Her Wilde Bodyguards [Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Her Wilde Bodyguards [Wilde, Nevada 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Chloe Lang

  He nodded. “I believe I am.” Gya had changed everything, and he loved her for it. His cell rang. “Maybe that’s her.” He looked at the screen. “Nope. It’s Sam. I wonder what he wants.”

  “Probably just updating us on the Scarpelli issue, but my gut tells me it’s something else.”

  Aaron had learned to trust Kyle’s instincts. He clicked on the speaker so his brother could hear the conversation, too. “What’s up, Sam?”

  * * * *

  Gya walked into the hotel suite.

  The place looked like a storm had blown through it, which was odd. Stephanie was a neat freak even when traveling. Everything had to be put up and away. Not like now. Clothes were crumpled on the floor. The coffee table was turned over.

  Gya’s gut coiled into a knot. This is all wrong.

  When she saw a broken lamp on the desk next to the sofa, she turned to her promoter. “What happened here? Where’s Stephanie?”

  Sharon smiled. “Let me see if I can clear this up for you, honey.” Her promoter reached in her purse, and when her hand came back out there was a terrifying-looking pistol in it.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” Gya couldn’t believe her eyes. “You certainly don’t need a gun. Whatever the problem is, we can work this out.”

  “Not we, Gya. Me. I am working this out.”

  I’ve got to do something, but what? “Just put the gun away. Please.” Gya reached into her pocket. If I could just get a text off to Aaron and Kyle, everything would be okay. But how?

  “Keep your hands where I can see them.”

  Damn. “Okay. Okay. Just relax.” She pulled her hand out of her pocket, leaving her cell.

  Sharon patted her weapon and aimed it directly at her, filling Gya with dread. “This baby gives me the upper hand, don’t you agree?”

  “If you want me to go back on tour, let’s sit down and figure this out together.” She glanced around the room, searching for Stephanie. Trying to keep calm, she fought down the panic as best she could. Where is Stephanie? If this lunatic harmed her in anyway, I’ll make sure she pays. Please God, let Stephanie be okay. “Sharon, we just need to talk.”

  “I’m sick of talking to you. I don’t give a fuck about the tour, Gya. You’re a no-talent, goddamn spoiled brat. I never have understood why everyone else couldn’t see that. Today I’m going to rid the world of you, bitch. You’ve destroyed so many lives on your rise to fame.”

  “Destroyed lives?” Gya could see the rage in the woman’s eyes. Sharon had completely lost her mind. “What in the world are you talking about?”

  * * * *

  Kyle listened intently to Sam recounting more of what he’d learned from the FBI about Scarpelli.

  “There’s absolutely undeniable proof that he was the drug cartel’s moneyman, guys. Your sheriff friend and that Austin fellow are going to have plenty of evidence to sift through that might lead them to Delgado’s whereabouts.”

  Aaron asked, “Anything else to report, Sam?”

  Kyle took a deep breath, getting that familiar feeling that told him something was off.

  “The team did some digging on Stephanie’s ex, like you asked us to do. His name is Calvin Biggs. Not sure if this is important or not, but we have some security tape from the Dallas concert that has him standing next to Miss Gaynor’s promoter, Sharon Thompson.”

  Jumping to his feet, Kyle grabbed Gya’s note. “Fuck. Aaron, Gya went to see her this morning at Stephanie’s hotel.”

  His brother stood and holstered his gun. “Sam, call Sheriff Champion and Austin Wilde. Tell them what you told us and that Sharon Thompson is in town. Have them meet us at the Hotel Cactus.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The call ended.

  They ran out the door.

  Please let us find Gya safe.

  * * * *

  Gya’s heart was pounding hard in her chest. “Sharon, I don’t understand any of this.”

  “Of course you don’t. You’re a complete idiot who crushes people’s lives. I’d kill you right now, but Calvin wants to be the one to make you pay.”

  “Calvin? Stephanie’s ex?” The memory of the night he pinned her to the bed with whiskey on his breath came crashing to the forefront. “What does he have to do with this?”

  “You’re about to find out, Gya.”

