Bound by Steel

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Bound by Steel Page 22

by Connie Lafortune

  “You paid him to stay with me? That’s a lie and you know it! Gage would never take a cent from you.”

  I swipe my thumbs across Bella’s wet cheeks so her attention is focused on me. “I’m sorry, baby. But she has proof. Every single check she’s ever written has been deposited into his bank account.”

  “Well, there ya go. Gage and I have a joint bank account. So I would’ve known if there was extra money in there.”

  The last thing I want to do is hurt her. I didn’t want to believe it when Vega showed me the proof but it was all there in black and white. Gage in the bank depositing her checks. One monthly check every year since they met. Son of a bitch! “Bell, he has an account at a different bank in his name. I personally had it checked out. It’s legit.”

  I know without a doubt she loves me, but when she crumbles I’m there to pick up the pieces. “Shh, I’ve got you, precious. I’m right here.” My wife wraps herself around me like a baby Koala clinging to its mother. I understand her grief. It’s not easy being betrayed by someone you love. Someone you trust.

  Vega clears her throat, clearly bored. “Well, it was nice chatting with the both of you but I think I’ll be leaving now.”

  “Sit down!” Bella jumps when I shout, but it can’t be helped. Vega and I are not finished. There’s a little matter we still need to discuss before I decide whether to call the police or not. She knows this, but chooses to ignore it while I console my wife…

  “I think we’re quite finished. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to call the airline to see if I can get an earlier flight.”

  Over my dead body. She’s not going anywhere until I say so. “Baby, I need to stop her before she leaves. So I need to put you down before it’s too late,” I whisper. The minute her butt hits the cushion she unwraps herself and curls up in the corner. Quickly, I place a gentle kiss to her brow before standing up to my full height. And in a few long strides my hand clamps on Vega’s wrist as she reaches for the door. Just in the nick of time. “We’re far from finished, Vega. And if you’d given me a minute to answer, I would have said I do mind. Now. Sit. Down!”

  “Let go! You’re hurting me!”

  “This is nothing compared to what I will do to you if you don’t comply.” I practically throw her in the chair before letting go of her wrist.

  I’m so angry but not for the reason you might think. I’m livid because not once did she look at Bella to see how this is affecting her. The second she came to terms with Lyra’s death, she didn’t give a shit about the woman she supposedly thought was her daughter. “Now, I need you to answer one more question before I decide whether to call the police or not.”

  “I’m not telling you anything, Mr. Steel. Unless my lawyer’s present.”

  I choose to ignore her and ask her anyway. “So, if Lyra was the intended target, why didn’t Rodriguez finish what he’d started once he realized she wasn’t dead?”

  Shock flits across her face at the mention of his name. Up until now, I made reference to the mob. Now, I’m naming names and I can see it’s making her uncomfortable. Good. Maybe this will be a lot easier than I thought. “Well, I don’t have all night.”

  Bella, who’s been pensive until now, chooses this very moment to speak. “Tell him, ‘Mother.’ Or I’ll rip your tongue out with my bare hands.”

  Whoa. Where the hell did this woman come from? And what has she done with my wife?

  “Don’t you dare threaten me! Even if you lived to be a hundred, you’d never measure up to my daughter. You want the truth, Mr. Steel? Fine. When I told Rodriguez that the woman who was actually killed was Lyra’s twin and your wife, Bella Steel, his exact quote was, “Payback’s a bitch and it finally came back to bite him in the ass.” He knew Bella’s death would bring you to your knees. And you played right into his hands when you disappeared a few weeks later. The minute he found out you fell off the grid, he sent me a note stating he called off the hit. Would you care to see it, Mr. Steel? No? Too bad, because I’ve carried it with me every day since. So I’d have proof that no one could harm Lyra. And now that you know the truth, you need to let me go. A life for a life, Mr. Steel…”


  All I’ve thought about since Mrs. Harper’s big reveal is one down and one to go. It was a bitter pill to swallow but now I need to move on. And now that I know she was paying Gage, I’ve got no qualms about what needs to be done. In fact, I’m looking forward to it when he comes home tomorrow. Then, as soon as I fulfill my notice at work, Ryker and I will be moving back to our New York apartment. Where we belong. Gage can take the house and shove it up his…

  Saved by the bell, or in this case, my phone. Weird. Normally, Kennedy would shoot me a text but obviously she wants to talk. I’m not in the mood. “Hey, what’s up stranger?”

