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Bound by Steel

Page 16

by Connie Lafortune

  “I need you, Gage. Crazy things have been happening that I can’t explain and I’m afraid I’m losing my mind. Please, don’t leave…”

  I lose all train of thought when his phone rings. Clearly, he’s agitated by the interruption as he yanks it out of his pocket. “Yeah. What do you want? I’m a little busy right now.” I watch as he pinches the bridge of his nose, listening to whoever is on the other end. I jump when he screams, “Fuck you!” before winding up and hurling his phone into the water with a resounding splash….


  One week ago…

  I wish I could say I’m relieved now that I know who is responsible for my wife’s death, but I’m not. I’d suspected him, but I never had any solid proof. Until today. I lost the very air I breathed and the love of my life. Carlos Rodriguez was the one who ordered the hit. On Lyra. And Bella just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Now I will spend the rest of my life seeking justice. Once I’m finished with Carlos and Joe the ‘hitman’ Stone, they will never see the light of day. Ever again.

  Unfortunately, Cole wouldn’t let me anywhere near them. Smart man, because I would have killed them with my bare hands. Trial be damned! They were being interrogated behind a one-way glass, while I stood there and watched. It was the most difficult five hours of my life. Once it was finally over and we were rehashing everything in Cole’s office, he handed me a glass. “Here. Drink this, Ryker. It looks like you could use a little something to dull the pain.”

  I wanted to tell him that nothing would dull the pain, but I knew he was just trying to help. “Thanks, Cole.” I had quickly grabbed the glass and tipped it back. Allowing the burn to make me feel. Something Bella would never be able to do again. “Hit me again.” I remember smiling when I watched him pour me about three fingers’ worth. I knew at that rate, it wouldn’t take me long to get shit-faced.

  I sat back, resting my foot on the opposite knee. As Cole hesitantly handed me the glass. Calmly, I rolled it back and forth in the palm of my hands, warming the brown liquid. But I was far from calm. There was a storm brewing deep inside of me that was ready to explode. So I tipped the glass to my lips and downed it in one long swallow. Fuck! It felt like a thousand daggers disemboweling me. Once it had finally settled in the pit of my stomach, I had found my voice. “Are you trying to kill me, Cole?”

  “Not at all. I just thought after the news you heard today, you could use something a bit stronger.”

  “Yeah, well. There’s nothing on this Earth that would be strong enough to make me forget. Bella’s dead. And nothing will ever bring her back to me.”

  His jaw ticked when his gaze met mine. “We might not be able to change the outcome, but at least we know who ordered the hit. We’ll make sure the both of them spend the rest of their lives in prison. C’mon, you’ve waited almost four years for closure and it’s now within your grasp. All those months you spent alone at the cabin weren’t in vain. You knew it was Rodriguez all along. We just didn’t believe you and I’ll be the first to apologize. I never thought in a….”

  “Stop! Don’t you dare!” Rage filled me with a vengeance. Cole just didn’t get it and he never would. I hated that I’d never be able to tell my best friend the truth.

  I remember the weight of the glass being too heavy in my hand. So I had stood up with every intention of putting it on his desk. But I reeled around and threw it as hard as I could against the back wall. And watched as it shattered into a million pieces. Just like my fucking heart!

  “Feeling better now?” he had asked. First, you have to understand that Cole is a cocky bastard. Only he would have had the balls to ask at a time like that. If it had been any other guy, they’d be peeling themselves up off the floor. Several times.

  “Actually, no.” I had replied. “I need to get the fuck out of here. Could you have Robert drive me back to the hotel?”

  Cole wouldn’t hear of it. He insisted on driving me back himself. On one stipulation. We had to take the two goons with us because the press was still lurking about. Yeah, I wasn’t happy, but I wasn’t in any condition to argue. Luckily, everything went without a hitch. And Cole assured me he’d do everything within his power to lock them up for good.

