Look the Look of Lust

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Look the Look of Lust Page 5

by Miranda Forbes

  ‘Now, come on …’ He kissed her forehead affectionately. ‘You can’t tell me that a hot, sensual woman like you doesn’t have a list of turn-ons. You must have.’

  ‘Well maybe I have,’ she said defensively, ‘but why do you want to know?’

  ‘I want to drive you wild with lust,’ Ben replied. ‘I want to satisfy you deeply and completely, I want to know because I want to know you, what makes you tick. Enough reasons for you?’

  ‘I suppose so, but what if the something that turns me on turns you off? I don’t want to lose you.’ She really didn’t. Lisa was still thrilled he’d wanted her and all her generous curves in the first place. She didn’t know if he could cope with finding out she was kind of kinky too.

  ‘Lisa, you don’t have to worry. I’ve got an open mind.’ He squeezed her shoulder. ‘And I’m happy to try just about anything once and a thousand times if it gets me off.’

  Lisa chuckled at his lame attempt at humour but she still felt nervous admitting to him what she found exciting. It made her feel vulnerable. She had to really trust a person to let them in on her secret desires.

  ‘OK, I’ll tell you, you promise me you won’t freak out, right?’

  ‘I promise,’ he replied. ‘Come on, just tell me. I’m sure it’s not that bad.’

  She blurted it out quickly before she had time to convince herself it was a bad idea. ‘I like to be tied up.’

  There, she’d said it. The words hung in the air and the silence stifled her. She tried to read Ben’s body language but he hadn’t moved at all. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. The one other time she’d told a man what she liked he’d humiliated her in front of all her work mates. Granted, he’d been a vicious bastard who she should never have trusted but maybe Ben had the same nasty streak buried deep inside him.

  ‘Oh, bondage,’ Ben said, his voice frustratingly neutral. ‘What do you like about being tired up then?’

  She thought about keeping quiet, but she’d come this far and he hadn’t started shouting which had to be a good sign. Lisa decided it was worth taking the chance.

  ‘I like being defenceless, the feeling of being at another person’s mercy. I enjoy being manipulated and used and being helpless to resist.’

  ‘That is kind of kinky,’ he said and she bit her lip, worried about where the sentence would run to.

  ‘And …?’ she asked.

  ‘And kind of brilliant too, do you know why?’ He pulled back from her and leaned over the side of the bed.

  ‘No, I don’t know why,’ Lisa said, worried about the answer.

  Maybe he was being sarcastic. Maybe he was a vicious bastard just like her ex whose only motive was to get her fired so he could have her job. She’d trusted him, trusted that he loved her for all she was and that he enjoyed making love to her abundant curves.

  When he’d seduced her into sending him a sexy email at work she knew it was wrong but the thrill of playing the naughty girl for once appealed to her. Before the day was out every single one of her colleagues had read that email including her boss who had fired her loudly and publicly and gave her position to him, to the ex. He’d smiled smugly and waved as she’d carried her few belongings out of the door.

  ‘Good luck finding enough rope to tie you up with,’ he’d said as she walked past him. ‘Fat bitch.’

  She no longer trusted people. She always looked for the ulterior motive.

  Ben’s voice brought her thoughts back to the present.

  ‘Because I really like having a woman at my mercy.’ That’s why I keep these under my bed.’

  The relief only lasted a moment before Lisa’s heart thudded wildly once more. She speculated what he might whip out, maybe she had made a mistake confiding in him. She was highly relieved when he rolled back towards her with handful of ties hanging through his fingers like multi coloured tagliatelle.

  ‘Your face is a picture,’ he chuckled. ‘Did you think I was a serious sadist or something?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she admitted. ‘I’m just a little nervous. Last time I told someone what I was in to it ended really, really badly. I’m just scared of ruining what we have.’

  ‘Look, Lisa, I don’t want to do anything that you aren’t happy with, if you want me to stop we’ll have a safe word, what do you want to use?’

  Lisa’s mind went blank. She was just relieved he didn’t seemed turned off by her admissions. ‘I don’t know, it needs to not be a sex word so how about beans or ostrich or leggings or something?’

