Bound by Steel

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Bound by Steel Page 7

by Connie Lafortune


  Somehow, she’s burrowed her way beneath my thickened skin without batting an eyelash. But, unfortunately for me, it’s too little too late. I’ve played that game before and look where it’s gotten me. Three years of sorrow, heartache and isolation, because I refused to live in the real world without Bella. And now the one woman who mysteriously appears looks like the one I’ve been grieving all those years. If karma does exist, she must be laughing her ass off right about now.

  I’m the first to break eye contact when her tongue darts out to moisten her lips. Now my main focus is on her mouth and my libido is conjuring up all kinds of kinky things she could do with those pink-pouty lips. If I don’t try and defuse the situation, Lyra could well be on her knees with my pants down around my ankles. It sounds like a wonderful idea to me but I have to remind myself that she’s not Sonia. With that in mind, I’m going to neutralize the situation before it even has a chance to begin.

  “You’re absolutely right, Lyra. I have just the right thing in mind for the both of us to get a bit of fresh air.” And to cool me off. I place my hand on her waist as I try to stand, forcing her to slide off of my lap. “We’ll need to dress warm, so stay here while I get our things.”

  After rummaging around in the hall closet, I find exactly what I’m looking for. It will be big on her small frame but at least she’ll be warm. “Here, put this on first, and don’t forget your boots. Make sure to grab your hat and gloves and then meet me outside in ten minutes.”

  Cody prances by my feet in anticipation when I open the front door. She knows we’re going on an adventure since all of us are dressing to go outside. “Go!” I command, as she takes off out the door. The minute I head towards the shed she’s right by my side. Cody knows exactly what’s on my agenda when I slip into my suit.

  The 600 Indy Voyageur is in great shape, so the only thing I need to do is put on the passenger seat. It was free when I purchased my Polaris snowmobile, and I never thought I’d have a need for it since I live alone. Now I’m glad I took it. Since I have a ‘guest’ living with me. I know I’m breaking every single rule I ever made by taking her out, but I’m not too concerned. My closest neighbor lives about five miles away. Supposedly, she has her own cooking show on the Food Network. Go figure.

  As soon as I turn the key, she purrs to life. It’s certainly not my Ducati, but it’s the closest thing I have during the winter months. I can’t help chuckling when I pull up to the front door, where Lyra is standing with her mouth agape. “Hey, you’re the one who wanted some fresh air.” She smiles as I hand her a helmet. “It’ll be big, just like your suit, but you’ll need it.”

  “Is that your clever way of telling me this beast isn’t safe?” she asks.

  I hold out my hands in surrender. “The snowmobile is, but I have my doubts about the driver.” My hands literally tremble when her laughter echoes over the snow-covered hills. It unnerves me more than I care to admit. I’d like to think it’s because I’ve made her happy. Yeah. Who the fuck am I kidding?

  Once she climbs onto the passenger seat, I ask, “Have you ever been on the back of a bike?” When she shakes her head, I give her a few quick tips. Then we’re off.

  We rode for about an hour or so before Lyra needed to stretch her legs. I knew the seat couldn’t have been too comfortable, so I suggested we walk for a bit. Since her suit was way too big, she had to work twice as hard to place one foot in front of the other. But, all in all, she seemed to be enjoying our little excursion. We both laughed at Cody when she decided to start chasing the birds. Perhaps, she believed she was protecting us from a possible bird attack. Crazy dog. On our way back to the snowmobile I was able to point out a few general landmarks that wouldn’t give away our actual location. In the end, it turned out to be a great day. By the time we make it safely home we’re both exhausted.

  When I drop Lyra off at the front of the house she asks, “Would you like something hot or cold to drink?”

  “A hot cup of coffee with a splash of Johnnie Walker would hit the spot.” She gives me a thumbs up as she heads inside with Cody close behind.

  After removing my suit, I quickly wipe down the snowmobile and head back to the house. But the minute I round the corner, I stop dead in my tracks. Fuck! Hawk is leaning against his car door with two of his associates flanking him. This is unacceptable. Hawk is the only person on the face of this Earth who is supposed to know where I live. Now my cover has definitely gone down the shitter. Great! Is this his way of retaliating because I refused to dispose of Lyra?

