Bound by Steel

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Bound by Steel Page 24

by Connie Lafortune

  I’m not going to lie, it’s a bitch trying to read with one eye. But I have a few minutes to kill before Cole shows up, so I’m going to read the letter. Again. This time, I’m hoping I can read between the lines. Because if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is…

  September 7, 2015


  Since I’m a man of few words, I will only say this once. Thank you for looking after my baby sister. Sonia’s informed me that if it hadn’t been for your compassion, she wouldn’t be with us today. And as her brother, it upsets me just knowing that I wasn’t there for her. That it took a patron at The Pleasure Palace to make her feel whole once again. Perhaps it was the simple act of fornication that brought the two of you together. In the end, it was two broken people finding solace in one another.

  Since we’ve gotten all the sentimental bullshit out of the way, I want you to know that I’m still fucking pissed. I trusted you, Ryker, and you betrayed me. So I sat back, bided my time and waited. Planning my retaliation. Lucky for you, Mrs. Harper did something insanely stupid. Then all of my time and attention was focused on her innocent daughter. Unfortunately, we all know how that turned out. That being the reason why Joe is in Block C. One floor above me. Anyway, when news broke that it was indeed your wife Bella who was mistakenly killed, I felt victorious. And I used that information to my advantage. Do you see where I’m headed with this, Mr. Steel? Let me enlighten you. I sat back and patiently waited. Revenge does not have an expiration date. And when the time finally arrived, Hawk was in my back pocket. He was happy to play good cop bad cop. I instructed him to position the detour sign during the snowstorm. Then he caused Lyra to run off the road and waited until Cody found her before he left. My revenge came in the form of a dainty girl who was the spitting image of your dead wife. Brilliant, don’t you agree? Sonia has just informed me of the mix up which took place between Bella and Lyra. A joyous occasion for you turns out to be a tragedy for Mrs. Harper. Well, it was long overdue as far as I’m concerned.

  Now, I’m easily getting sidetracked. So it’s time for me to reveal the reason for this letter. I, Carlos Rodriguez, give you my solemn oath that from this day forward all retaliation against Mr. and Mrs. Ryker Steel has been revoked. Everyone in my employ has been immediately informed of these changes and has ceased all surveillance. I give you my word that no harm will ever bestow you or your family, today or in the years to follow.

  Carlos Rodriguez

  It doesn’t matter how many times I read the letter, it’s yet to sink in. Sonia has assured me that it’s the real deal. But I’ve also learned a long time ago to keep my friends close and my enemies closer. So why should I believe we’re both free just because he says so? As much as I’d like to celebrate, I’ll wait until Cole takes a look at it. I’d like to get his opinion before I pop the cork. Bella’s nervous about seeing him again, but I assured her that he’s probably just as nervous. I can’t help chuckling when the doorbell rings because I can hear Bell swearing in the bedroom. “I’ll get it, precious.”

  The moment I open the door, I wish I could slam it shut. But it’s too late. Kennedy’s standing there glaring at me. “Who the hell are you? And what the fuck are you doing in Lyra’s apartment?”

  Oh, for fuck’s sake! First Sonia and now her! This is the last person I wanted to deal with today. But two can play this game. “Who the hell are you? And was she expecting you today?”

  “Dude that would have spoiled the surprise. Who did you say you were again?”

  “He didn’t, Kennedy. Why are you here?”

  “Well, that’s a hell of a way to greet your best friend. Especially since we haven’t seen each other in ages. Maybe if you would have answered your damn phone and hadn’t cancelled our spa dates, I wouldn’t have just popped by.”

  I’m sympathetic when she walks over to Bella and gives her a great big hug. Whispering in her ear just loud enough for me to hear. “Who the hell’s the hunk with the junk? And does Gage know you’re hanging with him? C’mon, spill your guts, baby girl.”

  Poor precious, her eyes widen as she mouths, “Help me.” And for the life of me, I don’t know how. But I have to try something before Cole shows up. “My name is Ryker Steel, and you are?”