  ‘Let’s go for beans. I like beans, that’ll work, though I don’t want go trawling through your mind any time soon,’ he said with a teasing elbow to the ribs, ‘those are some strange random words you picked out there.’

  ‘I have imagination.’ She raised an eyebrow. ‘You should know that by now.’

  ‘Oh, yeah, I do. Now, where were we?’

  ‘I believe you were going to tie me up and have your way with me.’ Lisa raised her hands above her head and the sheet that covered her slid down and exposed her breasts. She was sick of thinking the worst. Lisa was ready to have some fun and damn the consequences.

  ‘That was it, yes, now hold still.’ He carefully selected a dark purple tie and wrapped it around her wrists a couple of times before tying it tight. ‘Now keep your hands up above your head, OK?’

  She nodded.

  ‘Pardon?’ he asked with a harsh look and a gentle pluck of her nipple.

  ‘Yes, sir,’ she gasped as her heart galloped to the rhythm of her hesitant arousal.

  ‘That’s better.’ Ben smiled and trailed his fingers around her areola in lazy circles. ‘Now what shall I do with you? Oh, the possibilities are endless.’ His fingers continued to tickle erotically across her flesh as they ran over the soft mound of her stomach and into the fine hair at her crotch but instead of dipping lower they ran back up her body to the other breast. She moaned gently and undulated her hips in disappointment.

  ‘Now, now, patience darling, you’re running to my schedule now.’ He pinched her nipple with enough sharpness to make her gasp. ‘And you never quite know what’s coming next.’

  Ben kissed her. She was still reeling from the pinch and the pain that blossomed around her hard nipple as his soft lips promised her delights she could barely imagine. She pulled her arms down behind his head, hooked them around him. Lisa wanted to feel closer to Ben and this was the only way she could do it with her hands tied.

  ‘None of that,’ he said. ‘I told you to keep your hands above your head.’ Ben wiggled down from under her grip then pushed her arms till they lay against the bed above her head. He pulled another tie from the pile he’d discarded earlier and looped it through the material around her wrist. Lisa strained to see but could not see past him however hard she tried. When he moved she saw that she was now tied to one of the iron rods in the bed head. She gave a little pull and discovered just how little room to manoeuvre she had. She was trapped.

  She loved it.

  ‘Naughty girl,’ he tutted, ‘distracting me from my plan. You’ve just given me free rein to use and abuse your delicious body and I’m going to enjoy every damn minute of it.’

  Ben slipped licks and nibbles down her neck as his hand purposefully trailed over her breasts and down over her stomach. Lisa knew he was going to do it then, he was going to satisfy the aching need between her thighs. He was going to finger fuck her, she was convinced of it. So when his fingers skimmed over her pussy and came to a stop on her thigh she was very disappointed.

  ‘Naughty girls need punishing,’ he said as he sat up on the bed. Lisa gulped. They’d never done anything like this before and she wasn’t sure she was into pain. She was pretty certain she’d enjoy being tied, but she’d hardly even thought about being spanked. It wasn’t a usual part of her fantasies. She tingled with anticipation though as he grabbed her leg and pushed it up towards her chest. He angled her over to one side too and exposed her plump arse. She held her breath as she realised exa
ctly what he could see and what he might do next.

  Ben was so quiet it unnerved her. He’d never been a quiet lover; when they first fucked he whispered sweet nothings to her and moaned gently all through. She found it reassuring and was much more vocal than she’d ever been before because of him. This felt strange and she wasn’t sure she liked it. She was tense. She held her body still and scrunched up her face as she waited for that first unknown impact but it didn’t come.

  Lisa slowly opened one eye, then the other as she realised nothing was forthcoming. She relaxed and it was just at that moment he pulled back his hand and let it fly. She yelped at the stinging impact but was surprised how good the lingering tingle of pain felt after the initial shock. He spanked the exposed buttock again and it felt harder and the sting lasted longer before the warming glow soothed and aroused her.

