My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1)

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My Decadent Demon (My Demon Trilogy, Book 1) Page 3

by Jakz, Nikita

  Eyes opening, Cole found himself standing in what felt like another person’s dream. “Might as well get comfortable,” he drawled, conjuring up a bed. He was so damn tired of his sleep being interrupted. In only a pair of PJ bottoms, he sprawled out on the mattress.

  Up into the black foggy void, he stared, suddenly sensing someone watching. “Take a damn picture,” he smirked, “it'll last longer.” With an air of indifference, he slid his hands behind his head and crossed his ankles, waiting for that ‘special someone’ to show, or attack, or do whatever the hell they planned on doing


  Just a few yards behind Cole, Sera's lips twitched. His dry sense of humor always tickled her soul. As she watched him get comfortable, her feet inched closer, like a cat carefully advancing on its prey. She didn’t want to make the same mistake she had before. He could not be allowed to see her. After all, he needed rest. His fatigue was tangible. Her wings fluttered as she delighted in his presence. He was just so deliriously beautiful!

  At the sound of rustling feathers, Cole closed his eyes. Shit, now he was in for it. Despite his accelerating heartbeat, he forced himself to stay relaxed. But still, his body began to heat, simply from the thought of her watching him.

  Eventually, he spoke up, drawling through a smirk, “I can give you a camera if that’d make things easier. Hell, I'll even get naked if you want.”

  She paused in her approach. Clearly his detection abilities had improved over the years. Damn it to hell. Well, at least she was better prepared for what else he was capable of. She wouldn’t let him force her into her physical form this time. He’d be able to sense her, but that would be the extent of it.

  With a mischievous smile, she resumed her advance, reveling in his magnificence every step of the way. Once beside his bed, she reached out, unable to resist the urge to touch his bare chest. A shiver raced visibly through him. Absently she licked her lips, moved her fingers lower.

  But abruptly he grabbed her hand, catching her off guard as he halted her trek toward his stomach. With a powerful tug, he sent her spilling atop him, her body instantly appearing against its will.

  Smiling smugly, Cole raised a brow. “Couldn't resist, could you, Sera? I see some things haven’t changed.”

  He had effortlessly bypassed her spiritual safeguard once again! With a frustrated, kittenish growl, she smacked his chest, still floundering against his body. “Cole, you irritating male! I was trying to- I didn't want you to- you weren't supposed to-” She stopped abruptly, spotting amusement in his gaze. Eyes narrowing, she hissed. “You have grown rather skilled -and smug- in your old age. Yet, I see that the ability to refrain from scorning a love-sick seraph has still managed to elude you.”

  With a shrug, he released her, casually brushing the hair from her face. “I have many skills,” he murmured, skimming his fingertips along her cheek, “learned many things through the years.” A lock of her hair he wound ‘round his finger, but just as quickly he released it, letting it fall back to her shoulder. “As I'm sure you have, too.” He cupped her face, and Sera instinctively nuzzled into his touch, her eyes sliding closed with a sigh.

  A humorless laugh slipped from her lips. “You assume incorrectly, beautiful demon. I live in a realm where many skills are not even needed.” Her gaze dropped down to where her thumb absently stroked his pectoral. Memories of their intimacy surfaced in her mind. But she didn’t smile. Instead, she looked sadly back up at him. “You, however, I do not doubt have mastered countless new talents.”

  Another small growl sounded as a newfound ire arose. “Truthfully, the thought of you learning such abilities with another spurns anger within my heart.” She pulled away, her image beginning to flicker. “I had not intended to converse with you this day. I merely wanted to-” her eyes grew weary, “enjoy you from afar. The male I want but cannot have.”

  Cole frowned, as if her words, her retreat had somehow caused him pain. But then quickly he put up a front, his all-too-familiar mask of indifference. “Well by all means, look your fill then.” He returned his hands to beneath his head. “Because you know I’ve been doing the same.” A toothy grin spread across his features as he shot her a parting gesture. “Next time you come around though? Be sure to make it worth my while.”

  And then he was gone.