  Kennedy slowly turns around and scrutinizes me. From head to toe. I’m quite sure she just pictured me naked and then eye-fucked me all at the same time. “Hmm, why does that name sound so familiar? Let me think.” I wait while she taps her pretty pink nails against her bottom lip. “I got it! You’re the dude who went into hiding after your wife was killed. Hey, Lyra looks just…”

  “Kennedy, that’s enough!” It’s sweet the way Bella tries to defend me. But I don’t even get the chance to tell her, I’ve got this one.

  “It’s true! You look just like his dead wife and that’s just wacked. OMG! Is he the reason why Gage and your mother won’t return any of my phone calls?”

  “Don’t blame them, Kennedy. It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have cancelled our spa weekends because it would have given me a chance to explain…”

  “Don’t bother! If you’re living in New York and Gage is still in Toronto, I think it’s perfectly clear. You broke up with him so you could live with this assoholic! Can’t you see how twisted this scenario is? You look just like…”

  “Enough!” Both girls jump when my voice reverberates around the room. Kennedy spins around to berate me but quickly changes her mind once she notices how angry I am. Bella’s eyes plead with me not to make a scene, but I’m so done with this. “Would you like me to remind you that you’re an uninvited guest in our home? Or the fact that you never called ahead to find out if we have plans? Which we do, by the way, so I think it’s time for you to leave.” I knew I should have slammed the door in her face while I had the chance. Since I didn’t, I stride over to the door, open it and wait.

  “Ryker, please.” I can’t bear the look on Bella’s face. Fuck! “Let her stay. I’ll explain everything.” Of course, I give in. Bella has me wrapped around her little finger. Ten times over.

  Just when I’m about to kick the door closed in exasperation, Cole pushes it wide open. Oh, this is going to be priceless. He looks right through me as he walks inside. “Isabella? I can’t believe it’s you.” I would’ve gladly pulled out my cell to take a picture of their happy reunion, but the look on Kennedy’s shocked face is unforgettable. So I take this moment to relish in it.

  “Lyra, what in the H-E-Double Hockey Sticks is going on here?”

  Perhaps I’m a killjoy but I can’t take this shit any longer. “She’s my wife, Kennedy. Lyra Harper was the one who died years ago, not Bella Steel.” I’m not going to sugar coat it. Or have Bell go through a lengthy detailed account of what happened. It is what it is. Right between the eyes and straight to the point. And it felt cathartic as the words easily rolled off my tongue.

  Cole moves aside as soon as Kennedy steps into his peripheral vision. Bella looks at her best friend with so much regret, it breaks my heart. Now, it’s out in the open and she doesn’t have to hide anymore.

  “I’m sorry, Kennedy. I didn’t know how to tell you your best friend was a fraud. A fake. My real name’s Isabella Steel. I’m a ballerina for the New York City Ballet. I’m Ryker’s wife and Cole’s cousin. And I’ll always be your best friend if you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

  Kennedy glowers at her and quickly states, “It doesn’t matter what your name is, chica. You’re still the same strongminded and stubborn woman I met that day at the hospital. And you’ll always be my BFF. You know I love ya, girl. Now, your husband is a different story. He’s a dipshit. Although, he looks like he’d be a badass in the sack. So you’ll have to give me all the dirty deats.”

  Personally, I choose to ignore her altogether. I’m sure Kennedy must have some redeeming qualities if Bella loves her. I’ve yet to find them but it’s still early. “C’mon, Cole. Let’s go grab a beer. There’s something I’d like you to take a look at.” />

  When I see Kennedy check out Cole’s ass as they walk by, I smile. She’ll never change, but I wouldn’t have her any other way. “There’s so much testosterone in this room, I want to bathe in it. Wow, your cousin’s hot, Lyra. Ugh, I’m sorry. It’s going to take me awhile to get used to your name.”

  “I know it’s a lot to absorb, so I get it. And I apologize for Ryker’s behavior…”

  “Don’t, he thought you were dead. Shit! Now, I get why you cancelled our spa dates. But out of all the excuses I conjured up in my head, this one takes the cake. I’m shocked. So, how did you guys finally reconnect?”

  “Well, Jonathan Day—the man who held me captive—turned out to be Ryker Steel. At the time, I had no idea he was my husband.”

  “Get the fuck out! Subconsciously, you must’ve known who he was. Right?”