  That happened over a week ago and it’s all I can think about. I was hoping once my suspicions were confirmed, I could move on. But I can’t. So I did the one thing I promised myself I would never do. I moved next door to Lyra. Somehow, I was able to convince the Murphys that they’d won a timeshare to Alaska. Who knew they’d always wanted to go? Which worked out great for me. They came home while Lyra was at work, packed what they needed for their trip, and went on their merry way. And now I’m housesitting for them. It’s a win-win. They get what they want and so do I. My prize is so much greater than theirs.

  I currently spend all of my free time spying on my next door neighbor. Today, I’m not liking what I see one damn bit as I stare out the kitchen window. Gage and Lyra are walking hand-in-hand along the shore. Fortunately, they don’t look like the happy couple that left over an hour ago. Hmm, I wonder if it had anything to do with his phone call. By the scowl on his face I’d say it did. Whoever it was is cooling off on the bottom of the sea right about now. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face. I’m such a bastard.

  This is one of the reasons why I decided to ‘rent’ the house from the Murphys. So I could keep an eye on her. But I need to be extra careful. I wouldn’t want Cody discovering her new neighbor. Me. The other reason being that I want her back. Fuck! Gage was supposed to be gone for six months. That was the deal. Now, I have to concentrate on getting lover boy back to Toronto. If Lyra only knew I was the one responsible for Gage’s new position, she’d never forgive me. So, here’s to hoping she never finds out…

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I desperately wanted to talk to Gage while he was down for the Fourth. Unfortunately, phone call after phone call kept him distracted the entire time. Something is definitely going on. I asked him where he got his new phone after he’d flung his original in the water, and he assured me he’d ordered a new one while I was in the bathroom. I didn’t want to call him out on it. After all, I hadn’t seen him in months and I wanted to spend some time with him. Sadly, it all ended too soon when Mr. Mitchell kindly dropped off my car. Gage insisted on giving him a ride home. He wanted me to go back to the party too, but I feigned a wicked headache and declined. I knew I should have never gone there to begin with. So much for trying to fit in. Saying goodbye seems to get easier and easier as time passes by.

  I tried calling my mom earlier today, but it went directly to voicemail. Again. I had thought about going home for a visit, but why bother? They’re always so busy working or attending charity events that I’d either have to tag along or stay home alone. Yeah, I can do that in the comfort of my own home, thank you very much. So I spend all of my free time curled up on the couch having a love affair with my Kindle. It never lets me down and within seconds I have a new ‘book boyfriend’ to go to bed with every night. Isn’t that every woman’s fantasy? Unfortunately, it doesn’t compare to a warm body tangled with mine, but it will have to do for now.

  Wouldn’t you know, my mom’s ringtone would go off right in the middle of a sex scene? The heroine is wet and willing and ready for nine inches of hard steel. Oh, steel. How can I forget about him when everything reminds me of him? “Hi, Mom. What’s up?”

  “Sorry, Lyra. It seems like we’re two ships passing in the night. Is everything all right? You sound breathless.”

  If she only knew the half of it. “No, I’m good. I just had to jump up to get my phone.”

  “Dad and I were thinking of visiting you and Gage sometime in August. Somewhere between the twelfth and the thirtieth. Pick whatever time works best for the two of you.”

  Oh damn. They have no idea Gage is in Toronto because I didn’t tell them. Ugh, this is why I avoid phones, planes, and visits. Too many questions I’m not ready to answer. But I re
ally need to talk to someone about my mental state. Now that I’m living alone, I’m worried. “Mom, I’ll have to get back to you about the dates. Gage is crazy busy and I’m not sure when he’ll be available. But there is something I need to talk to you about.”

  “Anything, sweetie. What is it?”

  “You remember those hallucinations I had all those years ago? Well, they started happening a lot lately and I still can’t explain any of them. They seem so real and it’s kind of scary.” She’s going to think I’m certifiably insane. Once again.

  “Are they the same ones as before, Lyra?” Great! Mom sounds like she’s ready to hop on the next plane.