  Sera sprung from her small, cushioned chair, an unholy curse hissing from her lips. Instantly she began to pace, chewing insistently on her thumbnail as her heart pounded wildly. “How did he detect me so easily?” She pivoted on her heal, stalking in the other direction. “I have practiced and practiced my cloaking ability!” Another hard turn, more angry marching. “I must either stop these visits or find another way to go unnoticed. Think Seraphina, think.”

  She headed to the window to focus on her favorite star. “If I cannot hide my presence, then perhaps I can alter my identity so he will not recognize me.” Twirling a lock of hair around her finger, she sighed heavily. “No. He would easily sense my deception.” A small smirk curved her lips. “And the evil in such a deed would surely excite him. It would be wrong for me to encourage him so,” she mused absently. “Mmm. But I do so love the way he-” she shoved both hands into her hair and groaned. “Oh, for Heaven's sake. What is wrong with me? I cannot continue this behavior.”

  Flopping down on her bed, she stared up at the ceiling. And whimpered. “But he is just so amazingly wonderful!”

  Cole glowered, stewing where he sat in one of the city’s seedier night clubs. After all that had been happening, to say his life was in the crapper would be an understatement. The woman he’d decided to make time for tonight wasn’t Sera.

  He growled in frustration, slamming back his drink. Damn angel. He needed something, anything, to make him forget those big, brown eyes and those long, dark, soft-as-silk waves of hair.

  For some reason, he swore he could feel her eyes on him, watching him from her perch high up in the clouds. Ever since he caught her spying on him, he knew in his gut that she wasn’t going to stop.

  A finger snapped irritably in his face, pulling him out of his musing. Cole blinked at the sultry, stacked-like-a-brick-house red head. Her mouth was moving but he sure as hell wasn't hearing a word she said. Just an annoying noise that sounded way too much like the adults from that old-school kids’ cartoon; “Wa, wa wa, wa wa.” No, she didn’t have the soft lilting voice that Sera did. Which happened to be music to his ears.

  Cole cursed, angry at himself for dwelling on the one thing he couldn't have. He didn’t need this shit, and he didn’t need her. With a smirk solidly in place, he stood, catching his ginger companion by surprise as he yanked her out on the dance floor. He refused to waste another minute thinking about the unattainable. Tonight he was going be exactly what he was: a demon on the prowl. And if this redhead was lucky -and shut the hell up- she might just end up in his bed before the night was through.

  The days since her last encounter with Cole felt like an eternity. Could one become addicted after two meager tastes? Surely after so long, it would take more substantial samplings to render her dependent. Sera sniffed dismissively, eyeing her looking glass.

  Just one peek.

  Her thumbnail slipped between her teeth, eyes sparkling with innocent curiosity as her other hand reached for the mirror…

  She froze as her fingers met the glass, a deep frown forming on her face. An unexpected vision of Cole. Her heart squeezed uncomfortably in her chest. He was sharing his company with another female… in some questionable establishment … with loud music and … sweaty bodies. She pulled her hand away and lifted her chin, sniffing indignantly as she wiped at a tear.

  Abruptly she stood, deserting her vanity to walk laps around her room. She deserved to feel this way. After all, it was her fault that things were the way they were. She should never have gone looking for Cole all those years ago. And she should never have fallen in love. She should never have left him in such a cruel manner and she certainly should not be spying on him now.

/>   She slid down on the floor beside her bed and hid her face in her hands. Behind closed lids, the woman Cole had been with looked back at her. Would this stranger be Sera’s ruin? What was it was about her that won Cole's attention? She swiped at more tears as they began to flow freely. What if she loses him forever to this comely, mortal girl? She grabbed a pillow and covered her head. What a stupid question. She had already lost him years ago. A distraught mewl curled up her throat. It was foolish to continue pinning after him so. Her only hope was to one day find another male to take his place in her heart. A male, of course, that was just like Cole…

  A few more days had passed since Sera’s not-so-pleasant peek into Cole’s nightlife indulgences, yet she still seemed to need a distraction. She was not in the mood for other Seraphim company, nor was she interested in reading. Changing into her favorite silk pants and camisole, she padded barefoot over to her chamber’s music system. She did so love the songs of humans. The Gregorian Chants of her realm were ridiculously over-played.

