Her Chance at Love

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Her Chance at Love Page 9

by Nicki Night

  Thankfully, she finished her fruit and they had made it to their destination without incident. Hopping out of his truck, he rushed to her side to help her out. Blake reveled in the softness of her skin as he took her hand. Subtly he took in the crevices of her bare shoulders and the lines of her long graceful neck. Her ponytail was pulled tight at the base of her neck, affording him an unobstructed view of her pretty face. Her beauty was so natural that she didn’t need makeup. That simple hint of color in her gloss was sufficient. Anything more would have marred her perfection.

  Purposely he hadn’t told her where they were going. He was testing her to see if she was the kind willing to go along for the ride. He wanted to see if she could trust him to take the lead. He intended to show her a good time.

  Blake parked about a block away from the fair. When he led her by the hand to the entrance, her pretty smile brightened the glow of her face.

  Cadence gasped, placed her hand on her chest and said, “Oh, a carnival.” A nostalgic innocence washed over her as she smiled. “I haven’t been to one of these in years!”

  “Me, neither,” Blake said. “I was out running errands this morning and I drove by it. I thought it would be fun.”

  Cadence hung her head sideways, “Oh. Thanks. I’m glad I came.”

  The two stood in line and Blake paid the fee affording them unlimited rides. Cadence looked at all of the games, vendors and rides in wistful wonder.

  “We have to get on the Ferris wheel,” Cadence said, dragging Blake in that direction.

  “Let’s go!” Blake said, happy to oblige.

  Cadence was like a kid. Blake loved the way she jumped right in, knotting her dress between her legs to get on various rides. Over the next few hours, they had rammed each other in bumper cars several times, rode the Ferris wheel twice, spun on the Tilt-A-Whirl until they were dizzy and won prizes in the shooting gallery and the balloon race. After losing to Blake three times in the water-gun race, Cadence turned her water gun on Blake, splashing the side of his face. As payback, Blake turned his gun back on Cadence, spraying her right above her chest. Dropping her weapon, she ran for cover and bent over laughing.

  Now they sat, slowly riding through the tunnel of love. A comfortable silence accompanied them as Blake admired her silhouette. Cadence wore a contented smile, and again, Blake felt proud that he had been the catalyst. Cadence rested her head on Blake’s shoulder and he closed his eyes, but then his stomach growled. The rumble broke the silence and sucked the romance from the atmosphere.

  Cadence looked up at him and they both cracked up laughing.

  “It’s time to eat,” he said, rubbing his stomach. “You ready to get out of here?”

  “Yes. My funnel cake wore off hours ago.”

  Carrying the humongous teddy bear he’d won for her, they made their way back to his truck. Blake strapped in teddy and then Cadence before getting in himself. From there they headed to the Nautical Mile for a seaside dinner and then sat a while, enjoying cocktails and listening to the live reggae band’s serenade under the orange glow of the evening sun.

  As the band wrapped up their last set, Blake and Cadence finished the last of their drinks and walked back to the car hand in hand. Although the right thing to do was to take her home, Blake didn’t really want to. He took his time driving her back. When they pulled up in front of Cadence’s house, Blake turned off the engine and turned toward Cadence.

  “Have fun?” he asked. That smile returned, making him a proud man again.

  “I had a ball!” Cadence smiled and shook her head. “Bumper cars?” She laughed and tilted her head toward him. “Who would have thought? I’m so glad I came. I needed that.”

  “Me, too.”

  Blake sighed. He wanted her to ask him inside. He didn’t want to ask and have his suggestion misconstrued. Had this been another woman, he would have been in bed with her the night before. This was Cadence. As corny as it may have seemed, her name was truly like music to his ears. Blake waited for her to make a move. A pregnant silence swelled between them, taking up just as much space as the large teddy bear in the backseat. When Cadence didn’t make another move, Blake got out and headed to the passenger side of the car to help her out.

