The Enemy's Daughter

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The Enemy's Daughter Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  “Tell me what’s confusing to you, and I’ll try to make some kind of sense of it.”

  She smiled, and again he was struck by a different kind of beauty. There was no part of Bella that was fake or phony. She was adorable, sweet, and real. That was what made her different. She was real to the core.

  “I’m not used to men wanting to be with me. In case you didn’t see, this is the real deal. I’m not like those movies where you can get me to be something more than I actually am.”

  “I think you’re cute,” he said. Reaching across the table, he took her hand. “Look, I’ve lived all my life going after what I want, and the moment you were sweet and nice to me, I knew what I wanted.”

  “And what was that?”

  “I wanted the chance to take you on a date, to show you that I appreciated that kindness.”

  “Thank you.”

  “How about it?”


  This was a complete step out of his comfort zone. “Would you go to dinner with me?”

  “You’re not going to give up on this, are you?”

  “Hey, you bumped into me. The way I see it, right now this is like divine intervention. Clearly, someone is looking down on me.”

  She chuckled. “Fine. I’ll go on a date with you. Do you promise you’re not some kind of crazy guy?”

  He held his hands up. “I’m completely innocent, baby. Haven’t you ever heard that older guys know how to do everything better.”

  “Yeah, that’s not creepy.” She winked at him. “What I find interesting is you’re not worried about me being some kind of super freaky girlfriend.” She leaned forward. Her gaze focused on him, and he couldn’t look away. “You’re not worried?”

  Alaric couldn’t look away. There was something completely captivating about her gaze. He liked this. His heart raced as he stared at her, waiting for what she was going to say or do next. This was entirely different from what he was used to. The coffee shop was new. If he wanted to woo women, he took them to the best kind of restaurant in the business.

  Bella wasn’t the kind to be wooed in that way. He was going to need to scrub up on his charm.

  “I don’t get worried, baby. I get what I want.”

  She smiled. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  He watched as she took another bite of her cinnamon roll, and her eyes rolled back in her head as she moaned.

  “Just so you know, I won’t fall in love with you,” she said.

  “A challenge?” he asked.

  “Nah, I think my dad would have a fit if I brought a guy like you around.”

  “A guy like me?”

  She nodded. “Older. He’ll be worried that you’re a little wiser than him.”

  Alaric didn’t say anything. What was the point? He knew her father was going to be pissed. They had never met each other in public, but he didn’t see Mr. Reed being happy about it.

  “Have you always done what Daddy wanted?” he asked.

  She shook her head. “I drive him crazy on a daily basis. I do what I want, and he likes to try to protect me.”

  He could see that.

  “Anyway, I don’t talk about my father usually. I don’t know what’s coming over me today. I’m probably freaking you out with absolutely no filter.” She pressed her hand to her mouth. “I’m going to shut up. Am I sounding like a child? Please don’t answer that.”

  Why wasn’t she irritating him?

  “You’ll be surprised by me I think. Trust me, Bella, I’m going to give you the time of your life.”

  They finished their coffee, and he arranged to pick her up from her apartment. He was surprised that she wasn’t living with her father. She lived on her own.

  Heading back to the office, Alaric ignored everyone and sat down at his computer. Putting a search in for Bella Reed, he waited for what the internet would pick up. It was a split second, and images of her came up. There were not many, and most of them were with her in the background, or on her father’s arm.

  There was one single photo that he zoomed in on, and it was of her with her mother just before the accident.

  Leaning back in his chair, Alaric didn’t like the guilt that suddenly swamped him. He wasn’t used to this feeling, not at all.

  The date was set, and he had already ordered some flowers. He had a babysitter set for his puppy. Tonight, he intended to step it up a notch.

  Fucking Bella had been on his mind, and from her picture, he figured he could think of someone else while he took her. Being in her company, his body had responded to her in ways he’d not experienced with another woman.

  “Get your shit together, Patterson. This is not about fun. This is about revenge.” Closing the internet, he focused on his work, and started to plan for the next couple of weeks. He arranged a booking at a fancy hotel for two weeks. Next he pre-booked restaurants, and by the end of the day, he was more than happy with his progress. He always kept a suit at the office, and before long, he was driving across town toward Bella’s apartment.

  Nothing was going to get in his way.


  “They’re so beautiful,” Bella said. Red roses were her favorite, and Blue stood at her door with at least a dozen of them. She hadn’t done much dating in the past few years, and she figured his job paid well considering the expense.

  She wondered if it made her a little weird to be worried about a guy lavishing her with gifts.

  “Only the best.”

  “Thank you. Let me grab a vase. I don’t want these to spoil.” She left the door open for him to enter, and walked toward the kitchen. The skirt of her dress swished around her knees, and she hoped she looked okay. She was more than a few pounds overweight, and finding good fitting clothes was difficult. She partially filled a vase, and put the roses inside.

  “I like your place,” Blue said.

  “Thank you. I like to think of this place as a compromise.”

  “A compromise?”