  “Sharon, don’t do this. We can work this out.” Her mind was spinning. She’d been in many tough spots, but this was the worst. Then she remembered this was Stephanie’s room. “You sent the text, not Stephanie.”

  “There is a brain in that head of yours after all.” Sharon turned her attention to the bedroom door for a split second, giving Gya just enough time to reach into her pocket and hit the speed dial on her phone.

  Sharon waved her gun in front of her, but seemed to be unaware of what Gya had just done. “You’re a worthless piece of shit, Gya Gaynor. But thanks to your adoring fans, I’ll end up making millions off you after you’re dead.” The madwoman smiled wickedly. “I’ve got things all set up to profit from your untimely demise.”

  Dead. Oh God, no! “Sharon, if you want money I’ll give you whatever you ask.”

  “Money is only a part of the equation, Gya, the smallest part in fact. Every breath you take makes me sick to my stomach. The world will be such a better place with you and your fucking agent gone.”

  Uneasiness rolled through her. “Tell me where Stephanie is.”

  “She’s in the bedroom.” Sharon aimed the gun at Gya’s chest.

  “If you hurt her, I swear I’ll—”

  “Shut up, bitch. Don’t forget I have the gun. I’m in charge, not you.”

  Breathe, Gya. “Okay. You’re in charge. I get it.”

  “Better.” Sharon grinned. “You and Stephanie have always been close, haven’t you? She’s like a mother to poor little Gya, isn’t she? Let’s go talk to sweet, perfect Stephanie. Lead the way, bitch.”

  * * * *

  As Aaron stepped into the car his cell rang. He looked at the screen. “It’s Gya, Kyle.”

  He clicked on the speaker.

  Sharon Thompson’s voice came through. “Did you not hear me, bitch? I said lead the way.”

  He immediately muted the phone.

  “Okay,” Gya answered.

  “She’s alive, Kyle.” He hit the gas.

  * * * *

  Gya felt the barrel of Sharon’s gun in the center of her back.

  “Move,” the lunatic ordered.

  Gya stepped into the suite’s bedroom and saw Stephanie on the ground, bloodied and bruised. Unable to remain calm, she ran to her and knelt down beside her. “Mom? Mom? Can you hear me?”

  Stephanie’s eyes opened. She tried to say something but began choking.

  “It’s okay, Mom. I’m here. You don’t have to say anything.”

  Sharon glared at them. “If I didn’t hate you all so much, that would be such a touching sight.”

  Gya tried to wipe the blood off of Stephanie’s face. She’d been hit several times. “Why did you do this to her?”

  The bathroom door opened and a man wearing an eye patch emerged, making her blood run cold. She instantly recognized the monster.

  “Gya, Sharon didn’t do anything.” Calvin held a gun with a silencer. He looked as monstrous as she remembered him to be. “I did this to Stephanie. My ex is a complete bitch. She kept us apart, but no more. You and I can be together, darlin’, finally.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Calvin?” Sharon screamed. “You love me.”

  He swung around and shot her in the chest twice.

  Sharon’s eyes went wide and froze in place as she crumpled to the ground. Sharon was dead.

  Even though Gya was shocked by what she had witnessed, she knew she had to act quickly. She pulled out her cell and saw the call had gone through to Aaron and Kyle.

  Calvin swung back around, pointing the gun at Stephanie’s head. “There you are, baby.”

  Gya placed her phone behind her
back. Keep him talking. “So you and Sharon were an item?”

  “Never. Don’t be jealous. I used her to get to you. I was at your concert in Dallas.”

  “You tried to shoot me.”

  “Not you. Stephanie. I would’ve taken her out if someone hadn’t bumped into me when I fired the gun.”

  “What about my house in Malibu? Was that you who tried to burn it down?”

  “Actually, that was Scarpelli. We had a misunderstanding. He found out that I was sending messages to you using his name.”

  “So that was you, not Scarpelli, all these years?”

  “I’ve been sending you messages ever since Stephanie found us together. I was sure you would know they were from me. You’re so smart and beautiful, not like this bitch.” He pointed the gun back at Stephanie. “But you didn’t know they were from me, did you? I was wrong. Maybe you’re not as smart as I thought you were.” His tone was changing from infatuation to anger. “One job done. One more to go.”