  “No, not really. I definitely felt a connection between the both of us. But I thought it was because he saved my life. Then I thought that I was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome. Women have been known to fall in love with their captors. Anyway, Jonathan had long hair, black eyes and a beard. He didn’t resemble the handsome man you met today. I had no way of knowing.”

  “Ouch, that really hurts, precious,” Ryker laughs. “But anonymity was exactly what I desired. Besides, there is something that Jonathan and I have in common. An apadravya.” My cheeks instantly heat when Ryker’s eyes fix on mine. Hell’s bells, of course he would bring that up. “Also, I thought I rather rocked the Goth look.”

  “Oh, you know you look good no matter what. Stop fishing for a compliment.” I feel giddy when his lips brush lightly against mine. He’s reminding everyone that I belong to him. Quickly, I turn my attention towards my cousin. “Cole, did you have a chance to read…”

  “Fuck me, you’re cock is pierced?” Kennedy just had to focus on that part of the conversation.

  When Ryker’s attention suddenly turns towards Kennedy, he’s scowling. Here we go again. “If you know of somewhere else to put an apadravya, Kennedy, please let me know.”

  “Duh, you’re so funny Ryker, I forgot to laugh. Did you do it to get into a college fraternity? Because I don’t know why anyone would put …”

  “Actually, it was while I was stationed in Afghanistan. My team and I were hunkered down in the trenches with the apocalypse reigning down around us. Mind you, I’m not a religious man but I promised God if I ever survived, I’d get my cock pierced. At the time, it seemed like the bravest thing to do. As soon as I kissed American soil, I did it.”

  Silence suddenly fills the room. I know for a fact that Cole was in the trenches with him. Everyone made the same promise that day, but Ryker was the only one who went through with it.

  Then Cole picks up where we left off. “From what I can gather, Rodriguez has already revoked any plans he made for retaliation. He’s giving you his word that nothing will ever happen to you two. And that’s huge coming from him. Clearly, he’s doing this because of Sonia. And since Ryker played an important role in her life, he’s forgiven him for his betrayal. As far as I’m concerned it’s over, but I’ll keep a security detail around to ease Ryker’s mind.”

  It takes me a minute to regroup, and then everything sinks in. “Security? Ryker, is there something we need to discuss in private?”

  “Bella, let me handle it. I can assure you that it won’t be long before we pull the plug. After what happened last time, I’m not taking any chances. You’ll just have to trust me.”

  “I do trust you, Ry. I just wish you’d told me sooner. Now I’m going to look over my shoulder every time I go outside.”

  “That’s why I didn’t tell you earlier, Bell. Just go about your daily routine and leave everything to me. Have I ever let you down?”

  No, he hasn’t. Unless, of course, I count the time where he led me to believe he was dead. Or when he thought I’d be happier without him. And there was that time…

  “Bella. I can see your wheels turning and I know what you’re thinking. Those were extenuating circumstances.”

  “Hey, I’m starving. Let’s all go out to dinner. My treat.” See, Kennedy isn’t rude and abrasive all the time. She comes through in a pinch.

  “Sounds great! What does everyone feel like? Italian, Chinese, or maybe we could try that new sushi restaurant that’s getting all those rave reviews.” I look at Cole, then Ryker—who’s giving me daggers! I’d guess it’s safe to say he doesn’t want to go anywhere with Kennedy.

  “I could go for a scorpion bowl, so I vote Chinese.” Whew, thanks Cole. At least someone’s making an effort.

  “Fine. Chinese it is.” I want to kiss Ryker senseless when he winks at me. He’s willing to put up with Kennedy, just for me. And believe me, she’s best in small doses.

  “Clearly, you’re upset and I don’t like it.” We just walked in the front door and Ryker hasn’t let up since we left the restaurant. I blame the dinner debacle on too many scorpion bowls. “Bella, talk to me. Don’t shut me out.” I watch as he slides off his shoes and leaves them on the matt by the door. Like he’s done a million times before. Today, it just irritates me.

  “I don’t want to talk about it, Ryker. So just drop it.”

  “Are you still angry because I hadn’t told you about the security detail? For the life of me, I don’t know why you’re acting like a petulant child.”

  Oh, he didn’t! “I’m going to bed.”