  Keeping hold of her hand, he took his time walking to the front door. At the top of the steps, he turned to her, waiting for the invitation that he knew was unlikely. Even if she wanted him, which he knew she did, it was too soon for the likes of Cadence. He would play her way. She was worth it.

  Neither of them spoke at first. Facing each other, they held hands. When Blake could no longer stand being that close to her without touching her, he pulled her face to his and kissed her. Then he placed his hand in the small of her back and pressed her body against his. Their tongues danced at a slow warm tempo. As if a fire had been lit under them, the heat intensified and the pace of their kiss increased until the rhythm they created pounded in his chest. His hands roamed her body. She purred. Cadence’s hands found their way to the back of his head and pulled him in. Time passed. When they finally forced their lips apart, they were gasping. Collapsing into each other, they held on until their heartbeats returned to a manageable rhythm.

  If last night’s kiss was explosive, then tonight’s kiss was reminiscent of a nuclear blast. Blake’s body started to respond. An erection swelled in his pants. It was time to go. He pulled her into him again, letting her feel the effects of her. Grabbing her face, he planted a few, sweet, slow pecks on her wet swollen lips and turned without saying good-night. Blake jumped in his truck, revved the engine and sped off, leaving Cadence right on her doorstep with the teddy bear.

  Blake should have seen her inside but couldn’t risk a loss of control. That woman had managed to plant herself deep in his system. Blake gave himself credit for leaving when he did. Had she opened that door, he may not have been responsible for his actions. The vision of him carrying her over the threshold and having his way with her had already unfolded in his mind. Cadence was precious goods. It was important that she was handled in the proper way. Soon enough, she would belong to him. Blake was certain of that.

  Chapter 15

  Blake’s week had taken a toll on him, with long days spent in court and busy evenings that stretched far into the night. Blake hadn’t reached his bed until well after midnight trying to catch up on emails and paperwork. He was determined not to let his workload spill over into his weekend.

  It was his parents’ anniversary and the Barrington family’s annual backyard barbecue was always scheduled for the afternoon. The weather called for sizzling temperatures and clear skies—even though nothing usually stopped Barrington parties from going down.

  It was an all-hands-on-deck affair, according to his mother, Joyce. His father may have been the judge, but Joyce gave the orders around their household.

  Blake had just returned from helping his father get the yard set up for the throngs of guests that would show up later. Now it was time for him to freshen up and get ready for the cookout himself.

  Selecting a more casual look with a black T-shirt, jeans and black sneakers, Blake finished off with a gold cross. His attire was perfect for riding with his brothers, since they all rode their bikes to the family barbecues. His final addition, a few spritzes of his favorite cologne.

  Blake jumped on his new red-and-black Ducati cruiser and fired up the engine. It had been his proudest purchase by far because his brother Drew had input on the design. He planned to take Cadence on a ride sometime before the night was over.

  When Blake arrived at his parents’ sprawling home in a cul-de-sac with backyards that hovered over canal water from Freeport Bay, he noticed that his brothers had already arrived. Their bikes, along with a few others, blocked the entrance to the Barringtons’ driveway. Blake pulled his bike up next to a shiny new hog, got off and slid his fingers across the Harley’s sleek bod
y as his mouth twisted with admiration.

  “Ay, Drew! Hunter!” he called out as he made his way to the backyard. The brothers greeted him with hand slaps and hugs as if they hadn’t seen one another just a few hours earlier. “Whose hog is that?”

  Drew poked out his chest. “That would be mine,” he said proudly. The brothers laughed.

  “Ooh! That’s sweet. When did you get it, man?” Blake asked.

  “I just picked it up yesterday. Had my eye on it for a while.”

  “Nice.” Hunter nodded.

  “You guys coming out to cheer me on at the Indy Grand Prix in a few weeks?”

  “Oh, Lord! Those darn races. Drew, I thought you told me you were done with those.” Joyce placed her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Lord!” She looked up. “Please don’t let my son bang that old hard head of his in this race.” With her lips pursed, she shook her head again as she placed a chafing dish on the table. “You boys do me a favor and get the rest of the pans out here and line them up on the table. I want to make sure everything is set before more people start coming.”