  “Funny, Lyra. Ha-ha. I was just going to ask you the same thing. You do know the phone works both ways, right?”

  I cringe when she calls me ‘Lyra’. Hence, the reason I’ve been avoiding her. She has no clue who I really am. Hell, up until a few weeks ago, neither did I. So how am I supposed to tell my best friend that I’m someone else? “You’re right, Kennedy. I’m sorry. But for whatever it’s worth, I haven’t been much fun to be around.”

  “Aww, you miss Gage. Dammit! I know how much you hate being alone. I should have made an effort to be there for you.”

  Oh, I’m far from lonely. Ryker keeps me more than entertained on any given night. Once I’ve told her the truth, I’ll introduce her to my husband. “No worries. I’ve just been working all kinds of crazy hours at work to keep myself occupied. So, when are we going to get together?”

  “Funny you should ask. I know this is short notice, but I want to take you to The Spa this weekend. So I can spoil you rotten. My treat. Please don’t say no, Lyra. Or I’ll feel guilty as hell for not being in touch all these months.”

  I cover the phone and take a minute to breathe a sigh of relief. “I can’t. Gage is coming home for a visit this weekend.”

  “Sweeet! By Monday I’m sure you’ll be in a much better mood. Guaranteed. Getting laid will do that to ya. So why don’t we plan on the following weekend? I want to hear every dirty detail about how you spent the weekend in bed with that gorgeous man of yours. Deal?”

  Crap on a cracker. Just wait until she finds out what gorgeous man I’ve been sharing my bed with. She’s going to flip the fuck out! “Deal. But if you think for one second I’m going to spill my guts, you’re dead wrong. I never kiss and tell.”

  “How the hell can I live vicariously through you if you won’t give me all the dirty deats? Such a waste. Oh well, maybe I’ll keep the wine flowing and then hopefully you’ll spill your guts when you’re nice and drunk.”

  “Not going to happen, Kennedy. So forget about it. Look, I gotta run. We’ll catch up next weekend.”

  “Okay, girlfriend. I can’t wait to see your smiling face and get you drunk as a skunk. You can’t hate on me for trying. Bye-bye, love.” Phew! One phone call from Kennedy is like drinking coffee with two shots of expresso. She’s an adrenaline rush for sure.

  A quick glance at my phone has me reeling. Dammit. Now I’m going to be late for work! After slamming the front door, I take the steps two at a time and make a mad dash around my car. I know traffic is going to be horrendous, so I really should call to tell them I’m going to be late….

  “Lyra? Why are you visiting the Andersons so early in the morning? Are they all right?” That voice. Oh my god! It’s him! Gage is here already.

  When our eyes meet, I’m breathless. Not angry like I have every right to be. How can I when he’s looking at me with such longing and love? Suddenly, I don’t believe a single word Mrs. Harper has uttered. Lies. All of them. They have to be. “Baby, come here.”

  My mind’s screaming no, but my legs have a mind of their own as I meet him half-way. And then his arms are around me and his mouth is on mine and I’m lost. Lost because I know this is wrong and yet right because it’s what he
would expect from me. But I know I have to end it when his erection presses up against my thigh. “God, I missed you so much. Let’s go inside so I can show you.”

  That’s all it takes for me to wrench myself from his hold. “If you came home just for a piece of ass, then you better turn around and head back to Toronto. Right now, Gage.” Ugh, why do all men think with the wrong head? “I’m late for work so I need to go, now.”

  “Lyra, wait! I’m sorry if I came across as a horny teenager. That wasn’t my intention. I just miss you so damn much. And that’s why I came home earlier so I could spend more time with you. My parents don’t even know I’m here. Take the day off. Please. For me?”

  One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi….