  “I’m not quite sure. That’s why I wanted to run it by you. They’re about ballerinas, pink tutus, blue eyes and all sorts of weird things. Does that sound familiar to you? Hold that thought, Mom. Cody’s whining to go out and I can’t hear a word you’re saying.” Cody started prancing by the door the second the phone rang. If I wait any longer, I’ll have to clean up her mess. “Okay, Mom. She’s outside now.” I don’t want to tell her about the note I found inside of Cody’s collar or the ballerina that was left inside my mailbox. If I do, she’ll say that’s the reason for all of this angst. I want to see if it’s similar to what happened to me in the past.

  “Lyra, I want you to call Dr. Banks immediately. She’ll fit you in as soon as possible and I can be there in a few hours since I’m in Hartford on an assignment. Okay?”

  Oh God, here we go again. I don’t want her picking apart my brain again. I’m better off without her. “I’m fine, Mom. I just wanted you to know. That’s all. Nothing’s wrong. I…”

  “Lyra. I need you to listen to me very carefully. You’ve been through a traumatic experience and you never took it seriously enough. I should have insisted you go see a therapist after you were held captive in that cabin. Please promise me you’ll call, or I’ll make an appointment for you.”

  I’ll never learn to shut my mouth. Dammit! Now she’s coming and I need to see a damn therapist. I need to put a stop to this. “Forget I said anything, Mom. It’s just a bunch of jumbled thoughts. Nothing to worry about. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can about you and Dad coming in August. Love you, Mom. Bye.”

  I feel horrible when I end the call while she’s still talking. God, what have I done? I’ve opened up a can of worms and I know she won’t let it rest. My hands begin to tremble and my knees feel weak as I push off the couch. I need to let Cody in before I faint. When my phone rings, I panic. I know she’s trying to call me back and I can’t do this right now. I need to breathe, take one step at a time. You can do this, Lyra.

  One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, four….

  When I finally reach the door and pull it open, Cody’s nowhere to be found. No, not today. Please, please, please come when I call. “Cody, come.” My voice is weak and my limbs feel numb. There’s something definitely wrong with me. I’m standing in the middle of my yard when I hear her barking. Great! She’s down by the water, I’m never going to make it. When I turn around and spot a car parked in the Murphys’ driveway, hope blooms inside of me. Oh, thank god they’re home. I know they’ll help me.

  Slowly, I put one foot in front of the other. And once I reach the railing, I hold on for dear life. Steadying myself. I stop to take a few deep breaths before continuing. Once I get my bearings, I climb onto the porch. I’m almost there. The sudden dizziness sends my mind through a kaleidoscope of colors... pinks, blues, blacks and reds. I guess where the doorbell is and press. Once. Twice. And continue until the door suddenly opens. Thank God! I’m confused when powerful arms suddenly wrap around me and hold me close. I might be sick, but I know for a fact that Mr. Murphy wouldn’t be strong enough to carry me. And he sure doesn’t smell this yummy. It’s a blend of citrus, spice and something very masculine. Wood. Yeah, a subtle woodsy scent. When I’m finally able to focus, a sense of peace washes over me. Soothes me. Because the eyes I am looking into are the same blue eyes I’ve been dreaming about. My hand trembles when I reach out to feel his cheek. I need to touch him to see if he’s real. His five o’clock shadow is rough against my fingertips. Prickly but soft. I know him. I know I do. His name’s just on the tip of my tongue, but no matter how hard I try I can’t think of it. Dammit! When he sits down on the couch with me tucked in his lap, Cody tries to wiggles her way in between us.

  “Cody. Sit!”

  Oh. My. God.

  I know that deep, commanding voice and feel the isolation that those eyes have put me in so many times in the past. His scent, so familiar, surrounds me in a warm embrace. Slowly, the fog begins to lift and I can see clearly for the first time. In a long time. “Ry. Is it really you?” I ask.


  I desperately want to believe she truly knows who I am but I’m afraid to use her name. What if I’m wrong? I wouldn’t want to be the one to push her over the edge in her fragile state. I knew the second I opened the door that something was wrong. She looked lost. I can’t begin to imagine what would have happened if I hadn’t been here. Right now, I just want to hold her in my arms and pray she comes back to me. For now I’ll play it safe. “It’s me, precious. How are you feeling?”