  ‘Your bottom takes on such a wonderful pink hue when I hit you like this.’ Ben spanked her again and Lisa let out a sob but it wasn’t one of hurt or sadness it was a sob of desperation and need. Her buttock stung and burned and the sensation suffused the whole of her lower body. Her cunt throbbed with the same pulse of need and with every slap of his hard hand she felt all the more aroused.

  ‘Are you going to be a good girl in future?’ He asked after one particularly hard spank and as she twisted up against the bed frame, the silken tie tightening around her wrist she cried out desperately in reply,

  ‘Yes, yes, sir, yes.’

  ‘Are you sure?’ He gently caressed her reddened cheek. His movements did not soothe her they heated her more and made her all the more determined to come. His other hand still held her thigh back. She couldn’t move to show him what she wanted. She’d normally arc her back or split her thighs or press her breasts harder against him and Ben would respond and fuck her as she wanted. She couldn’t do that; she would have to use words to show her need.

  ‘Very sure, sir. I promise I’ll be good but please fuck me now, please, sir?’

  ‘Oh, you want me to fuck you, do you?’ Ben traced circles over her burning buttock. ‘Is this turning you on?’ He pushed two of his fingers violently inside her and found out before she had the chance to verbalise her response. ‘Oh, you’re really turned on.’ He pushed his fingers in and out and fucked her rapidly. It was just what she wanted and she forced her bottom out to meet his fingers each time they thrust in.

  ‘Since you promise to be good and my cock is fucking hard and desperate for your cunt I will fuck you.’

  ‘Thank you, sir,’ she moaned, as he pulled his fingers from her. He didn’t release her thigh. He held her folded over on her side and knelt in the curve of her arse and her bended knee. All Ben did was to lift her top leg a little to give better access to her pussy. Lisa wondered what she looked like to him. She felt her cheeks flush hot with shame as she realised how lewdly displayed she was.

  ‘You’re very welcome,’ Ben whispered huskily. ‘Now be a good girl and take my cock.’

  He thrust into her carefully. His thick dick forced its way into her slowly but easily. She moaned with gratitude as he filled her and exclaimed her thanks as he moved in and out of her.

  ‘Fuck me,’ she groaned and he stilled. ‘Fuck me please, sir,’ she amended with a whimper.

  ‘That’s better, I’m in control, slut, don’t forget that.’

  ‘No, sir,’ Lisa sobbed. She’d never been called slut before and was surprised she liked the derogatory term. It felt raw and harsh yet tender and she wanted to hear more loving abuse from him. She needed it as much as she needed him to fuck her.

  He pushed down with both his hands on her thigh as he established his rhythm again and with her thighs virtually closed around him she felt the vibration of his impact all through her cunt. Her clit throbbed with it as he raised his pace.

  ‘Yeah, that’s it bitch, take my cock,’ he groaned as he rammed into her with building ferocity and rising need. ‘Tell me how much you love it.’

  ‘I love it,’ she cried as her tits bounced lewdly and her wrists rubbed painfully in their binding, ‘I love your cock in my slutty cunt, I love being bound for you, spanked by you, fucked by you, sir I love it, I love you, sir, I love you.’

  She’d never been so free before and she’d never been so honest and for a split second she was worried about how he would respond.

  ‘I fucking love you too,’ he groaned. ‘I love you so much, Lisa, so fucking much.’ She came with a noise that was primal. She felt the relief of release and revelled in it. As he crammed his cock into her and exploded with a roar she felt cherished and content. She was his slut and she couldn’t be happier. She was finally free.

  Spa Daze

  by Louisa Harvey

  Claire skulked out of the changing rooms. She knew everyone else was wearing swimwear too, but it didn’t make her feel any less self-conscious. Casting her eyes between the swimming pool and the unoccupied hot tub, she made her decision.

  Sinking into the furiously bubbling water, Claire already felt more relaxed. She’d been having a hard time of it lately and had treated herself to a day at a spa so she could have some “me-time”. No mobile phones, no computers, no distractions. Far from feeling cut off, Claire loved it. If anyone needed her, tough. It was her day and she was damn well going to enjoy it.

  Moving her arms and legs gently about in the tub, Claire experimented with different positions. If she stretched her legs just so, she had a jet blasting bubbles between her wriggling toes. Bliss.