  With a sigh, she activated the console. The sound of acoustic guitars immediately filled her room. The melody was beautiful and the ensuing vocals sad. Sad just like her. Her eyes slid closed as her body began to sway. In her mind, she pretended she was with the one she loved...

  Cole’s warm arms wrapped around her, pulling her close as they swayed to the music. Her arms, in turn, draped happily around his neck. With their feet barely moving, their bodies moved as one. One heart. One soul. One love.

  His palm pressed her head to his shoulder, allowing him to breathe her in. Sera’s heart leapt. She could feel his heat, his hard body. And his scent, Dear God, it was incredible, just as she remembered it; midnight and wild fires and sinful seduction. She pressed herself closer and murmured against his warmth. “I miss you so much.”

  Into her ear, he sighed, “As I do you, Sera.”

  In perfect unison, their bodies moved, turning in lazy circles as the melody flowed around them, the soft rustle of clothing whispering against their skin. Sera smiled, her eyes ever closed as she relished in the vision she’d created. Her hands slid into his hair as she nuzzled her face in his neck, savoring him on every glorious level.

  “Did I ever tell you that I saw you in my destiny?” she murmured.

  “Did you now,” he whispered, his smiling lips skimming the shell of her ear. A soft chuckle left him when she sheepishly nodded. And then he took her hand and began to kiss her knuckles, intertwining their fingers to hold over his heart.

  Abruptly, he swung her around, then dipped her, bringing her up slowly against his large frame. Sera laughed, her skin beginning to glow. “Yes. It was my very first vision. Even now I rarely have them.” Nestling back into his arms, she smiled. “I was young, and the sight of you took my breath away.” Dreamily, she sighed. “Quite literally. For after that, not searching for you was like trying not to breathe.” She peered up into his hazel eyes. “Somehow, I knew that you were mine.”

  Cole looked down at her, a tender expression on his face. “You take my breath away every time I see you.” The music washed over them as he held her tighter. “I will always be yours, Sera.”

  As he nuzzled her neck, the song’s bitter-sweet lyrics penetrated her mind, making her ache anew. She pressed her forehead against his shoulder, whispering as much to herself as to the imaginary lover in her arms. “There has to be a way. And I am going to find it, even if it takes me a thousand years to do so. I left you once, Cole Asteroth. Like a foolish little cherub. If you ever give me another chance, I will not make the same mistake twice.”

  His lips brushed against her temple. And as the music drew to a close, his image began to fade, his final words lingering in the quiet of her mind. “Be with me forever, Seraphina...”

  Sera opened her eyes to find herself alone in her chambers. Her heart was pounding and her lashes wet. Through her long, chocolate tresses she ran an unsteady hand, silently making her way to her bed. Beneath the silken sheets she slipped and settled onto her pillows. And as she drifted off to sleep, a small smile curved her lips as visions of her lover danced in her head.


  “Here demon, demon…”

  Cole ghosted into a vacant alleyway and immediately stepped in a mound of melting snow. He shook his foot with a curse, scowling down at his shoe. With a snap of his fingers, he swiftly changed his loafers into boots. Now that winter had set in, he really needed to adjust his wardrobe.

  Exiting the backstreet, he made his way down the busy city sidewalk, whistling in dark humor to the tune of ‘The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.’ Hands in his coat pockets, he began to scan the masses, searching with cold eyes for his daily payment to The Master.

  Sera stilled at her vanity, her eyes locking onto Cole as he materialized into the dominion of man. She giggled, watching him glaring at his shoe and shaking it irritably. But when he suddenly manifested boots, she raised a brow. Impressive. Propping her chin in her hand, she smiled, and continued to enjoy the entertainment he was providing.

  And then his eyes flickered. The mischievous look had her utterly intrigued. She sat up straight. But as her hand slid toward the mirror, she paused. Then frowned at the fact that he wasn’t sleeping. If she wanted to watch him at closer range, she'd have to visit him in the corporal world. And that would require slipping unnoticed from the seraphim realm, which was a bit extreme.