  Ryker’s words from so long ago come back to haunt me. ‘Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.’

  “Fine. Under one condition.” When he nods, I continue. “We need to have a serious talk and you have to hear me out. Promise?”

  “I promise, Lyra. Anything, as long as we can spend some time together.” Cautiously, he walks towards me. Why do I still get that fluttering feeling in the pit of my stomach when he’s near? I’m a married women for fuck’s sake! His warm breath skates across my cheek when he envelops me in his arms. “Thank you, baby.” And when his lips capture mine, I’m glad Ryker’s out of town. It would have killed him if he had to witness this. By the time he comes home tomorrow, it’ll all be over.

  “Gage, why don’t you go inside and I’ll meet you there after I call work.”

  “Okay, baby. Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.” I breathe a sigh of relief when he opens the front door and disappears inside. This is surely going to be one of the hardest days of my life. And when I turn around to place my call, the day just gets worse. Ryker’s standing across the street, leaning against his car door. Watching me. And he’s none too happy. He’s defensive as he stands there with his arms folded across his chest. He’s ready to fight and I know exactly who he’s setting his sights on…

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  I know something’s wrong the minute I step inside the house. It doesn’t look like anyone’s lived here in months. And there’s no sign of Cody, anywhere. Which makes me even more suspicious. Lyra would never go anywhere without her. A thought has me reeling. Could she be living with the Andersons next door because she hates being here without me? No, more than likely it’s because she just doesn’t want to be here any longer. Why? This has always been her home. Our home.

  I want to interrogate her the moment she walks through the door, but I can’t. Not when it’s so obvious how nervous she is. Something’s definitely off. “Lyra, where’s Cody?”

  I can see the lie forming on her tongue, until she realizes there’s no escape. “Gage, so much has happened since you left that I don’t know where to begin.”

  I hesitate only for a moment before going to her. “Why don’t you start from the beginning? It’s always worked for us before.” When she nods, I grab her hand and thread her fingers through mine. I relax when she gives me a gentle squeeze. Okay. So maybe this won’t be so bad after all. I’m sure there’s a logical explanation behind it.

  We’re both silent once we are comfortable on the couch. It’s all too obvious she wants to keep her distance by the way she avoids eye contact. Whatever her reasoning is, I don’t point it out. I just patiently wait for her to begin. And wait. And wait….

  “Gage, I’m not who you think I am.” She speaks so softly that, at first, I think I’ve heard her wrong. When I try to ask her to repeat herself she holds up her hand. “My name’s Bella Steel, not Lyra Harper.”

  What. The. Fuck!

  Where the hell’s this coming from? Then, as if in slow motion, all the pieces begin to fit. One by one they interlock with such precision that I can finally see the big picture. Ryker Steel. That name will haunt me until the day I die. Somehow he brainwashed her into believing she’s his wife.

  “Lyra and I were twins, and we were separated when we were two years old. Both of us went to different foster homes. We met after a show and there was no doubt in our minds that we were sisters. We even went so far as to get a blood test. Anyway, we thought it would be fun to change roles, so she went to the interview with Mrs. Harper—”

  “Lyra, stop. I’m not going to listen to one more word. This is ludicrous! Fuck! I know I promised you I’d never read your journals but I did. So I know for a fact that Jonathan Day is Ryker Steel. Which means he’s very much alive. So I have no idea why after all these months you’d believe…”

  “You read my journals? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. After all, you’ve been taking money from Mrs. Harper since the day we met. Why, Gage? Have you been lying to me all along so you could continue to reap the benefits?!”


  “Stop calling me Lyra. My name’s Bella! Haven’t you heard a damn word I’ve said?”

  “Yes, I hear you loud and clear. But I don’t believe you. And yes, I took her money. Every red cent! But I swear, I was going to give it all back on our wedding day. I wanted to throw the check back in her face just to see if your father knew she was trying to pay me off.”

  “So you are guilty, Gage. Just admit it. You took money from my so-called mother, read my journals and God knows what else.”