  The men followed their mother’s orders, chuckling at her concern. She had scolded them about their bike obsessions since their late teens. They got it honest. The first bike they had ever ridden was a Harley that belonged to their dad. Joyce even had her own helmet and jacket to match.

  About an hour later, the yard had filled with family, friends and neighbors. A mixture of jazz and R&B soul wafted through the patio from the speakers. Guests were sectioned off in groups, some under the gazebo, others leaning against the back fence taking in the views offered by the canal, and others were just relaxing at the various tables positioned across the grass.

  Blake kept looking over toward the gate, keeping an eye out for Cadence’s arrival. He wasn’t nervous about her meeting his folks, he was simply anxious to lay eyes on her, wondering what vibrant color she would wear today against her creamy caramel skin. Which sensual floral aroma had she chosen to dot her wrists and shoulders with?

  When Blake invited her to attend, she had asked then if it was okay to bring Alana with her. He imagined she’d feel more comfortable with her comrade by her side when it was time to meet his parents. By his normal standards, he wouldn’t introduce anyone to his family so soon. He had only been seeing Cadence for a few short weeks. Since then, they’d spoken every single day, went out on a few more dates and spent as many of their nonworking hours together as possible. There was no need to waste time when he knew what he wanted.

  A short while later, Cadence arrived, floating through the gate like a goddess in an ivory sundress and gold flat sandals. Several heads turned in her direction. Blake proudly walked up to her and planted a sweet peck on her lips. Cadence blushed.

  “Hello!” Alana broke into their isolated world. “What am I, rancid liver? If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t know her,” she teased, and Blake snatched her up into a brotherly hug.

  “Aw, come on, girl. Nobody forgot about you. Come on in. Let me introduce you to my folks.” Blake led the way.

  His father, Floyd, was in his signature spot standing over the grill with a spatula in one hand and a beer in the other, flipping burgers while he sang along with Kool and the Gang. The song switched to “Love and Happiness,” and just as Blake drew near, his mother stepped outside. Floyd pulled her into his arms, singing and swaying to the beat. The guests erupted in laughter. They danced for the rest of the song while Blake took Cadence and Alana around to meet a few other folks.

  Blake led them over to where his brother stood near the back fence.

  “Hey, Alana! What’s up?” Hunter greeted her first.

  “What’s up, Hunter?” Alana lifted on her toes to accept Hunter’s hugs. “Drew,” she said as a telling gaze passed between them.

  Inquisitive stares bounced between Blake, Hunter and Cadence, and then Cadence gave Alana the side-eye. Alana’s only response was a dismissive wave. The group engaged in small talk.

  Blake took Cadence by the hand. “Come on so you can meet my parents.” He saw nervousness flash across her face as her chest rose and fell in a deep breath.


  “No need to be nervous. They are really cool people. My grandparents are even cooler.”

  Leading Cadence by the hand, Blake presented her through the yard as if he was toting a prize. At the double doors, he stepped aside, allowing Cadence to walk in first. Both of his parents were in the kitchen debating over what to put on the grill next.

  “Mom. Dad. I want you to meet someone.”

  Blake’s parents turned to them. A warm smile spread across Joyce’s face.

  “Isn’t she beautiful, Floyd?” she said, tapping his arm.

  “Cadence, this is my mother and father, Floyd and Joyce Barrington.”

  “Hello, Cadence. It’s such a pleasure to meet you.” Joyce pulled Cadence into a welcoming embrace.

  “Likewise, my dear.” Floyd nodded and shook her hand.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, as well, Mr. and Mrs. Barrington. Thank you for having me in your lovely home.”

  “Oh! Anytime, my dear.” Joyce clapped her hands together. “Anytime. I hope to see you again soon. Perhaps Blake can bring you over for dinner. This way, we can really get to know each other.”

  That was Blake’s cue. “Oh, Ma! We’re going back outside.” He looked at his father and stretched his eyes before turning to leave. Floyd chuckled, and his booming laughter filled the kitchen.