  “Yeah. I wanted to make my own way in the world, and my dad didn’t want me to leave the safety of the family home. Anyway, he agreed to allow me to pursue my own dreams providing he got to pick where I lived. This was what he picked, and of course he fully furnished it for me.”

  “Of course.”

  “You don’t have any kids, right?”

  “No, I don’t. I imagine I’d be protective of them.”

  “You’re not wanting to have an heir or something?” she asked, arranging the flowers, and stepping back.

  She went to turn around but collided with Blue’s hard, muscular chest. He caught her, and when she looked up into his eyes, she froze. He was so close, and he smelled so good. Licking her suddenly dry lips, Bella didn’t fight.

  “It’s not something I’ve thought about.”

  “Thought about?” What had they been talking about? She couldn’t remember.

  “A son. A daughter? I don’t care what I have, or if I even have one.”


  “I told you, Bella. I’ve lived my life, and I don’t have any regrets. I chose my career over everything else.”

  That was right. A career. She didn’t know exactly what he did, but that was something that would come in time.

  In time?

  Blue cupped her cheek, and she didn’t pull away, nor did she push him away. His touch brought her body to life, which was crazy considering that she never went for his type. He was handsome, and his entire presence filled the room.

  “Damn, I want to kiss you.”

  “You shouldn’t say that,” she said.

  “Why? I told you, Bella. I go after what I want, and right now, I want you.”

  This didn’t happen to women like her. Men never tried to take anything from her.

  “Actually, how about this?”

  Before she could react, his lips slammed down on hers, silencing any other protest from her. The hand on her cheek moved to the back of her neck, and she gasped. Blue took the advantage by sliding his to
ngue into her mouth. Placing her hands onto his chest, she went to push him away, but why? His fingers sank into her hair, holding her in place, and Bella kissed him back with a passion that surprised her.

  “You taste so good,” he said, muttering the words against her lips.

  In all of her life she had never kissed a stranger. Never wanted to.

  Her pussy was slick and her tits so hard.

  Need consumed her, and she wondered if her friend Rebecca had been right. She really needed to get laid.

  “I think we should go.”

  “Is that what you want to do?” he asked. The hand in her hair moved down her body to cup her ass. “There are a lot of other things we can do.”

  Temptation was an ugly, ugly thing.

  She hadn’t been with a guy in over three years. The last one she had dumped when she’d found him screwing one of his friends in her apartment. The bed with all the covers had been dumped, and a new one delivered the same day. She had expected him to be cheating, and since then, she focused on other things in her life, her job at the veterinary practice being the main one.

  Throwing herself into work had been the easiest for her.

  Blue teased the edge of her dress.

  “I’m going to make this easier for you,” he said.

  He pressed her up against the kitchen counter, and in one swift move had her sitting right on the edge. No thought came from her as his hand slid up the inside of her thigh, touching her pussy.

  “Oh, baby, you need me as much as I need you.”

  No other words left her lips as he pushed her dress up. The look on his face was one of pure torture as he stared down at her black lacy underwear. She liked sexy lingerie. She may be chunky, but she liked to feel sexy.

  In one quick move he had the underwear off, and she was bare for him to touch, to taste, to take.

  “Oh fuck, look at that pretty pussy.”

  She looked down, watching as he spread open the lips of her sex. His thumb slid down the slit, touching her clit, and going for her entrance. Bella cried out as he pushed one finger within her.

  “So tight. I’ve got to have a taste.” He removed his thumb, and then his tongue was sliding across her clit, moving backward and forward, and in circles. The pleasure was out of this world, and it shook Bella to the core how easily she responded. Most guys took months to get her to this stage.

  What was it about this man?

  She didn’t know.

  Even with his hair greying at the temples, all it did for her was enhance his sexuality. He was mature, and clearly knew what he was doing.

  “You like that, baby?” he asked, plunging his tongue deep inside her, making her moan.

  “Yes. Please, don’t stop.”

  “You taste so damn good.” He moaned, and his fingers pushed inside, spreading her. “I’m going to need to stretch you out for when you take my dick. You’re so damn tight.”

  “It has been a long time.”

  “How long?” he asked.

  “A couple of years.”

  “Then I’m going to remind you of everything you’ve been missing out.”

  Chapter Four

  He should stop. Alaric knew that. She didn’t even know his real name, and this wasn’t what he’d intended for tonight. Everything he’d come to know about Bella had been so fucking real, and he was addicted. He wasn’t too embarrassed to admit that this woman was becoming a drug. After knowing her a handful of hours, he’d found more enjoyment in her company, and those hours, than any other woman in his past.

  It had been a couple of years since she’d been with someone, and he would be the first man in her life to finally awaken this body.

  Bella was so open, and so fucking honest. Even her body didn’t lie. He loved the taste of her cream, and how she thrust her cute pussy right up for him to taste.

  This may not have been in his plan, but he was going to fuck her tonight. He was going to take her and make her his, and then he’d woo her.

  Maybe keep her.

  There wouldn’t be a problem with having Bella in his life. At least until he got bored, and he always did get bored. Sliding his tongue over her juicy slit, he kept fucking inside her, getting her ready to take his cock.