  This reunion is not turning out the way I planned. I had planned to drop down on one knee and ask her to marry me. The ring’s burning a damn hole in my pocket as we speak. Instead, I’m clearly fighting a losing battle. Especially now that she thinks she’s this ‘Bella’ character. “The only thing I’m guilty of, baby, is loving you. Every damn minute of every damn day. The only reason I went to Toronto was so you could decide if I’m the one you want to spend your life with. Without interference. But, clearly, he got to you. And brainwashed you into believing you’re his wife!”

  I’m caught off guard when someone grabs me from behind. One arm wraps around my neck, cutting off my air supply, while the other snakes around my torso. Holding me firmly in place. There’s no way I can move and by the way Lyra’s looking at me, I’m fucked. This guy knows his shit because I can’t even kick him with my feet.

  “I could snap your neck without blinking an eye. But I won’t because you took care of her when I couldn’t. So consider yourself lucky. But make no mistake about it. She’s my wife and if you ever, ever touch her again, I’ll kill you…”

  As soon as he lets go, I suck in some much needed air, spin around, and clock him in the fucking jaw. Fuck that hurts! But it was so worth it when it catches him off guard and he stumbles. This time, I’m ready for him when he comes charging at me. Suddenly Lyra screams, “Ryker, no! You’re even now, so let it go.”

  I’m surprised when he stops in mid-stream. I never would have figured he’d be the type of man to give up control. But then I look into Lyra’s frightened eyes and I know firsthand. I would do anything for her and apparently so would he. Well, he wasn’t invited. So I think it’s time for him to leave. “I don’t remember inviting you into my home, Mr. Steel. I’d appreciate it if you left. Lyra and I have unfinished business.”

  “You would be wise to remember that her name is Bella. And since she’s my wife, I’m not going anywhere….”

  Lyra shakes her head. “Oh for fuck’s sake. Stop talking about me like I’m not in the room. Ryker, please leave. Gage and I need to finish what we started. I’ll be fine.”

  I want to punch Steel again when he strides over to kiss her without a care. Rubbing it in my face. And it stings when she reciprocates. In a matter of minutes my world’s crashed down around me. There won’t be a proposal today, or any day for that matter. She’s his wife. And I want to wipe that smug look right off of his face when he casually states, “Don’t be long, precious. Remember, we have plans for tonight.”

  We’re both quiet as the door closes behind him. And then I can feel her eyes burning a hole right through me. Why does it feel lik
e I’m not the only one who doesn’t want to let go…


  After everything that’s happened, I still love him. Even knowing that he’s read my journals, accepted money from Mrs. Harper, and god knows what else he’s been hiding. Gage was my hero. He kept me sane all those years ago, when I thought I was losing my mind. He was the first one to save me. I guess I never realized how much, up until a minute ago. So how am I supposed to just walk away? Forget he ever existed. I can’t. And I know I never will.

  Slowly, I step toward him and when I get within his reach, he pulls me close. He’s holding me so tight, I can feel every beat of his heart. “Gage, I want you to know that this isn’t easy for me. You were there for me from the very beginning. I don’t know what I would have done without you. Keep the money…”

  “Never! She was the one who insisted on paying me. So instead of arguing with her, I put it in the bank. I had every intention of giving it back to her. I swear.”

  “I’m so sorry, Gage. If I hadn’t lost my memory when Lyra was killed…”

  “We never would have met. And I don’t know how the hell my life would have turned out if it hadn’t been for you. I’m a better man for having known you. I wouldn’t change a damn thing.”

  There’s so much I want to say but I’m afraid it would be like rubbing salt in an open wound. Yet, he needs to know how I feel. “I do love you Gage, and I don’t know how to stop.”

  He blows out a breath, like the weight of the world just crashed onto his shoulders. At first, I don’t think he’ll answer and then when he does, he destroys me. “Then don’t. Because I know I’ll never stop loving you. You will always be the only one for me. That’s why I want you to have this.”

  I’m desperately trying to hold back the tears when he pulls a little black box from his pocket. The minute I see it, I can’t hold them back any longer. They fall as fast and slick as rain on a cold winter’s day.


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