  The force of the numerous jets hitting her body shifted her bottom along the seat a little. However, when Claire sank back down onto the plastic, she found she didn’t mind at all.

  Her new position meant a stream of bubbles was directed right between her legs. Claire scissored them open and closed a few times, the picture of innocence to anyone who may have happened across her. As it was, the place was quiet. Two older women were doing slow laps in the pool, chatting to one another and paying her no heed. The Jacuzzi was set above the pool in any case, so all they’d see if they looked in her direction was her head over the wall.

  Draping her arms over the side of the tub, Claire opened her legs. The jet was so strong that it felt as if she were naked down there. The bubbles pummelled and caressed her pussy. Even with the constant sensation of the water, Claire could feel blood flowing to the juncture between her thighs. Her labia started to swell and her clit throbbed.

  Despite knowing that no one could possibly see what she was doing, Claire looked around again to make sure nobody was looking in her direction. The coast was clear. Spreading her legs wide, she succumbed to the Jacuzzi’s relentless stimulation. Leaning her head back Claire closed her eyes, every inch the relaxed spa customer. If only they knew.

  Using her arms to shift her body just a tiny bit, Claire aimed the jet where she needed it most. Soon her pussy fluttered, the beginnings of orgasm creeping over her. Just a few more seconds of direct contact was all it took. Squeezing her eyes even more tightly shut, she gritted her teeth and pressed her lips together hard as her climax tore through her body. A noise escaped her throat, but was lost in the noise of the bubbling tub.

  Claire slumped in the seat, breathing hard. As she started to come back to herself, she cracked open her eyes, ready to let the world back in.

  The most inviting green eyes she’d ever seen were peering back at her. Startled, Claire’s heart leapt and she squeaked, ‘You made me jump!’

  Standing at the edge of the Jacuzzi was a very amused young man. Dressed in the white shorts and navy T-shirt of the spa’s staff, he was every inch the health and wellbeing guru. He had a tanned body that he clearly looked after, and tousled blond hair. He could have walked off Bondi Beach. Claire was suddenly very aware of her pale, un-toned body.

  ‘Sorry. I was just walking past and you looked like you were in pain. I thought you had cramp or something.

  ‘Uh, yeah. In my leg,’ Claire replied. ‘It’s OK now, though.’

  ‘I think I should prob
ably look at it. If the muscle isn’t properly relaxed, the pain could come back. I’m a sports masseuse, by the way. Jackson.’

  Claire couldn’t see any way of getting out of it without appearing rude. She wasn’t sure she wanted to, to be honest. After all, it wasn’t every day that an extremely sexy sports masseuse offered to put his hands on her leg, or anywhere else for that matter.

  ‘OK, Jackson, if you’re sure. Would you mind passing me my robe? It’s on the nearest lounger.’

  He got up and walked to the lounger. She nodded when he pointed to make sure he’d got the right one. Wandering back, he stood by the tub as she got out, helping her into the robe. Claire shuffled into it quickly, not wanting her body on display for any longer than necessary.

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘No worries. All part of the service. Follow me.’

  Jackson set off towards the changing rooms. Claire wondered what on earth he was up to, when she remembered there was a unisex area just before the corridors forked off in opposite directions. Sure enough, he headed into a communal area with a water fountain, showers, some seating and the sauna and steam room.

  Claire was just settling into one of the chairs when Jackson whipped off his T-shirt and started folding it. Claire’s jaw all but hit the floor. He was facing away from her and as much as she wanted to see the front view, the back view was delicious too. He had broad muscular shoulders and biceps to die for. There was a tattoo on his right shoulder blade and another circling his left arm. As she gawped, Jackson hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his shorts and kicked off his flip flops.

  Claire almost had a coronary until she realised he was wearing swimming trunks underneath. Of course he was. In case he had to leap into the pool to save someone. Claire herself was in danger of drowning – in her own drool.

  Jackson dropped his shorts to his ankles. When he bent down to pick them up, Claire bit her lip hard to keep from making a noise. If she had, it would have been something like ‘Mmmmffff!’


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