  “Why did you pull me out of there so quick?” Cadence asked once they were back outside.

  “My mother is a fabulous woman, but if you let her, she will talk you to death. Trust me, I was saving you.”

  Cadence laughed, and Blake tried not to be affected by how the graceful lines of her neck gave in to the draw of her shoulders. He liked the way her full red painted lips framed her pretty white teeth.

  For the rest of the evening, as the sun gave way to an auburn sky and then dipped into the star-spangled night, Blake stayed by Cadence’s side. When it was late and the last of their guests were leaving, Alana, Cadence and Blake’s family were tucked under the gazebo chatting about Drew’s upcoming race.

  “I can’t believe you race,” Cadence said. “That’s so cool.”

  “You like bikes?” Drew asked.

  “From afar.”

  “You’ve never ridden before, right?” Blake asked incredulously.

  Cadence shook her head.

  “You’ll have to let me take you for a ride.”

  “Maybe one day.”


  “Oh no.” Cadence held up her hands in protest. “I couldn’t. I have on a dress anyway.”

  “So.” Blake just shrugged. “Just tie it up like last time.”

  “Last time!” Alana gave Cadence and Blake a sideways glance. “What kind of freaky mess have you two been getting into?”

  Cadence clucked her teeth. “Alana!”

  “I’m just asking.” Alana sat back, chuckling.

  “You rode the cruiser, right?” Hunter asked Blake. When he nodded, Hunter turned his attention toward Cadence. “You should let him take you for a quick ride. He won’t go fast. Blake knows when to play it safe.”

  Cadence was still shaking her head. “I don’t know. Plus, I don’t have a helmet.”

  “I’ve got one for you,” Blake said rather quickly. He had already planned to steal her away before the night was done. Taking her by the hand, Blake said, “Come on. I’ve got you.”

  Cadence rose as if she was being lifted by the air. Drew, Hunter and Alana cheered as Blake led her out toward his bike.

  “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Alana yelled after them.

  “Yeah!” Drew added as their laughter floated through the yard.

  Cadence tied her dress between her legs and Blake carefully placed the extra helmet on her head. He straddled the bike, instructing Cadence to get as close to him as she could. She nestled snuggly against his back. Blake turned the key and the bike rumbled to life. Cadence held him tighter.

  “I’ve got you,” he said, loud enough for her to hear through the helmets and over the roar of the bike’s engine. “Just hold on tight.”

  Slowly he backed the motorcycle out of the yard and started down the block at a calm pace. He smiled at the feel of Cadence’s face buried in his back. Blake rode around for a while and stopped the bike near a quiet setting at the edge of the marina. By the time he pulled over, he was sure there were lines in his chest from Cadence’s firm hold. Leaning the bike on its stand, he exited and helped Cadence out of her helmet. They walked over to a large bolder and sat down. Blake tossed a few pebbles into the midnight water, disrupting the flow of the ripples lit by the moon’s light.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  Cadence narrowed her eyes at him, but then eased her lips into a smile. “No. It wasn’t as bad as I thought.”

  Blake turned to her, closing in on her until there was just a sliver of space between them. “I told you I would take care of you.” He was so close that his lips brushed hers as he spoke.

  Cadence opened her mouth to respond and Blake covered it with his. From the moment she walked into his parents’ yard, he had been waiting to kiss her like this. Their mouths ravished each other as their hands explored all the parts within reach. Blake pressed his body against hers. He wanted her to feel him. Cadence held him closer. Blinding desire shot through him. The groan that escaped rose from deep in his belly.

  Cadence broke their kiss and dropped her head back, panting. Blake swooped in and devoured her neck. She moaned and Blake’s erection grew rigid until it felt like steel.

  “Come home with me,” Blake whispered breathlessly into her neck.”

  “Blake,” Cadence said so lightly he could barely hear her. He felt her breath, its ragged rush as she tried to speak. “Uh!” she moaned again.


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