” Susan gushed as she told him about the upcoming Detroit Auto Show and how she would represent the new Subaru. She told him that it would only be one night away from home and of the research she was doing on the car. “This will be easy”, she said. “It is a really nice car.” Tim nodded his head in silent agreement.

  Sue really got his attention when she mentioned her ‘photo-shoot’. Tim asked her a lot of questions about the shoot: What she was wearing; how did she pose? Susan found herself glossing over the sexy aspect of it and how Les had her practically naked during some of her poses, ‘Tim would just get mad and wouldn’t understand’, Sue thought to herself as she justified the ‘lies by omission’ she kept from him.

  “They were mostly head and face shots”, Sue said. “They said they needed them for my file portfolio or something.”

  Tim thought for a minute. “Yeah, I guess it makes sense. They would need to show their clients just who would be representing them.”

  After dinner Tim turned to Timmy, “Come on buddy, let me show you what daddy has been doing all day.” They skipped out of the kitchen, leaving Sue with the dishes and feeling sexually frustrated.


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