  “What job, Calvin?”

  “Time to kill my ex, angel. She’s to blame for everything.”

  Stephanie tried to sit up.

  “Don’t,” she whispered and turned back to Calvin. She had to buy time for Aaron and Kyle to arrive. “I’m so glad you came for me but you can’t kill her, Calvin. She has all my money tied up and I can’t get to it without her. We can’t start our lives together broke. You must understand that. I’ve worked so hard.” Keep talking, Gya. Her heart was racing fast, but she tried to sound calm. “Calvin, please. We belong together but we need money.”

  “You’re a fucking liar, Gya. I heard you call her ‘Mom.’” His words came out like acid. “You just don’t want me to kill this bitch, do you? You’ve just been leading me on all these years. Why not kill you first? You’re to blame, too.”

  He pointed the weapon at her head.

  Before she had time to react, Stephanie jumped in front of her screaming. “Not my daughter.”

  Calvin fired the gun.

  Stephanie fell back, landing on her. Blood spilled from the wound in her shoulder that he’d given her.

  “Oh my God, Mom? Please be okay. Please.”

  Stephanie didn’t respond.

  Gya looked up at Calvin, tears streaming down her face. My time is up. “You’re a complete lunatic. I never loved you. I would never love you. You’re a monster.”

  He glared at her with absolute hate. “All these years I planned for us to be together. For what?” He placed the barrel of his gun between her eyes. “Time to die, bitch.”

  She closed her eyes, thinking about the future she’d almost found with Aaron and Kyle. Good-bye, my loves.

  The door opened. Her men, her bodyguards, her champions, had come.

  Calvin twisted around and fired his gun but missed.

  Aaron and Kyle shot him several times.

  The monster fell to the floor. Calvin was dead.

  They ran to her side.

  “We need a doctor, guys. Stephanie has been shot.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Aaron sat beside Gya in Stephanie’s hospital room.

  The nurses had just brought Stephanie back from recovery, but she was still asleep. Kyle had stepped out to get them all some coffee. It had been a very long day and night.

  “I still can’t believe this all happened, Aaron,” Gya said softly.

  He couldn’t either. If he and Kyle had been even a second later entering Stephanie’s hotel suite, he might’ve lost the woman of his dreams, the woman who made him believe in hope again.

  He placed his arm around Gya and pulled her in close. “Stephanie’s going to be fine, baby. Doc said so.”

  “I know, but it just seems like I’m finally coming out of a long nightmare.”

  He kissed her forehead. “It’s smooth sailing from now on, baby.”

  She smiled. “Thank God Alex is such a good surgeon. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her.”

  “And I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” He looked into her gorgeous eyes. “But it’s over.”

  She leaned her head into his shoulder. “I love you so much.”

  “And I love you, baby. You know that Kyle and I are going to have to wait on taking you to the club now, sweetheart.”

  “I know. But promise me you will take me when the time is right. I still want to go. I want to find every single way I can to show you both how much I love you.”

  “Baby, you already have in so many ways shown me. I plan on earning your love and trust in every way I can for the rest of my life. Yes, I promise to take you. For now it must be put on the back burner. Stephanie’s well-being is more important.”

  “And yours, don’t forget.” She placed her hand on his chest. “We still have to get your treatment started.”

  He kissed her. “First things first.”

  Kyle walked in carrying three cups of coffee.

  Aaron saw Stephanie stir. “Gya, I think she’s waking up.”

  She rushed to the hospital bed. “Mom, I’m here.”

  Stephanie smiled. “Guess I’m here, too, honey.”

  “We’re so glad you are.” Kyle stood on the other side of the bed. “You came through the surgery as good as new.”

  “I don’t feel like new, but I am glad to be here.” Stephanie grabbed Gya’s hand. “And more than that, I’m glad you’re safe, sweetheart.”

  “You’re a hero, Mom. You saved my life.”

  “And you saved mine, Gya.” Stephanie looked back and forth at Kyle and him. “You and your two bodyguards are also heroes. But they are much more than just your bodyguards now, aren’t they? More than heroes, too. You love them and they love you.”