  “No! We’re not going to bed, until you tell me why you’re so angry.”

  “You’re a smart man, Ryker. Figure it out.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Bella. I’m smart but I’m not a mind reader…”

  “Fine! I’m pissed because you didn’t tell me my father wanted to see me. Cole did. Were you ever going to? Or would you have ignored his request because you want me to believe you were protecting me? I’m a grown woman. I can make my own decisions, Mr. Steel. Oh, and while I’m on a roll, if Cole wants to see Kennedy then that’s his prerogative. You have no business trying to interfere. You were the one who acted like a petulant child when they stayed to have another drink. There! Now you know why I’m pissed. Are you happy now?”

  “No, I’m not happy when you’re hurt or angry.” Ryker pinches the bridge of his nose. Then he holds out his hands in surrender. “I’ve already told you that Hawk was an informant for the drug cartel while working for the DEA. He’s looking at life in a federal prison, Bell. I’m not allowed to see him until after the trial and I don’t want you going there alone. I won’t apologize for wanting to protect you, precious. I’m your husband and that is my job. As for Cole, he’s a big boy. If he wants to fuck Kennedy then he’s on his own. I have all I can handle right here.”

  Now I feel foolish. I let the scorpion bowls go to my head. He really does have my best interests at heart. And after everything Aaron “Hawk” Matthews put me through, he can wait a little longer to see his daughter. “Is this our first fight, Ry?”

  Ryker doesn’t need to hear the words ‘I’m sorry’. He already knows I am just by the tone of my voice. I watch his lips quirk in a wicked grin as he saunters over. With fire in his eyes. His hungry mouth crashes into mine while his hands thread through my hair. Tugging. Until I can’t breathe and I’m about to faint. “Yes, I believe it was, precious,” he murmurs against my lips. “Now, we’re going to have one helluva night trying to kiss and make up.”

  Hell’s Bells…


  Three months later


  I’m probably just as nervous as she is. No. I take it back. Bella was calm, almost serene when we left the apartment. I, on the other hand, have become edgy and restless. That being the reason I’m pacing back and forth. I swear I’m wearing a path in the ornate marble floor of the lobby. And I’m tired of trying to make small talk with everyone who’s waiting to get into the theatre. The only reason I’m here early is because Bella had to arrive an hour ago so she could get ready for the show. Now I’m just impatiently
waiting for everyone to arrive so we can all walk in together. Fucktard Cole was supposed to meet me here ten minutes ago. It’ll break Bella’s heart if her cousin isn’t here to see her perform.

  We’re all sitting in Row A of the second ring. I don’t want to be level with the stage because I want to hover over her. Just like I do in the bedroom. I’ve even gone so far as to purchase every single ticket in the row so as not to have any late theater-goers stepping over us once it’s begun. I know it was a bit extravagant, but Bella’s worth every single cent. This is a once in a lifetime event and I don’t want anyone ruining it for us. At last count, there should be only six of us attending tonight’s show. Where the hell is everyone?

  As I peruse the magnificent artwork of French artist JR, a hand lands on my shoulder. Cole. Thank fuck he’s here. Otherwise I’d be crawling out of my skin. To say I’m disappointed when I spin around would be an understatement. But I am because Mr. and Mrs. Harper are anxiously awaiting my greeting. I knew they were coming because Bell had warned me. It’s going to be awkward but I can do it for her sake. In fact, this is the first time I’ve seen Vega since I visited her in her hotel room. Precious and I decided not to press charges that day, we felt she had already paid the ultimate price. “Thank you both for coming. I know Bell will be pleased you were able to make it.”

  “Well, thanks so much for inviting us. Nothing could have kept us away.” Ah, Mr. Harper just made it known that he’s here whether I approve or not. He was devastated when he found out that his daughter Lyra was dead. Which made him actually cling to Bella all the more. At first it made her uncomfortable, but she soon realized that he thought of her as his daughter. Soon, they were closer than they ever had been. It was Vega who had backed off and that was fine by me.

  “I have four other guests attending tonight. As soon as they arrive we’ll go inside. Unless, of course you’d like to go ahead without me?” I’m hoping they do so I won’t have to make small talk.


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