  “Confused.” I can feel her trembling as she nuzzles my neck. So I hold her close and hope she finds her strength in me. ‘Cause I sure as hell don’t feel too strong at the moment.

  “How so, precious?”

  “When we were at the cabin, your eyes were black but now they’re blue. So why do they look so familiar to me?”

  Fuck! How much do I divulge? “I wore contacts so no one would recognize me. Subconsciously, you must have known and assumed I had blue eyes.” God, that sounded so fucking lame. Even to me.

  “I mourned you, Ryker. For so long. I thought you had died in that explosion and I blamed myself. Why would you let me go on believing you were dead?”

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t prepare you. But it was the only way I could think of to keep you safe.”

  She sighs and in one concise move she’s straddling me. Her small hands frame my face while she scrutinizes me. I’m on full display when her gaze rakes over my lips, my hair, and my face before her eyes land back on mine. Drinking me all in. Lyra leans in and brushes her lips softly against mine, causing my heart to crash inside of me. I’ve waited so long for this. I’m never letting her go. Ever again. “What you didn’t understand was how safe I felt when I was with you, Ryker. God, you’re so beautiful. This is exactly how I imagined you without all of that hair. So handsome. I missed you so much, Ry.”

  God, that nickname. The same one that brings me to my knees. The one I asked her never to call me. Could it be? No. She remembers the cabin for fuck’s sake! I’m the one going out of my mind. Not her. “I missed you, precious. More than you’ll ever know.” I can’t wait a minute longer. I need to taste her. Own her. And make her mine once and for all. Forever.

  My hands tangle in her hair as our mouths collide in a heated frenzy. We’re both insatiable for one another. Exploring and reacquainting our tongues in perfect harmony. She tastes like lemons and mint and I’m getting drunk on her. Little whimpers and moans cling to my lips as I devour every lascivious mewl she surrenders to me. My dick is throbbing for release but I won’t give in to temptation. Not yet. Just when I think I’m about to die in her sweet embrace, Cody begins barking and scratching at the front door. We quickly break apart with our chests heaving as we come up for air. “What’s wrong with her, Ryker?” When I glance over and see her hackles standing straight up, I assume someone is about to interrupt our little reunion.

  “Damned if I know, but I’m going to find out.” Lyra slides off of my lap so I can go see what all the fuss is about. And the moment I open the door Cody leaps in the air, greeting the person who’s coming down the walk. “Cody. Stop!” The last thing I want is for her to hurt the woman who’s glaring at me. Mrs. Harper. Well, I suppose there’s no time like the present to get this whole charade over and done

  “Mr. Steel. Where’s my daughter?” I don’t have time to answer as Lyra brushes by me.

  “Mom, you shouldn’t have come. I’m fine, really. Mr. Steel was kind enough to help me when I couldn’t find Cody.” Oh, my girl is spinning a wicked web and I’m loving it.

  “Well, that’s very nice of him but I’m here now. Why don’t you make me a cup of coffee and we’ll talk about our phone call. Go ahead, sweetie. I’d like to thank Mr. Steel for taking care of you today.” My girl is hesitant to leave but I don’t want her to witness my wrath.

  “I promise she won’t be long, Lyra. Then the two of you can enjoy your visit.” With her mother’s back turned, she blows me a kiss and saunters off to her house with Cody tagging close behind. Whew, I didn’t know if Cody would follow her or insist on coming inside with me. Good girl. Now it’s time to get down to business.

  As soon as I close the door behind me, I grab Mrs. Harper by the throat and pin her up against the wall. Her eyes go wide as she claws to free my hand. I expertly grab her wrists with my other and hold them still. “I promised myself a long time ago that if I ever found the person who was responsible for Bella’s death, I’d kill them with my bare hands. So are you prepared to die today, Mrs. Harper?” She tries to speak but I squeeze just a little bit tighter. I know how long I can keep this up without leaving a mark. I learned from the best. She stumbles when I just about drag her to the couch and force her to sit. Reluctantly, it’s time for me to let go of her throat so she can breathe.


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