  “Yes, Mom. I love them with all my heart.”

  Kyle nodded. “And I love her with all my heart, too.”

  “Stephanie, I love your daughter. She means everything to me.” Aaron put his arm around Gya.

  Stephanie smiled. “Absolutely true. You boys better take good care of my Gya.”

  “We will.” Kyle squeezed the woman’s hand. “What do you remember about the shooting?”

  “I remember it all. Calvin and Sharon shoved their way into my hotel room. He beat me up. He killed Sharon and then pointed the gun at my sweet Gya.” Stephanie’s voice shook. “I love you so much, honey.”

  “I love you, too.” Gya wiped her eyes. “You jumped in front of me and took my bullet.”

  “I had no choice. You’re my daughter in every way but biology. My maternal instinct kicked in. What I don’t understand is how Calvin and Sharon found out where Gya was?”

  “Mom, it was Eddie.”

  “Our pilot?”

  Gya nodded. “He really thought Calvin was paparazzi. Calvin gave him a grand to squeal.”


  “Yes, but when he heard what happened he came forward. He felt really guilty.”

  “I don’t give a damn if Eddie said a million Hail Marys, the man nearly got us killed. I hope you fired him.”

  “He already resigned.”

  Doctor Alex Champion entered the room, followed by Maude, who was carrying roses. Kyle moved next to Gya, making room for the new arrivals.

  “Good to see my patient is awake. How are you feeling, Ms. Parker?”

  “I’ve been better, but not too bad.”

  Maude placed the roses on the nightstand.

  “Thank you for these, Maude. They’re beautiful.”

  “You’re welcome. How’s she doing, Alex?”

  “All her vitals are great. I want to keep her here for a couple more days.”

  “Is there any permanent damage from the gunshot, doctor?” Stephanie asked.

  “None. Lucky for you, it was a clean wound. We just had to take the bullet out. It won’t be long before you’re as good as new.”

  Aaron had already discussed with Kyle and Gya that Stephanie would be coming home with them temporarily once Alex released her. “I think I’m going to have to delay m
y appointment with the doctor in Denver, Doc.”

  “Oh?” Alex shook his head. “I’ll see if I can get you rescheduled for next week.”

  “I want you to be the lead on my treatment.”

  “I’m not an oncologist, Aaron, but I’ll be sure to consult with Dr. Daniels about your results.”

  “Perfect. I’d like to put off my appointment until next month.”

  Gya turned to him, shaking her head. “Not a chance, mister.”

  “Hold on, baby. Who is going to take care of Stephanie after Alex releases her if we’re all in Denver?”

  “I hadn’t thought of that.”

  “I don’t want to be trouble to anyone,” Stephanie said. “I’m sure I could hire a nurse until I’m back on my feet.”

  “You’re not hiring anyone, Stephanie,” Maude said emphatically. “I’m going to take care of you until these three come back.” The fiery woman turned to him. “And you, young man, are not putting off your treatment another day.”

  Gya stepped up beside her. They were both facing him. “She’s right, Aaron. Not another day. Even if I have to drag you there myself. We’re going.”

  He kissed her and hugged Maude. “Okay. We’re going.”

  Gya turned to Maude. “Thank you. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with Stephanie.”

  “My pleasure, sweetheart. You and Kyle get this boy to Denver, get him well, and bring him back home where you all belong.”

  Home? He and Kyle had discussed that as well. “How about now, bro?”

  Kyle nodded. “I think this is the best time to do it.”

  “Do what?” Gya asked.

  Aaron smiled. “Hold on, baby. First things first.” He turned to Stephanie, as did Kyle. “May we call you ‘Mom?’”

  “Of course you may. I would love that.”

  “Mom, we’d like to ask for your blessing.”

  Kyle nodded. “We would like to ask Gya to marry us.”

  Stephanie grinned broadly. “You have my blessing, guys. You’re the answer to my prayers. You have made her happy. And I know you can give her the life I always wanted her to have. But it’s not up to me. It’s up to Gya.”


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