  He was hard as fucking rock, and desperate for her to come all over his dick. Removing his fingers, he glided them down, touching her anus as he plundered her cunt with his tongue. She tasted so damn good, so perfect. Alaric moaned, needing more. Teasing her tight ass, he worked her pussy with his tongue. With his free hand, he opened up his jeans, needing to be free.

  “Fuck, baby, you taste so damn good. I could eat you out all night long.”

  “Please, Blue. Please, I need it.”

  Again, she called the wrong name, but there was nothing he could do about it. Not yet, not until it was time. Flicking his tongue against her clit, he started to press a finger in her ass. “I’m going to take every single part of you, Bella,” he said.


  “You’re going to give me everything, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She begged so damn nicely. He’d never grow bored with her little moans. They were as addictive as her damn taste, and he couldn’t get enough of that.

  Once he thrust a full finger inside her ass, he started to pump it. She was tight, and her pussy grew slicker. She clearly was a woman who knew what she wanted, and he was going to give it to her.

  This was going to be fun. He was going to break down every single wall that she had built up around herself, and make her addicted to his brand of touch.

  You want her just as badly.

  “Blue … Blue … Blue.” She spoke his name between gasps and cries, her body building toward her orgasm. Riding her ass with a second finger, he worked her pussy harder, wanting her to give him this moment.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he used his teeth to bite down, and thrust her into an orgasm that shook her entire body. She screamed his name, rode his face, and her ass squeezed his finger.

  Maybe, just maybe, he had found a woman to match his certain appetites. Women couldn’t usually keep up with him in the bedroom, and didn’t like to experiment. In Bella’s kitchen, on her counter, he had just made her come all over his face.

  Licking his lips, he removed his finger from her ass, and stood. He made sure she could see the evidence of her orgasm glistening on his lips.

  Her cheeks were flushed, and there was something damn sexy about a woman with her legs open, ready to take a nice hard cock.

  He reached behind her, washing his fingers before gripping her thighs. “Now, baby, tell me, do you want to go out to the restaurant, or would you like to stay home and fuck?” Alaric held up his hand, and stepped back. Unbuckling his belt, he pushed his pants down to his knees, and showed her exactly what he intended to offer her.

  Wrapping his fingers around the length at the base, he ran it up the ten inches where the tip was leaking copious amounts of pre-cum. The bulbous head looked red and swollen. He’d not been this aroused in a very, very long time.

  “This is what I’ll give you, Bella. I’ll fuck you so damn hard you won’t be able to walk steady for a fucking week without thinking of me. It has been a long time for you, right?”


  “I’ll make every single fantasy come true, and there’s no damn catch.”


  “Just say yes, and give me what I want. I’ll make the past couple of years disappear. I can make you burn, make you crazy. That’s what I’m offering you.”

  “No catch?” she asked.

  “No catch. And I’m not some crazy ass stalker either. What’s it going to be, Bella? You want to go out to dinner, or do you want to stay in, and have some fun?” He ran his hands up her thighs, loving how juicy and thick they were. They were going to be able to take every single inch of him, and allow him to ride her so fucking hard.

  Bella held onto his shoulders, cupping his face. She leane
d in close, and flicked her tongue across his bottom lip, licking her cream off his face.

  “No catch, no judgment, just some fun?”

  This woman couldn’t be real. She was straight out of his fantasies. “That’s what I’m saying.”

  “I’ve got takeout menus. I’d really like to stay in.” Her hand moved down his body, and cupped his dick. “You’re so big.”

  Straight out of his fucking fantasies.

  She jumped off the counter, and there in her kitchen, she put her pretty, full lips around his dick, and sucked him in.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he released a moan, watching as she took most of his dick to the back of her throat. When she was about to choke on his cock, she pulled up, and released his dick with a pop. “What do you want to do?”

  “I’m more than happy with Chinese, baby. Suck my cock.”

  She smiled. Even though it was fucking sweet, he saw the devil in her gaze. There was more to Bella than he had thought, and right now, he wanted to peel each layer off, and get to the good stuff.

  Her mouth went back to working his cock. She flicked the tip, and then took the entire head, sliding down until she had several inches inside. Her mouth opened wide and spread around his dick. He fisted her brown hair and held her in place as he made her take more of his long length.

  “Fuck, yeah, baby, suck it. So fucking good.” When he hit the back of her throat, this time she didn’t pull away. She swallowed him down, relaxing her throat. He rested there for a second or two before pulling away, and giving her a chance to breathe.

  Releasing her hair, he pulled out of his mouth, and ran the tips of his fingers underneath the neck of her dress. He pushed the fabric down as it was stretchy fabric. She didn’t have expensive taste in clothes, but he didn’t care. He liked whatever she wore. Alaric pushed the fabric down until it went beneath her breasts, and he shoved the cups of her bra out of the way. He didn’t want to hinder the view of her precious body. She was so fucking sexy, and her body was made to be fucked. If no other man was going to appreciate what she had to offer, then he was going to be the one to take what had been taken for granted.


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