  She nibbled on her lip as he emerged from the alley, scanning the busy streets with determined purpose. What in Heaven’s name was he up? She couldn't stand it. Her curiosity was once again getting the best of her.

  Newfound resolve lit her features as she stood up and marched across the room to an enormous walk-in closet. Within, she scoured her wardrobe, searching for something more human-like. She’d need to blend in, after all, and her dazzling angelic gowns just simply wouldn’t do.

  After a few frustrating moments, she decided to get inventive. Creating an outfit should not be too difficult. She recalled the women’s attire who had so easily garnered rapt Cole’s attention that night at the club. She snarled at the thought, before promptly manifesting a two-piece, black leather ensemble. The fitted jacket and skin-hugging slacks felt divine. Who knew animal hide was so unbelievably soft? Next she slid on a pair of burgundy, five-inch heels, a happy purr emerging at what they did to her calves. If Cole thought her legs were divine before…

  She paused to frown. No, this outfit was not for him. It was merely to help her blend in.

  With a nod, she gave herself a quick inspection in the closet’s full-length mirror. She looked spectacular if she did say so herself.

  Removing her jacket so as not to hinder flight, she draped it over her arm. Only a slinky, low-backed camisole covered her beneath. As ready as she’d ever be, she inhaled deep, squared her shoulders, then turned and marched to her balcony doors.

  Majestic wings emerged on cue, snapping wide to expand to their fifteen-foot width. A gentle breeze sent stands of chocolate flittering across her face. She smiled, her heart racing with anticipation. And then she was descending, lower and lower from the heavenly atmosphere, heading back to a place she hadn’t seen in a hundred years. A place called New York City.

  Still whistling under his breath, Cole walked along, checking out shop windows in the breaks between passing human herds. He stopped, spotting a male was selling drugs to a teenager. Narrowing his eyes at the two, he waited for his moment. The teenager eventually took off, scurrying down the busy sidewalk as he stuffed his purchase deep into his pocket. Cole snapped his fingers and the kid’s drugs instantly appeared in Cole’s hand. As he looked down at the crap, he couldn’t for the life of him get why humans needed such things to escape from their everyday realities. He snorted humorlessly. Try living in hell for a day...

  A second quick snap and the baggie disappeared.

  His gaze slid over to the dealer as he pulled a cigar from his coat. No need for a lighter when he had ‘Bic-magic’ at his fingertips. With a smirk, he w
alked over to the male, letting him -and no one else- see Cole’s true demonic form. The guy gaped, paling as he started to sputter, asking who Cole was and what he wanted. Cole shook his head. “Shits like you need a life.”

  One last time he snapped his fingers, mystically vacuuming the asshole’s body into a tiny, little black box. Tucking it into his coat pocket, he smiled, and resumed his stroll down the sidewalk.

  Sera descended gracefully toward Earth, concealed in angelic invisibility. The moment she touched down, her wings shimmered away, the sound of their flapping replaced by her heels clicking along the filthy concrete. Chin held high, she re-donned her jacket, then emerged onto the bustling Manhattan street.

  Keen eyes took in her surroundings. As she navigated through the sporadic clusters of humans, she regarded them with a curious smile. There was so much to hear and see, touch and smell. She didn’t remember the city being so stimulating. Inside, her stomach flittered with anxious, eager butterflies.

  She frowned, searching every male, unable to find the one she was looking for. Strange, she had seen Cole traveling this way not too long ago…

  And then she spotted him. What was Cole doing conversing with a questionable looking human? Was it demon related business? Curiosity growing, she paused to hone in on their conversation. Angelically enhanced hearing was perfect for moments such as these.

  A moment later, her head tilted in pleasant surprise. He was targeting a corrupt soul, ridding mankind of the male’s negative influence. Her heart pounded with pride, a smile emerging on her face. The best thing of all, though, was that her demon thought the good of his deed had gone unseen.

  When Cole finally resumed walking, Sera recommenced shadowing him as well. Her eyes flashed happily as she shortened the distance between them. Sweet torture, she was close enough now to pick up his scent. Candlelight mixed with the cool, heady air of an approaching gale. She drew in a breath, holding it nice and close to her heart. Just like she’d hold Cole if she were able.


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