  “What the hell, Hawk?” Cody begins barking the instant she hears my angry tone. I just pray that Lyra is smart enough to lock the fucking door.

  “Once again, Dragon, you disappoint me. Only this time, there were no humans or animals on the infrared cameras, so I had to come check it out for myself. Apparently, you haven’t learned a thing from the last time I was here.” With a snap of his fingers, I’m looking down the barrel of two Glocks.

  “So it’s come down to this. You’re going to have your henchmen shoot an unarmed man? Is it because you’re afraid to get blood on your own, Hawk? You’ve been wanting me dead for a long time now, so why don’t you just do it and get it over with.” I take a few deep breaths and become one with my surroundings. My training immediately kicks in and I’m ready to rock and roll. I’m so fucking pissed! I let down my guard for Lyra and now we might pay the ultimate price.

  “They’re not going to kill you, Dragon. They’re merely here to finish what you could not.”

  “Why would you kill an innocent girl? Is it because she looks just like Bella? She was your daughter for fuck’s sake.” Hawk is not only my boss, but he was my father-in-law as well. Now he’s just a demented stranger who is obviously hell-bent on revenge. My vision blurs. All I see is red as I sweep my foot out in front of me, causing Hawk to drop to his knees like a lead balloon. I bend down and quickly place him in a chokehold, forcing him back up.

  Time stands still when Cody charges through the open door with Lyra close behind. But my heart gets lodged in my throat when I see the Glock clutched tightly in her trembling hand. Fuck! I know for a fact it’s not loaded. Did she put a clip in? “Lyra! Go back inside.” I’m furious when she ignores me.

  “Put your guns down or I’ll snap his neck without blinking,” I shout at the dark-suited men. “Now!” No one moves. If they didn’t know before, they do now. One command from me and Cody will rip them apart. Yes, they have weapons. But by the time they pull the trigger one of them would be dead.

  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry when I hear a familiar male voice. “Put your fucking guns away you bunch of douchebags.” Six men all dressed in black, yes, I know it sounds cliché, come strolling out of the woods with their guns held high. My best friend Cole is front and center. One side glance from him and the goons immediately put away their firearms. Then his focus turns to me and Hawk. “Well, well, well. Fancy meeting you here, Ryker.” What the hell!

  “Cole. I’m so glad you were able to join the party.”

  “It’s so nice to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor. Let me take care of this little problem. Then I’ll meet you inside.” I’m shocked when he grabs Hawk, slaps on a pair of cuffs and starts reading him his rights.

  What the bloody hell is going on?

  When I finally look down at Lyra, it’s obvious she’s barely holding it together. So I slip one arm under her knees and lift her up so I can hold her close. “Cody, come.” When we walk back to the house I just have to ask her, “Did you remember to load the gun, precious?” She shakes her head before a panic-stricken laugh suddenly bubbles up from deep inside of her. “We’re safe. Just breathe.” She clings to me as we enter the cabin, and I have to remind myself that I’m used to all this bullshit, Lyra is not. Normally, I wouldn’t take the time to coddle her, but considering what she’s just been through, it couldn’t hurt. Right?


  If I hadn’t alrea
dy known how much I look like Bella, I would have been stunned by the way Cole openly gaped at me. But after I found out that she was his dead cousin, I certainly didn’t blame him. Besides, how often do you get the chance to reconnect with two people you though were dead?

  I’ve tried to keep myself occupied by writing and reading, but I can’t seem to stay focused on any one thing. Especially since Ryker and Cole have been holed up in his office for hours. I suppose they’ve had a lot of catching up to do, which has caused my imagination to run wild. So in order to keep sane I’ve mentally made a list with a million-and-one questions. I know my first one should be, “Can I go home?” but in all actuality, it’s hard to put into words because a part of me wants to go, and yet there’s that small part of me that wants to stay. For him. Ryker’s saved my life time and time again. So shouldn’t I return the favor?

  As crazy as today has turned out, I’m starving. You’d think I’d have lost my appetite, but my stomach has been growling for over an hour. I can’t put it off any longer, I need to make myself something to eat. As I start rummaging through the fridge, Ryker’s office door opens. I’m clutching all sorts of goodies to my chest as Cole comes around the corner. Steely green eyes briefly land on mine before I turn away. Closing the fridge with the tap of my foot, I then place everything on the counter. Chills run along my arms as he whispers, “Everyone claims we have a twin out there, but this is uncanny.”

  I don’t look at him because I don’t want him to think it bothers me. So I pretend he’s not there and continue making my lunch. After what feels like an eternity, the front door closes. Breathing a sigh of relief, I take a peek to make sure he’s gone. Then I decide to make another sandwich and bring it to Ryker.

  As I make my way down the hall, I’m surprised to see his office door is open. I try knocking as best I can with my arms full. But it’s kind of hard since I’m juggling two plates with a bottle of water underneath each arm. As soon as I step inside the room and see Ryker sitting behind his desk, I tense up. His gaze is fixed on an object in his hand. I would have easily overlooked it, if not for the lilting music it emanates. Ryker is gently cradling a delicate snow globe in the palm of his hand. He’s a million miles away from his office chair, studying the ballerina as she pirouettes in the center of the globe. The spell is broken the moment the music stops.

  “What are you doing in here, Lyra?” Instinctively, I take a step back.

  “The door was open. I-I thought you might want something to eat.” My heart’s hammering as I place the plates down on the desk, followed by the two bottles of water.

  Ryker scrubs his hands over his beard. “I’m not hungry. You eat.” He looks exhausted and when he covers his face with his hands, I take the opportunity to glance around the room.

  I’m amazed when I see ten flat-screen monitors hanging on the walls. All the screens are black with the exception of a flashing red light in the right-hand corner. “Rec” is written below each and every one. No one has to explain to me what that means. Something or somebody is being recorded. Two laptops sit unopened on his desk. One is black and the other is silver. And a cell phone pings with an incoming text right on the edge of his mahogany desk.

  “We could talk, if you think it would help. You could start by telling me why Cole thought you were dead.”

  “I just spent four grueling hours reiterating everything to Cole. So pardon me if I don’t want to sit through another interrogation at this time. Come, Lyra. I need to lock the door behind me, so you’ll have to leave.”

  I shouldn’t be hurt, but I am. He gave me the same command he gives Cody when he wants her to follow him. Asshole. Quickly, I grab the two plates and walk out the door. I shouldn’t let it bother me so much, because I’m nothing to him. I begin wrapping up the sandwiches just as he sets the bottles on the counter. “Lyra, please eat something.”

  “I’ve lost my appetite. Now if you’ll excuse me I have writing to do.” I purposely bump against his arm when I brush past him. And I have to swallow down the lump in my throat when he doesn’t try to stop me. Tears threaten to fall and it takes every bit of control I can muster to stop them. Today has been such an emotional rollercoaster ride. I can’t wait for it to end.

  The daylight turns into nighttime without so much as a word from Ryker. I have no idea where he’s been hiding, and it’s not my place to go looking for him. About an hour ago I unwrapped my stale sandwich and forced myself to eat. I needed something to stop this empty feeling that was burning a hole in the pit of my stomach. Cody must sense the tension in the house because I’ve opened the front door several times to let her out, but she wouldn’t go. So when she starts barking and scratching at the gym door, I decide it’s time to bury my pride and take a peek.

  I struggle to breathe as I push open the door and see Ryker lying on the floor. He’s wearing a pair of gym shorts and his body’s drenched in sweat. Falling to my knees, I grab his wrist so I can check for a pulse. His skin’s cold. You don’t have to be a doctor to realize he’s dehydrated and in desperate need of fluids. “Ryker, can you hear me?” My heart’s beating erratically as I race into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. When I come back and see Cody licking his face, I panic. Until Ryker lethargically raises his arms to try and push her away.

  “You need to drink, Ryker. Can you sit up?” His eyes flutter open and a moan escapes his parted lips.

  “What happened?” Slowly, I help him up. When he’s steady enough, I tip the bottle to his parched lips and he takes a generous gulp.

  “Not too fast or you’ll be sick.” As he takes another drink, his hands wrap around mine. Holding me in place. “Do you remember what happened?”

  “I remember feeling like I was going to self-combust. It was the worst sensation I’ve ever had. Perhaps, I’ll feel better if I take a cool shower. Can you help me to stand?” When he places his arm around my shoulder, mine easily slips around his waist. I secure my hand over his and together we make it the rest of the way. Ryker peels off his shorts as I turn on the shower and adjust the temp. I hold back the curtain and steady him as he steps into the shower. I’m hoping the water can wash away more than just the sweat off his body. Because after finding him passed out on the gym floor, it’s evident he needs to cleanse his spirit as well.

  My heart aches when he leans his head against the cool tiles, but then it bleeds as I watch him fall apart before my very eyes. The water dancing along his cheeks has now partnered with his salty tears, until they’ve become one unique entity around the shower drain. Never to be seen again. I’m uncertain if I should walk away or if he’d want me to stay. So I let my heart make the difficult decision for me. With shaky resolve, I strip off all of my clothes and step in behind the man who’s responsible for my next breath.

  Chapter Thirteen



  I am a man who has to be in control of all aspects of my life. Yesterday, that was stripped away from me by more than one person. First by Hawk, then by Cole, and lastly by Lyra.

  Having to relive the pain from my past was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It left me thoroughly confused, and bitter. So I spent hours in the gym, taking my frustration out on a man I referred to as my mentor. To the point where I collapsed from dehydration and utter exhaustion. I had just found out that my friend and ex-father-in-law had sacrificed my long-standing obscurity. If he was going down, he wanted to take me along for the ride. All I did was go into hiding after Bella’s death. Hawk, on the other hand, sold his soul to the devil. He played good-cop-bad-cop and now it’s up to Cole to sort everything out. Then Lyra and I will both be free.

  Cole seems to think my feelings for Lyra stem from the fact that she’s the mirror image of Bella. I have to disagree. Yes, they look alike, but I’m the only one who will ever know their dissimilarities. As well as their distinct personalities. And on some level that comforts me. As sick as that may sound.

  When I think back on last night, Lyra could have easily clo
sed the shower curtain and left me to my own fate. And I wouldn’t have blamed her a bit after everything I’ve put her through. But she chose to stay. Not a word passed between the both of us as she washed me, fed me, and took care of me. Afterwards, I found solace in her embrace. She appeases me in ways that no one else has ever dared. After last night, I’m convinced that she is the soothing balm for my dispirited soul. I am and always will be, forever hers.

  My precious… I am irrevocably in love with Lyra Rose Harper.

  I nonchalantly brush a strand of hair away from her parted lips and continue to watch her sleep. She’s flawless from the inside out. Cole assumes I’m thrilled at the prospect of my rebirth. God, if he only knew it pains me to think of Lyra and I being separated shortly. But, I made her a promise I intend to keep. Honor, courage, and commitment are words I live by. Semper Fidelis. Always Faithful. So, as soon as Cole gives me the green light, I will send her home to her loving family.

  Trepidation surrounds me when Lyra stretches and then rolls onto her side to face me. A hint of a smile plays across her lips. “Why are you frowning, Ryker?”

  God, if she only knew. Fuck! I still can’t wrap my head around the shit that Cole told me yesterday. Taking ahold of her hand, I lift it to my mouth and place a tender kiss in her palm. “I spent the night mulling over everything that just happened. And for the first time in my life, I willingly gave up control and put it in your capable hands. That’s huge for me, precious. I’ve never, ever, done that with anyone before. So thank you for knowing what I needed and selflessly giving it to me.” I’m caught off guard when she straddles my hips, forcing me to lie flat on my back. She weighs a feather, but I wasn’t expecting this turn of events.

  “Let me make love to you, Ryker. Just like this. Please.” This woman is turning me inside out, but I mustn’t show it.

  Sitting up, I yank her shirt over her head. When she tries to free her arms, I tug on it until her arms are trapped behind her. “Ryker, I…” She moans the moment my mouth latches onto her pebbled nipple and I flick my tongue over the sensitive peak. My hand trails a path to where the two of us connect and our scorching excitement is almost enough to scald me. I glide my thumb along the seam of her slick folds. Coating her with her own desire before slipping my thumb deep inside of her. My cock jerks in anticipation as she rides my thumb with unrestraint. “I need you… please.”


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